The Age of Aquarius

On December 21, 2020 Saturn and Jupiter aligned into a beautiful bright star. 

That was the first time they aligned like this since the Middle Ages. According to Forbes, the two planets will look like a “double planet” and provide an extraordinary amount of light. The last time these two planets aligned like this was on March 4, 1226, according to astronomer Patrick Hartigan at Rice University. “Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to be to one another. You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky,” Hartigan said in a statement.

The spectacular sighting will be viewable from anywhere on earth.
“The planets will appear low in the western sky for about an hour after sunset as viewed from the northern hemisphere, and though they’ll be closest on December 21, you can look each evening that week. Although the sight will be sinking towards the horizon, it will be bright enough to be viewed at twilight. All you need is an unobstructed view to the southwest, and to look to the southwest from about 45 minutes after sunset where you are,” Forbes states.
To catch it in the night sky, you’ll need a regular telescope at a minimum.
But for a brighter view, an astronomer’s telescope or a university telescope
feed would work better. Alignments like these, called “conjunctions” are not necessarily rare, but some of them are impossibly rare or only come around once in hundreds of years. Astronomers speculate that the Star of David written off in Matthew was an exceptionally rare triple conjunction between Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus. One such astronomer was Johannes Kepler,
one of the greatest astronomers of all time.

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The recent Jupiter Saturn conjunction on December 21, 2020,
in Aquarius has stirred the question-

Are we in the Age of Aquarius?

Well, that depends on who you ask, as there is much debate over when
the Age of Aquarius begins or if it has already started.

For those that believe it has already started, January 13, 1996, December 21, 2012, and December 21, 2020, are all dates that I have seen mentioned.

For those that believe it is yet to start, it’s looking like March 20, 2597,
which is still centuries away.

So, who is right? How do we know?

Let’s first take a look at how Ages are commonly determined.

The Astrological Ages:
Every year around March 20-21, we experience the Equinox, a time of equal hours of night and day. The constellation the Sun is in at the time of the March Equinox is said to determine the Age we are in, with each Age lasting about 2,160 years.
Now, before we go any further, it is important to clarify that Western Astrology determines that the March Equinox is the start of the Aries Season. This is how western Astrology birth charts and horoscopes are calculated. They are fixed, making the start of the Aries Season always at the March Equinox.

But, if we are actually looking at where the Sun is based on the constellations (not western zodiacs), we would see that the Sun currently sits in the sign of Pisces at the time of the March Equinox. This method of calculation, which is based on astronomy, would currently put us in the Age of Pisces. The Sun’s position at the Equinox is slowly shifting and when it reaches the sign of Aquarius, that is when some believe we will be in the Age of Aquarius.

Using the current mapping of the constellations by astronomers, this would put the start of the Age of Aquarius in the year 2597. However, here is where it gets complicated and a little confusing. Astrology and astronomy are not always aligned. The constellations are also not all the same size, so not all Ages would neatly fit into the 2,160-year cycle mapped out by the ancients.

Rather than looking to astronomy, some astrologers prefer to use different methods, including the tracking of certain stars and planets, to determine the Ages. These calculations show that we are either very close to or already in the Age of Aquarius.
As there is no definitive date that the Age of Aquarius begins, the only tool we have to go on is our intuition and looking to the themes of the Age of Aquarius vs. The Age of Pisces.

The Age of Pisces!!!
This 2,160 year period is considered a time of alchemy, where we are realizing our potential to create. The narrative- if you can dream it, you can do it, is very much connected to the Age of Pisces. During this time, we have used the resources of the Earth and our imaginations to build and create all sorts of things.
The Age of Pisces is strongly connected to our beliefs. All of the major organized religions of the world were founded under the Age of Pisces. Religion has helped to create a sense of belonging, faith, and spiritual understanding, but it has also created severe division, hatred, and manipulation.

Pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions. These fish are said to represent the duality in the Oneness. During the Age of Pisces, our attention has very much been drawn to the duality of life. While there has been some recognition of Oneness, there have also been many lost in the idea of duality- good and evil, wrong or right. These have all been measures we have used to govern and run society and most religions.
Under the Age of Pisces, where our beliefs are strong, we can become more susceptible to brainwashing, fear-mongering, and manipulation. These are all things we have seen being used against us by society, governments, the media, and so on.

