Bill Gates Gives Up on Climate Change

In decades past, as the effects of climate change slowly became undeniable, some looked to the super-rich — the billionaires with enough cash to really make a splash.

Climate change is happening.

What is the cheapest way to beat climate change? | Watch

It happened before the ice age and since the ice age.

They backed green energy campaigns and carbon capture programs, pushed plastics recycling and climate change messaging. New products hit the market as ethical consumption became the rule of the day: electric vehicles, solar panels, reusable bags, carbon-neutral dryer balls.

By the early 2020s, billionaires had positioned themselves as the masters of climate change policy, taking advantage of their great fortunes to become indispensable to environmentalism.

Now, however, many of those same billionaires are pulling support at an alarming rate. And Bill Gates — Microsoft founder, sixth richest man in the world, and alleged sex pest — is the latest among them.

New reporting by Heatmap is signaling the end of a “major chapter in climate giving,” as Breakthrough Energy — Gates’ climate change nonprofit — has locked the doors on its policy and advocacy office, laying off dozens of employees throughout Europe and the US.

Breakthrough’s lobbying was central to advancing climate policy through legislation championed by the Biden administration, including the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act, and the bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Though the billionaire’s for-profit green energy investments at companies like Arnergy  and Mission Zero Technologies remain in place, Breakthrough’s belt-tightening will very likely end the nonprofit’s grant writing efforts.  That’s a major blow to climate nonprofits, and further evidence that, for all their feel-good bluster, the mega-rich never forget their bottom line.

Ever since billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump won his second presidential election, tech barons like Mark ZuckerbergJeff BezosSundar Pichai, and of course Elon Musk have made no bones about shedding their progressive skin and embracing the new administration.

Luckily there is one player in this game who is totally above corruption: Mother Nature herself. Gates and all the other billionaires might take notice when they realize that they, in fact, do not grow the food that is put on their tables. The real “woke” has yet to come and it won’t be led by progressives or any political party.

As I’ve said before, climate changes, always have, always will. The earth gets  cooler, the earth gets warmer,  always has, always will. That’s been proven. Man has nothing to do with it. It’s all about money and power. Only God will destroy the earth. I don’t know how He’ll do it, but it won’t be flooded again.

The Earth gets hotter, as the Sun gets brighter, this is proven fact. Without any help from man, we know this is happening, and sometime in the future the Earth will be too hot to support life. This is simple science; it’s how stars work. Then one day it will become a red giant and possibly extend out to where you sit right now. God has nothing to do with it. Buddha teaches us that you can look everywhere in our Universe, and you can find nothing that is permanent.

Being a Billionaire is not success; it is a symptom of pathological greed. No one should control that much money, and anyone with that much money should be paying taxes on every penny of it. We need tax brackets that force the wealthy to reinvest in business, creating more jobs to earn tax breaks the way it used to work. Money is like manure, it does absolutely no good unless you spread it around.

“Being a Billionaire is not success; it is a symptom of pathological greed”…. says the broke man. Respectfully disagree.  Most of those who end up being billionaires simply built companies that were successful. When they are public companies, and the public believes they create valuable products, then people buy stock which rises in price and the owner benefits.

Bill Gates became a billionaire because Microsoft became the operating system that computer hardware companies used, it had value. As far as Gates, we can argue if he’s pathological or not.  He’s certainly driven as most very successful people are.  He’s also declared that he’s giving virtually all of his vast wealth away and to date he’s given away 100 billion dollars or so.

I’m not rich, but the facts are: 

Most of the government’s federal income tax revenue comes from the nation’s top income earners. In 2021, the top 5% of earners — people with incomes $252,840 and above — collectively paid over $1.4 trillion in income taxes, or about 66% of the national total. If you include the top 10% — everyone who made at least $169,800 — that figure rises to $1.7 trillion, or 76% of the total. 

The top 50% of earners contributed 97.7% of federal income tax revenue.

Whether the rich and wealthy pay their “fair share” is a subjective question but government data shows that they do pay the most in volume.

For tax year 2021, the most recent available data, the top 1% of earners paid nearly 46% of taxes, according to an analysis by the National Taxpayers Union, a nonprofit that favors lower taxes and a simpler code.The top 5% pay more than 65% of federal income taxes, the highest 10% pay 75% of them and the top 25% are accountable for 89%.The bottom half of earners, who make below $46,627 a year, paid just 2% of federal personal income tax, according to the report.
They’re Marxists reciting Marxists philosophy. If you know anything about Marx, he was a very worthless man who never worked and depended on his friend Engles to support him and his family. The income tax is 1 of his 10 planks in his communist manifesto, along with government control of education so they can produce more little communists.It would be foolish to “give up on climate change” since we are going to run out of sequestered oil and gas anyway.  There is no other option than to switch over to something else, like hydrogen or some bio fuel like ethanol.  Solar and wind are great, but they need batteries, so something like nuclear needs to be expanded instead.Luckily there is one player in this game who is totally above corruption: Mother Nature herself.

