You Can Never Trust Them.

They were just threatening, trying to bully and scare nurses & doctors to get the jab. They knew they couldn’t actually fire 20,000 workers. It was a psy-op. You can never trust them.

They lie as a policy, as a trick, as a strategy.  

The health fascists blinked.

Are we starting to think real, meaningful “confrontations” between American Citizens and their so-called ” Leaders/Govt” are on the table ? I would say, its >thisclose<..  I’m old enough to remember when President Biden, Dr. Fauci and CDC Director Walensky said there wouldn’t be vaccine mandates. “No,
I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory,”
Biden said of vaccines at a press conference in Delaware Dec 2020.

CTV News on Twitter: “Vaccines won’t be mandatory for existing Quebec health-care workers, only new hires” / Twitter

I mean sure, it is your right to ask questions and determine if you wish to accept help from the hospital or not. Are you afraid of C? I imagine you are double vaccinated. Let it go. Remind yourself of your decision to protect society, and love yourself for doing so. Lesson learned.

Don’t do things to please others. What’s the difference ?

Well you’ll do a great job of increasing your chance of catching Covid then.

.Clapping hands signClapping hands signClapping hands signClapping hands signClapping hands sign  

If you are vaccinated why are you worried? Vaccination doesn’t stop transmission.

This is a best way to be drawn-in the vaccinated sociopath crowd. Face with tears of joy

Why should a nurse get the vaccine if they can prove natural immunity.

So what’s your thoughts on proven natural immunity?   

How does it feel to have lost your senses?
You’ve got much less chance of catching it from an unvaccinated person.

Leaders are supposed to lead by example. So what do our leaders do?
They exempt themselves from mandates – so we should follow their lead and exempt ourselves. They ignore laws they don’t like (like immigration) – so we should follow their lead and ignore laws we don’t like.

They finally realize the jabs are Pile of pooPile of pooPile of poo and do not work

Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughingSmiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyesSmiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyesSmiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyesSmiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyesPartying facePartying facePartying face better to wake up late than never. If you get a stroke and need an emergency surgery, let me know if your doctor is vaccinated or not. Ok, pourquoi? Et bonne chance dans ta démarche de champion! Désolé pour le réveil plutôt brutal, et oui, tu t’es fait fourrér par le gouvernement…sorry! ( we can’t do this in english as well but you seem to think not a single Québecois is commenting on this? I’m glad to prove you wrong)

I thought you were vaccinated? And by the way, a little birdie told me the vaccinations transmit the virus also. Pass it on.  No one is “vaccinated”. Those jabs are “flu” shots at best, with worse side effects and unknown mysterious long term consequences. You did not “protect” anybody. YOu took the “jab” because they coerced you and threatened you. Not because the “jab” would help you or anybody else. Because : it does not. If you’re vaccinated what does it matter? Your vaccine supposedly is made to protect you.

Do you doubt the vaccine’s effectiveness?

 Vax mandate delay to 1/4/22 under 2day’s ETS isn’t generosity. 1/4 is 59 days from ETS publishing to Federal Register/FR (technically ETS publishes 11/5). Lawsuits against ETS have 2B filed 60 days from ETS publishing 2 FR. Biden’s forcing you 2 to sue over the Holidays. Merry Xmas

Gates was talking about a possible Smallpox outbreak coming in the near future. Either he will be releasing it or he knows that the Illegals are bringing it.   Why would you destroy an airline for a “vax” that does not work, does not stop the spread and may kill you? You have the lucrative opportunity to STOP TYRANNY & be the hero of personal freedom! But NOT dropping them into Sanctuary cities. Go figure.

We now know the following facts . . .
Most of the people who took a COVID “vaccine” will be dead by the year 2025. 
The proof is now available for all to see.

Thanks to the people who participated in this first ever human experiment with a mRNA gene-therapy, fooled into thinking it was a “vaccine” for a phony “pandemic” allegedly caused by the never-isolated “COVID-19,” we now know the following based on fact-based, post-vaccine research:
1.) It’s not a vaccine. The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine does not provide immunity to Covid or it’s variants so you can still catch Covid and transmit it to others making you asymptomatic. You will likely need a booster shot every 6 months, so get ready to roll up that sleeve every six months once that system rolls out.
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2.) The 95% efficacy is the RRR (Relative Reduction Risk) where the real reduction rate ARR (Absolute Reduction Risk) is less than 2% as per this scientific Lancet study.
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This means you are really not protected much at all, as the architects of this phony pandemic would like you to ‘believe.’
3.) The lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines do not remain in the intramuscular region of the deltoid muscle. They seep out into the cardiovascular system infecting the entire body with spike-protein. Something the manufacturers claimed would never happen, yet it does and is why the adverse-side effects are so bad with this shot.
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4.) The spike-protein itself is toxic and a part of the disease pathology being the cause of inflammation, ACE2 deregulation and opens up immunity pathways. This means Myocarditis (heart inflammation), Encephalitis (brain inflammation ) and hepatomegaly (liver inflammation) are huge risks and confirmed by many adverse-reactions reported to VAERS and EuroVigilance.

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This means the spike-protein itself is enough to damage the cardiovascular system and organs, some of which can have harmful events in the future and is like injecting someone with Covid-19 damaging the inside of the body rather than the lungs.
5.) The synthetic spike-protein itself has coding errors and a 5 GxxxG motif placing it in the category of a prion which could pose a long-term risk of neural degenerative diseases.

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6.) The lipid nanoparticles after injection bulk in Ovaries in women followed by bone-marrow. Dr. Robert Malone the inventor of mRNA covers these findings in lay terms for stupid people who can’t process scientific data easily.
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Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
If it wasn’t for the gullible and naïve idiots who jumped on an experimental gene-therapy shot which skipped any real, meaningful, trials that would have presented the above findings, we now have this data and evidence from the human lab-rats running around gleefully and ignorantly celebrating their Eugenics shot, completely blind to the short-term and long term consequences that this data all points to: MOST of them will die from one or more of the conditions outlined in the reports above, and MOST of those deaths will take place by the year 2025.

Enjoy your harmful spike-protein that you will never get out of your body, and the neural degenerative, long-term risks, which ultimately could lead to untreatable deadly neurological illnesses as your brain slowly rots and deteriorates from the prion causing misfolded proteins that damage your neurons slowly over time.
Your sacrifice for the safety of others, which will likely kill most of you, was based on your ignorance, your failure to research things for yourself, and your willingness to simply accept what other (ignorant) people – like politicians – told you.
World population of 500 million coming; just as the Georgia GuideStones suggested, and the psychotic maniacs who believe humans need to be culled from the planet, took literally.
How about we blame the real culprits who created this in the first place:
Fauci with his gain-of-function research that was banned in the US so he moved it to the lab in Wuhan where this took place.
Bill Gates with his depopulation agenda and ties to pedophile Jeffery Epstein.
The CDC/WHO/Rockefeller Foundation and John Hopkins, who ran Event 201, Spars, Lockstep, planning all of this for their globalist new world order.

20 Questions About the Covid-19 Vaccine Steve Kirsch – Bing

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