Michelle Migneault Micket

Michelle Migneault Micket is  feeling hopeless in Charleston, SC.

Moderator · October 7, 2024 · 

So, is THIS what finding a local Lyme Literate doctor is all about?? See new patient outline/pricing below. This wouldn’t even include testing/meds and no assistance whatsoever with insurance paperwork.

***Our practice is dedicated to a natural approach that requires tracing back to the root cause. Thus, we often address polypharmacy to ensure the safety and care of each patient. Please access Dr. S’s blog for additional health information: xxx

Below will be all necessary documents for patient onboarding. We ask that you review and sign each document attentively. These documents will need to be uploaded to your chart upon scheduling.

  • Each patient will pay a non-refundable deposit of $195 per visit that is deducted from the visit total.
  • We do not accept insurance. Your insurance may cover any labs necessary for your second follow up visit and so forth, but it will not cover the fee(s) for the visit.


As of April 2024, we are a non-profit organization. This is a private practice accepting patients as members only. If you would like to schedule with us, we ask that you please review and sign our private membership form. This PMA does NOT require any payment.

As of October 2024, our practice is now protected through The Body Healthcare Private Membership Association. This is Christian based, however, we are not imposing our religion onto patients– meaning that The Body Healthcare believes in Christianity but you do not have to in order to become a member. This protects our out of state patients, our in-state patients and our practitioners from medical tyranny that would prevent you from receiving care from our functional medicine practitioners.

In which case, we ask that you review and sign The Body Healthcare PMA so we are able to treat you as our patient. There is a $10 monthly membership fee through The Body and a member from The Body Healthcare will initiate contact to discuss payment options upon receiving your signed document (listed below).

  1. PMA/Deposit/Cancellation/Short Intake/Medicare Opt-Out will all be included in this link, please review and sign:xxxxxx

Pricing & Scheduling:

Visit costs will depend on the complexity of the patient per the provider. Each provider is well-versed under the advisory and training of Dr. S. The first visit is frequently scheduled with a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. If the patient has multiple significant health concerns/conditions, they would be scheduled with Dr. S.

During your initial visit, you will be discussing your lifestyle, medications/supplements, wellness habits, allergies, acute or chronic illnesses, etc. Thus, the visit may be an hour long. The initial visit (depending on the complexity of the health concern) will be either $435 or $491. If the initial visit is to be scheduled with Dr. S, it will be $1,000.

After your first appointment, your provider will tailor a lab order according to your lifestyle to source the root cause of your health concern/condition or even to benefit your wellness plan. A follow-up visit is necessary to review your labs and/or adjust the care plan your provider will have given you via FullScript. The cost of a follow-up visit will be either $435 or $491. If you are to follow up with Dr. S, it will be $543 or $648.

Upon scheduling any appointment, you will pay a $195 non-refundable deposit that is deducted from the visit total (listed above) that is due on the date of the appointment.

Brittany Landers

Uh yes this is why it’s difficult to diagnose let alone fully treat the complexities of Lyme, chronic illnesses, etc.

I was able to get diagnosed for $650, add’l labs cost me $2700. Then I was told to treat it all would cost me $600 PER VISIT 1-2x/wk., hundreds of $$ for supplements monthly, and $275×2-3 ozone treatments per week for 3-6 months to put just my Lyme into remission.

Not to mention add’l mold toxicity, MCAS, pots, EBV, etc. I have yet to be able to afford anything other than bare minimum labs, the occasional doc app & a few supplements. I will die before ever being able to be properly treated because I can’t afford it.

Michelle Migneault Micket



I can only imagine what this doctor would prescribe for nutraceuticals, herbs, RX, especially if he does his own commerce. This is exactly why I’ve been self treating (Buhner Protocol) after a positive tick panel from Vibrant 2.0. I’m just waiting for some recent bloodwork results to make sure I’m not creating any harmful issues. I had decided that if any of my blood work was way off that it might be time to see a specialist, but I highly doubt I will do that now.

April Reese Dyer

In Alabama there is a Lyme literate provider that is also well versed in how Covid has complicated things as well as discovering some vein compression issues that have been a barrier for Lyme patients to hit remission. The way the pricing and appts are set up is very affordable compared to going to the various different doctors we all have to go to before getting in with a knowledge provider.

The appts are out of pocket and the first one is always the most expensive because it is an incredibly detailed appt with prep work put in before the appt as well. Then follow ups go down from there. They always give you the codes so you can file them yourself on insurance if you would like too. No expensive specialty testing is run. They try to keep all labs and testing with labs that will be covered by insurance.

