Big Bird is a Communist

Carnegie heroes and the neuroscience behind acts of heroism – 60 Minutes – CBS News

George Soros Last Remaining Living Member of the Nazi Party – Bing video

Is Chelsea Clinton Married to Soros Nephew – Bing video

The only constant in life is change Folded hands it would do you well to remember that

How the Delta variant drove up hospitalizations in 6 charts Hospital

New hospitalizations were 34% Up-pointing red triangle than in July Boy

Child hospital stays were Up-pointing red triangle Face with medical mask

The share of COVID-19 patients in ICU beds during the Delta surge was similar to last winter’s wave.
Hitler Jugend In 1922, the Munich-based Nazi Party established its official youth organisation called Jugendbund der NSDAP.[1] It was announced on 8 March 1922 in the Völkischer Beobachter, and its inaugural meeting took place on 13 May the same year.[2] Another youth group was established in 1922 as the Jungsturm Adolf Hitler. Based in MunichBavaria, it served to train and recruit future members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the main paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party at that time.[3]

Hitler Youth members give the Nazi salute at a rally at the Lustgarten 
in Berlin, 1933. One reason the Hitler Youth so easily developed was that regimented organizations, often focused on politics, for young people and particularly adolescent boys were a familiar concept to German society in the Weimar Republic. Numerous youth movements existed across Germany prior to and especially after World War I. They were created for various purposes. Some were religious and others were ideological, but the more prominent ones were formed for political reasons, like the Young Conservatives and the Young Protestants.[4] Once Hitler came onto the revolutionary scene, the transition from seemingly innocuous youth movements to political entities focused on Hitler was swift.[5]
Following the abortive Beer Hall Putsch (in November 1923), Nazi youth groups ostensibly disbanded, but many elements simply went underground, operating clandestinely in small units under assumed names. In April 1924, the Jugendbund der NSDAP was renamed Großdeutsche Jugendbewegung (Greater German Youth Movement).[1] On 4 July 1926, the Großdeutsche Jugendbewegung was officially renamed Hitler Jugend Bund der deutschen Arbeiterjugend (Hitler Youth League of German Worker Youth). This event took place a year after the Nazi Party was reorganized. The architect of the reorganization was Kurt Gruber, a law student from Plauen in Saxony.[6]

After a short power struggle with a rival organization—Gerhard Roßbach‘s Schilljugend—Gruber prevailed and his “Greater German Youth Movement” became the Nazi Party’s official youth organization. In July 1926, it was renamed Hitler-Jugend, Bund deutscher Arbeiterjugend (“Hitler Youth, League of German Worker Youth”) and, for the first time, it officially became an integral part of the SA. The name Hitler-Jugend was taken up on the suggestion of Hans Severus Ziegler.[7] By 1930, the Hitlerjugend (HJ) had enlisted over 25,000 boys aged 14 and upward.[8][a] They also set up a junior branch, the Deutsches Jungvolk (DJ), for boys aged 10 to 14. Girls from 10 to 18 were given their own parallel organisation, the League of German Girls (BDM).[10][11]

In April 1932, Chancellor Heinrich Brüning banned the Hitler Youth movement in an attempt to stop widespread political violence. But in June, Brüning’s successor as Chancellor, Franz von Papen, lifted the ban as a way of appeasing Hitler, the rapidly ascending political star. A further significant expansion drive started in 1933, after Baldur von Schirach was appointed by Hitler as the first Reichsjugendführer (Reich Youth Leader).[12] All youth organizations were brought under Schirach’s control. The kids had to sing the jugend song. And if they weren’t blonde blue eyed it was you were automatically sent off to the gas chamber or a prison camp. [3][13]

Do you know who carried out Hitler’s orders? Doctors. 
Not soldiers. Doctors. That trial led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code.
Which became the foundation of modern medical ethics which has seemingly been forgotten when it comes to the COVID vaccines.

In your opinion, what is the most important thing about life?
1 John 5:19 Knowing your creator Understanding that our soul is eternal.
 Know your exit strategy. Other than that, know that God has got this!!  

