Communism in this Country

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Decades after 9/11, what became of the US’s neoconservatives? | | Al Jazeera

 The American system economic plan was an economic plan that played an important
role in American policy during the first half of the 19th century, also deeply rooted in
American School” ideas of Alexander Hamilton.[1]
A plan to strengthen and unify the nation, the American System was advanced by
the Whig Party and a number of leading politicians including Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. Clay was the first to refer to it as the “American System”. Motivated by a growing American economy bolstered with major exports such as cotton, tobacco, native sod, and tar they sought to create a structure for expanding trade.

This System included such policies as:
Support for a high tariff to protect American industries and generate revenue for the federal government. Maintenance of high public land prices to generate federal revenue. Preservation of the Bank of the United States to stabilize the currency and
rein in risky state and local banks.
Development of a system of internal improvements (such as roads and canals)
which would knit the nation together and be financed by the tariff and land sales.
Clay protested that the West, which opposed the tariff, should support it since urban factory workers would be consumers of western foods.
In Clay’s view, the South (which also opposed high tariffs) should support them because
of the ready market for cotton in northern mills. This last argument was the weak link. 
The South never strongly supported the American System and had access to plenty of
markets for its cotton exports. Source American System (economic plan) – Wikipedia

People need to stop glorifying billionaires and talking about them as if they were Gods.
Their main goal in life is to accumulate money, it’s all about Greed that is why billionaires are billionaires… 

I rather believe the press. .Liars ~Liars! 😂 

Than what a narcissist wants me to believe. . 🙈🙊🙉 
People like Elon Musk are anti humanity. They’re proud of themselves until
the end of time. Never forget that he is always ALWAYS only thinking about himself.  
Elon probably favors the media in places like North Korea. Very little dissent against the wealthy and powerful.  He would watch the world burn and spit on the ashes and tweet about what he can influence and not blink an eye. Elon is probably mad he only caught a little bit of the Apartheid era.

What is irresponsible and dangerous about holding the media accountable?
Anyone not locked in a media bubble can clearly see we’re not fed objective stories,
but instead, carefully curated narratives. You all have to be better so people will trust
you again. CNN’s CEO conceded recently its own research showed people no longer
trust the network. This is not unique to Elon, but instead also seems to be spreading
amongst those who have seen the repeated errors and distortions being pushed as
“truth” these days.

Reporters such as Lisa Ling do everything in their ability to get it right; their reputation is their profession. Trump has denigrated all reporters unfairly and people like him know he can buy the coverage he is after. So much press is opinion pieces vs just news now, or news with an opinion mashed into something. Polarizing to get views/ad traffic. 
What I”m referring to is the legacy media that have very clear agendas from the top and have been known to fabricate the truth to fit their narrative. And elitist billionaires like that (vs the ones doing good in the world) LOVE the sound of their own voice so much, they are willing to burn down democracy to hear it. #resist 

The press ALL have an agenda. It’s like you have a gun control agenda you push
so your stories are slanted in that fashion so it makes me less trusting of your otherwise good reporting overall. Plus, all of the crimes against Asians the people doing them are predominantly young black males from the videos we see online but no one wants to point that out for some reason so yes the press has an agenda and are losing trust because of the blatant agendas. Anytime the left feels like there is a difficult narrative they are facing they usually use that, but the sad thing is it’s been so overused that actual racists are called out because the left has so broadened the definition of racist to include anything they don’t agree with.

= Zionist Owned United States Media – Bing images
 Some suburbs and the surrounding ones are predominantly Asian, and the crimes/attacks against them are never even reported. What’s dangerous is the press purposely lying to fit their narrative. The Russian disinformation campaign has come full circle.
Thanks to FOX, no one trusts any media source, except “social media” because these are real people they can trust telling them what they want to hear.  Elon is a danger to society, He is proof that “rich” is definitely not necessarily equivalent to “smart.”

