Sovereignty As Such

Affirmation: every experience in my life is supporting me with lessons that guide me.

✨  ” It is what it is.. Unless it isn’t ” you ever notice how…   ✨  

Have you ever noticed? 

you are always exactly where you are meant to be, at exactly the perfect time-

to encounter all the experiences that are leading you towards everything you desire.

 🦋 All you’ve got to do is show up, listen, observe and enjoy. ✨

There are a lot of things we can’t change in this world, things that are out of our control,

But there are SO many things that we can change, things that ARE in our control.

When you can’t change a situation, or a circumstance, what you can change is the way that it affects you, what you can change is your perspective. This is where your true power lies, in your Sovereignty, in your ability to choose what you will allow to affect you.

Life is about the ceremony 🌹

— when you embody the awareness of your divinity in all that you do.

your existence is the literal embodiment of spirit in ceremony with Pachamama –

our planet Earth. 🌎 Life does not have to become mundane, unless you let it.
EVERYTHING around you is a wonder of divine magnificence, when you look through eyes of gratitude & excitement to be alive in this human experience.

You get to choose how you show up,
you get to choose what you invest your energy into,
you get to choose what can take away your energy,
and you get to choose what you create within your mind, and your life.

It may not always feel like it, but every thought, every word, every action is our choice,
and you can change anything in your life at any time you choose.

That doesn’t mean it will be easy, but neither is living a life that drains you.

Your greatest gift to this world is your Dharma.

This unique gift that only you can share lies in taking all of your experiences,
influences and inspirations and sharing them in YOUR own voice.

We could all receive the same experience in the same way, and come out with a different
lesson & way of sharing it with the world.

You never know what sorts of seeds are planted with the words you share,

and just how much they impact others. 🌱

Oftentimes they leave a bigger impact than we realize.

“Dharma” means your unique purpose in this world, which comes naturally
through living & embodying your truth in action.

Share it, trust it, and believe in it. 💫

What are you choosing? 

It’s not always about things being perfect, or going exactly how you want them to.

Of course sometimes we want things to be this way..

But sometimes it’s just about allowing things to happen the way they do,

And finding the grace in surrendering to the way it is. 🙏🏼

Something I say quite often in my classes is that: “It doesn’t have to be forced, to be effective.” Meaning that you don’t have to force the pose to look a certain way, in order to receive the benefits. And you don’t have to force things to go a certain way in life, in order to find beauty or joy. 🪷

As a person who very much likes things to go how I want & plan them to –
I run into the obstacle of being rigid when things don’t go as planned, or
when circumstances out of my control take over the way things take place.

And as always, life gives us all the opportunities to face our obstacles &
challenges to find the grace, the growth within our limitations.

So after a few frustrating experiences in the last few days of my travels,
I’m setting my intention to practice grace, allowance, & surrender to the
things I can’t control. Along with this, forgiving & allowing that same grace
to myself when I don’t show up perfectly.

Because it’s not about being perfect, it’s about feeling good. 💫

I always aim to share authentically & be real that my life isn’t perfect.
It’s this imperfect human experience that allows me to connect with you all from the knowing that we’re all human, and as different as it may feel we are, most all of us share the same sorts of challenges.

When we show up authentically, we give one another permission to do the same – and
this is where some of the deepest healing begins, when we realize how unified we all are,

and that we are not alone. ❤️

This aspect of community is a huge aspect of what I aim to cultivate through offerings – intimate connection within the community that brings about healing & growth.

If you’re feeling the call for deeper connection, join me in @botanicbodyoga 
next transformational retreat on the Pacific coast of Mexico in February for —
a sacred space offering heart healing community connection, & so much more.

Link in bio. 🌊ethericyogini  0r @ botanic bodyoga

  Forever cherishing the community connections that show us 
that we are NEVER alone. ❤️🙏🏼

You are not your emotions.

You are a human being, experiencing the beautiful, wonderful, and
divinely innate guidance system & internal compass that lives within you.

When we step back and allow ourselves to listen & be guided by this internal compass,
we step into alignment with our true nature – our Dharma – or in my interpretation,

our Botanic Body. 🌿

And what a blessing, to hold this magnificent guidance system that will

ALWAYS lead us in the direction of our truth. 🙏🏼✨

This year I learned how to say no. 🌹

This year I learned how to choose myself.

It sounds pretty simple in logistics right?

But I’ll encourage you to seriously ask yourself:

Can you unconditionally choose what’s going to be best for you in any given moment-

Even when there are forces asking you to do the opposite?

Even if it feels uncomfortable to say no?

Even If, by you saying no, it strikes a reaction or a let down of someone else’s wants?

🔻 Whether you’re a woman finding yourself in a position with a man who’s trying to push things a little bit faster than you’re comfortable with – OR vice versa – hey we’ve all been there.

🔻 Or finding yourself in a situation that doesn’t feel aligned with your values in a work or social setting

🔻 Or feeling the need to cancel on plans you’d made a week ago because you are exhausted, and your body is asking you for rest instead

I’m sure all of you have found yourself in circumstances where there’s pressure applied by family, or friends to show up in a certain way, or perform certain duties that are just not in alignment with what you actually need, or are capable of providing.

Am I right?
🔹 And how do you feel when you force yourself to show up or to do something that is not in alignment with what you need to feel nourished and at peace in that moment?

Pretty shitty right? Drained? Exhausted? Overwhelmed?

🔹 But how do you feel when you say no to the things
that are not aligned with your needs, your priorities, your wants?

Pretty damn liberating, right? ✨

This is where our power to BE the creator of our lives is.
In the Sovereignty of saying no to what we don’t want.

No to overextending yourself ~
No to being uncomfortable ….
And choose what feels right for you instead.

🌹 So I’ll ask again : Are you willing to choose you, to choose what will nourish you, and give yourself what you need in any given moment-

Even if the rest of the world is asking you to do something else?

And is choosing your peace worth causing some waves, to say no when you want to say no?

🌹 Are you willing to choose you, even when the rest of the world is asking you to choose everything else instead?

Krysten ✧ Yogic Guide @ ethericyogini   
Alternative & Holistic Health Service ….
Sharing the tools to liberate your Sovereignty 🕊
✧ all you need is within ✧

🌹⇣ Join me in Retreat, Ceremony + Transformation   botanic bodyoga

PC: @bypaulinamaria #sovereignty
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