Before the Age of Pisces, we would have been in the Age of Aries, a time of independence and fighting for what we believe in. The Age of Pisces has perhaps allowed us to realize a greater love, to be more compassionate, to attune to the spiritual sides of life, and to realize there is more to life than
we can truly understand.
Hopefully, when the Age of Pisces does end, we would have all learned that
our imagination is limitless, that duality is real but also an illusion, and that love and compassion make for a better world.


The Age of Aquarius:
During this period, we move out of the idea of religion into a more open understanding of spirituality. Rather than looking to a spiritual leader, we instead look within to our own inner guidance. We are also less likely to search for spiritual understanding and more likely to trust science and technology.
Robots, artificial intelligence, and microchips are all things associated with the Age of Aquarius. This is truly the digital age, and a time to advance our skills and knowledge using technology.

Along with being a time of rapid technological developments, the Age of Aquarius is also a time of community. Rather than looking to “big things out there” for guidance and support, there is a shift in creating the resources and support that is needed on a more accessible, community-based level.
Aquarian energy is all about humanitarian efforts, so a greater push in this direction is expected. While the Age of Pisces taught us love and compassion, the Age of Aquarius will help us to put those emotions into practical action.

Aquarian energy is very much centered around what is good for the collective and the whole, rather than the individual. It allows us to see that none of us are really thriving until all of us are thriving. Under this energy, we may have to be mindful of getting sucked into a “group-think” mentality or overly compromising our own thoughts and beliefs for the sake of the greater good.
As you can see, both Ages have their light and their dark to work with.
After the Age of Aquarius, we will move into the Age of Capricorn, traveling backward through the zodiac until we return to Aries. At this point, we would have completed what’s known as the Great Year.

At the end of the day, does it really matter which Age we are in?
Each Age comes with its own benefits and downsides. Each Age has something to teach and show us. Each Age is important for our growth and evolution here on the planet.
Perhaps the starting of a new Age is not something that can be defined by one particular date. Perhaps it is a slow transition or build into the Age. Perhaps there are many markers along the way that help us to transition and slowly integrate into the new energies that await us.

Or perhaps, on an even deeper level, the astrological Age we are in is all
about our state of mind. Maybe on a psychic level, it is only when we are
“ready” that the Age will begin.
I personally feel we are in a transition period, ebbing and flowing between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. I don’t know when we will officially root ourselves in the Age of Aquarius, but maybe that is not important for where we are going.

Are we living in the age of Aquarius – Bing video

Are We In The Age of Aquarius Or Still In The Age of Pisces? – Aquarius Papers – Global Astrology | Articles | Astrology & Numerology | Are We Living in the Age of Aquarius?

The Fifth Dimension – Aquarius – Let The Sunshine In – HD – Lyrics

What exactly is the ‘deep state,’ and is it even real?
Amrita Khalid is a technology and politics reporter who specializes in breaking down complex issues into practical, useful terms. A former contributor to CQ,
a Congressional news and analysis site, she’s currently a master’s candidate in international relations at the University of Leeds. Who Is Deep State and is the worst kept secret government operation in Washington.
Fox News host Sean Hannity grimly warned of an “unelected fourth branch of government” leaking secrets to the media in a massive effort to undermine the Trump presidency. White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon vowed to destroy the “administrative state,” and his former news outlet, Breitbart blamed the firing of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn on the deep state.
Trump confidants and advisors such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Dennis Kucinich, Corey Lewandowski, and Roger Stone have all insisted that the deep state exists and is at war with President Donald Trump. InfoWars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones aired multiple segments linking the deep state to everything from White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s resignation to Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer. Reports have surfaced detailing that the Trump administration is considering a global network of private spies to counter supposed deep state enemies.
The so-called “deep state,” sometimes also known as “shadow government,”
is often used to describe the bureaucracies of the military and spy agencies and their top secret inner-workings. The roots of the deep state’s creation date back to the end of World War II and the expansion of what President Dwight Eisenhower deemed the “military-industrial complex.” Former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren is the author of Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of Shadow Government and offered up the following definition
of the deep state on Bill Moyers.
“(The Deep State) is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense, the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.”
Lofgren also includes FISA courts and powerful federal courts such as the Eastern District of Virginia, which has issued subpoenas to Trump associates Paul Manafort and Flynn in connection with the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia, and the Southern District of Manhattan, which has the ability to investigate Trump’s numerous conflicts of interests on Wall Street and once included ousted federal prosecutor Preet Bharara.