Also, the only supplements recommended are one tailored specifically for you and kept at a manageable level where you do not go broke or get terrible pill fatigue. They try to keep things as economical is they possibly can. People sometimes shy away with the initial visit cost but the amount of work the provider puts in before hand then the amount of time they take in the room and then also fielding any incoming triage messages etc. takes a lot of time.

When it is breaking down amount per hour of work, they make is not much, but their goal is to get patients better because they could make ten times more working at a urgent care or hospital and not have the high stakes that comes along with being a Lyme provider. Now that being said I can only attest to the place I go and how they are set up and do things to try and keep things economical as possible MedRenew Clinic Homeopathic. Looking for successes and information. TY

Restorative health clinic in Portland OR.

Or Restore bio clinic in Utah. Both are amazing

Jennifer Yatzeck

I had success working with a homeopath and DesBio remedies. If you’d like her info, message me. She can help remotely.

Kristina Petterson  · 


I am an integrative Lyme coach and primarily use Desbio homeopathics. You can check out more of my information here:


Thank you for recommending Des bio, I am a Lyme coach and primarily use their remedies. 

If you need a great homeopath. I would highly recommend Brenda Tobin at wellness matters

The Homeopathic Treatment of Lyme Disease: Alex, Peter, Gray, Bill, Richter, Matthias, Timmerman, Alize, Vermeulen, Frans: 9789076189680: Amazon.com: Books

Heather Smith

I’m a homeopath and after having Lyme myself and using mainly homeopathy I specialise in treating it. Happy to answer any questions 😊   

I would like to try Cistus Incanus tea. Any recommended resources?

Here’s where you can purchase it… https://lymerecoveryclinic.com/product/cistus-tea-100g/
Cristine Joan Emerson I agree. I’ve experimented with other brands, but this seems to be the best. I’ve also experimented with different uses of tea… I don’t just drink it 🙂 Check it out:  https://lymerecoveryclinic.com/cistus-tea-enemas/

Can someone help with the recommended dosage of EGCG? TY

In Buhner’s book 800mg a day.


It is not my intention to scare anyone but only advice.

I had been researching protocols for quite some time before I dove in. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1989 and a very wise doctor. a friend suggested perhaps I had chronic Lyme. I finally started an herbal protocol without being tested… What could it hurt? I started slowly for 3-4 months and then stepped up the herbals to the recommended amount.

Started severe herx and after 6 weeks of building this rash over 85% of my body, I landed at the ER. My point? Herbal protocol for Lyme is VERY similar to herbal protocol for other internal parasites…had no idea what was lurking inside me 🙁 #Herxtothemax #flukecity

Michelle Migneault Micket
Heather Sklar Sunderland · How did they treat you for mold? I’ve read activated charcoal and bentonite clay

Heather Sklar Sunderland
Michelle Migneault Micket nourished, alkalized, opened detox pathways, gently detoxed using g a regenerative nutrition protocol. When I needed binders I used Cell core binders. I also addressed parasites, viruses, bacterial load, restored my gut and addressed other toxins. Sadly you have to address all of it not just the mold. There is more to healing outside of binders

Michelle Migneault Micket
Heather Sklar Sunderland Yes, I understand. I started with a cleanse based on Parafy Herbal Protocol – Search and thought I was doing everything you outlined until it blew up in my face. Did you follow any specific protocol or practitioner? Still researching but I plan to start back carefully with Buhner Protocol.

Heather Sklar Sunderland
Michelle Migneault Micket I am a practitioner.

Ilze Ziverte

Michelle Migneault Micket yes it can be so… but also I feel the difference between cat’s claw supplements… and others also. I recuse antibiotic treatment in November for 20days, when I started-

First 2days felt ok, then on 3rd day I thought that I have heart attack… then slowly continued since doctor suggested to take off natural supplements, then only after i finished antibiotics continued herbs – cat’s claw, olive extract, curcumin, Boswellia, ashwagandha… then within 2 weeks got sick, 3 days high T and after that rush on all my skin, was red for 3 days, then it went away… also was on strict diet… then approx. 3-4 month felt better went of strict diet, changed supplements brand… had high stras period and unfortunately pains came back:(., then started again with herbs, but did not feel better- now I am little stuck-

Doctors in Latvia have very different opinions why to do with me. I can not test for Bartonella, Anaplasmosis, Riketich in Latvia – doctors over and over repeat that humans do not get it just animals

Michelle Migneault Micket



Ilze Ziverte I originally started an herbal cleanse protocol very similar to Rogershood Parafy – Search (what could it hurt?) I had started to suspect Lyme and many people with Lyme have parasite co-infections. Also was taking some of the supplements (coincidently) listed in the Buhner. Had no idea I was loaded with fluke parasites or had Lyme with co-infections. I herxed badly and now realize that terrible rash might have been an allergy to Cats Claw (still testing the other things I was taking) I now realize I need to go much more slowly and carefully…I’m carrying too much of a toxic load to be aggressive.