Gates and all the other billionaires might take notice when they realize that they, in fact, do not grow the food that is put on their tables. The real “woke” has yet to come and it won’t be led by progressives or any political party. Maybe for now… he’s a fake/fraud, virtue signaling leftist of the democrat/communist party… he loved COVID and the amount of people it killed.  He is very clear on reducing world population and controlling us as peasants making us do whatever it is that he wants.

Even if they “got on board” it’s still pointless. The energy demands of the modern world are just too great. Nibbling around the edges with solar and wind farms (which are CO2 intensive to build and operate btw) will do nothing. We’re burning all the oil and all the coal.

Might as well. I’ve been involved in enough research to realize two things. The damage done is pretty much at the point of no return now, and the next is that Darwin was right if the species is too lazy, entitled and ignorant to survive, well, that’s pretty much it…Do you think it has anything to do with the unwinding of all this “dark mystery money”?  It appears that a lot of these donors may have washed their donation through an NGO and seen their initial 1-billion-dollar donation turn into 3 with government input. 

This is an example of what Gates considers contributing to saving the earth.  

He started a company called Graphyte that takes the farming waste from the fields and burns it into carbon then compresses it into blocks that are then sold to airlines like American Airlines by the ton so the airlines can make their reduced carbon print on the earth.  Gates’s company actually creates carbon to bury and gets credit for saving the earth.  What a joke and most people do not know this.  

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Solar panels were about 18% efficient. Windmills are about 40% efficient. Natural gas is somewhere around 60% efficient. Nuclear around 35% efficient. A lot to choose from. We should use all of the above. Anyone with even a tiny bit of common sense would give up on climate change.  Until China, India, Russia, and a whole lot others get on board, it is all pointless.

Now that the government subsidies on green initiatives are drying up under Trump.  Gates, true to his hypocritical belief in climate change, sees he can’t make the money off of the taxpayers subsidies and is giving up.  The man was never into it for saving the earth just in it for the money.  He always has been.

Yep, he lost his government subsidies, cheap loans, and grants. Check to see if the USAID was giving them money. He still has interest in the MIT fusion reactor and the fission reactor in Wyoming. Don’t worry too much about him, he will be fine. LOLA guy who likes young women at work or outside work is not a sex pest, he’s a guy… Just like women who like slightly older rich guys are not sex pests, they are women… Grow up and live in your world. Hell, half the world doesn’t even have ages of consent. 

That’s an American Protestant thing that spread around a bit. Furthermore, the billionaires don’t have to spend their money on anything if they don’t want to. And yes, they are all corrupt and all play games that dont make sense, cuz normal people don’t live on their level.

AND YES, they care about their bottom line. SO WOULD YOU if you were them.  They don’t owe you or anyone else anything. They made the right moves with luck and chance in their favor, and now they got billions… that’s the way of it.  Die poor, die rich, it won’t matter in 150 years to you or them or anyone else. So put your big boy pants on and go live your own life and stop trying to “expose” the truth about businessmen, it’s not actually all that important.

They realistically have ZERO power over anything. They just stand in the room like cars in a garage. Bill Gates Gives up on the Climate Change Scam – that’s the correct headline.  All these billionaires were just making money after Al Gore dreamed up “Climate Change” and the stoopid 🐏🐏🐏🐏🐏believed every word and followed their orders.  Maybe people are now waking up to the scam????”It all goes to show: billionaires were never going to save the world from climate catastrophe — they just needed us to believe they could.”  Yeah. We never believed they could. It was always about money and control. 

 It’s too late for any kind of change to make a difference, that window has come and gone many years ago. it was too late to save the earth, it was doomed from the start of the 1900s. Want to stop the earth from dying, go back in time and stop the industrial age.

Was he ever really in the game to begin with? These guys will fly on whatever prevailing wind is blowing and right now it’s a conservative blw hard. Trump’s election shows that the average American is tired of climate change, dei, political correctness, and why not it’s being shoved down our throats at every turn. Gates and the gang want to make money and that means being seen as reliving whatever the current sentiment is. That modern capitalism.

Bill Gates is a scumbag with close ties to Epstein ….. his wife left him because she knew he was a scumbag, and he only got into the “green energy” fad to make money.  he doesn’t care about the world, or the people in it, he wants to cull the human herd and control as much of the world as possible.  Green energy wasn’t going to be as profitable or demanded anymore as Trump won the election, allowing choices in the energy sector, so he is shuttering his green operations.  it’s that simple…. it’s all about the dollar.

Effects of climate change undeniable?  Huh?  This planet changes, period.  Climate change has little effect on the outcome of our planet.  Get real! Maybe he has realized that climate change is happening, and it has always been happening, Conclusion – there is nothing that can be done to control it, so time to stop wasting money. The only purpose for the climate change hysteria was to bilk us all of our money and to hand control of our lives over to overseers.

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