Musk has gone full MAGA. To categorize all of the “Press”, all the thousands of people
who devote their lives to reporting the facts as untrustworthy is intellectually dishonest.
I don’t know what happened to him, but Musk has completely lost the plot. Tesla, Starlink and Space X are groundbreaking and making great strides but something inside this man has broken…..or he is going down the Grifter pathway paved by Trump. It is a very, very odd world in which we currently live. Lisa, I had seriously thought when I first saw your first investigative reports that we were becoming aware of the world and moving in a positive locomotion forward. 

Where and when those who have the opportunities and privileges of this life are able to help others to bring about change for good… All these years later I am more bamboozled than ever… Completely understand your actions with Twitter… I also did the same back
in Jan of 2017… Let’s fix this : “Some of the SMARTEST people I know can actively detect billionaires with an extreme Asperger’s Disorder symptom — self-centered and engrossed” the smartest ones know when to actively get away. #mentalhealth 

Ohhh goodness🙁 What is our world coming to?🫣

Biden lauds ‘bipartisan progress’ as he dines with governors

Zionists installed biden as president – Search (

Italian mafia Installed Biden as President – Bing video

What IsThe Neocon Belief System All About
Neoconservatism | political philosophy | Britannica

Zionists and socialists conspired – Search ( 
Zionists out of the peace movement – Bing video  
Zionist state definition – Bing video
Zionism During WW 2 – Bing video 
=  Zionists vs Jewish – Bing video

The U.S. and the Holocaust – Search (

Zionism is a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now)
the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl,
and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.
Zionism and Judaism are two religions with many differences between them.
One of the main differences between Zionism and Judaism is that Zionism
explains the faith of some Jewish people while Judaism explains the philosophical and the metaphysical truths that caused the formation of the Jewish state. Judaism has a very fundamentalist outlook. On the other hand, Zionism does not have a fundamentalist outlook. One of the important observations, when it comes to the difference between Zionism and Judaism is that all the practitioners of Zionism are the practitioners of Judaism, as well. On the other hand, not all the practitioners of Judaism are the practitioners of Zionism. This is because all Jews do not agree with the extremist
views of Zionism.

What is Judaism?
The practitioners of Judaism are called Jews. The practitioners of Judaism live in
several parts of the world particularly in Israel and America. It is not necessary that all of them should subscribe to the views of Zionism. When it comes to center focus, Judaism is centered on spirituality. On the other hand, Judaism is all about spiritual growth. It speaks a lot about piety. Judaism says that spirituality and piety are the goals set by the Almighty on the people or the followers of the religion.
Another important observation, when it comes to the study of Judaism is that,
this religion opposes military prowess as the supreme prowess. One need not show technological advancement as proof of the power. A Jew or the follower of Judaism is more concerned about the history of the Jews.
Judaism teaches that human life should be led with simplicity and dignity,
and this is the reason why we see the Jews lead simple and dignified lives.
Judaism teaches that the Jews should involve themselves in the performance of 
rituals in a regular manner. A Jew is a strict believer in the existence of God and the Torah, which is the holy book of Jewish. Judaism says that the Jews should live or lead their lives according to the tenets or the dogmas of the holy book called the Torah.

Difference Between Zionism and Judaism
What is Zionism?

Zionism is a religion followed by some of the Jewish population.
This is an extreme view that is not peaceful. Moreover, the practitioners of Zionism are called Zionists. One of the important differences between Zionism and Judaism is that Zionism is more centered on racism. Zionism concentrates on expansionism as well, in addition to racism.
It says that high technology is a driver of force.
Moreover, Zionism believes in the power of technological advancement.
Then, when it comes to a Zionist, a Zionist would not mind having a little factual information about the history of his people but would certainly have notions about the origin of his race. Zionism, especially, speaks about the rights of the Zionist on the Holy Land. It speaks about how the other people have conquered the lands that actually belonged to them.