Michelle Migneault Micket



Ilze Ziverte Some say the testing is so flawed that it’s best to just treat the clinical symptoms. I will be starting back with a protocol outlined in this book-Healing Lyme: Natural Healing of Lyme Borreliosis and the Coinfections Chlamydia and Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis, 2nd Edition Paperback – December 7, 2015 by Stephen Harrod Buhner (Author)

Ledum for tick bite. Oil on bite or homeopathic oral?

Mandy Fitton

I find Ledum very effective for all new bites, Mozzie, Midgie or tick.

I use 4x 4×4 protocol.

4 drops 4 times a day for 4 days, then 3 drops 3x a day for 3 days, 2 drops, 2 x a day for 2 days, 1 drop the next day, then the same with the Ledum.

You can apply to bites that way too.

It is acute protocol for Homeopathic remedies unless it specifies differently.

If I start with Apis 5 days, I then follow up with Ledum (Ledum is antidote for Apis, so I don’t use together)

Need something topical for pain relief🥺

I use my Rife machine on troublesome spots.  I find best results with applying castor oil to my skin. if you add frankincense and myrrh essential oil (can buy the blend instead of separately) to the castor oil you’ll feel the heat absorb deep down. Very soothing along with pain relief. 

Frankincense and myrrh also reduce inflammation. When I looked up the benefits again, I read these 2 complement the other. I haven’t taken frankincense orally but others that have swear by it. Place a cotton cloth over it. Then apply heat to the cloth. I use a heating pad. I use the over-the-counter Lidocaine Patches when the weather is especially rainy from Salonpas.

Magnesium cream, CBD cream, or Kanjo mentholated gel.  Cryoderm. Not Bio freeze.

It has arnica and Boswellia in it and lasts for quite awhile.

Doesn’t smell great, menthol smell but works.

I use the spray and sometimes have to spray almost my entire body. Smell does fade.🌻

Arnica Balm! This small company in NY makes some amazing stuff!

Jodi Yu

I use CBD cream, you want a minimum 1,000 mg. I always buy brands that have zero THC because I don’t like THC’s side effects. You can find these creams in health food stores. The brand I currently use is called “+PlusCBD” but there are others

DMSO Is Good For Some People – But :

Just A Caution :

Some People Cannot Tolerate Sulfur Compounds – NAC/Glutathione/Methione/Alpha Lipoic Acid/DMSO/Sulfur Based Antibiotics/Medications

High Sulfur Foods – Broccoli/Cauliflower/Brussel Sprouts/Cabbage/Maybe Kale/Garlic/Onions Etc.

Google/Search For More Information

Anyone using acupuncture for recovery? Would love some feedback, TY!

Megan Elizabeth Doty LAc  · 


Yes! It’s what keeps me going. When I don’t have treatment at least 3 times a month, I notice a decline and feel so much better if I’m regularly receiving acupuncture treatments.

Kate Sherbine

Yes, I go twice a week. My Anthem insurance covers it. Helps with feet numbness, migraines and my back pain

Leslie Regis

Yes, it has helped tremendously with pain, fatigue and cognition. I can’t afford to go as much as I’d like, and of course, insurance doesn’t cover the costs.

Susan Ann

I did!!! It was the best thing I did. However, I started when I was in remission. Highly recommend it!! Another, however, found an MD who is Chinese medicine trained. Someone who has meditation music, soft lights, the whole package! I went to a pain clinic at first for acupuncture. It was a waste of time and money. But I highly recommended a real acupuncturist!!!!!

Michelle Migneault Micket



Made the plunge! Although my practitioner not knowingly has treated anyone with chronic Lyme, I sensed on our phone consultation he seemingly understood. It was comforting when he said we must start slow, so as not to trigger unwanted reactions. We started today with 30 minutes lying on my back with a needle between my eyes, one on each hand and one on each foot.

He placed a damp towel underneath my neck and my feet that had some kind of electric “wave” attached, although I didn’t feel a thing. I can’t say I feel any improvement yet, but I did come home and was able to nap without being woken by the usual back pain. I will be going back again in one week.

