Resist The Great Reset

You’re only as old as you feel: I avoid getting up from a chair I’ve been sitting in for more than 10 minutes.

The Roman Empire fell in part due to disgruntled citizens. Wealth inequality, impoverishment, high taxes, child slavery, unlimited immigration, government restrictions … It’s as if the same elite bloodlines from one era to the next use the same playbook to destroy nations. Had a lot of Romans back then that would cut their thumbs off, so they couldn’t hold a sword. Some of the same attitudes these days on the left …..can you show proof that
 immigration was one of the reasons for Roman Empire’s fall – Bing video?
A prosperous empire would always attract immigrants.

And without immigration, an empire cannot be prosperous. Face with raised eyebrow

That’s what you got from thisRed question mark ornament

Read again, since you missed the whole point. Just because you don’t do any research for yourself doesn’t mean everyone is as lazy as you. If you listen to Bob Marley & The Wailers – Babylon System (Lyrics on screen) he describes what we are living in which I believe is the original Babylon system.

The Roman empire never fell; it went underground.
Think ROMAN Catholic Church…

It is the same elite bloodline!

Rome never truly fell!
The people with power and money just moved over and created the City of London! The ruins in Rome are more sleight of hand to make us think Rome fell! Corporations still roll up to the Roman Curia to this day! Included USA, Inc. That is what they want!
The powers that be want the USA to be disgruntled citizens. Obama and Others will be celebrating his b-day and watching how us sheep are being ….. sheep!

So many cannot wake up to this madness.
I even thought my conservative Cousin could; but no… For years, we heard Q-Anons tell us “the storm is coming.” I wonder if the storm they were referring to was a wave of unvaccinated people hospitalized and dying of Covid-19. Asking for a friend. Correct and America is in the final stage that all empires
go through – bread and circus.
But this time they have been forced out of the dark and into the light,
we see them and others do too, the great awakening.

Satan hates humans.

Follow the BLOODLINES… Wealth (over generations) buys power.
Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control. More wealth/control
buys countries and its people. Inner TRI families will collapse.

What is the keystone? The STORM is brewing…

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They keep saying trust the plan.

I don’t even know what the plan is and I think 90% of the gung ho Americans don’t either but they’re willing to stand up and go find out getting a little short on patients. They built an empire of humans to provide themselves with the most beautiful of buildings and the freest energy. When we learned they sacrificed us. Yet here we are filled with depravity. What are we doing?

The elimination of private property is the bedrock of socialism/communism,
and one of the stated objectives of Agenda 21.

Like Jesus said. Whose face is that on the coin? Caesar. Then give it to Caesar. Hence the landlord theft by the govt–even though the supreme court said they couldn’t extend the moratorium past 31 July, without congress passing a law. Pay off everything you can now… start with the roof over your head. Biden doesn’t care about the LAW. 🎯⛪📿

Mass legal action needs to be taken by those that own rental properties.
None of this seems constitutional. And, since when does the CDC have the authority to legislate and impose an eviction moratorium, or anything else
for that matter? Nobody cast a vote for theses bureaucrats!


Which is now Agenda 2030 and part of The Great Reset.

Americans do not own any private property.
From the civil war the Lieber code was implemented and never ended .
On April 24, 1863,
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issued “General Orders No. 100 The Lieber Code set out rules during hostilities for Union soldiers during the Civil War. These deadbeats are making bank on unemployment, and the stimulus, to just sit at home (except when they’re looting TVs, Gucci, and sneakers) – yet they still can’t pay rent? Why the welfare state should be eliminated as the illegal
act is: Theft from Peter to give to Paul while calling it ‘charity.’

Stolen land is not your “private property”. “The elimination of private property is the bedrock of socialism/communism.” People don’t understand that HOAs are an important step in moving that direction. Homeowners give up a piece of their ownership to the ‘collective’. Same with public schools, you are giving up ownership of your children. Trump was our firewall. It’s why they hate him and we need him more than ever.

Where’s that written?
Why do you think Blackrock is lining up to buy up homes that people are evicted from because they couldn’t pay rent because their Government locked them down and took their jobs. This was all orchestrated. Could this be why there has recently been such a push toward getting people so interested in “minimalism” as some sort of smart and chic lifestyle?

Your county Commissioners matter…

Might be. They have to sell it to us somehow. Winking face

Yup…push everyone into the cities so they can walk to work, shop etc.
Push people off farms… Info if anyone is interested: Agenda 21 .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (

And a good way to start is to have an unelected health bureaucracy pass a
“law” in defiance of SCOTUS to legalize squatting and force millions of private property owners into foreclosure and bankruptcy, clearing the state (or a corporate proxy) to buy up the properties. This is why the rent memorandum and huge corporations are buying up all available housing. It’s sick. If you don’t know what Agenda 21 is or think it’s a conspiracy theory you can read about it from its source.

Agenda 21 .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform (
Where is the GOP on this? They better start playing offense. They are in on it…almost ALL of them. Can someone remind me how many Blackrock executives are working for the Biden administration?

