
GOD, Family, USA!!! Back the Military and the Blue!!!

Pro Life, 1A, 2A Trump always!!!

MasksOn~MasksOff Mandate/No Mandate Get jabbed it will protect you,
oops. Nope it won’t “Unvaccinated” r “super spreaders” Oops Wrong again, Vaccinated r spreading Covid Let us not forget~Biden said~He will “Unite” America Feelin’ United?


You can trust that you CAN NOT TRUST
the Treasonous Biden Regime!

For anything to exist it has to be created. You, me, the stars and the moon.
(Covid , Pandemic, ATOM BOMB, Evil ). The truth is there are 2 types of beings in nature. 1 is willing to kill for what it wants, or needs.
The other isn’t. Which one are you?
I do want to add that!!!

How do we trust the Biden administration?
Global stakeholders, a.k.a. elites connected to WEF and other worldwide organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), would like to take it upon themselves to “improve the state of the world.” Apparently, WEF and IMF bigwigs do not suffer from humility. This new culture of obey and submission is dangerous! Anyone who speaks freely, says what they think is officially cancelled. What happened to Freedom of Speech?! What happened? People voted for this. Democracy does not work if the population is brain washed and uninformed. Media is in control now. Tyranny is good for business.

Corporatism Bing images is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labor, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests. The term is derived from the Latin corpus, or “human body”.
The hypothesis that society will reach a peak of harmonious functioning
when each of its divisions efficiently performs its designated function.
Such as a body’s organs individually contributing its general health and functionality, lies at the center of corporatist theory. Corporatism does not refer to a political system dominated by large business interests, even though the latter are commonly referred to as “corporations” in modern American legal and pop cultural parlance; instead, the correct term for this theoretical system would be corporatocracy. 

When you live guilty, you’re in agreement with the enemy.
He’s called the accuser. He’ll remind you of every mistake you’ve made for the last twenty years. He’d love for you to go through life feeling wrong about yourself. What he’s trying to do is stunt your growth.
“Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God’s word, and trust the process” ~G. Kent
Be fearless in the pursuit of greatness.

I love summer. I never want the warmth of the days to end. Except for the evil humidity monster of August! August is like the Sunday nights of summer. Nobody wants it to end.

Well me anyway lol! Squinting face with tongueAugust though, that’s The Dog Days of Summer

and it seems to me like it will never end.Rolling on the floor laughingRolling on the floor laughing 

 4 the days seem 2 just go by, & by, & by & 1 day who knows what will happen – wish I did, would make myself a billionaire.. Have a blessed day, & enjoy it while you can/ My favorite part of Summer is mid-to late August.
..we’re getting a break from the heat for a couple of days.
What’s a little 88% humidity between friends without ice cream?
Gonna enjoy these low 80’s for sure.
Although Autumn is my favorite season and I love to see it come in, I always wish Summer would go on just a little bit longer! I hear that. We have like two good months left before it gets bad until near the end of March. 🍁🍂

RoseTwo hearts

Agreed, but a reckoning is coming for these evil doers real soon. 当然,必须!
(Of course it must! )

Name a good reason not to eat Ben & Jerry’s ice cream?

I Don’t buy their overpriced iced cream.


I can name a few. Not AS expensive, as good as store brands.

Ben & Jerry’s gives money to kill babies I don’t want to start an ice cream
war over it so no insults. Ben & Jerry’s lives up to their latest new flavor
called Marxist Mania Melancholy TOO MUCH SUGAR.
That brand uses far too much sugar in their products, almost as-if they’re over-compensating for poor quality ingredients. Also Far Left company principles, legacy former/original proprietors. Commies and their ice cream has glyphosate in it. They discontinued the oatmeal cookie dough which is the best ice cream in history (same bad product). I delivered a truckload of ice cream cartons to their place in Vermont. They were all crushed when the load shifted driving through the winding hills to get there. They said that’s okay, that’s how most of the ice cream containers arrive. Overpriced, over-political, and I don’t need my ice cream to lecture me on anything. Their attempt at cute left wing ice cream names didn’t impress me. “The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.” Actually, I have never tried it. @ILoveBlueBell, @Blue_Bunny and @TillamookDairy are just fine. @BaskinRobbins 
@HaagenDazs_US @TurkeyHillDairy eats Ben & Jerry’s for lunch.…Eyes  

There’s lots of good ice cream companies out there. I’ve never had Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, I always end up choosing something different and not because of the price. I guess I never got sucked in by their marketing. Communism should never be $upported in any way shape or form. The real reason I won’t eat it is that out of all the ice cream companies out there it’s is the highest in calories, fat, and is downright bad for you.

Calories baby. That shit will fatten you.


