Silent Kamala Issues

Yes, Biden won with only 16% of U.S. counties.

No, that’s not mathematically impossible.

The 2024 Election Map Based On The NEWEST Poll From ALL 50 STATES! (



Greg Price on X: “BREAKING: Never before seen footage of Pelosi on January 6 filmed by her daughter shows her admitting that its her fault that the Capitol wasn’t secure. “We’re calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out.” “We have totally failed. We need to take” / X

The Real Story of Jan 6 Documentary – Search (

Yes, he did. I was watching it that night, when I went to bed he was winning…When I woke up, he wasn’t… How did that happen? They cheated!

Biden said he created a large ‘voter fraud organization’

Bestselling author and award-winning filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, exposes widespread coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election sufficient to change the overall outcome. Drawing on research provided by the election integrity group, True the Vote, “2000 Mules” offers two types of evidence: geotracking and video. The geotracking evidence, based on a database of ten trillion cell phone pings, exposes an elaborate network of professional operatives, called mules, delivering fraudulent votes to mail-in boxes in the five key states where the election was decided. Video evidence obtained from official surveillance cameras corroborates the cellular positioning data. The film concludes by exploring ways to assist in the prevention of election fraud in future democratic elections.

  Watch 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza (Full Movie) – iViewTube

Since the beginning of his campaign, Biden’s foot has been no stranger to his mouth. The self-described “gaffe machine” is under fire again as Republican leaders promote a recent quote as a confession of wide-scale voter fraud.

“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Biden said in a clip posted to Instagram Oct. 24.

“At least he’s telling the truth about something,” an Instagram user captioned the post.

RNC Research quickly jumped on Biden’s mistake, sharing the clip on Twitter that afternoon. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnanyEric Trump and the president tweeted about the short clip the same day.

“What a terrible thing for Biden to say!,” Trump added. “Rigged Election?”

Trump also shared the 24-second clip on his YouTube channel, where it’s been viewed 500,000 times.

The Instagram user that posted the clip has not responded to USA TODAY’s request for comment. 

Fact check:Satire article misrepresents Biden’s abortion stance

Biden was describing voter protections

Biden made the statement while on the liberal podcast “Pod Save America.” The Oct. 24 podcast, video recording and transcript show Biden was discussing countering voter suppression rather than encouraging voter fraud.


That’s one of my favorite sayings because it is indeed TRUE!

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Fact check: Biden won the most total votes – and the fewest total counties – of any president-elect

 The claim: Joe Biden won the most votes in history, though he won a record low number of counties  

More than a month after Election Day, the votes have been counted and the results of the presidential contest are complete. Analysis of those results, though, has only just begun. 

A number of conservatives, for example, have started to break down vote totals by county.

Students for Trump took to Instagram on Dec. 6 to post a comparison of county-level wins by President-elect Joe Biden in 2020 and former President Barack Obama in 2008.

🇺🇲💓🤍💙🇺🇲💙🤍💓🇺🇲 Yes he did and everyone really knows it…..💓🤍💙 

I mean seriously use common sense….💙🤍💓 there is no way idiots like Biden and Harris 🤡💩 got 81 million (legal votes that is) 🇺🇲💓🤍💙🇺🇲💙🤍💓🇺🇲

“Did Biden win more votes than any president in history? He won a record low of 17% of counties,” the meme reads. “Biden won 477 counties while Obama in 2008 won 873…”

“Something doesn’t seem to add up,” the organization added in the caption

Jan Morgan, a conservative activist, posted a similar meme on Facebook on Dec. 6.

“Trying to figure out how Biden won a record low of only 16.7% of all U.S. counties yet supposedly won the election with the most votes in history,” the post read.

“Must be new math,” she added in the caption.

Students for Trump and Morgan have not responded to requests from USA TODAY for comment.

Fact check:Trump lost the 2020 presidential election

Joe Biden received over 81 million votes, the most in history 

In the presidential election, there were 81,282,903 votes cast for Biden and 74,223,030 votes cast for President Donald Trump, according to a current tally from USA TODAY.

