Ascension to 5D

Gene Decode: Ascension to 5D Explained – best news here

Excellent Quantum Theory discussion with Gene Decode and Michael Jaco

~ Connecting daily with God through the Psalms!!!

I love the Psalms

Rescuing the Children! – Bing video

5D Consciousness – Search (

64 Strand DNA Galactic Indigo Human – Search (

Pineal Gland (Apricot Nectar) Activation – Search (

Aurora Borealis, kicking’ information emanating from Core of Earth

Sun Gazing discussion – Search (

Fall of the Cabal and more… – Search (

Decode: Ascension to 5D Explained (


When I received the vision for
I began to have people come into my life that led me to the next step.

Now the question is do you believe? 
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? 
Do you believe that people come into your life because it is destiny?
If you ask me, then let me tell you that personally, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. The question is whether I know the reason or not, I believe.

I read it a while back that perhaps sometimes people simply come into your life
and the minute they do, you know right away that they were always meant to be there.

Life happens when you least expect it.
Some people only enter your life for a short while. It may seem strange, but this happens only to serve some sort of purpose or to simply teach you a lesson. In certain cases, it has been even seen that some people may enter your life as acquaintances, but they end up staying for long.

Have you ever met someone who is the sole reason why you learned something new,
or they helped you to figure out who you are and who you want to become in life?

In simple terms, every person you meet has a purpose to serve in your life, be it to teach you something or to simply add value to your life. We learn from the people around us and each one of them teaches us something new.

Come to think of it, whether the people who enter your life enter it for an hour, a day or
10 years, everyone has a reason. It’s not about the hours they spend with you but the value they add to your lives and your thought process.

It all depends on the amount of time that you need to learn the lesson that they have
to teach you. Your soul needs to learn things and people teach them that invariably.
Come to think of it, there are about over a billion people in this world, and yet a
handful of them only matter to us, this is not by an accident.

Everything is predestined.

Have you ever wondered why some people rub you the wrong way?
Why do certain people send you negative energy or they simply put to off?
Their purpose in life is to perhaps teach you the lesson of patience or maybe you have some unfinished business with them from the past life. This video aims to explore the cosmic reason why people come and go in your life.  Every Single Person You’ve Met in Your Life is There for One of These 5 Cosmic Reasons – YouTube

Living in 5D means living from the heart. We connect through our hearts and can feel
the connection and love instantly. In the fifth dimension, our sexual desires change as
we have reached our internal balance between the masculine and feminine energies.
We have become androgynous energetically disturbed.

Hitler eugenics program – Bing video

Discovering the Mysteries of 5D Ascension!
Our physical life depends on the frequencies encoded in our DNA. As you transcend your fears and come into a state of unconditional love, you transform your consciousness to a higher frequency band that activates the dormant Soul DNA – creating profound healing in your body-mind. DNA is a biologic quantum field computer that connects you to the unlimited possibilities of your Soul potential.
For many centuries, humanity has been trapped in a polarized geomagnetic field vibrating at 7.8 hertz. You need to increase your energy frequencies above 25 hertz in a coherent state to access the 5D Field.
You can influence the rate of vibration of your biocrystal structure by neutralizing polarity within the vacuum of a spinning Vortex. We increase our energy frequency by spinning our atoms faster in counterclockwise motion (right to left).

Discover for yourself what ancient Alchemists understood in Zep Tepi Egypt!
As you migrate from living in the 3D Time Matrix and transition into the 5D Field,
you begin to connect, open and expand with Soul Presence in the Chakra channel.
When you clear density, inertia and toxic sludge out of each Chakra, you ascend up the channel to connect with your Higher Self.
The lower 3 Chakras sustain the 3D human reality, and the higher Chakras are connected to the Higher Self and the astral field. Most humans live predominantly in the lower 3D Chakras of physical density (root, sacrum and solar plexus).

