What If the Earth Was Spinning on Its Side? “Earth spins on a slight incline. 4.5 billion years ago
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Hashini Imasha · December 19 at 12:48 PM ·
The most recent polar reversal, called the Laschamp excursion, happened about 41,000 to 42,000 years ago. During this time, the north magnetic pole moved to the southern hemisphere and then back to the north.
Scientists studied ancient kauri trees found in wetlands in northern New Zealand. These trees were alive during the Laschamp excursion. By analyzing the growth rings, researchers measured a spike in atmospheric radiocarbon levels, which occurred when Earth’s magnetic field weakened. This helped them create a detailed timeline of the changes.
Earlier studies focused on what happened while the magnetic poles were reversed, during which Earth’s magnetic field was only 28% as strong as it is now. However, this new research revealed that the biggest changes happened during a transition period called the Adams Event.
During this time, the magnetic field dropped to just 0-6% of its current strength.
Researchers compared their findings with data from other Pacific sites and used climate models to show how the Adams Event caused major environmental changes. These included the growth of ice sheets in North America and shifts in wind patterns and tropical storm systems.
Professor Anthony Dosseto from the University of Wollongong explained that the Adams Event caused dramatic changes to the planet’s climate. In Australia, for example, it became much drier. This event might explain the extinction of megafauna in Australia and the disappearance of Neanderthals in Europe.
The event may also explain the sudden rise in cave art during this time.
As cosmic radiation increased, people likely sought shelter in caves, leading to a surge in cave painting. The study warns that if a similar magnetic field shift happened today, the effects would be devastating. Cosmic radiation could destroy power grids and satellite systems while triggering rapid climate change.
Professor Dosseto stressed the importance of understanding this event: “What happened 42,000 years ago is terrifying and could happen again. The weakening of the magnetic field only lasted a few hundred years, but its effects on the climate, environment, and life lasted thousands of years. It’s a warning for our planet today.”
You must read this: https://golfvertex.com/9500-year-old-tree-found-in…/
Magnetic Poles can easily Change Climate! But can we Prove it yet ! But 99 percent of Scientists said there is Climate Change! It’s mostly Trump and his supporters go along with him! He doesn’t know !! He’s a Commercial Builder not a scientist! Umm where do you take your car to McDonald’s ( Sorry digression). Because we aren’t taking care of Earth and Sea ( water is 3/4 ) and Many areas Reefs are dead or dying! Fact. But obviously we won’t know how Magnetic Fields affect anything until something more Happens! And we don’t need to call people names! That’s really ridiculous! It’s great if you are educated in certain fields or look all this up. But if half of us think we’re not destroying stuff! Well. ??!!
Jane Johnson I don’t understand those who laugh. What is so unbelievable about it? It’s documented, there are multiple studies showing the same thing. How is this so mind shattering? Fragile reality, unable to expand because frightened to break any ceilings of understanding? Be brave, you’ll survive!!!
I know, they think we have so much power over nature but we don’t. If Earth was an apple the deepest we could dig down would be half way through the skin, and there are less greenhouse gasses now than ever before. Let them charge their electric cars, not knowing that the resources needed to create one lithium battery is more damaging than driving a petrol car on the road for 10 years, and that new mines have to be dug worldwide to access the minerals. If an electric car is in an accident no services are allowed to touch it as the battery is deadly, specialists have to be called in. We are forcing toxicity onto the people who just believe what they’re told. It’s a sad situation that is setting the hive mind on an awful path. Is Lithium mining hazardous to the environment – Search
Jane JohnsonZaena Burdick Apparently where it flooded in the hills of NC and all over there’s lithium mines that are there and that’s what they are after, not only that, the lithium, when the land for mining isn’t buyable, it’s stolen by the government supposedly for ” the greater good”. For who? The companies making money off of the products? Certainly not the Native Indigenous tribes that a lot of the land is taken from, regardless of their sacred places and land treaties…ugh. Gotta stop, it’s a rant now.
Minnie Spencer you ever hear that they can now direct hurricanes where they want to send them?? How else does one end up in the mountains that has never happened before where they find lithium that people refuse to sell land to mine????? MANY people lost property and lives and are still struggling to survive.
Where is fema for them and the people of Lainia. $700 per family for help and offers to buy their land cheap?? Funny that anything painted blue didn’t burn in those fires. Makes you wonder who you are being attacked by.
Jane Johnson The scenario of an EV in an accident should be sufficient to ban this vehicle favoured by fanatics. Plus the gauss meter readings inside the EV, or when being recharged are horrendous! Those with EH or a pacemaker CANNOT be in an EV!
Jane Johnson 100% agrees!!!
The mining is devastating. I think people believe they are doing the Earth good… but all they are doing is filling the rich and wealthy pockets. I bet dollars to donuts they are still all driving gas powered vehicles.

