
𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚌𝚑, 𝕨𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝕀𝔻𝕀𝕆𝕋𝕊 𝚊𝚛𝚎!I

I just don’t see how any red-blooded American in their right mind can vote for an empty headed sleeping her way to the top pole dancing communist over President Trump.

Am I missing something?


COMMR ☭ADE H☭ARRIS  supports: -Abolishing ICE -Decriminalizing illegal crossings -Defunding the police -Mandatory gun buybacks (confiscations) -Nationalizing energy -Banning fracking -Banning offshore drilling -Abolishing the filibuster -Supporting the GND -Ending private health insurance -Free healthcare for all including illegals -Mass amnesty for illegals -Ending the death penalty -Abolishing prisons -Ending cash bail -Ending mandatory minimum sentences -Imposing carbon tax -Child gender reassignment surgery and hormone replacement therapy


Let’s make a LIST of what American Voters expect from our President, … and see if she is even a “Fit” for America, … perhaps “President of Cuba” would suit her better? 

She hasn’t been a “fit’ for America for as long as she’s been V.P. she will definitely not be a fit for President. Our enemies will laugh at us harder than they do with Biden.

She supports Marxism.

People come here to escape the tyranny and lack freedoms she proposes. 🇺🇲

Democrats are Well known for using crooked machines, crooked people, crooked techniques but supposedly they’re the party of truth justice and democracy… socialist democracy but democracy. I think they are Underscoring TRUMP By KEEPING her numbers high so their cheating won’t be so obvious. Remember Biden? If you don’t want a repeat please get out & vote TRUMP. Or you can allow Dems to use you again & then ignore you until the next election. Your choice.

Nobody w/a functioning brain stem wants nasty sociopath pathological liar SCAB HOE Kuntmala anywhere near the WH for another 4yrs of chaos, destructions of every kind, breaking laws, cheating in our elections, She doesn’t have a prayer of winning the WH unless the Demonrats cheat again!

She’s not even close to Trump’s numbers. If you recall they said this same exact thing about Killary in 2016! Dumb and Dumber!! GOD & TRUMP 2024!!!


 YOU can PROJECT all you want, and you can depress the minds of the voters to infinity, however, YOU WILL NOT overcome the MASSIVE wave 🤬



How could Dems voters be so blind to Kamala’s arrogant and flagrant lies

..and ABC let this slide 🛝 

During the debate with Trump, Kamala claimed that no U.S forces were in active combat zones, however U.S Central Command said that U.S forces were in operation in Western Iraq on August 29. 7 U.S. soldiers were injured as more than 200 troops from both the U.S and Iraq, including elite Army Rangers backing up the main assault force, hunted down fighters in bunkers over miles of remote terrain. 

The operation led to the deaths of 14 insurgents, including Abu Ali al-Tunisi, one of the most significant bomb makers for ISIS. The announcement of the operation was made on August 30, long before the debate took place, and it would have been easy for ABC to fact-check. American AF  on X: “Still can’t believe Kamala Harris got fact checked by the US military.  https://t.co/jZlBf0MH1U” / X  Sources: @BillAckman, NY Times

Despite Harris’s lack of a national security platform, Democrats are entering a new phase of feverish speculation surrounding who might be tapped to create, and execute, her foreign policy agenda. Meanwhile, over 200 billion was spent on Ukraine & Israel.

What If We Lost The Amazon Rainforest? | Watch (msn.com)


Arizona: President Trump Predicted to Win 

President Donald Trump is likely to secure victory in Arizona, thereby gaining 11 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast: • Both candidates show strong financial backing for their campaigns, with no significant advantage for either side. However, despite public appearances, there is a minor indication of a downward trend in financial contributions and donor support for President Trump. • There are indications of a potential health issue concerning President Trump’s digestive system and dietary habits, which may be intentionally kept from public view. It appears that a surgical procedure is likely in the lead-up to November 5. • Astrological signatures suggest a likelihood of up to 20% of the voting machines failing or needing replacement on election day, indicating potential disruptions and delays. • This contest is predicted to be fiercely competitive, and it is highly probable that the final results for Arizona will not be available by the close of day on November 5. Despite the anticipated delay and potential legal challenges, it is expected that President Donald Trump will ultimately prevail over Vice President Kamala Harris. President Trump will need to diligently strive to secure every aspect of this victory. Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast: If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…Contribute to Our Efforts: If you wish to support our work financially, you have the option to make a donation, although it is entirely voluntary. https://donate.stripe.com/eVadTjd7K9bS3hm4gy…