What is the difference between Zionism and Judaism?
• Definitions of Zionism and Judaism:
• Judaism is a peaceful religion based on the Torah.
• Zionism is a faith followed by some extremist Jews and is not peaceful.
• Name of the Practitioner:
• The practitioner or the follower of Judaism is known as Jew.
• The practitioner or the follower of Zionism is known as Zionist.
• Objective:
• The objective of Jews is to follow God’s word and live accordingly.
• The objective of Zionists is taking back the Holy Land of Jews using military force.
• Center Focus:
• Judaism is centered on spirituality.
• Zionism is more centered on racism.
• Military Power and Technology:
• Judaism does not believe that military power and technology should be considered as ways of showing one’s power.
• Zionism believes very much about military power and technological advancements.
This is another key difference between Zionism and Judaism.
• Torah and the God:
• Judaism respects and accepts the Torah and the God.
• Zionism does not respect or accept the Torah and the God.
• Connection between Zionism and Judaism:
• All Zionists are Jews.
• However, not all Jews are Zionists.

These are the fundamental differences between Zionism and Judaism.
The Khazars of the Middle Ages have been the subject of many theories linking them in some way to the Jews and to biblical prophecy. Many of the theories involving the origin of Khazar Jews and their hypothetical diaspora are conspiratorial and promoted by radical groups to advance racist ideas.

What we know about the Khazars is this: the Khazars were of Turkish and Mongol descent and in medieval times lived in the western part of the Turkish Empire. In the late sixth century AD, the various tribes of the Khazars united and gained independence from the Turks. The Khazar Khanate (the area ruled by the Khazars) remained sovereign for about the next three hundred years. What makes the Khazars unique in European history is the conversion of their King Bulan to a form of Judaism, along with the Khazar ruling class, about AD 740. A Khazar Jew could be either an ethnic Khazar (of Turkish or Mongol blood) who became a proselyte to Judaism or an ethnic Jew who lived in Khazaria.

By the second half of the 8th century, the Khazar Empire had reached the peak of its power. The borders of Khazaria extended from the northern shore of the Black Sea (including Crimea) and the Dnieper River in the west, to the Aral Sea in the east. The Khazars were hemmed in by the Caucasus Mts. to the south and by the Rus and Bulgars to the north. The realm of the Khazars covered parts of modern-day Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. The capital of Khazaria was Itil, located near the mouth of the Volga River. The Khazar Empire was important in world history for keeping Arab invaders south of the Caucasus and thus preventing Islam from spreading further north into Europe. As Charles Martel kept the Muslims at bay in Western Europe, the Khazars repelled them from Eastern Europe.

The origin of the Khazars is shrouded in mystery, and some people have come up with their own ideas to account for the existence of Khazaria. One theory is that the Khazars are actually Jews—the ten “lost tribes ” of Israel somehow found their way to Eastern Europe, and that explains their later “conversion” to Rabbinic Judaism.

Another theory says just the opposite: the Khazars are Turks with no Jewish blood at all. After Khazaria fell, the Khazar converts to Judaism supposedly emigrated to Poland, Germany, and other parts of Europe where they maintained a nominal Jewish identity and became known as Jews. According to the theory, the Ashkenazi Jews have been wrongly identified as Semitic, when they are in reality Turkish. This theory is often propounded by those who themselves claim to be “true Jews,” such as those in the British Israelism camp, resulting in demands for Jews in Israel to give up their land (as Turks, they have no right to the land) and excusing anti-Semitism (which cannot truly exist, since the Khazar Jews are false Jews).

Neither of these theories has any basis in reality. No credible historical or genetic evidence exists to substantiate the theory that the Khazars were biological Hebrews or that modern Jews did not descend from Abraham. Another theory—that the influx of “Khazar Jews” into Israel in 1948 fulfilled the biblical prophecy of Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38–39)—sees the Israeli fight for independence as the Khazar seizure of the land of Israel from the Muslims. That theory is equally baseless.

The whole history of the Khazar Jews might never be known.
But here is a likely scenario: some ethnic Jews lived in Khazaria (and many other places) during the Middle Ages. In or near 740, a Khazarian king converted to Judaism, for personal, practical, or political reasons, and he brought some of his subjects with him. When the power of Khazaria diminished and the empire fell, many Jews—both ethnic and proselytes—left that area and, settling in Jewish communities elsewhere, merged with the local population. Such intermarriage between ethnic Jews and Gentile proselytes does not mean that Jews of Khazaric background are any less Jewish than other Ashkenazi. The Bible records several instances of Gentiles being brought into Jewish culture: Rahab and Ruth being clear examples (see Matthew 1:5).  

