Understanding — the Will 0f GOD

You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
—Psalm 139:13–14
In today’s world ~ with Arrogance & Corruption ruining the very fabric of our society and Greed being the root of all evil. It’s getting harder and harder to earn a living and support ourselves with fewer good paying jobs and corporations not caring —  if we live or die or can put food on the table for our families.  Many are questioning ~ GOD’s whereabouts ~ with my feeling being why do people treat other people the way they do. 
And why don’t we solve the basic root cause of our Health Care Whoa which is the escalating cost of doing business and causing economic strife.

All the while damaging our future outlook on life in The United States …
My father was WWII and when he got home drove a truck down the back roads
(prior to interstates) of our fine country (without power steering) witnessing true hard times
of the late 40’s early to mid 50s in this country. As he once told me,  when this country came out of those
harsh times …. was when people stopped blaming the higher being or government and started taking personal responsibility for their actions and started seeing the Relevance of the Golden Rule.
Which is the principle of treating others as though you want to be treated.
It’s the deeply held belief and maxim that is found in many religions and cultures.
As it can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions,
although different religions treat it differently. 

Fear not Him who can kill the body, but fear Him who can cast thy soul to hell.

Why Take This Inner Journey?
 We all feel stress from a fast-paced, over-stimulated world. We all spend a lot of time thinking
about where we are going and what to do next—so much that we are rarely present to ourselves.
This can make us feel disconnected, unsure, and imbalanced. 

Balance: the body in perfect harmony...
Your mind, body, and spirit are in perfect harmony Your mind, body, and spirit have achieved
 perfect balance! This is one of the most rare outcomes from our studies, but it indicates that you have the perfect combination of rational thinking, good instincts, and sound morals.

How does God speak to Christians today?
Before I answer that question, we need to define what we mean by the will of God. 
Throughout the Old and the New Testaments,
the phrase the Will of God is used in three distinct ways.
Sometimes the will of God refers to God’s providential will. God’s providential will is that secret plan
by which He governs everything that happens in the universe. Ephesians 1:9–10 says,
“He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed
in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times.”
Before the foundation of the world God’s plan was to send Christ to die for us,
but in later times He revealed to us this mystery. And notice that there’s only one will.
God doesn’t have multiple wills. Contrary to what you may have heard,
God doesn’t have a perfect will and also a permissive will. 
Some people say God’s perfect will is what He wishes would happen, however,  God’s permissive will is what actually happens. Do you believe in a God who is so impotent He can’t achieve His own purposes?
The fact is, God has only one plan that He formulated before the foundation of the world.
And God’s plan was big enough that it encompassed the sin of Satan, the fall of Adam and Eve,
Israel’s disobedience, and even the crucifixion of His own Son.
God has a plan by which He governs everything that happens in the universe.

The Will of God also refers to God’s “preceptive” plan. 
This is the part of God’s will that can be understood from the precepts, or teachings, in Scripture. Most of what we need to know about God’s will has already been revealed in Scripture. For example, in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Paul says, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality.”
It’s very clear. God wants you to abstain from premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexual sex, pornography.
Or maybe somebody comes to you and says, “I’m trying to get on my feet financially, but I need some help.
The bank says they won’t loan me any money unless you cosign this loan for me.”
Do you need to pray about that?
No. God already has said what His will is about co signing a note. 
Proverbs 17:18 says, “A man lacking in sense pledges and becomes guarantor in the presence of his neighbor.” Don’t cosign a loan. If you want to give someone money, fine. But don’t cosign a note.
God’s “preceptive” will is that part of God’s will that is clearly defined in Scripture.

The third use of the will of God refers to God’s personal plan for our lives. Does God have a blueprint that governs every part of your life? Of course He does. How do I know that? Psalm 139:13–14 says, “You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” The psalmist said, when you were in your mother’s womb, God wove every detail of your life. The color of your hair and eyes. Your personality. Your DNA. Everything about you is according to God’s plan.
Think about all the details God had to orchestrate to get your father and mother together at just the right time. 
He had to make sure they were born in the right generation. He had to make sure they came into contact with one another. He had to preside over thousands of details to bring your father and mother together at just the right time to produce you. Yes, God has an expiration date stamped in our DNA blueprint, a plan, for your life and that ought to give you great assurance. What puzzles me is why are people so resistant to good news?
The type of news you would think would be accepted gladly but Nope, the info is censored
with only a few wanting to hear it all the while the silent majority just sticking their
heads into sand. Indeed, this is a magical alignment.