Looking for a recommendation for an air cleaner/purifier. TY

Elle Aldrich

I have a Blue Air II purifier and it’s awesome.

Nancy Sarkis Corcoran

I have IQ Air purifiers. They are pricey but great.

Patricia Martel McBride

I just bought an Itellipure with DFS (disinfecting filtration system.)

Molly Davidson

I bought the Air Doctors, and I love mine. We also have Medify but like Air Doctor more.

Michelle Migneault Micket



I have a 500 square ft gym that was built-out under my stilt house. It started getting minor black mold on the hardi board walls before the A/C was in place. It was remediated but continued to have high humidity for some time. I am very sensitive to mold and swear I smell it.

I set up an herbal infuser and running anti-fungal oils. The room has not been tested for mycotoxins and I have not personally either. I’m not getting the severe headaches/symptoms, but I need to try something as a last-ditch effort. I’ve asked people if they smell mold, and they say it just smells like the rubber flooring.

There is a concrete slab as flooring but for lack of a better term, it smells “earthy” It’s a great space with a Stotts Pilates reformer, full body Red Light panels, pro stretching table, etc. It’s instrumental to my recovery but I may not be able to use it. I’ve thought about setting off a bomb but I understand there is a residue that gets left behind that may harm the equipment?

Michelle Migneault Micket

Chronic LYME: It’s A Thing

Moderator  · October 16, 2024  · 

Decided to try and get some exercise done before noon because normally my day is all downhill after that. Already had a handful of 30-minute treadmill sessions under my belt. First time I wore leggings instead of shorts, and within 20 minutes, I started having a severe histamine reaction on my feet and legs. Tried to work through it but I became INSANE with itching. I miss-stepped and fell.

Thank God, no serious injury. My guess is that I heated up more than normal, and the leggings caused friction on my skin. It was also the first time I did not take my first dose of protocol before exercise. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Michelle Migneault Micket



April Iverson I am just starting to try and get back some mobility and it hasn’t gone very well. Just five months ago my husband and I did a seven-week backpacking trip through Italy… Over 800 miles. Halfway through the trip I crashed from a compromised immune system. Had my Vibrant 2.0 testing done the week I got back June 7. Chronic Lyme +9 additional coinfections. I’m determined to work hard to get it back before another May 2025 European cycling trip, but currently it feels pretty fruitless.

April Iverson

Michelle Migneault Micket it’s incredibly defeating. I used to enjoy the Spartan races, hiking and kayaking, in the gyms, and so much else I want to do. It does feel pretty fruitless. My heart goes out to you, I’ll keep you in my prayers and send all the best wishes for you to be able to achieve the European Cycling trip!

I do know some people have good results with their Lymes using hyperbaric chambers and red-light therapy. I haven’t been able to try these, but perhaps it may help your healing journey!

Pushing thought this is a bad strategy. I have seen people crash H.A.R.D…. Like might never be the same hard. And yes, many with secondary unnecessary injuries. Please listen to your body.

I don’t know if you would “push through” other very serious diagnoses, but even though mainstream doesn’t find this particularly serious, it very much is. Dr Neil Spector Lyme story – Search Videos had some great words on this.


iMichelle Migneault Micket

Chronic LYME: It’s A Thing

Moderator  · November 15, 2024  · 

11/25/2024 Update in comments below:

Not to jump the gun but posting for those feeling completely hopeless. After 35 years of symptoms, a positive Vibrant 2.0 for Chronic Lyme/9 coinfections six months ago. Been “self-torturing” with extended Buhner Protocol and just 2 1/2 weeks ago I was ready to throw in the towel.

Look how things can make a turn so fast!! I can’t tell exactly why the turnaround as I have made some herbal changes over the last couple of weeks but I started acupuncture, and I believe it’s been the key. Don’t give up, relief might be just around the corner🥲

I should add I had not got on my bike since coming home from a 7-week cycling trip in Europe clocking over 800 miles. I believe I may have caught covid after 3 weeks. I made it home and collapsed in bed for over 3 months only leaving to get my Vibrant bloodwork done.

At 4-6 months, spending about 1/2 the days still bedridden. Started acupuncture with a mini session with little results. 2nd more aggressive appt one week later I was able to start moving with less severe back/hip pain. 3 days later got on my bike on a whim and just did it! 12 miles and 2 days back in bed.