I still buy their non-dairy option for a family member.
But only when it’s on sale, AND I have a coupon (bringing it to under $2/pint). I never care for their ice cream anyway simply because I never see it in big containers. It’s too expensive and not as good as other brands that also keep their political opinions to themselves… Full retail? Heck no. People are making ice cream for politics now-a-day……Face with rolling eyes The place that taught them how to make ice cream is in my town College Station, PA.

Marxist Companies USA:  Flag of ChinaFlag of RussiaFlag of IranFlag of North KoreaFlag of Cuba

Globalists view these tumultuous times as an opportunity to enact vast public policy changes that would upend the current world order. They are anti semite – They HATE our FRIENDS in Israel and GODs Holy Land! They are entitled to their opinions and customers are entitled to form an opinion about them. Why give them any support since they wanna be politically motivated. Besides being overpriced l, they are stupid woke and should go broke. Overpriced & overrated. Not to mention the ownership is way far left weirdos.

Pick @perrysicecream Soft ice creamNOT @benandjerrys ice cream Skunk

Same reason you shouldn’t drink coke, wear Levi Jeans or Nikes, nor shop at Dicks Sporting goods. That’s just for starters. Someone else please add to the list. Subway. WHATABURGER… pressured by BLM they donated $1 Million to minorities education but didn’t donate to White Appalachian poor’s education.. (wrong race) @Whataburger 

Ya know Coke came out with Orange Fanta to sell to the Nazis so they wouldn’t lose market during WWII…Add converse to that list! Go search out their new ads targeting children.
It’s disgusting! Let me know if you want a link I posted on fb!

It’s disgusting! Similar to the Celine Dion garbage clothing line!

Clueless Biden! Down pointing backhand index He has 12 mansions so he doesn’t care about or relate to the socialist INFLATION NATION the Democrats have created! Inflation is a tax increase on every American. Yet in Ohio last week, President Biden said: “I don’t know anybody … who’s worried about inflation.” Who cares about inflation when China funnels Billions of non taxable $$ to your family. He needs to get a clue. Vote out the Dems! GO TRUMP Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States

The definitive list of left-wing companies that you should boycott.

I’m a Democratic Socialist. But the DSA Has Lost Its Way | Opinion

The USA and the World
The terrible events of September 11, 2001 marked a turning point in the history of the United States and the whole world. Overnight, it became impossible for ordinary US citizens to imagine that what was happening in the outside world was no concern of theirs. A general sense of insecurity and apprehension seized the national psychology. Suddenly, the world became a hostile and dangerous place. Ever since September 11, Americans have been trying to make sense of the kind of world that could produce such horrors.
Many people have been asking themselves: what have we done that there should be such hatred against us? 
Of course, ordinary Americans have done nothing to deserve this kind of thing. And we regard it as a criminal act to kill innocent civilians – of whatever nation – to make a political point. What is not in doubt, however, is that the actions of the United States in the world – its government, its big corporations and its armed forces – have aroused feelings of deep antipathy and resentment, and it would be as well for Americans to try to understand why this is so.
For much of its history, isolationism has played a central role in the politics of the USA. But the fact is that in the modern world no country, no matter how big and powerful, can cut adrift from the rest of the world. Nowadays, the most decisive phenomenon of our times is precisely this: the crushing domination of the world market. It is often known by the latest buzzword, globalization. But in fact it is not new. Already over 150 years ago in that most contemporary of all works, The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels predicted that the capitalist system, beginning as a series of national states, would create a world market.
The participation of the USA in world economy and world politics has grown almost continuously for the last century. 
All attempts to pull America into a state of self-imposed isolation have failed, and will inevitably fail, as George W. Bush has found out very quickly. The United States has inherited the role that was previously held by Great Britain – that of the world’s policeman. But whereas Britain’s dominant role in the world took place at a time when the capitalist system was still in its ascending phase, America now finds itself ruling over a world that is mortally sick. 

The sickness is the product of the fact that capitalism on a world scale is in a state of irreversible decline. This expresses itself in a series of convulsions that are increasingly of a violent character. The terrible cataclysm of September 11 was only one manifestation of this.
Anti-Americanism is, unfortunately, widespread. I say unfortunately because the present writer holds no ill feelings towards the people of the USA or any other country. 
As a Non Marxist, I am opposed to nationalism and chauvinist attitudes that sow hatred and conflicts between different peoples. But that does not mean that one can condone the actions of particular governments, companies and armed forces that are pursuing actions that are harmful to the rest of the world. It just means that it is wrong to confuse the ruling class of any country with the workers and poor people of that country.
The phenomenon of anti-Americanism is strongest in poor countries in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. 
The reasons for this are related to the exploitation of the resources of these countries by voracious US multinational corporations, backed by the US military and the CIA, leading to the impoverishment of their people, the destruction of the environment, the destabilization of their currencies, their economies, and even their governments. Such actions are not designed to promote love and respect for the USA in the world at large.
A couple of years ago The Economist concluded that the prices of raw materials were at their lowest level for 150 years – that is, since records began. The super-exploitation of what is known as the Third World by rapacious corporations is what causes a backlash in Africa, Asia and Latin America which may sometimes take the form of a rejection of all things American, but which is at bottom an expression of anti-imperialism. The best way to put an end to the poverty and starvation in the Third World is to fight for the expropriation of the big corporations that are the enemies of working people everywhere – beginning with the workers of the USA, as we shall show.