Faith of Israel, 2d ed.: A Theological Survey of the Old Testament by William DumbrellMore insights from your Bible study – Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free!

Why do people reject Jesus as their Savior?  
What happened to the lost tribes of Israel?
I am Jewish, can I become a Christian?
What are the twelve tribes of Israel?
What is Messianic Judaism?

The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turkic people that in the late 6th-century CE established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan.
They created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the break-up of the Western Turkic Khaganate. Astride a major artery of commerce between Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, Khazaria became one of the foremost trading empires of the early medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road and playing
a key commercial role as a crossroad between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus’.
For some three centuries the Khazars dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to the eastern Crimea and the northern Caucasus.

Not much is known about the early origins of the Khazars, a semi-nomadic people who,
in the late 6th century CE, established an empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan. The kingdom of Khazaria long served as a buffer between the Christian Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. Sometime around the year 740 CE, the king and the ruling class, followed by members of the general population, decided to convert to Judaism.

Hasdai Learned of the Khazars.
References to the Khazars adopting Judaism as their religion is found in Arabic, Christian and Jewish sources. However, the most famous account is found in the letters known as the Khazar Correspondence, exchanged between Rabbi Hasdai ibn Shaprut (c. 915–975), and Joseph, king of the Khazars. Hasdai (or Chasdai) ibn Shaprut was a fascinating individual in his own right.

Born in Jaen, Spain, Hasdai was a Jewish scholar and physician proficient in multiple languages. Originally appointed as physician to Caliph Abd-ar-Rahman III (912–961), he eventually became the caliph’s faithful counselor. Although he didn’t bear the official title of vizier, he was effectively the minister of foreign affairs and arranged alliances with various foreign powers.
He worked tirelessly for the betterment of his fellow Jews, and it is largely due to
his efforts and support of Jewish learning that Spain became the new center of Torah 
learning after the Geonic period in Babylonia.
At first, Hasdai only heard scant rumors of the existence of a Jewish state. However, the existence of the Khazar state was eventually confirmed by two Jewish merchants, Mar Saul and Mar Joseph. Hasdai then decided to make contact with the Khazars.

Read: A Bio of Hasdai ibn Shaprut

The Khazars Accept Judaism.
The initial attempt by Hasdai failed, since the Byzantines, who feared a direct alliance between Spain and the Khazars, held up Hasdai’s emissary on the pretext that the roads were not safe. But Hasdai persevered; he sent a new emissary and was eventually able to make contact.
In his return letter,King Joseph replied to Hasdai’s questions regarding the history of the Khazars and which tribe they were from.
King Joseph explained that his ancestor King Bulan decided to give up his pagan beliefs in order to accept one of the three leading faiths: Judaism, Christianity or Islam. King Bulan then arranged for representatives of each of the three faiths to participate in a debate in his presence:
On the third day he called all the sages together and said to them, “Speak and argue with one another and clarify which is the best religion.” They began to dispute with one another without arriving at any results, until the king said to the Christian priest, “What do you think? Of the religion of the Jews and the Muslims, which is to be preferred?”
The priest answered: “The religion of the Israelites is better than that of the Muslims.”
The king then asked the imam: “What do you say? Is the religion of the Israelites or that
of the Christians preferable?” The imam answered: “The religion of the Israelites is preferable.”

Upon this, the king said: “If this is so, you both have admitted with your own mouths that the religion of the Israelites is better. Therefore trusting in the mercies of G‑d and the power of the Al-mighty, I choose the religion of Israel, that is, the religion of Abraham . . .”
King Joseph then described how, after King Bulan accepted Judaism, a descendant of his, King Obadiah, “reorganized the kingdom and established the Jewish religion properly and correctly. He built synagogues and yeshivot, brought in Jewish scholars, and rewarded them with gold and silver. [The Jewish scholars could have come from Baghdad and Constantinople.] They explained to him the Bible, Mishnah, Talmud and the order of divine services . . .”
Although the Khazar king, noblemen, and part of the population did indeed convert, it seems as though much of the population never embraced Judaism.