BUT back pain is better and way less fatigue so back on the bike the next 2 days! Had my 3rd appt today and walked the beach 3 miles, rested the remainder of the day. Time will tell but I feel like something is clicking. The Protocol has been hard work and a full time job.


Michelle Migneault Micket



Pamela Smart I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 35 years ago but somehow learned to work through the unknown. I believe I was in a latent state of chronic Lyme/fibromyalgia when I started an herbal protocol back in January in the “event” I possibly had chronic Lyme (what could hurt, right?) It was an utter disaster as I had no idea what kind of load I was carrying (this was months before actual testing). Everything must have gotten stirred up🥺 Most people don’t realize that “other” parasites go hand-in-hand with Chronic Lyme and find out the very hard way.

It finally landed me in the ER two weeks before going on the big cycling trip. Immune depressants worked well enough to ease the severe rash I had on about 90% of my body. I should’ve never gone on the trip but I felt it was a do or die situation.

I experienced a severe rebound within 3 weeks that I think was triggered by possible Covid from the cruise ship. I am still having pretty severe histamine reactions/rash but nothing like that pictured in the photo.

I believe the acupuncture treatments kick started my ability to move forward and plan on going at least once a week until the end of the year. So far my three sessions have included Frequency Specific Microcurrent as well. I’m blessed to have found a practitioner that is only charging me 125.00 for a series of 3 sessions!


Had a rough week, fibromyalgia back/hip flare no doubt from the added physical activity. Took the whole week to regroup with rest and heating pad. Histamine reactions are still there🥺 but made it through 2 short detox baths. 4th acupuncture/Frequency Specific Microcurrent and 2 days later back on the bike (18 miles)😎

Jean Cloud

Acupuncture worked really well for me. I haven’t had it for a while now, but I did a lot of treatments and did foot detox. I do a lot of Epsom salt, hot bath with baking soda and a little bit of peroxide. That’s a really good detox for the body. I stay on ivermectin off and on from time to time, then I get on crypto plus from doctors’ orders from my Lyme doctor that’s microbiology to fight things. My Lyme and infections started in 2004. 

 Wasn’t discovered till 2019 before I found out from a literate Lyme doctor to confirm the medical field that I had chronic Lyme disease. Mine was too late to heal because I already had it in my bloodstream for a long time. They said I needed a shrink. This is what we deal with you guys, love you all hang in there. There is always remission from time to time when the flare ups come back on your meds. 

I try to think I’m normal and stop taking it along with so many supplements, chlorophyll CBD magnesium adrenal liver detox pills you name it. Mine has been digestive since 2008. I lost my gallbladder, never ending tendinitis flu like symptoms, headaches, body temperature changes, but you just pushed through them all and hung in there you guys there’s hope at the end of the tunnel ❤️🥰🙏 praying. 🤲


Michelle Migneault Micket

Chronic LYME: It’s A Thing

Moderator  · January 16  · 

Wanted to give a 2-month update…I continue to vastly improve using the extended Buhner Protocols.(Mostly powdered herbs/supplements) MCAS in remission, energy up, back pain considerably diminished and back to training! I’ve been VERY compliant for 8 months in spite of suffering pretty severe gastritis from protocols. Please don’t ask details of what I’m taking, it’s in the Buhner manual and one must research their own journey.

I’ve started to titrate down to dosing twice daily instead of three of the 60-70 individual herbs/supplements. I continue to be optimistically cautious but plan on titrating my current protocols (see in comments) in a attempt to find maintenance levels. Keep the faith folks. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever been through and a full-time job-with my only support coming from all of you out there. Thank you!

Roxanne Berardi Perkins


I know it took a lot of faith for you to push through some very dark days. If everyone had that faith, so many people would be getting better. I know it wasn’t easy, but yay! 💚

Michelle Migneault Micket



Roxanne Berardi Perkins Some very dark days for sure.

Thanks for believing in me I couldn’t have done it without you!

Cheri Courtney Goodwin

Michelle I am so happy to read this. You have inspired me to do so much research and take my health into my own hands since the Medical Doctors have been useless for me other than costing me so much money. You give me hope and encouragement to keep fighting the fight. So happy for you!!!!


Michelle Migneault Micket



This is me a year ago. My testament to the value of going in low, slow, and one herb at a time. I had this rash over 90% of my body. After researching about one and a half years I decided to start an herbal protocol having no idea what type of load I was carrying. The treatment stirred everything up that I had been carrying for 35 years. I stopped all treatments and finally had Vibrant 2.0 testing done four months later.