Europe and America
Anti-Americanism is not confined to poor countries. Some Europeans have somewhat negative attitudes to America. They resent the subordinate role they have been compelled to accept on the world stage, and they fear the consequences of the colossal economic and military domination of the transatlantic giant. Behind the polite façade of diplomacy between the “allies” lies an uneasy and contradictory relationship, which manifests itself in periodic trade conflicts and diplomatic rows.
On a different level, many Europeans resent what they see as the intrusion of an alien culture, brash and commercialized, which threatens to devalue and undermine their cultural identity. Behind the cultural resentments of the European intellectuals lies a deep-seated feeling of inferiority that seeks to hide behind a kind of cultural snobbishness. This feeling has a material basis, and in fact reflects the real state of affairs.

It is a simple fact that the history of the last hundred years is the history of the decline of Europe and the rise of the USA. As the Russian Revolution Leon Trotsky predicted, the Mediterranean (which in the Latin tongue signifies “the center of the world”) has become an unimportant lake. The center of world history has passed first to the Atlantic and finally to the Pacific – two mighty oceans, straddled by a colossus – the United States. The real relationship between Europe and America is summed up by the relationship between George W. Bush and Tony Blair. It is the relationship between the master and his lackey. And like a good English lackey, Mr. Blair does his level best to imitate the style and manners of his master, notwithstanding which, no one in his right mind can mistake the real relation between the two.
The airs of superiority that until recently were adopted by members of the British Establishment with regard to the values and culture of America.
Are particularly comical. They resemble the airs and graces of the penniless English aristocrats in the 19th century in the presence of the wealthy bourgeois upstarts, a phenomenon well documented in the novels of Jane Austen and others. These airs and graces, of course, did not stop them from marrying off their daughters to the sons of the upstart money-grubbers at the earliest opportunity.

The negative attitude of Europeans towards American culture is the product of a misunderstanding. They are thinking of the made in the USA “cultural exports” that flood the markets of the world with bad music that makes you deaf, overpriced “designer clothes” produced by slave labor in the Third World that makes you indignant and cholesterol-clogged fast food produced by slave labor in the high street that makes you obese. It is the kind of cheap and nasty commercialism that is the hallmark of capitalism in the period of its senile decay. That such monstrosities produce a feeling of revulsion in all thinking and feeling human beings is perfectly natural.
However, the concept of culture, above all in the modern world, is far broader than pop music, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s. It also includes such things as computers, the Internet, and many other aspects of science and technology.
On this level, it is impossible to deny the impressive achievements of the USA. Moreover, it is precisely these scientific advances that are laying the foundations for an unprecedented cultural revolution, once they are correctly harnessed by a planned socialist economy on a world scale.
The present writer has no time for crude anti-Americanism. I am profoundly convinced that the colossal potential of the United States is destined to play a decisive role in the future socialist world order. But it must also be admitted that at the present moment in world history, the role of the USA on a world scale does not reflect its real potential for good, but only the rapacious greed of the big multinational companies that own America and control its actions in their own selfish interests. This author is a fervent admirer of the real America, and an implacable opponent of the other America, the America of the big banks and monopolies, the enemy of freedom and progress everywhere.
In order to understand the ideas of Marxism,
it is first necessary to approach them without prejudice. 

An un-American idea?
This is difficult, because until now, the great majority of Americans have only heard of Marxism in connection with that monstrous caricature that was Stalinist Russia. Marxism (“communism”) is therefore associated in the minds of many people with an alien regime, a totalitarian state where the lives of men and women are dominated by an all-powerful bureaucracy, and where individual initiative and freedom are stifled and negated. The collapse of the USSR apparently proves the inadequacy of socialism, and the superiority of the free market economy. What more needs to be said?
Well, there is a great deal more to be said. The monstrous bureaucratic regime of the USSR had nothing to do with the ideas of Marx and Lenin, who advocated a democratic socialist society, where men and women would be free to determine their own lives, in a way that they do not do in the USA or any other country today. This subject was very well explained in a marvelous book written by my friend and life-long comrade Ted Grant (Russia, from Revolution to Counter-Revolution).
The fall of Stalinism in Russia did not signify the failure of socialism, but only a bureaucratic caricature thereof. It certainly did not signify the end of Marxism, which today is more relevant than ever before. It is my contention that only Marxism, with its scientific methodology, can furnish us with the necessary analytical tools whereby we can understand the processes that are unfolding on a world scale – and in the USA.
Whatever one thinks about Marxism, it has clearly had an enormous impact on the whole course of human history. 

image.pngToday it is impossible for any man or woman to claim to be properly educated.