Georgia: Vice President Harris Predicted to Win

Vice President Kamala Harris is likely to secure victory in Georgia, thereby gaining 16 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast: • It appears that Georgia has not fully learned from the 2020 election experiences, which may lead to renewed concerns about the integrity of the vote and electoral procedures. • The Harris campaign is projected to significantly outspend the Trump campaign in Georgia. • Reports of financial impropriety involving election workers may emerge. • This race is not anticipated to be competitive, with Vice President Harris expected to achieve a decisive victory. Therefore, any legal challenges are unlikely to have a substantial impact on the 2024 election. • The projected success of the Harris campaign in Georgia is likely to stem from their effective management of narratives across different demographic groups. • Despite the expected loss, President Trump, though frustrated with the electoral management issues, is likely to remain focused on other states, as he does not appear to be relying on Georgia for his overall victory. Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…Contribute to Our Efforts If you wish to support our work financially, you have the option to make a donation, although it is entirely voluntary. https://donate.stripe.com/eVadTjd7K9bS3hm4gy…

Michigan: Vice President Harris Predicted to Win 

Vice President Kamala Harris is likely to secure victory in Michigan, thereby gaining 15 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast: • This race is not expected to be competitive, with Vice President Harris likely securing a decisive victory in Michigan. • She is anticipated to gain substantial support from the Muslim communities in Dearborn, Hamtramck, Detroit, Southgate, and Ann Arbor. • The strong support for Vice President Harris will likely be fueled by civil rights issues, including racial inequality, police reform, voting rights, economic inequality, LGBTQ+ rights, environmental justice (particularly concerning industrial pollution and access to clean water), housing discrimination, immigration rights, disability rights, and education equity. • Despite some dissatisfaction with the Democratic leadership in Michigan, voters see the Democrats as the favorable choice, especially in light of President Trump’s polarizing presence. There seems to be little chance of a Trump victory in the state. It would be advisable for his campaign to allocate resources to more competitive states. • Any legal challenges following the election results are expected to be unsuccessful, as it is unlikely that a compelling case will be presented, and judges are anticipated to rule decisively against President Trump. • Consequently, a victory for Vice President Kamala Harris in Michigan seems imminent, indicating a setback for President Trump in the state.

Nevada: Vice President Harris Predicted to Win 

Vice President Kamala Harris is likely to secure victory in Nevada, thereby gaining 6 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast • Vice President Harris is expected to garner support from women, LGBTQ+ communities, and pro-choice advocates due to her stance on gender equality and reproductive rights. Conversely, former President Trump is anticipated to receive widespread backing from male voters. • The Native American population in Nevada should not be overlooked by the Harris campaign, as their votes could prove pivotal. It is noteworthy that President Biden secured the state with a margin of approximately 40,000 votes in the previous election. Although the Native American population in Nevada is relatively small, estimated between 40,000 to 60,000 individuals, their support could help widen the margin between the candidates. • A commitment to easing taxation and regulations on tobacco use and sales could be advantageous for the Harris campaign. Similarly, the Trump campaign could appeal to Native American tribes with a parallel strategy to potentially capture some of Vice President Harris’s voter base. • Nonetheless, projections suggest that Vice President Harris is likely to achieve a decisive victory in Nevada. Any legal challenges from the Trump campaign are expected to be resolved in the courts without significant impact. It seems that the Trump campaign is not heavily reliant on winning Nevada, indicating that a potential loss may not significantly affect their overall strategy. Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…Contribute to Our Efforts If you wish to support our work financially, you have the option to make a donation, although it is entirely voluntary. https://donate.stripe.com/eVadTjd7K9bS3hm4gy…General Consultation You can sum up life in one sentence — life is a very short journey. If you don’t live your life intentionally, it’ll be over before you know it. Ask any question about your life ahead — learn, plan & unlock your life’s best possibilities.

North Carolina: President Trump Predicted to Win 

President Donald Trump is likely to secure victory in North Carolina, thereby gaining 16 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast • North Carolina plays a crucial role in President Trump’s path to the presidency. Based on my earlier projections, this state is expected to give President Trump 271 electoral votes, exceeding Vice President Harris’s total of 248 votes. • For Vice President Harris, this result represents a situation of being “so near yet so far.” Although the race will be competitive, President Trump is projected to gain a 3-point advantage, with the final tallies showing approximately 51.5% for Trump and 48.5% for Harris. • North Carolina’s significant environmental challenges present opportunities to strengthen campaign messages. Candidates could focus on addressing issues like the cleanup of the Cape Fear River basin and the management of hog farming waste. Providing practical solutions for these concerns may boost voter enthusiasm. • There is a potential for severe weather in early November. Even though it’s the end of hurricane season, past events, such as Hurricane Eta in November 2020—which did not make landfall in North Carolina—demonstrate the possibility. Such weather could cause delays and interruptions in the vote counting process. Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…Contribute to Our Efforts If you wish to support our work financially, you have the option to make a donation, although it is entirely voluntary. https://donate.stripe.com/eVadTjd7K9bS3hm4gy…

Does Kamala Harris have a ‘Scranton problem?’ Trump is counting on it.