Once I knew exactly what I was dealing with I was able to take a different approach. The hospital didn’t want to hear anything about tick borne illness or possible parasitic infection. They deemed this rash dermatitis and sent me home with steroids but I have since been told by other medical professionals that this most likely was Streptococcal A.


Extended Buhner Protocols for each infection, methylene blue, diatomaceous earth/activated charcoal , bor x, sole water, High protein, high-fiber, low sugar diet.

Carly Schwichtenberg

May I ask where you are sourcing a lot of the herbs?

Tincture or dry. How are you doing measurements etc.? That’s the complicated aspect of Buhner, and I love to see how people are managing that with diminished capacity. If that’s too, did you to answer that’s ok too… but I believe it one of the things that makes people not follow his protocol completely.

Michelle Migneault Micket



I am mostly using powdered herbs and supplements, I can find most on Amazon. The bulk of my stuff comes from Bulksupplements, Starwest, Bio Krauter, Pure Original, Horbaach, Vitamatic, and Nutracost. Only about 10% of the 60 to 70 different things I take are tinctures. I simply would not be able to afford the protocols if they were all in tincture form! (they are usually 3-4 times the cost of powdered)People will try to steer you from purchasing from Amazon for whatever reason but if you do your homework and go over the reviews I find them to be spot on (I disregard products that have unverified reviews)

A few things, mostly those for the extended protocols, I’ve had to get from Etsy or eBay. Buhner has most of the tincture dosing measurements and quite a few of the powder dosing but a “general” rule of thumb for powder dosing would be to double the amount of powder as compared to tincture. A 00-capsule filled with powder is roughly 600 mg. It took me a very long time to dissect the manual, and I made notes all along in my journal.

Believe me I know how difficult it is! For me it’s easiest to measure in 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and full teaspoons. Buhner reiterates that his manual is simply a starting guideline and it is up to the patient to test each ingredient separately at a small amount and work up. If you do a Google search for each herb or supplement and add the words dosing + Lyme disease, you will find additional information to consider. I made a list of each infection I was suffering from, and then listed all the recommended herbs and supplements for each infection.

Many of them crossover. Get yourself going with 5-10 of the core herbs and supportive supplements for your particular infections. Many will recommend that you learn how to open your pathways so once you start killing off the infections, you can properly eliminate all the toxins that could make you feel pretty awful. Get started while you continue to research. The files that are listed in our group are very valuable. I had many months of downtime when I was at my sickest and I made it my full-time job. It took me six months to get all of my protocols in order and that is about the time I really started turning the corner. Best wishes

Michelle Migneault Micket

Chronic LYME: It’s A Thing

Moderator  · Yesterday at 8:48 AM  · 

***another 2 month check-in…It’s been 10 months since I started self-treating with Buhner Protocols. Remission?? I think so! Started to titrate down protocol 2 months ago. Took a total break 2 weeks ago to give my gut a break and to test the waters, resuming today(Please don’t ask details of what I’m taking, it’s in the Buhner Manual and one must research their own journey) Biggest issues now-Gastritis, MCAS, and fatigue.

Results from recent labs (no Lyme antibodies tested) showed good Complement C4(12), Anemia, CBC, and Metabolic profiles BUT my Thyroid is TANKED! Started Hypothyroid treatment this week so too soon to tell if my fatigue will resolve. Call me crazy but still planning to leave for a 7-week bike-packing trip to Europe in just 45 days. I set a goal and I’m going to reach it- do or die! There is hope y’all, keep the faith! Thank you all for your continued support ❤

I lost most of my mobility being laid up and bed-bound the first 4-5 months of treatment. I had total blocks in lower back/hips. I’ve been able to open those blocks by working on flexibility. The referred pain moved up my back to shoulders, arms and neck. It felt almost impossible trying to gain movement with the intense pain and severe fatigue. I felt stuck 5 months into herbal/supplement treatment when I tried acupuncture/Frequency Specific Micro current. It was instrumental in kick-starting my healing. I could hardly get on the table, now on maintenance once a month. Movement helps everything to open up and release. Touch your knees, reach for your toes, reach for the ceiling…No matter how little, just do it!

Pamela Smart

Michelle Migneault Micket Way to go! I too depend on a daily 22-minute stretch routine every day for almost 2 solid years. A year ago, I could not sit on my knees or get up off the floor without assistance. A good PT therapist knowledgeable with Lyme (her husband has it!) and a medical massage therapist have been my mantra. Will consider acupuncture later if this seems to persist. Nice to hear that it has been helpful to you.

Please be kind to yourself. 

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