Hippocrates made this famous statement over two thousand years ago. And the more we learn with our modern scientific tools today. The more we realize just how correct Hippocrates was right. With 90% of all are cells and genetic material of the human body belonging to the gut flora. With a mixture of various microbes living inside our digestive tract.
Maybe we should be more cognate to the invading bacteria, parasites, and worms that can invade us from Marnie’s Corner. How to decipher Mind over Medicine, first and foremost one must understand how the digestive system effects mind health. When Hippocrates made his startling revelation disease starts from the gut.
When putting a pen name to this disease, one must not look no further than the dis -ease of the human body. Basically what one must understand is how much our food supply has changed over the last 100 years. Its grain fed beef that consumes hormones to make them healthy and antibiotics that affects the body and ruins our immune system.
Also when you give it an once over, our diets don’t allow our bodies to absorb the protein, vitamin and minerals it once did. With GMOs and those nasty preservatives and additives we keep reading about, its no wonder the gluten sensitivities control our minds and damage our bodies even further. A stated fact within two generations at this present rate, men will become sterile and women will have a hard time taking pregnancy to term.
“You could also ask who’s in charge. Lots of people think, well, we’re humans; we’re the most intelligent and accomplished species; we’re in charge. Bacteria may have a different outlook: more bacteria live and work in one linear centimeter of your lower colon than all the humans who have ever lived. That’s what’s going on in your digestive tract right now. Are we in charge, or are we simply hosts for bacteria? It all depends on your outlook.”
“Molecular biology has shown that even the simplest of all living systems on the earth today, bacteria l cells, are exceedingly complex objects. Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, weighing less than 10-12 gms, each is in effect a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of these exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the nonliving world.”
― Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis —
Given these thoughts: how does our food supply effect our mindset and gut flora. When you look at gut flora, its worth mentioning the importance of increasing microbes, the bad microbes overtaking the good ones that also influence our immune system. One must also realize the fermentation of raw foods (vegetables, fruits and yogurt, kefir and kombucha) that fights off the bad bacteria that is constantly working against us.
A prime example in my life is an event that unfolded when my mother in law had Alzheimers. I suggested to my sister in law who was taking care of her to start with a couple teaspoons of coconut oil a day while working up to six tablespoon a day. As I noticed startling things happening within just a few weeks, my mother in law changed from being very uncommunicative sitting alone in her room.
To acting alive again and dancing to Dean Martin music which she liked. Whereas the brain is made up of 70% cholesterol, it must have fat to do all the complex procedures for the human body to function properly. Also with the Ketogenic Diet which Elaine Cantin wrote about in her book explaining the importance of consuming good fat…. for a leaner body, stronger mind and spirit.
As we age we gain a lot of wear and tear with pain. Turmeric which you can take by the bucket full all day long. However, it won’t do anything for you unless you combine it with a lipid. It must be encapsulated in a fat like coconut oil or raw milk to give it efficacy ( if you put it in organic black pepper it will bee 1000% more effective.) Also consider this recipe for MRSA which is something that doesn’t ease up much with antibiotics.
When you combine turmeric, coconut oil and black pepper capsules, and take six capsules 3 times a day for 2 days on the 3rd day your MRSA will be gone completely. These are striking examples, how your diet can help you or harm you and if you don’t get good fat and he right foods (meaning if your grandmother wouldn’t recognize it as food…. be conscience and don’t eat it!!) Thanks Monica Bortolotti Swift for your contribution to this blog