Due to disconnection from Soul Presence, humans have turned to the external world for energy. We’ve been raised in a parasitic program to take energy from others…like it or not, we are acting as ‘energy vampires.’
In order to break free of the 3D Time Matrix, you need to eliminate all behavior patterns and unconscious habits of feeding on external energy sources. The more Soul Presence
you carry inside, the easier it will be to transition from 3D parasitic patterns into self-sustaining 5D inner Life Force…and sharing a Heart full of Love!

The Crown (top of the head) Chakra is the portal to the higher transpersonal Chakras located above the head in the astral bodies. The Crown is your connection to the Spiritual realm and communication with the Higher Self.
When you open the Crown portal you have access to Divine Crystal Light as your
fuel source – you shift the flow of Life Force energy up and down (vertical) in a counter-clockwise spiral, instead of pulling from the external collective.

A closed Crown Chakra blocks the flow of Divine Light and can lead to headaches and migraines, mental confusion, anxiety or depression, physical imbalance and frequent accidents, diminished immune system, and lack of connection to Soul’s destiny and purpose. You need to upgrade to Crown portal connection and self-sourcing Divine Light.

We are seeing more and more signs of the 3D Time Matrix collapsing in the collective field, as humanity is shifting into their heart’s perspective.
As we fill more Soul Presence in our hearts, the lower vibrational shadow frequencies
of fear and doubt are being transmuted into the higher frequencies of Love and harmony. As we transcend our fears into the state of unconditional Love, we are stimulating the
bio-electrical DNA coding for profound healing.
Gene Decode Update! The Golden Proportion of God. B2T Show Jun 1, 2021 (IS) (

Lovingly, Meg Benedicte

gene decode ascension to 5d explained – Bing images

 gene decode update today – Search (

 gene decode med beds – Search (

gene decode latest decode – Bing video


In this world there are those who have a callous heart—a heart that is indifferent to our pain, and the suffering of others. Here in Psalm 17, David finds himself surrounded by such people—people who were ready and willing to tear him down. This is a very difficult place to find yourself. This is why David cries out to the LORD for vindication.
Earlier in this Psalm he pleads, “Let my vindication come from you; may your eyes see what is right.” David’s response in this very trying situation is highly instructive.

He does not try to defend himself. He does not plan a personal counterattack. 
David, the mighty warrior, refuses to use his own sword. Instead, he calls on the LORD to draw His sword and rise to his defense. That takes a lot of faith and a lot of trust in God. When surrounded and attacked my natural response is to rise up in hostile indignation. I’m inclined to counterattack with all guns blazing. But David held his peace. He did not rely on his abilities. He fled to God. There he lay out his complaint and asked God to intervene. When King Saul maliciously attacked him, David did not seek revenge.
He allowed the LORD to take up his cause and deal with Saul. See 1 Samuel 26.
He has no personal plan for revenge. What tactic does he use? He calls out to the LORD, “Rise up, LORD, confront them, bring them down; with your sword rescue me from the wicked.”

You Will Be Vindicated, And Your Enemies Dispossessed If You Obey God.

‼HILLARY CLINTON: “I and my brilliant Friends, Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters, have warned you many times that the Russians are the cause of all evil and that Trump and his deplorable supporters are Russia’s agents! As our precious little BRANDON announced. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR RUSSIANS EVERYWHERE: UNDER YOUR BED, INSIDE YOUR TOILET, YOUR CAR’S TRUNK, YOUR REFRIGERATOR, YOUR PSYCHOTHERAPIST’S OFFICE….I REPEAT, EVERYWHERE!!!!!!” 😳– 🥴– 🤡– 😂– —-‼- —


Grounding Activation | New Earth Central

3 Stages of Transformation | New Earth Central

Heal, Clear, Break Free Meditation | New Earth Central

Intermittent Fasting After 50: The Complete Guide to Intermittent Fasting with 30-Day Weight Loss Program Designed Specifically for Men and Women Over 50, Including Healthy and Delicious Recipes: Bohn, Patricia: 9798674974291: Books
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