Hydrogen Sulphide

  As a visitant becomes accustomed to navigating this website and realizes. I have many treatments options available to the cancer patient.  Remember also  that  by  using  this  website as a centralized hub of cancer research.  My number one priority is allowing the links in each blog post to speak volumes while creating blogs…. teaching people how to prevent cancer cases from happening in the first place.

   The statistics  for getting cancer is  (1 in 4)  people while only  (1: 10 – 20)  vegetarians do and  (1: 20 – 30) vegans will.  While  those  people  on  vegan diets  (no meat,  salt,  sugar,  saturated/trans fats  and  limited  allergents.)  All one has to do is look at variables  in  any  diet…. avoiding preservatives and allergents may explain “why” some vegans Robin Gibb died at 62 years with colon cancer or  “why”   Bif Naked  contracted breast cancer.

   Regardless if you  consume  a diet high in red meat protein or not, what a diet high in sulphur produces is hydrogen sulphide.  Which can damage the inner lining of the bowel making it  “leaky”  while  increasing cell turnover. Another thing a  diet  of  red  meat  when over heated above 180 degrees the creatine can become posionous.  Also when you consume  a  diet high in the sulphur amino acids  found in red meat, cheese, milk, nuts and eggs.

   OR  and  over  abundance  of  sulphates  found in the brassica vegetables family,  preservatives in processed foods.  Especially bread,  beer,  sausages and processed meats or dried fruits. To much sulphur or sulphates produces an inflammatory process causing cancer.  In  an  age  of  cancer prominance it’s believed cancer can  be caused by  bad habits  or  poor diet  and  also the inflammatory process that produces cancer.

   IF vegans get cancer….  they need to know  if  they consume sodium/salt, sugar,  saturated/trans fats  or  drinking  alcohol it could be defeating their purpose.  Or  if  they consume common allergents making them  feel unwell and impair their immune system. They must know that preservatives, also additives, canned foods, GMO’s and processed foods can cause cancer.

   The vegetarian diet  is  basically  healthy  says,  Marjorie Nolan RD,  an  American Dietetic Association spokeswoman.  The  theory  of  the  alkaline diet is eating certain foods can help maintain the body’s ideal  pH balance   to improve overall health.  However  the  body  maintains  it’s  pH balance regardless of diet.

   First some background information is our pH is the measure of exactly   how acidic  or  alkaline we are.  A pH  of  zero  is  completely  acidic,  and a pH  of 14 completely alkaline and a pH  of  seven is neutral.  You  don’t just have  one  pH level,   for  example;  the stomach  has to have a  pH  ranging  from  1.35 – 3.5  and  it  must  be  acidic to aid  in  digestion.  However  your  blood must be slighty alkaline with a pH of 7.35 to 7.45.

   It’s  a  diet  of  fresh  fruits  and  vegetables,  plenty  of  water,  avoiding processed foods, coffee and alcohol. Which are all recommendations for a generally healthy diet anyway.  Nolan says, “our  body  regulates  the  pH between  7.35  and  7.45  no matter how what eat.”  There is no evidence an alkaline  or vegetarian diet can prevent cancer.

  Some studies have shown that vegetarians have lower rates  of  cancer, particularily  colon  cancer;  according  to  the  American  Cancer  Society. However vegetarians  often  have  other  healthy habits,  such  as  exercise and abstaining from drinking and smoking.  So it is difficult to determine the effects of  the diet alone. “Clinical  studies  prove  a  diet  of  fresh  fruit and vegetables while dehydrating properly lowers cancer rates and other diseases,”  Nolan says, “but probably has nothing to do with blood pH.”

    My theory is with the consumption  of  all those  fruits  and  vegetables       in vegetarian diets.  I truly believe that one  of  the keys to success  for this reducting  chronic disease  is  fibre and  this choice is an important health decision.  Most people think that bran is the best type of  fibre to consume, however,  bran  (wheat fibre)  is mostly insoluble  and  doesn’t digest well. You’ll find the soluble fibre in fruit, vegetables, legumes,  nuts, seeds and most whole grains are easier to process.   Glucomannan Fibre!!!!

  Soluble fibre are great bacterial  food that earns the term of prebotics.    Our gastro – intestinal bacteria eagerly  ferments soluble fibre,  creating   by – products that can lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin. While preventing cancer, balancing hormone levels, remove excessive estrogen, therefore,  reducing  breast cancer  while  feeding colon cells  and  that  is  just  the start of  the beneficial aspects of fibre.

   There  is  such  an over abundance  of  unnatural surroundings  in  our      world  today.  That  contributes  to  an  imbalance  in  our  bodily  system    and cancer growth. While buying organic consuming whole plant-based    food   is  important  excessive  consumption  can  be  counter  productive.  Additionally  bleaching  under  garments  (specifically bra’s)  can  cause breast cancer.  WE  also  need  being  made  aware  of  indoor  &  outdoor carcinogens,  as well as stress that causes immune system impairment. 

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