They don’t want to eliminate private property. They just want to eliminate mass access to ownership. “You will own nothing and be happy” infers that if the masses own nothing then THEY own everything. @REBNY  makes you wonder why some of these groups even bother to exist AND charge fees! Eviction moratorium accomplishing just that.

Many landlords are being forced into foreclosure & big investors buying
them up. People will remember landlords fondly once the bank owns their properties. Orwell’s 1984 was correct about the goals of the Marxist/Big Brother mentality just took longer to end up on the cliff. There has to be a major blowback soon!

Federal property tax is how they will get it all. We must all prepare to
live in non-traditional dwellings to avoid it. The rich own too much to allow themselves to be taxed equally. Be happy to come on your show and give details of what I think is happening. Nobody owns it. Nobody takes care of it. And Nobody gives a damn.

That is correct!!! Landlords will default. Small biz will be defunct.
Blackstone et al will buy it all up. You will not be able to buy anything.
They will price it out of your reach.

Karl Marx: “The theory of communism can be summed up in a single sentence.
The abolition of private property.” World Economic Forum: “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.” “We by no means intend to abolish this personal appropriation of the products of labor, an appropriation is made for the maintenance and reproduction of human life, and that leaves no surplus wherewith to command the labor of others. All that we want to do away with is the miserable character of this appropriation, under which the laborer lives merely to increase capital, and is allowed to live only insofar as the interest of the ruling class requires it.” You’re taking advantage of simple minds.

That pompous state assumes so very much. And it assumes it wrongly.
And it is funny, coming from the richest, and the tyrants of the world; that they think they have the sovereign right to abolish our rights in order to “fix” the problems they themselves perpetuate. “You are horrified at our intention to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths”

Illogical filth. Nowhere near 9/10ths are without ownership. And even if they were, that gives the 0.1/10ths the right to confiscate the remaining 0.9/10ths wealth? It’s just amazing how Americans can believe the opposite of reality.

If you read this, Communist Manifesto (Chapter 2) ( 
you will see how Marx is squarely addressing your concerns.

THE GOLDEN RULE >>> Treat People Like People 
Because They Are People… 

You preach the gospel of greed, but will end up in chains, You’re the one who doesn’t recognize the trail of exploitation has kept your fat arse in the manner accustomed. Spare us, fool. No ideology has led to more corpses being piled up than Marxism. And you have no idea the amount of corpses the rich and the tyrannical will pile up in their quest to confiscate all rights and property.

And they’ll do it with useful idiots like you helping. Bullshit!
Your ideology is centuries old and has killed orders of magnitude more. Every fucking war has been fought as an assertion of capital in one form or another. Can’t believe you lot are so stupid as to believe the ruling class are Marxist.
You bark at it like Pavlov’s dog.
I mean, how can you read the excerpt I provided which is the source of your quote and respond to it like any other devout capitalist while claiming Marxism is the ideology of the ruling class?

Ridiculous. Anyone defending Marxism in 2021 hates knowledge and wisdom. Marxism is a tool the ruling class and foreign dictatorships are using to divide, dumb down, and conquer the west. Our billionaires and government are more allied with Xi Xing Ping and Putin than with you. “Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriations.”
So how are they doing this? If you didn’t have your head up your arse, you’d
get it. And how did that work out for the 100,000,000 dead in the name of
the communist revolution over the past century? And how did that work for
the dictators who led the revolution? Now they have the power to subjugate
the entire world, and worse, make them beg for it like you.

Gulag inmate #1619

I don’t know the specifics, but I’ll hazard a guess.
In Mao’s great leap forward, about 20 million died due to famine.
And this was largely in part because Mao’s red army had slaughtered
countless landowners in the name of communism, to confiscate their property and give it to Mao, or, “the state”. Then the state was in power over the farms, and the working conditions were even worse than when they were privately run. Morale was low. Workers were forced at the red armies’ gunpoint to till the land, with less incentives. They didn’t produce.

List of famines in China – Wikipedia

Greed will exist in Communist America, after the rich and powerful, with the aid of foreign dictators, has plundered the middle class and abolished civil rights. Greed exists in China. It exists in Russia. It exists in Cuba. It exists in you. It exists in me. Yeah, greed exists so let’s have a system that totally encourages it. Look who is celebrated in the US. I’m pretty sure it makes you sick too. Not one of them is a socialist, let alone communist.

Obama is a communist. Every move he makes is too weak and divides the country. He gutted the military of good generals. He worked daily to ensure we were weak militarily. Because he prefers communist China or Russia to the US. His wealth went up about 500,000% since taking office. Today’s he’s worth 70,000,000. The Commie’s paid him well.
Another pompous and thoroughly absurd statement.

Completely Devoid of facts?

Peta Parada, the drummer of Offspring, since 2007.
The band announced had been let go due to his refusal to take any variation of the COVID vaccine. According to Parada, he’s been deemed “unsafe” to be around … 


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That’s COMMUN-ism folks!!


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