The deep state as understood by Lofgren and other national security experts appears to be on an entirely different planet than the conspiratorial deep state of Breitbart and Alex Jones lore.   “When I wrote the Deep State I began to realize from all these interpretations that when you create a concept and send it out into the world it’s like sending a virus out,” Lofgren said at a panel before the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in June.
“It infects other people. It mutates, and it comes back unrecognizable.”
Lofgren dismissed outside interpretations of the deep state by various conservative media icons, including a scenario posed by Pat Buchanan in which pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions of the federal government are at war with each other. The actual deep state is far more banal, Lofgren argues. Far from being a secret “conspiratorial cabal,” the real deep state, he argues, operates in broad daylight, in the form of thousands of government workers going about their daily duty, and has done so far before Trump ever stepped foot into office.
Breitbart’s definition of deep state encompasses not just an identity but any behavior that can be considered “anti-Trump,” especially leaks, and includes the mainstream media and other factions of the federal government, such as EPA employees who have refused to comply with Trump’s orders.

One Breitbart headline from May trumpeted, “Jack Welch urges Trump to
go to war against the Deep State.” It was an overly generous interpretation of comments made by the former CEO of General Electric in a CNBC interview,
in which Welch criticized Trump’s management of the bureaucracy and firing of James Comey.

From Breitbart:
The term “deep state” has been used to refer to deliberate leaks designed
to undermine the president, but also to the willing collusion of elements of the mainstream media, the latent distrust and suspected opposition of elements of the intelligence services, but also the willing resistance of certain career civil servants in the agencies charged with carrying President Trump’s directions to fruition.

Trump and the deep state:
One could argue that if any American president had a reason to fear backlash from the top-secret factions of his government, it’s Trump. His distrust of the NSA, FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies is unique among American presidents. He likened intelligence officials to Nazis and dismissed the FBI investigation into his campaign’s Russian ties as a “witch hunt.”

The president’s stormy relationship with the intelligence community
came to a boiling point after the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Former CIA case officer and executive director for Council for the National Interest Phil Giraldi maintains there is some truth to a partisan faction within the deep state.
“I think when we talk about the intelligence community, it’s important to analyze what that means,” Giraldi said in an interview with the Tom Woods Show podcast.
“The intelligence community is basically 20,000 people like me who are essentially in a certain circumstance where they perform a job of a certain type, and they do their jobs. And they’re loyal to whatever government is in place. But at the top of these organizations, you have people that are heavily politicized. And I would say, ‘Where is the deep state?’ or ‘Where is the establishment?” in the intelligence community, it’s these guys at the top.
These guys were particularly miffed by Trump’s comments, plus these guys lost their status when Trump was elected. So they have an agenda.”

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The right’s main issue with the deep state is its alleged leaks to the media.
But leaks involving the Trump White House seem to be coming from everywhere these days: Congress, former and current intelligence and national security officials, and even Trump’s own advisers.

Deep state terminology:
Jason Royce Lindsey, the author of The Concealment of the Statetold the Daily Dot via email that study of deep state terminology has its roots in authoritarian regimes like Egypt and Turkey, where the military-security component is strong. Politicians exist in the “shallow state” and military and security services exist in the “deep state” and are less apparent to the general public. According to Lindsey, the embrace of the deep state concept by Trump supporters gives them someone to blame for the administration’s setbacks.
“The narrative that someone inside the government is to blame is a false one,” Lindsey wrote,“but an easier explanation than laying out the real political complexity of the United States at this time and explaining how the various parts of government have to reach some consensus for actual legislation to happen.”