Pennsylvania: President Trump Predicted to Win 

President Trump is likely to secure victory in Pennsylvania, thereby gaining 19 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast: • This upcoming election in Pennsylvania is set to be a formidable and incredibly close contest between President Trump and Vice President Harris. President Trump will need to exert considerable effort (i.e. fight like hell) to secure a victory. • Key support demographics for Vice President Harris include workers from unions, the medical community, and farmers. She is also likely to garner strong support from the Asian-American community. • Broadly, support for President Trump is expected from various working-class groups, including farmers, miners, construction workers, sanitation workers, and general labor sectors. • While there is a strong vocal sentiment in favor of Vice President Harris, there is also an anticipated silent “MAGA” vote for change in Pennsylvania. • The vote counting process is expected to be inconsistent, with no clear statistical pattern and varying batch sizes. Trends may reverse unexpectedly, with shifts in lead candidates. • Additionally, there might be instances of unexpected ballot discoveries of varying quantities (from very small to extremely large), leading to delays in declaring results, possibly requiring multiple counts to determine the winner. • The margin of victory is also expected to be very close, and perhaps close enough to trigger an automatic recount. • Election results might not be available until Friday, or even Saturday or Sunday, of the voting week, necessitating extended hours for electoral workers, with some having to work on their day off to get the job done. • There are likely to be resurfacing allegations about voting machines, potentially including claims of internet connectivity. • Concerns may also arise regarding the authenticity of certain ballots, reminiscent of issues raised in 2020, with some ballots appearing unusually pristine. • Legal challenges are expected to arise, but there is an indication that the renowned Democratic legal representatives may not succeed this time, with most judges ruling in favor of President Trump. • The conduct of the election may be characterized by accusations of unlawful activities (including allegations of theft and cheating) on one side, while the opposing side might be criticized for having a contentious nature, engaging in public disputes, and violating rules and regulations. • There is a possibility that one side may resort to unrest following the results, leading to several arrests. • In summary, this election promises to be intensely contested and highly volatile, truly a firecracker of an election! Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…General Consultation You can sum up life in one sentence — life is a very short journey. If you don’t live your life intentionally, it’ll be over before you know it. Ask any question about your life ahead — learn, plan & unlock your life’s best possibilities.

Wisconsin: President Trump Predicted to Win 

President Donald Trump is likely to secure victory in Wisconsin, thereby gaining 10 electoral votes. Key Insights from the Forecast • President Trump is poised for victory in Wisconsin, though it will be a challenging process rather than a straightforward triumph. He is expected to defeat Vice President Harris in a race marked by significant hurdles and mental exertion. • The Harris campaign may emphasize allegations of sexual misconduct and scandals as part of their strategy in Wisconsin; however, this approach is not expected to yield substantial results. • Republican-leaning areas in Wisconsin are likely to strongly support President Trump. Interestingly, some regions that traditionally favor the Democratic Party may also lean toward him. • Although Vice President Harris might take an early lead, President Trump is projected to ultimately clinch the victory. • As additional batches of votes are tallied, Vice President Harris is expected to make significant strides in closing the gap. However, these efforts may not be sufficient to surpass President Trump. Wisconsin appears to be trending toward a Trump victory, with him anticipated to ultimately secure the win. • Despite potential challenges regarding vote counting and ballot integrity, President Trump is advised to accept his victory with grace and avoid engaging in public disputes, recounts, or costly legal challenges. Such actions could risk diminishing his vote count and incur substantial legal fees and potential fines. Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…Contribute to Our Efforts If you wish to support our work financially, you have the option to make a donation, although it is entirely voluntary. https://donate.stripe.com/eVadTjd7K9bS3hm4gy…General Consultation You can sum up life in one sentence — life is a very short journey. If you don’t live your life intentionally, it’ll be over before you know it. Ask any question about your life ahead — learn, plan & unlock your life’s best possibilities.


Final Assessment: President Trump Predicted to Win US Elections 2024 

My final assessment indicates that President Donald Trump is on track to win the presidency and become the next President of the United States. He is expected to secure 275 electoral votes, surpassing Vice President Harris’s total of 263 votes. 

Election Results Delay and Legal Strategy The upcoming election cycle is anticipated to echo the complexities of the 2020 elections, with results potentially delayed as the counting and certifying processes take time. Clarity on the final winner is not anticipated until states certify their electors by the constitutional deadline of December 11. This could lead to concerns over the potential for manipulation or the discovery of misplaced ballots. Both parties are expected to make accusations and counter-claims, aiming to undermine each other.

This situation is a significant test for the Trump campaign, urging caution in their responses. There is a possibility that _ _ _ _ _ _ misconduct allegations may arise from a member of the Trump Campaign team or a past acquaintance. It would be prudent for President Trump to minimize public comments, allowing lawyers to handle disputes in court rather than addressing them personally in the public media. While it may not align with his usual approach, it is advisable for him to seriously consider this strategy. Legal teams should be fully prepared, as resolution may ultimately be decided through court proceedings. 