Unless they have taken the trouble to understand at least the basic ideas of Marxism. This goes as much for those who are opposed to socialism as those who are for it. 
A serious barrier that confronts the American reader who approaches Marxism is the thought that this is a foreign import that has no place in the history, culture and traditions of the United States. 

Although the infamous House Un-American Activities Committee and the late Senator Joseph McCarthy are now bad memories of the past, yet the psychological legacy remains, that “communism and revolution are not for us”. Actually, this is a serious misunderstanding of American history, which is not difficult to dispel. In fact, communism has far more ancient roots in America than capitalism. The latter has only existed for less than two centuries. 
But long before the first Europeans set foot on the soil of the New World (as they called it), Native Americans had been living in a communist society for thousands of years. 

The Native Americans did not understand private property (at least, not in our modern sense of the word). The state and money did not exist. There were neither police nor prisons. The idea of wage labor and capital was so alien to them that they could never be properly integrated in the new capitalist society that destroyed their old way of life, expropriated their ancestral common lands and reduced them to an appalling state of misery and degradation – all in the name of Christian civilization.
This new way of life called capitalism, with its greed, absence of solidarity, and morality of the jungle – was really an alien system, imported from foreign lands. It can be argued – quite correctly – that this is precisely what made possible the opening up of America, the colossal development of industry, agriculture, science and technology that have made the USA into the greatest economic power the world has ever seen. And since Marxism maintains that the key to all human progress lies in the development of the productive sources, this represents progress on a gigantic scale.

Indeed, that is true. But there has been a price to pay for the progress that results from the anarchy of capitalism and the blind play of market forces. With the passing of time, an increasing number of people – not necessarily socialists – are becoming aware of the threat posed to the human species by the systematic destruction of the environment – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. This apprehension is not lessened, but rather increased, by the remarkable progress of science and technology, which have advanced far more rapidly in the USA than in any other country in the world.
Before the white man came, America was a land of unspoiled prairies, pristine forests and crystalline cascades and lakes. It was a land in which men and women could breathe freely. To the original inhabitants of America, the land was sacred and nature was respected. But the big companies that now dominate America have no concern for the environment – our common heritage. All is reduced to a question of profit for a few (a concept the Native Americans would have found incomprehensible). 
The advent of genetically modified crops undoubtedly contains the potential for important advances, but under the present system poses a deadly threat to the future of humanity. 
There was a time when films about the “Wild West” inevitably presented Native Americans as bloodthirsty savages, and the white men as the bearers of civilization, destined to take over their lands and consign them to reservations where they would learn the benefits of Christian charity. Nowadays, this is no longer considered acceptable. 

Native Americans are presented in a more positive light. Yet in practice, the average American knows little about their culture and way of life.

Actually, the man who did more than anyone else to write about the society and civilization of these peoples was the great American anthropologist, Lewis Henry Morgan. His famous book Ancient Society represented a revolutionary new departure in the study of anthropology and ancient history. He gave the first scientific explanation of the gens or clan as the basic unit of human society in prehistory:
“The simplest and lowest form of the council was that of the gens. It was a democratic assembly because every adult male and female member had a voice upon all questions brought before it. It elected and deposed its sachem and chiefs, it elected Keepers of the Faith, it condoned or avenged the murder of a gentiles, and it adopted persons into the gens. […]
“All the members of an Iroquois gens were personally free, and they were bound to defend each other’s freedom; they were equal in privileges and in personal rights, the sachem and chiefs claiming no superiority, and they were a brotherhood bound together by ties of kin. Liberty, equality and fraternity, though never formulated, were cardinal principles of the gens.” (Ancient Society, p. 85.)

And again:
“A powerful popular element pervaded the whole organization and influenced its action. It is seen in the right of the gentes to elect and depose their sachems and chiefs, in the right of the people to be heard in council through orators of their own selection, and in the voluntary system in the military service. In this and the next succeeding ethical period democratic principles were the vital element of gentile society.” (Ancient Society, p. 144.)

 In Defiance of Marxism (  Ugh 😷


Obama DEFIES CDC guidance by inviting 500 people to his celebrity-studded 60th birthday party at his $12m mansion on Martha’s Vineyard: Pearl Jam will perform and guests including Steven Spielberg will be served by 200 staff.

Map Shows Areas Of Potential Election Fraud In Every State – Whatfinger News’ General Dispatch

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