Wellness of The Mind…

The Healing Power of the Mind and Visualization.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Our  belief system is based upon the accumulation of verbal and non verbal suggestions that have been gathered throughout our life experience. Through patterns of repetition and its associated rewards and punishment we learn to create our own perception of reality.
  In essence, we therefore become what we think. In healing, repetitive use of positive visualization allows access to the mind and body connection. This lets the mind and body work together which allows the healing process of the  body on a physical level.

What is the mind & body connection? And how does it work?
When we have an emotion, it generates a feeling that turns into a  physical sensation. For example; You are watching a horror movie, you feel frightened and then get a chill up your spine. In this case  you were getting a negative suggestion through your sensory perception (sight & sound) that produced an emotion of fear which turned into the physical sensation of chills up your spine. Visualization uses positive images to produce positive emotions that manifest into positive physical sensations in the body.

Simple, but how does it work?
Can what we think actually have  an effect on healing?  Bodies do  react to the thoughts you make.
Our psychological emotional state affects the endocrine  system.  For example, the emotion of fear is
related-to-adrenaline.  If no feeling or fear exists there is no adrenaline and the same applies in reverse – 
no adrenaline nor fear.  They work in relationship to each other.
Wherever a thought goes there is a body chemical reaction.
The  hypothalamus, the emotional center of the brain, transforms emotions into physical response.  
The receptor of neuropeptides, the hypothalamus also controls the body’s  appetite, blood sugar levels, body temperature, adrenal and pituitary glands,  heart,  lungs,  digestive and circulatory systems.  Neuropeptides,
the chemicals messenger hormones, carry emotions back and forth between the mind and the body.
They link perception in the brain to the body via organs, hormones and cellular activity.
Neuropeptides influences every major section of the immune system,
so the body and mind do work together as one unit.
The brain is divided into two sides: Left side is the logical side (words, logic, rational thought)
Right side is the creative side (imagination and intuition). Day – to – Day circumstances usually are met in a logical left brain mode, however by yielding to the right, creative side of the brain we actually restore balance in the brain. This allows access to the mind body connection to achieve what you want. The right side of the brain automatically steers you to your goal. It totally accepts what you want to accomplish without giving an opinion and acts upon it without judgement. That is why visualization targets the right, creative side of the brain and not the left logical side.

Positive thought is essential to producing positive results. Negative thought and emotions lower the immune system, while positive thoughts and emotions actually boost the immune  system. To maximize success of visualization, as a support to the healing process, with the following suggestion being offered:

1.  Defining your Specific Intentions:
Visualization puts your intention of what you want to work. The more specific the intention, the more specific the results. Remember whatever you believe is what your body will do. So when you are thinking of your intention make sure it is:
.  Clear
.  Specific
.  Achievable
.  You feel, know and trust it is being accomplished.

2.  Take Responsibility
Trying to do visualization without taking responsibility, will prove to be futile experience. To accomplish what you want you must take action. Visualization usually takes about six weeks to work. It is done once in the morning and before bedtime.  Some people do see or feel  results the very first time, but remember everyone’s body and mind is different and so is the way they process information, so have  patience with  yourself.  
To take responsibility is to:
.  Be accountable to and for yourself.
.  Make a commitment
.  Do Visualization regularly.
.  Be persistent and Patient.
.  Keep positive.

3.   Get Mentally Relaxed:
A relaxed state allows you direct access to your subconscious mind.  Here are some tips to help you relax.
.   Find a quiet place.  Relax in a favorite chair or lie down.
.   Get comfortable and lose clothing.
.   Uncross your arms and legs
.   Get centered by focusing on the breath and breathing.
This activates the vagus nerve which is the major quieting nerve in the body.