Key Dates and Events

 On December 17, anticipate significant drama as electors meet to cast their votes in their respective states, with the potential for violent attempts to disrupt and delay the process. Further disruptions and protocol deviations are anticipated around January 6, potentially leading to increased tension, public unrest, and delays. Public gatherings, especially in the national capital, should be avoided to prevent violent disruptions. The honorable US Congress is unlikely to complete counting and certifying the election results before the end-of-day on January 9. From a security perspective, President Trump should consider suspending public engagements from January 18 until his transition ceremony on January 20. Considering the challenging circumstances and the inauspicious timing of assuming office, this presidency is likely to be difficult, with the possibility of impeachment proceedings being considered from the outset. 

Network Security and Potential Cyber Threats 

On November 5 and the ensuing days, there is a significant risk of internet and network disruptions, requiring the honorable U.S. Cyber Command to be highly vigilant against potential UDP Flood Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. These attacks may appear to come from multiple locations but are likely originating from specific foreign sources, such as C _ _ _ _ and surprisingly G _ _ _ _ _ _ (cryptic hint for the observant few). The impact of such an attack could be metaphorically comparable to an earthquake, potentially exceeding over 100 million bits per second in network disruption. The main objective of such an event would be to slow the voting and counting process, demoralize the public, and create opportunities to potentially undermine vote integrity. 

Preparedness for Disruptive Events and the Importance of Mail-In Voting 

There is a possibility that natural disasters, such as severe weather events, could disrupt the voting or counting process. Given these uncertainties, it is strongly recommended to take advantage of mail-in voting while the opportunity remains available. Utilizing mail-in ballots ensures that your vote is counted even if unforeseen circumstances prevent in-person voting. This proactive approach to voting safeguards your participation in the democratic process, regardless of potential disruptions caused by natural events on November 5. There is an indication of a “high-frequency” event. Those who are observant will understand the cryptic hint and implications. 

Advisory on Potential Security Risks During the Election Period 

There is a potential risk of disruptive incidents, including gun violence or orchestrated false flag events, on November 4 and 5, which could distract from the voting and counting process. This could also be covertly designed to influence voting behavior based on the reactions triggered by the event. Such events might occur at entertainment venues, particularly in nightlife areas associated with LGBTQ+ communities. It is advisable to exercise caution by staying home in the evenings on these dates and limiting interactions to family settings. Taking these precautions can help ensure personal safety during this sensitive time. 

Strategic Patriotism and Measured Response 

From November to January, patriots face a choice: to channel their emotions effectively or succumb to anger without achieving results. It is crucial for patriots to remember that maintaining composure is essential for achieving success. Acting with anger however risks losing the larger battle. Participation in public demonstrations is highly discouraged, as recent history has shown unfavorable outcomes. Women, in particular, should be cautious of potential violence. Please refrain from participating in any pro-choice public demonstrations for now, as these events could potentially become targets for false flag attacks. This, however, does not mean one should be indifferent. Instead, the focus should be on proactive behavior while remaining calm and strategic. Malicious entities will aim to provoke emotional reactions that could justify forceful responses. 

Closing Remarks 

Thank you all for your time. I hope I have been of service to you. May your life brim with auspiciousness. God bless the USA and have a happy long weekend! 

Assessing the Credibility of our Forecast 

If you’re interested in evaluating our credibility and past predictions, please visit: https://x.com/vijayjyotishusa/highlights…

Contribute to Our Efforts 

If you wish to support our work financially, you have the option to make a donation, although it is entirely voluntary. https://donate.stripe.com/eVadTjd7K9bS3hm4gy…

General Consultation 

You can sum up life in one sentence — life is a very short journey. If you don’t live your life intentionally, it’ll be over before you know it. Ask any question about your life ahead — learn, plan & unlock your life’s best possibilities.   

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(1) Highlights by Vijay Jyotish (@vijayjyotishusa) / X

(1) TaraBull on X: “The Pope telling people Donald Trump is “anti-life” for “kicking out migrants”. How many migrants has the Vatican taken in? https://t.co/quMFY1TTp6″ / X


Harris leads Trump among Hispanic voters in Arizona – POLITICO

American Masters | A Song for Cesar is also an episode from Season 37 of the series  American Masters. This episode, which aired on September 29, 2023, delves into the life and legacy of labor activist Cesar Chavez. It highlights how music and the arts played a crucial role in the success of the farmworkers’ movement that Chavez helped to establish. The episode features interviews with notable figures such as Maya Angelou, Joan Baez, and Carlos Santana12.

Kamala Harris family owned slaves – Search (bing.com)

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