Analysis: How Private Aviation’s Emissions Compare To Other Modes Of Transport
Never mind also the disposal of those batteries when they need replacing and they will , or when the car is scrapped from an accident or age . 0ne private flight produces more carbon than you would produce in your entire lifetime. How many flights do climate activists like John Kerry take a year? Watch the documentary on Youtube THE TOXIC COST OF GOING GREEN I will never get one and I hope my children won’t either .
How many cars equal the CO2 emissions of one plane? – Search
Planes burn up more fuel than cars per journey, and therefore produce more carbon dioxide. But how does this work out by passenger & by distance?
Asked by: Grant de Souza, by email
A Boeing 747 uses 7840kg of aviation fuel for the take-off, climb and descent portions of the flight and these account for about 250km. For journeys longer than that, the plane will use 10.1kg for each additional kilometre under typical cruising conditions. So to fly from Heathrow to Edinburgh (530km) uses 10,668kg of fuel, which releases a little over 33 tonnes of CO2.
Whereas a Ford Mondeo 1.8 TDCi emits 151g of CO2 per km and covers 650km to reach Edinburgh. That works out to be 98kg for a single passenger, compared to 79kg per person for the Jumbo, assuming it carries its full complement of 416 passengers. But you could drive 336 cars to Edinburgh for the same CO2 as one plane.
Jane Johnson … When you have lived long enough you realize that the so-called experts really have no idea how to slow down the process. Save the trees so we turn to plastic…save the oceans so we replace plastic with reusable… reusable causes disease so we change back to plastic and paper, but that is ok because we charge for them (rolling eyes). Incandescent lights use too much electricity so we go fluorescent…now we go LED – Search Videos
D. We are using too much water so we voluntarily cut back on consumption and then the price goes up because we are not using enough.
Do-gooders and “scientists” travel around the world spreading their messages of conservation and the dangers of fossil fuels…in their huge private jets!!! Now, forget that there are major factors adversely affecting the planet… It is full steam ahead for electricity.
As the song Where Have All the Flowers Gonesays…”when will they ever learn…. when will they ever learn?”
Chronically Unhappy People Always Do These 14 Things
Jane Johnson Thank you for stating this fact! I have long considered this “climate change” to be a natural occurrence, the earth is constantly changing and we just have to accept it!
Mary Chancellor Climate Change is exacerbated by man’s behaviour, and too rapidly occurring for species to have time to adapt and evolve to suit the changes THAT IS the difference.
Shamana Marshall please see Jimmy Corsetti from Bright Insight with Dan Richards from DeDunking on Joe Rogan bringing stats which compares where we are now to a MUCH larger picture. A cooling period is more frightening & we’re in the time frame of it happening.
Kathy McConnell not quite true, the magnetic poles are shifting, like a magnet one end positive, one end negative. The location on a map is like locating the Mississippi River on a map. 100 years ago it ran a different course. The shifting of the earth’s magnetic poles is like the shifting of the river, you can’t exactly depend on that map, it’s shifting, but not noticeable to the naked eye, but the river is. We all like to believe when something is shown to be in the same spot our whole lives, it’s something that can’t change. Guess what….
And … with climate change the icebergs are melting. Polar bears are having a hard time with that and finding enough food for themselves and their cubs. This was seen on a NatGeo special. (My daughter-in-law works for National Geographic).
Mary Chancellor the thing that is unbelievable about her comment, what makes it so laughable is her denial of climate change. Much though there is a shift taking place, a very slow shift that is taking place over the course of tens of thousands of years we have seen a dramatic shift in the climate just since the dawn of the industrial age and the considerable acceleration of the use of fossil fuels…the sort of change in climate that historical records “normally” happen over the course of ten thousand years or more that have taken place before our very eyes in a period of barely 100 years…this is an unprecedented shift in what in the course of “normal events” amounts to a blink of the eye and yet Jane posits that “we are not causing climate change. That, THAT is what is totally laughable.
If you’re buying into the notion that climate change being caused by human activity is not real, try to understand the difference between “natural” events that take place over the course of A Thousand Years as compared to what has transpired over a period of barely 100 years.
Mary Chancellor Over 100 years ago, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius in 1896, – Search who calculated the potential impact of a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide on global temperatures through the greenhouse effect.
No points to prove, I just be living.
A Thousand Years song – Search
Don’t worry. If the government raises our taxes enough, they can reverse this.
Documentary where they took core samples from volcanic magma in Hawaii. – Search
The Earth’s molten core is responsible for our magnetic field, maybe a shift in how the core behaves causes the poles to reverse? I’m against all the climate change hysteria, but on the flip side I’m all for humans to stop polluting our mother earth, it will take major lifestyle changes for this to happen imo.
