Homelessness in America

The more that is spent, the worse it gets, because the money doesn’t go to the homeless, it goes to the hundreds of “charities” that then treat the homeless as sources of revenue.

Robyn O’Donnell @RobynDODonnell

Elon, this is such a true statement I volunteered in Florida at food pantries. The people were stealing the food off the trucks and putting it in their own cars! Might I add expensive cars, while the people were signing up for a few measly items to survive off that week to feed their families. My friend, now deceased, walked right up to these “Church People” and asked why he would do that! It was amazing to watch them steal the donations from those who needed it!


That’s why they can never help the homeless.If they aren’t needy they’re greedy.

It’s not about the homeless.

The more homeless there are, the more money these organizations get, so their incentive is to increase, not decrease, homelessness! Remember, folks, they’re not replacing white people. They’re replacing Americans. Race is just the tool they use to keep us divided and distracted.

Yet, all over America buildings are being renovated or erected to house ILLEGAL immigrants!!This one in Harlem, that was originally intended as a luxury apartment building, is now being used to shelter ILLEGAL Immigrants!! Residents are outraged.. “This could’ve been used for us!” -Harlem native saysAbsolutely Disgusting!!! I am sure there are many residents in Harlem who would have loved moving into this luxury building. ILLEGAL migrants will now occupy and turn it into a shithole because they are not held accountable for anything. Whatever you incentivize will happen.
Illegals created a housing shortage so Americans not only have to pay for housing illegals but we also have to pay more rent, more for hotel rooms and more for houses. I don’t understand how anyone can vote for the woman who wants more illegal immigration.

Will someone, anyone, tell these news reporters that the word is ‘immigrants’, not ‘migrants’?

Migrants ‘migrate’, like caribou! They leave. ‘Immigrants’ are here for the long haul. Be on the lookout, these people residing in these apartments will have a legal address to vote from.


We’ve heard, for 4 Long Years, “The Border is closed!

The Border is secure!”



ALL housing must be public housing. No person or group should ever be allowed to profit off passive income sources such as real estate. This is why there is a housing crisis in Canada, apparently USA also. Families destroyed…the government is building in Urban AND Rural counties all over the United States of America. 🙁
People need to understand that the inflation reduction act was just a bill to fund this under the guise of infrastructure. This is the infrastructure they voted to fund. In other words, “poverty activists” are actually poverty pimps. Congratulations on a job well done. We voted for our demise.


Digital Lockdown is Coming for Your Bank Account — BEFORE the Election/

Wall Street legend warns a crisis could begin to hit America before November and millions could have their savings wiped out and their lives destroyed. Jamie Dimon believes U.S. debt is the ‘most predictable Crisis’ in history—and experts say it could cost Americans their homes, spending power and national security (yahoo.com)

 It would be more effective to address the root of the problem and work on recovering the economy in a socialist downward spiral. Incentives are why we have a massive Illegal immigrant problem.

We give away free food, free housing, free health care and then wonder why we have a migrant problem. Incentives need to end. To what can we attribute the notable prevalence of grifting in the context of Democratic leadership?

Some individuals appear to believe that taxpayer resources are simply available for their benefit. NGO grift at its finest.

It’s always the NGOs. It’s money laundering, plus plausible deniability for those who took your money (the government) but failed to solve the problem, or even move the needle. The NGOs are corruption’s connective tissue.They don’t fail to track, they intentionally don’t. That would show how much money they are stealing from it. Government accountability is at an all time low and will not be fixed until we get people willing to fight the government to expose the criminality that exists at the federal, state, and at the local level.

It doesn’t matter if they spend. The interest is so high now that the debt will pile up even with a balanced budget.

It’s all money laundering. ALL OF IT High speed rail is money laundering High speed internet is money laundering US AID is money laundering US charging stations is money laundering Infrastructure project is money laundering DC is literally stealing from taxpayers.

It’s sickening how charities profit off homelessness instead of solving it. The more they spend, the more they keep the problem alive. They’re cashing in on human misery while doing nothing real to help.


That’s what the Democrats do. They spent so much money there’s no accountability.

Somehow the money is never enough, and the politicians get filthy rich in the process. Newscum said he didn’t have receipts for the monies recv’d via the federal government. I’ll tell you GO ASK HIS FRIENDS they have a lot of it. now that he wants to run in 2028 he’s coming out doing what he’s always done TAKE TAKE TAKE

The NGOs who take most of the money as “administrative fees” and who also, typically, pay their officers exorbitant amounts when they have no basis for it. I was an auditor/fraud examiner and have much experience with these entities. I think the Trump administration should take a hard look at the grants awarded to NGOs, especially for immigration services. Let’s see how deep these tentacles reach.


Just got the papers served on Friday, and my son and I will be one of those on January 12th. Someone bought our home out from under us, but I am looking into options. My son really wants to stay in the school he is in, but I can’t afford anything because of my disability. I’m not sure what we will do, but I will figure it out. I qualify for a loan, but only, wow, I’m actually calling it “only,” $50k. You can’t buy anything for $50K anymore. Under President Trump, 2.5% interest, I would have had my home secured, but because of Biden/Kamalanomics, the interest rates are too high. Now, there is nothing I can afford. My son’s mother’s family are very wealthy, but they won’t even pay the $100 a month child support because they hate me. My son’s grandfather is a VP at Microsoft and a Democrat. It is sickening.


Exactly – the Homeless Industrial Complex.

California homeless population 2011 – 2022. Their approach doesn’t seem to be working!!!


Since 2019, California has spent about $24 billion on homelessness, but in this five-year period, homelessness increased by about 30,000, to more than 181,000. Put differently, California spent the equivalent of about $160,000 per person (based on the 2019 figure) over the last five years.
Recently, politicians used our tax dollar to build a 600K PER UNIT building for non taxpayers- it has cafes, art, music and gym rooms- the tenants never need to work or pay a dime towards their support-Imagine if the government gave even 1% of that 24 billion dollars to the homeless. You could give every one of them more than a million dollars.

Where’s all the money going?


They could have ended homelessness in California for 1/3 that just giving out a check of $50,000 even impacted healthcare, drug use and crime. Hope real people see the system the self important enrichers have created to steal the future of America.

Fact: Did you know that Rick Scott (R-FL) only won his Senate seat by 10,033 votes?

And he had to spend $64 MILLION of his own wealth to do it.

U.S. Senate: Senate Salaries (1789 to Present) 

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