Love Empathy Gratitude Humility.
Knowing that someone gave me life   enjoying natural beauty The people you hold close to your heart. Even those we have lost Being Christ-like to others

Making your own choices and learning from them.  

Who Runs The World:: You and your perception

Members of: Bilderberg Group Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations To name a few : Our collective mistakes run the world.
 We’ve been usurped and have surrendered our power to Luciferians
No one. We run our own lives. And that’s how it should be.  
The Khazarian Mafia. Club of Rome…Vatican creeps
It’s deep and hundreds if not thousands of years old.
Illuminati | Freemasons | Technocracy

Single biggest threat to humanity #GatesOfHell
God runs the world in the same way a parent watches a child learning how
to walk. The parent rarely intervenes (although they could at any moment) because otherwise the child will never learn. The only time the parent gets involved is if irreparable harm will incur. The billionaire class. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Soros, Blackrock, Bilderberg etc… Billionaires, Central Banks, The Bilderberg Group, The Bohemian Grove folks…and probably
2-3 far more secret groups we’ve not yet learned about.

Whoever it is, we’re an imprisoned planet, the leader can only be evil.  
I would suggest that very few know. However, I would also suggest it’s someone ( something) far more complex than we can imagine. Whatever and whoever has the ability to control all world powers and influence every aspect of their decision making process. Very concerning !   A man living in a remote small shack who can only be reached with a key to an improbability field.


Banks run the world. Redshield is at the top of the pyramid. They’re the all seeing eye. You’re so wrong, Vanguard and Blackrock, both owned by the Rothschilds. The who, funded by the Rockefellers and Gates.  

Central Banks  And The Cabal

Rothschild family – Wikipedia  
I’m a traveler of both time and space To be where I have been.
To sit with elders of the gentle race This world has seldom seen  

The devil has had great influence during this age.
Rothschild and the Bilderberg group  

The international banking cartel.  
There is a very good video about it called
‘Who owns the World’ – Bing

Look who owns everything and you will find the answer…Blackstock is one
Richest people, families,of the world. They own the shares of the companies that virtually own every other company, that own everything.

13 Families that Secretly Control the World!!!
Now for those famous bloodlines who control everything. These guys are so rich and powerful, they make Ambani and Gates look like peasants. Their ideologies and connections aren’t known to the public. Which is why we don’t know much about them. Don’t question yourself if you don’t recognize them – that was their plan throughout.

1. The Astor Bloodline, 2. The Bundy Bloodline, 3. The Collins Bloodline
4. The DuPont Bloodline 5. The Freeman Bloodline 6. The Kennedy Bloodline 7. The Li Bloodline 8. The Onassis Bloodline 9. The Rockefeller Bloodline
10. The Russell Bloodline 11. The Van Duyn Bloodline 12. The Merovingian
and 13. The Rothschild Bloodline

These people and families tell governments what to do and implement.
Gates, Benzo, Walmart family, Etc, around the world!!!
True or not, the whole concept is a bit unsettling. Just imagine being played around like puppets. What do you feel about the concept of having one government? Have your say in the comments section, Citation – Wikipedia,,

A very ancient entity that wants to traverse from his dimension to ours to the 3rd world that we see and hear.. these guys are evil… These entities have been working with highly intelligent individuals to try and make it to our plane of existence….The Media


Members of the People’s Liberation Army in Big Bird in China Communism is a political ideology and a specific branch of socialism. It generally seeks to establish a future classless, stateless social organization based upon common ownership of the means of production (in some ways, not unlike Doozers). Communism is a political ideology and a specific branch of socialism. It generally seeks to establish a future classless, stateless social organization based upon common ownership of the means of production (in some ways, not unlike Doozers). Though it has its roots in the writings of Karl Marx, Communism has taken many forms, and is always set up in stark contrast to capitalism. In a Wilkins Coffee commercial, Wilkins, in Soviet Russia, asks for Party Line Coffee.