I’m looking for end of the world movies, not post apocalyptic movies where everything is already bad and you get flashbacks to when it was normal. But where everything is fine and normal in the beginning and then everything starts going bad. Kinda sounds like the movie 2012: Doomsday | Free Sci-Fi Disaster Horror Movie | Full HD | Full Movie | The Asylum
- Leave the World Behind
- The Day After
- The Day After Tomorrow
- Knowing
- Don’t Look Up
- Greenland
- Deep Impact
- Threads
- 28 Days Later
- Melancholia
- Armageddon
- War of the Worlds
- Independence Day
- The Happening
- Cloverfield
Why else do you think the Elites are building bunkers?
I don’t think it’s because of some threat of WW3.
Beyond 2012: Why the world won’t end – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
I partially believe that it is scripted. The most powerful people in the world understand how the world works & what happens when you/we die. It’s why they don’t feel so bad when people cross over, or their energy is transferred. Maybe this sounds like crazy talk.
To most it probably does. It’s just history repeating itself. ancient sites around the world such as GöbekliTepe & then you have Derinkuyu which supports a massive underground city. – Why?
All ancient civilizations speak of a world event that claims all that are on it. The knowledge that the most powerful have, it isn’t shared with us.
At least not in the way you’d hope for it to be shared. It’s in Predictive Programming. We are actually told. Just most won’t see this as anything more than conspiracy yet there have been so many movies that have predicted events that have come true.
Do you think the Simpsons predictions are by happenstance?
What about the movie Contagion? Watch it. Think about what took place in 2019 & 2020. Even something like the movie “White Noise” & what happened in Palestine, Ohio. Not as devastating, but so many similarities. I mean, really there’s a laundry list. Even Terminator. That movie had SkyNet. Guess who has SkyNet?
I mean the list goes on. Even the House of Cards. What’s next, the movie “Leave the World Behind”. Look, just keep an open mind. We are told. Unless you have critical thinking & unless you have the ability to look outside the box you were placed in, you’ll forever stay in that box. Get ready, because we are headed for some world changing events many of which are intentional & many that are historical & natural. Some maybe not even from this place we reside in.
There is only one pole, the north pole. The North Star, Polaris can be found where exactly every night of the year, that’s correct, it remains fixed directly above the north pole. If we were moving anywhere near the speed that is claimed, the constellations would constantly be changing, but they’re not.
The YouTube channel Suspicious Observers has been talking about this magnetic shift for a near decade!
I watched a documentary where they took core samples from volcanic magma in Hawaii. Magma becomes magnetic as it cools and hardens. The crystals in the magma point towards the magnetic pole as it cools and hardens. It showed that about every 40 to 50 thousand years, the magnetic poles shift.
They postulated that this is slowly happening now. They think that there are places, such as Bermuda Triangle Explained where compasses and such just spin, indicating lack of a magnetic pole in that area. They think those areas will enlarge and eventually shift to the magnetic south.
Wow crazy propaganda for climate change , they really are looking for anything to convince the public. About climate change and how dangerous it may or may not be , they have no idea what went on 41000 years ago or even 2000 years ago as they still have no information on how or who really built the pyramids just a couple of thousand years ago but they want you to believe they know exactly what happened 41000 years ago
The only warning we as a mankind should be aware of is are we living our lives according to God’s commands and have obeyed the teachings in the word of God if we can we be saved from eternal damnation if we are not doing God’s will!
It is only about 6000 years old and man was created in God’s image. Gen 1:26.
Amazing to think that a 42,000-year-old tree can provide us with valuable insights into Earth’s magnetic field reversals. The fact that scientists can study the growth rings and measure the spike in atmospheric radiocarbon levels is just mind-blowing!
It’s called “precession” and it’s supposed to happen every 26,000 years.
“Axial Precession – As Earth rotates, it wobbles slightly upon its rotational axis, like a slightly off-center spinning toy top. This wobble is due to tidal forces caused by the gravitational influences of the Sun and Moon that cause Earth to bulge at the equator, affecting its rotation.
Earth’s axis appears stable, but it actually wobbles very slowly, like a spinning top. It takes Earth’s axis about 26,000 years to complete a circular “wobble.” This wobble is called axial precession. Earth’s axis helps determine the North Star, and axial precession helps change it.
However, the Earth’s tilt changes from 22° to 24° and back again about every 40,000 years. Right now, it is tilted at 23.5°.”
Deforestation in the Amazon has Halved in the last few years
The Night’s Embrace ~ As twilight fades to inky black, The night unfurls its starry cloak, A canvas vast, where shadows dance, And whispers of the world invoke. The moon, a sentinel of light, Guides dreams through corridors of sleep, Its silver glow on silent streets, A vigil that the darkness keeps. In night’s embrace, the world transforms, The hustle of the day recedes,
A time for secrets to unfold, for hearts and minds to find their peace. Each star a story, each a spark, A map of wonders yet unseen, the night, a keeper of our dreams, A realm of what has been and been. So let us cherish this dark time, when day’s loud clamor fades away, for in the night, we find ourselves, In silent, solemn, sweet display.
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