The Decline of the Khazars.
Just a few years after Hasdai’s correspondence with the Khazars, the Russian and Byzantine rulers combined forces to destroy the kingdom of the Khazars. They devastated their land, including their capital of Atil (c. 968–9). Although the Khazars continued to play an important role in that part of the world for another century, their fortunes eventually waned and they faded into oblivion.
Einstein’s ‘Doomsday Clock’ shows the world closer to catastrophe than ever.

By Isabel Keane
February 7, 2023, 9:53am Updated

Doomsday Clock: Scientists move hand 10 seconds forward as world ‘closest to global catastrophe…

2020-2023 – Thomas Road On Demand (
UN Secretary-General António Guterres says the symbolic “Doomsday Clock” that scientists use to measure how close the world is to total catastrophe is at its most dire level ever. “This is the closest the clock has ever stood to humanity’s darkest hour — closer than even during the height of the Cold War,” Guterres said — specifically citing the Ukraine-Russia war — as he laid out his priorities for 2023 to the General Assembly in New York on Monday.

“That symbolic clock was created 76 years ago by atomic scientists, including Albert Einstein. “Year after year, experts have measured humanity’s proximity to midnight — in other words, to self-destruction.” “In 2023, they surveyed the state of the world — with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the runaway climate catastrophe, rising nuclear threats that are undermining global norms and institutions,” Guterres said. “And they came to a clear conclusion.”

“The Doomsday Clock is now 90 seconds to midnight, which means 90 seconds to total global catastrophe. “In truth, the Doomsday Clock is a global alarm clock. We need to wake up — and get to work.” At the top of Guterres’ list of concerns was Russia’s war in Ukraine, which is rapidly approaching its first anniversary. The Portuguese United Nations leader said his fear is the conflict could lead to a “wider war.”

Officials said last month that Russia’s war in Ukraine helped push the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight. “The prospects for peace keep diminishing. The chances for further escalation and bloodshed keep growing,” Guterres warned. “I fear the world is not sleepwalking into a wider war. I fear it is doing so with its eyes wide open.” Guterres painted a gloomy image of the problems plaguing the world, noting there is a “confluence of challenges unlike any other in our lifetimes.

We need a course correction.
“The good news is that we know how to turn things around — on climate, on finance, on conflict resolution, on and on. And we know that the costs of inaction far exceed the costs of action,” Guterres said. The 3rd Separate Assault Brigade (Azov Unit) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired 152 mm howitzer 2A65 Msta-B, amid Russia’s attack on Ukraine, near Bahamut, in Donetsk region, Ukraine, February 6, 2023.

The prospects for peace amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, now nearing its first anniversary, are diminishing, Guterres said Monday. While Russia’s war in Ukraine was at the top of his concerns, Guterres referenced other threats to global peace, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, repression in Myanmar, gang violence in Haiti and the continued eradication of women’s rights in Afghanistan. Guterres said the world needs to recommit to the UN’s charter to ensure global peace.

“If every country fulfilled its obligations under the Charter, the right to peace would be guaranteed. When countries break those pledges, they create a world of insecurity for everyone,” he said. Guterres said the world needs to recommit to the UN’s charter to ensure global peace. Stressing the need for the UN to fulfill its promise to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,” Guterres urged leaders to move forward with “bold and innovative approaches.”

“Something is fundamentally wrong with our economic and financial system,” he said, saying it is to blame for the growing gap between the rich and poor, the increase in poverty and the debt burden on developing countries. he added: “Without fundamental reforms, the richest countries and individuals will continue to pile up wealth, leaving crumbs for the communities and countries of the global south.”