Sparkling heartTreat others the way you want to be treatedKiss mark
Life is short love always care help those in need #USA #PatriotFlag of Liberia
#breakthestigma #mentalhealthmatters  

Greta Thunberg’s Full Keynote Speech at Youth4Climate Pre-COP26 | Doha Debates Who are we raising climate ‘awareness’ for? 
By Danielle Butcher | Washington Examiner
Danielle Butcher (@DaniSButcher) is the executive vice president of the American Conservation Coalition.

For as long as activism has existed, environmentalists have rallied around demonstrations, protests, and “raising awareness.” In that tradition, since COP26 began, climate activists have been protesting, arguing that actions taken by world leaders at the summit are not enough.

Last week, Greta Thunberg gave a speech in which she said leadership is not going to come from inside COP26 because all world leaders do is “blah blah blah.” Instead, she said climate leadership would come from activists like her. While passionate, this display of vexation toward COP26, in comparison to past international climate summits, COP26 has been impressively action-oriented and fruitful. In light of this, protests and demands come off as petulant, out of touch, and alarmist.

From the very first Earth Day in 1970, young leaders such as Thunberg have been instrumental in making climate change a mainstream issue, but the time for yelling at politicians and calling for an all-or-nothing approach to climate change is over. The real work now should be pushing for solutions, and this work is held back by the naïve tactics imposed by protesters.

Preventing participants from entering COP26 does not inspire action.
At its best, it can raise awareness for a cause. At its worst, it turns would-be allies away and delays the progress protesters so desperately claim to desire. Assuming in good faith that such protests are for the purpose of awareness, it’s important to note that protesting for awareness of climate change in 2021 is nonsensical.

World leaders are well aware that the climate is changing. Instead of vaguely calling for transformative action, climate activists should have clear policy objections.

COP26 comes after a recent iteration of directionless environmental activism: Protesters near London blocked traffic during rush hour to “raise awareness” that climate change is happening. This brand of protesting, in which everyday people who may be sympathetic to the cause are inconvenienced, doesn’t win more support. Instead, the climate movement is seen as hysterical and impractical, rather than a solutions-oriented movement.

These activists aren’t convincing anyone; they’re pissing people off.
What’s more is that the activists in question didn’t carry signs or share a cohesive message. If awareness was truly the goal, it would stand to reason that there would be clarity of message — whatever it is we should be aware of. The supposed shock factor of stopping traffic isn’t enough to convince irritated drivers that they should be scared of climate change.

The cherry on top is that this kind of protest is inherently bad for the environment.
Stopping traffic means that cars are idling, which results in more carbon emissions than if commuters were able to get home normally. Protesting environmental degradation by increasing emissions or carelessly polluting our environment is truly the height of irony. This isn’t unusual for climate protests either. Protesters have been known to leave their signs behind, littering all in the name of climate change. When the Extinction Rebellion dumped cow manure in front of the White House on Earth Day this year, city employees had to clean up the mess.

One group of protesters certainly cannot fix climate change, nor is anyone expecting them to, but there are more constructive directions in which they could direct their energy. Especially at an event such as COP26, activists should be demonstrating how everyday folks can help our environment in addition to the international talks that are occurring. Planting trees in a local park or cleaning up trash from the sidewalk not only has an immediate effect for the community but shows members of the community that they’re serious about improving the environment rather than just committed to causing a scene.

The goal of climate activists should be to convince the broader public that their solutions are not only the best to tackle the problem but also have secondary benefits for the economy and people’s everyday lives. At COP26, climate activists have a responsibility to be realistic and measured with their demands.

BREAKING: Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR “test” is implanting a microchip.

So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR “tests” were never tested at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are. It’s at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe they are knocking out people’s senses with these Bioweapons and killing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us.

They’re knocking out our senses and targeting the brain with Nanites that carry a payload as Celeste spoke about in previous videos.


Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the PCR “test” is implanting a microchip (

Former Fema whistleblower Celeste Solum – Bing video

Former Fema whistleblower Celeste Solum – Bing images
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