The numerous definitions of deep state and concept’s enthusiastic embrace by pro-Trump conspiracy theorists make its serious discussion almost impossible. Other experts dismiss the idea of a deep state altogether.

The Daily Dot reached out to Pulitzer Prize-winning national security historian 
Tim Weiner to ask him to define what he understood a deep state to mean.
“There is no Deep State,” he wrote to the Daily Dot in a Facebook message.

When asked to explain the many Trump supporters who are convinced of the deep state’s plans to overthrow Trump, Weiner had a one-line response:
“They are deluded.”


In February 2020, Trump cabinet member and acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, when asked if a deep state working against President Trump exists, stated that it was “absolutely, 100% true”.[28] In an article for 
The New York Review of BooksMichael Tomasky quoted Newt Gingrich as using the term in the context of the Robert Mueller investigation in July 2018, quoting Gingrich stating: “[Mueller is] … the tip of the deep state spear aimed at destroying or at a minimum undermining and crippling the Trump presidency”.[29] Gingrich then added to the statement that “the brazen redefinition of Mueller’s task tells you how arrogant the deep state is and how confident it is it can get away with anything”.[29]
Stephen Walt, professor of international relations at Harvard University, has written: “There’s no secret conspiracy or deep state running U.S. foreign policy; to the extent that there is a bipartisan foreign-policy elite, it is hiding in plain sight.”[30]

The term has also been used in comments on the “deep state”-like influence allegedly wielded by career military officers such as H. R. McMasterJohn Kelly and James Mattis in the Trump administration.
The anthropologist C. August Elliott described this state of affairs as the emergence of a “shallow state”: “an America where public servants now function as tugboats guiding the President’s very leaky ship through the shallows and away from a potential shipwreck”.[31]
On September 5, 2018, The New York Times published an anonymous op-ed titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” written by a “senior official in the Trump Administration”. In the essay, the official was critical of President Trump and claimed “that many of the senior officials in [Trump’s] own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations”.[32] House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy described this as evidence of the deep state at work,[33] and David Bossie wrote an op-ed at Fox News claiming this was the deep state “working against the will of the American people”.[34] 
However, there was some doubt as to the actual importance of the anonymous author, with some estimating that hundreds or thousands of possible positions could be considered “senior officials”[35] and the inherent paradox of exposing the existence of such a group.[36]

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Fruit of the Holy Spirit:
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes
of a person or community living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according to chapter 5 of the Epistle to the Galatians: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” The fruit is contrasted with the works of the flesh. BeatitudesMeeknessGentlenessTen Commandments,  ForbearanceSelf-control & Cardinal Virtues. The Biblical concept of peace, εἰρήνη (eirene) in Greek, is inclusive of life without conflict, as well as wholeness and harmony with God and others. 
In Galatians 5:22-23,  love is translated from the Greek word ἀγάπη, (agape).
 The fruit of the spirit bible study. Sleep well tonight knowing that we have a loving God watching over us. These times are difficult but we will overcome them. Biggest step I took was aligning to liberate all of us.

As a contributor, and public liaison. I have excelled at the process of

slaying the GIANT EGO. Gem stoneFolded hands

Placed me on the highest timeline and came with a specific
upgraded coding system. #higherlove

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So many people are awake and see the big picture. In a chaotic life, it’s comforting to connect. It’s a great day to rejoice in the day that the Lord has made!

We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to [b]edification. Romans 15:1-2


“The object of your salvation will lead to your destruction” was evidently correct. From my understanding is that we have already created this. If things are done unnaturally, the device can and will lead to our destruction.

Read this: An evil conscience is a guilty conscience.
When we feel guilty, we feel shame. When we feel shame, we want to run and hide from God just like Adam and Eve did. God will cleanse us from the guilt and wash our bodies with pure water.

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The bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey.

For us, it is only a teaspoon of honey, but for the bee, it is LIFE … !!!

Honeybee Honey pot

Have faith & be the person you know in your heart you should be.

Light & love to you all. Folded handsFlag of United StatesTwo hearts

I have premonitions: Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

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