The Five Countries Most Likely To Survive A Nuclear Winter – Search (
If 2023 is the year the world starts to collapse, scientists think they know where you should head to survive. The Doomsday Clock has moved the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been – largely because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and also the climate crisis. Now, researchers say Australia and New Zealand are among five island nations most likely to survive an apocalyptic nuclear winter. The study looked at the impact of “a severe sun-reducing catastrophe” on global agricultural systems. Severe sun-reducing catastrophes included nuclear war, super volcano or asteroid strike. Researchers found Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu most capable of producing food despite the reduced sunlight and fall in temperature. The researchers assessed 13 factors which would potentially determine the success of their survival. These included comparing nations’ food production, energy self-sufficiency, manufacturing, trade relations, social cohesion and defenses.

‘High Noon’ Documentary Roils Some
Bitterness over the anti-communist Hollywood blacklist of the 1950s has surged anew, and this time the politics is very personal. Join Backstage to access jobs you can apply to right now!
At issue is a PBS documentary about a blacklisted screenwriter and the production of the Academy Award-winning “High Noon,” starring Gary Cooper as a staunch lawman in a town paralyzed by fear.
The documentary relies on correspondence and interviews with Foreman’s friends and colleagues for a pointed history: It comes down hard on distinguished producer-director Stanley Kramer, who died last year.
That has provoked angry criticism from Kramer’s widow, Karen Sharpe Kramer, who dismisses the film as a “fraud” distorted by politics.

Lionel Chetwynd, the documentary maker and an Emmy-nominated writer-director, denies an intent to vilify Kramer. In turn, Chetwynd decries what he calls personal attacks by Mrs. Kramer on him and his conservatism.
Both, in turn, lambast PBS. Mrs. Kramer says PBS is disregarding her position; Chetwynd resents an advisory attached to the film and a hastily produced afterward (11 p.m. EDT) which he says undercuts his work.
The advisory notes that the documentary is “one point of view in the making” of “High Noon.” The follow-up show, which was unavailable for preview, includes a look at Kramer’s career.
“We found ‘Darkness at High Noon’ to be an intriguing film,” said PBS spokesman Harry Forbes. “PBS seeks balance in its schedule over time on controversial issues, and our handling of this matter with a pre-program advisory and a follow-up discussion is entirely with this goal.
“We believe more information than less is good and provides a service to viewers.”
The clash comes three years after another blacklist dispute involving a special Oscar given director Elia Kazan. The 1999 award angered some in Hollywood because he cooperated with the House Un-American Activities Committee.
Chetwynd was taken about by the reaction to his show, though he acknowledges how vivid and painful those decades-old events remain. “Like everyone else who works in Hollywood, we’re obsessed by the ghosts in that period,” he said.

He undertook the film despite those sensitivities, he says, because of his respect for Foreman, whom he considered a mentor.
“This is not about politics,” Chetwynd said. “This is about one man whom I knew who was a communist – a political point of view for which I have no sympathy – but who was a great man and a great filmmaker.”
Foreman’s career and life were damaged by “a nasty series of events in which a number of people and a number of institutions participated,” Chetwynd said.
The film’s goal is to look beyond the “traditional” idea that the blacklist was the fault of “evil studio chiefs and venal politicians” alone, Chetwynd said; it took a village for the blacklist to succeed.
“How does it happen that a community of people who live and work together, create art together … how was it we turned tail and ran?” said Chetwynd, whose TV films include “Kissinger and Nixon” and “The Man Who Captured Eichmann.”

For Foreman, it was his refusal to “name names” before a government committee investigating communist influence in the entertainment industry that helped drive him out of Hollywood and to refuge in England.
Drawing heavily on a 1952 letter from Foreman to The New York Times film critic Bosley Crowther, the program alleges that Kramer failed to support Foreman and deprived the imperiled writer of full credit for “High Noon.”
Foreman was not only the screenwriter but should have received the executive producer credit that went to Kramer, the documentary contends.
Nonsense, says Mrs. Kramer, who disputes point after point in Chetwynd’s film.
Her husband was intimately involved with “High Noon,” she says, as he was with every film he made. Kramer was known for socially conscious work including “Inherit the Wind” and “Judgment at Nuremberg,” and received 80 Oscar nominations and 16 awards.
It was Kramer who was betrayed by Foreman, not the other way around, because Foreman hid his past communist affiliation from Kramer, she contends.

