
We stand losing our freedoms if we don’t stand up to these mandates.  

The mandates are a distraction.

The real objective is to flip the Republic to communism.
Biden is a communist & so are many other Democrat. Once you digest that everything makes sense  but most still don’t see that or they keep thinking that will never happen in the USA.  The WH is turning America into a communist nation. Mandates, violations of the constitution, forced vaccinations, food prices going through the roof, inflation, energy costs skyrocketing, illegals being flown all over without consideration to society, it’s not sustainable.

What are the differences between Earth, Mars, and Venus? – Quora  

Three Little-Known Types of Hell Mentioned in the Bible | Becoming Christians 

I believe in Gehenna & Hades/Sheol as mentioned in scripture.
Hell is an Anglo Saxon word which has many misinterpretations.

However I don’t believe that hell is a place with actual flames.
I’m convinced that description is an attempt to explain the horrors of a soul entirely removed from the grace of God.

 I am definitely having a problem with human 4 dimensional -> Space – Time!
Confused! It is simple. There is one authoritative book and if you don’t base your life around it you are being completely deceived.  

Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to give you understanding of Him and His word. Read John in the New Testament, then read the first 3 chapters of Genesis. He will show you the way.  

If you can live on earth & witness pure evil and pure goodness, how could you deny heaven and hell? Where do you think the actions of good & evil come from? How do some recognize evil & avoid it, while others turn & commit it? Your disbelief doesn’t absolve their existence.

Yes and I believe God gives us free will to choose where we would like our journey to take us when we die.  

According to the Creed, Jesus occupied both realms and triumphed to the right hand of God. He demonstrates Truth actually and we must discuss the meaning of Truth in metaphor.   Ronnie James Dio did a great version of it.
 Absolutely, I believe every word of God as shown to us through the Christian Bible. I am extremely grateful that God loved me first and allowed me the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as my savior so I may live in eternity with my Lord in Heaven.

Jesus showed to Saint Maria Faustian Kowalska the existence of hell and it’s a place of eternal suffering. We are souls having a human experience. Souls don’t die, only human bodies do.

As a priest I knew years ago said, “One of the greatest weapons in Satan’s arsenal is his ability to make people believe he doesn’t exist.” Heaven or hell
is determined by whether a person believes in Christ alone to save them.

Lara Fabian – “I’m So Excited” (Live) – Bing video  

Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire – YouTube  

Hell was designed originally for Satan and his demons.
Hell will also punish the sin of those who reject Christ…

I believe we have a choice to live in Heaven or Hell right now… and when a person’s physical body dies, they stay in the same space that they lived their life. Let God take the worries away… faith in God in both good and bad times. Life is a blessing.

Not really, if they exist, then great, I hope I make it to heaven.
But I don’t make decisions based upon their existence. I make them on doing the right thing by me and others. I’m far from perfect, but I try. You can believe what you want and I am not here to convince you. That said; I was a life squad and Fireman for years. After those years of dealing with sudden death and near death. You bet

I was a witness to the Miracle of the Sun early 2000’s.
I was a believer before that, but seeing the sun pulsate, spin, turn colors then the environment turned to gold….clencher for me!  I believe in evil lying in the human body. I think we are all brought here for a choice. Some of us choose the right way some choose the wrong so I think it’s a self created hell if you will. As a person of faith I do believe that we’re going to be judged and told we’re gone.

I believe He’ll ISN’T a place, but more a State of Mind…like misery.
And that there are variations in Heaven. We are not all living the same and
I don’t think we will all get the same. Like, a person who is good, may not be
as good as the next person.  But I believe they are perceptions, not places.
I believe hell is not eternal or a form of punishment but a state of mind that we put ourselves in.

Only Love exists! Folded handsRed heartHundred points symbol. In my opinion 🙂
Roger Waters – What God Wants, Pt. I (2015) (Digital Video) – YouTube

In a Time of Universal Deceit: Telling the Truth Is Revolutionary.
Most human beings believe in life after death. In fact, most people not only believe in a heaven, but also feel sure that they are going there after death. However, very few people believe in hell, statistically speaking. Moreover, it would be hard to find many people who truly believe they are going to hell.

The Bible teaches that there is a literal heaven and a literal hell.
Heaven is the spiritual dwelling place of God, and it is where all true Christians will go after death, provided they remain faithful throughout life. Hell is the place of eternal separation from God, prepared for the devil and his angels.
It is a place of eternal torment. Please click on the links below to learn more about heaven and hell.

When you think of heaven, do you imagine fat little angels sitting around on clouds playing harps? If so, you are not alone in this thought. However, with all due respect, you could not be more in error. The Bible does not present heaven as a physical place on the clouds in the sky where people will spend time trying to amuse themselves for all of eternity.
Rather, it presents heaven as the spiritual dwelling place of God where Christians will reside for all of eternity, worshipping Him and enjoying the glory and joy of God’s presence. Heaven will be the fulfillment of all of the desires and wishes of the heart of man. There will be no pain or suffering, and it will be an eternal morning where Christians bask in the illuminated glory of God.
The images of heaven in the Bible only hint at how wonderful it will be for Christians. Revelation 21:1-4 reads: “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.'”

In the same manner that people imagine heaven as a crowd of harp-players lounging on clouds trying to pass the time, so do many people imagine hell
as a little cave where a red man with a tail and horns pokes people in their backs with a pitchfork. This little devil character can sometimes be downright cute. It is sad that the world has popularized this version of hell and Satan, and that it is used to mock the concept of hell.
The Bible clearly teaches that hell is a literal place of eternal torment where
all non-Christians go after death. Granted, this biblical teaching on hell is not
a popular one, as many people — even professing Christians — try to minimize it in many ways. But the Bible is very clear on the existence of hell. Christ described the plight of the wicked in Matthew 25:46 in this manner: “And these will go away into everlasting punishment.”

But the righteous into eternal life.
Jesus used different images to describe hell. He used the images of torment (Matthew 25:46), a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12),
a place of outer darkness (Matthew 8:12), and a place of fire (Matthew 3:12).
Revelation 21:8 describes it as “the lake which burns with fire and brimstone…”

To demonstrate that hell is a place of continual, eternal torment,
Revelation 14:11 states: “And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” This is the biblical teaching on hell. Those who try to dilute it are only hurting people; hell is real, and everyone who does not submit to the gospel of Christ will go there.

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