4.  Visualize:
.   Think of or speak your intention out loud.
.   Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the healing process or as you want to be.
.   Watch as your body heals you.
.   Feel the healing taking place.
.   Know the healing is being accomplished.
If you have difficulty you may want to try one or more of these methods.
.  Use creative imagery like seeing the cells in your body healing  you.
Your immune system fighting off invaders, your pain being taken away by healing mud
.  Imagine yourself in a very beautiful place, whole, healthy, and happy.
.  Try reading scripts from a visualization or self hypnosis book.

Heart and Soul: Wellness for the Mind and Body Do you want to maintain wellness to the best of
your ability over your lifetime? Then you must consider every aspect of your health—body, mind and spirit—and make choices that increase your chances of wellness. The total package Try to see yourself as a complex being where your thoughts, emotions and body, down to your very cells, which work together to form
your unique picture of wellness. 
You’re bound to know firsthand how a disturbing thought can make your heart race or how
lack of sleep can make you feel blue. Attending to the health of all systems is necessary for optimum wellness.
No one gets a guarantee against cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.
 But by taking the best possible care of your body, you can reduce the risk of some diseases and
strengthen it to fight against others. Establish a regular relationship with your doctor.
He can assess your medical history, tell you what preventive screenings you need and when and
suggest ways to manage any chronic conditions you might have.

You should also tell your doctor all of your health concerns. 
Also be sure to: 
• Eat right—Follow the USDA Food Guide Pyramid or the Mediterranean Pyramid. 
• Drink plenty of water. 
• Maintain a healthy weight—Consult your doctor for your recommended weight.
• Exercise regularly—with aerobic activity, strength training and stretching.
Research shows 150 hours of exercise a week promotes longevity.
• Get sufficient sleep—Most people need six to eight hours each day. 
• Relax—Teach your body to breathe deeply and loosen your muscles daily. 
Those are the basics, but you might also need to make some important changes such as these: 
• Limit your alcohol use. • Use caffeine products moderately. • Quit smoking.
• Give up recreational drug use. 

It’s possible to get perfect scores at the doctor’s office and strive to take good care of your body,
only to feel less than well. Why is this?
Perhaps you are neglecting the needs of another important health component—your mind.
Is it running faster than you are or bogged down with negative attitudes? Maybe it’s overwhelmed by the amount of “no-fun” tasks you pile onto it daily, with no breaks for playing, leisure, hobbies, etc.
Notice your thoughts: What is the overall tone of your thinking — is it negative or positive?

 Looking on the bright side improves your total health. 
You can also nurture your mind with
• Stress management — Learn how to let go of worry and literally let go of excess work. 
• Continual learning—Exercise your brain by taking a new class or learning
new skills or hobbies. 
• Play—Feed your mind daily doses of humor, recreation and special interests. 
• Social support—Regular time with friends is vital to your health. If your thoughts remain negative no matter what you do or if you notice confusion, persistent memory problems or anything else that seems out of the ordinary, consult your doctor. You might need his intervention to help restore your mind’s health.
The spirit Dr. Edmund Bourne, author of The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook,
asserts that everyone needs to develop “meaning, purpose and spirituality” for complete wellness.
You can set realistic goals for yourself to foster your need for purpose. 
The question of “meaning” might involve taking an honest look at
what you are doing in your life to find satisfaction.

You could: 
• Write a personal mission statement. 
• Keep a journal and record your values, goals and dreams of the future.
• Brainstorm ways you can help others or make a difference in your community.
What does it mean to have spiritual needs? 
You surely recognize your desire to love and be loved.
That’s the foundation of your greatest spiritual need. 
You also need to feel secure, protected, hopeful and trusting—
needs that inspire many to seek out a “higher being.” 
Whether or not you believe in such a power, you might try some of
these suggestions to nurture your spirit: 
• Build a time of “stillness” into each day, free from distractions, interruptions, etc. 
• Forgive—Bitterness and resentment destroy your health. 
• Nurture your self-esteem. 
• Accept change and your inability to control all things. 
• Explore local places of worship.
• Pray.
• Read: Aging Well: The Complete Guide to Physical and Emotional Health by Jeanne Y. Wei.
John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2000. Healthfinder www.healthfinder.gov 

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