Foreman wasn’t fired from Kramer’s production company affiliated with Columbia, she alleges. He left voluntarily and with a generous $250,000 settlement, according to Mrs. Kramer, a producer and former actress who married Kramer in 1965.
Her husband “didn’t do anything wrong. If he had been an independent he would have loved to have fought back. … He was an employee of Columbia Pictures. He had to follow their orders,” she said.
“Stanley would have protected Carl if he could have,” Mrs. Kramer said.
Although she questions the authenticity of the letter to Crowther, Mrs. Kramer said Foreman complained about her husband on other occasions. The writer blamed Kramer “for his plight in life,” she said, deeming that unfair.
Foreman, whose credits included “The Men” and “The Bridge on the River Kwai,” returned from England and resumed his Hollywood career in the 1970s as a writer and producer. He died in 1984.
Since seeing a rough cut of the PBS documentary in December, Mrs. Kramer has worked to collect documents and notarized interviews she says refute Chetwynd’s claims.
He, in turn, stands by his own research and film – and says he hopes to do another blacklist documentary, examining communist influence in Hollywood.

Alessandra Mussolini Jim Carrey

Alessandra Mussolini is an Italian politician, the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini, and a former actress and model who served as a Member of the European Parliament for Forza Italia. In 2004, she became the first woman to lead a political party in Italy. She was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 2008 to 2013 and the Italian Senate from 2013 to 2014, she was elected under The People of Freedom which is now part of Forza Italia. She was elected to the European Parliament in 2014.

The Italian Senate Votes Over Berlusconi Parliament Expulsion 
Alessandra Mussolini, then serving as an Italian senator, delivers a speech during 
a debate in Italy’s Parliament in this Nov. 27, 2013 file photo taken in Rome. GETTY

The granddaughter of Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini has engaged in a very modern war with supporters of actor-turned-political cartoonist Jim Carrey. The “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” star tweeted a photo of his latest work on Saturday, depicting the real-life scene of the slain Mussolini and his mistress hanging from a steel girder in 1945. It was a message on modern politics from the artist, referencing what he feels are rising fascist tendencies, but the dictator’s offspring took personal umbrage.

“You are a bastard,” Alessandra Mussolini said in reply to the tweet. She is a far-right politician serving as a Member of the European Parliament for Italy in her own right, but she has also spent decades defending the actions of her grandfather, who allied himself with Adolf Hitler in the run-up to World War II after brutally quashing domestic opponents to refashion Italy as a totalitarian state following the first world war.
If you’re wondering what fascism leads to, just ask Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta.

— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) March 30, 2019
Alessandra Mussolini entered politics after a career as an actress and model. She posed for European editions of Playboy in the 1980s. Her politics have always appeared relatively akin to those of her fascist grandfather, though she rejects the label herself. 
Carrey has become a prolific political cartoonist in recent years, with his art often taking aim at President Trump and his allies. The new picture depicts Mussolini hanging from a steel beam at a gas station in Milan after his state execution at the end of World War II, and was sent by Carrey in a tweet saying: “If you’re wondering what fascism leads to, just ask Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta.”

Carrey himself had yet to respond to the personal insult from Mussolini’s granddaughter on Monday. He often leaves critics to bounce around in the online echo chamber without him. But Mussolini (the granddaughter, not the late dictator) found plenty of web warriors happy to engage.
“I think you’re confusing Jim Carrey with your murderous grandfather,” wrote one Twitter user in defense of the Canadian-born actor, who has U.S. citizenship. The two went back and forth trading insults over the course of Sunday morning.  
Carrey had already drawn fire from the right wing in the U.S. for his repeated bashing of President Trump, which ramped-up last year with an unflattering painting that appeared to depict White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders — or, as Carrey labelled it, “a portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked.”
Carrey had more than 18 million followers on Twitter before he was deleted.
He has previously used the platform to voice his opposition to vaccine programs 
in the U.S. and repeat thoroughly debunked claims about autism.

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Lovejoy Texas Volleyball

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