Both Biden and Trump racked up higher vote totals than Obama, who previously held the record – 69,498,516 votes in 2008, per USA TODAY.

Fact checks: Joe Biden has secured enough electors from certified results to be elected president

What about county-level results?

On Nov. 10, the Brookings Institution published a report on county-level results. The report showed that Biden won 477 counties, while Trump won 2,497 counties. Results from dozens of counties were not finalized at the time, per Time magazine.

According to that data, Biden won just 16% of counties with finalized results.

On Dec. 8, the think tank updated its report with new data. The updated report showed that Biden won 509 counties, while Trump won 2,547 counties. Results from 28 counties have still not been finalized, per Brookings Institution.

But according to the updated data, Biden won 16.7% of counties with finalized results. That represents a record-low proportion for a winning presidential candidate.

Obama set the previous record in 2012 – with 689 counties, equal to 22%. Before that, he also set a record in 2008 with just 28% of counties, per NBC News.

Fact check:Image from 2017 White House event altered to make claim about votes for Biden

First of all, the numbers appear to be off. Biden, according to the most recent count from the Associated Press, won 527 counties, not 477. That’s still far fewer than Trump won, but it doesn’t matter.

According to the U.S. Census, more than half of U.S. residents live in just 143 counties (or 4.6% of total counties). Counties vary vastly in size and population, from fewer than 100 people to more than 10 million per county. In fact, Los Angeles County alone has more people than 41 whole states, and more than the 11 least populous states combined, which have a total of 416 counties between them.

So yeah, Biden could have won even fewer counties than the 500+ he carried and still have come out on top in the popular vote. Especially since urban areas tend to vote Democrat in higher numbers than Republican.

As far as the rally visuals go? One word—pandemic. Biden didn’t want crowds because…pandemic. This one’s really not hard.

And regarding the higher vote totals, well, yes. The U.S. has grown by more than 27 million since Obama was elected in 2008 and there was record turnout of voters in this election to boot. In fact, there were so many more voters this year, Biden could have lost the popular vote and still had more votes than Obama got when he won. Because that’s just how numbers work.

And as in every election, a certain percentage of voters only showed up to vote for their presidential candidate of choice, ignoring the down-ballot candidates. Considering the fact that Trump never even reached a 50% approval rating and was one of the least popular presidents in the past 50 years, people turning out just to mark a ballot for Biden isn’t a stretch in any way.

The numbers totally work out. This map breaks them down visually. Each dot represents 250,000 votes, distributed approximately where they came from. Breaking it down this way makes it easy to see where population centers are located in the country and how the areas with large cities tend to swing Democrat.

That map looks a lot different than this one, which makes the U.S. look far redder than it is in reality.

 (To be clear, I’m not sure for which election this map was made—there were some of these going around in 2016 as well, so it may have been from that election —but the basic gist in the morphing map below is correct. Land doesn’t vote. People do.)

(You have to push the play button if it’s not changing for you automatically.)

Coloring each county one color or the other as if they were all equal in population paints a false picture. The blue and red dots that the map morphs to presents a more accurate (though of course not completely accurate) portrait of how Americans vote than coloring in the whole thing. Anyone who has driven across Nebraska or Montana or most of Nevada knows that there are vast expanses of land with virtually no people for hours.

Another interesting statistic: The counties that Biden carried account for 70% of the U.S. economy. According to the Wall Street Journal, the 84% of counties that Trump won accounts for just 30% of the U.S. GDP, while the 16% that Biden won make up 70% of it. Even when Trump won the election in 2016, the counties he won only accounted for 36% of the economy.

While we’re here and looking at election math, let’s go ahead and nix another misnomer that’s floating around. Does “Simple Math” show that Biden claimed millions more votes than there were eligible voters who voted in the election?

Umm, no.image.png

This meme looks fancy with the colors and numbers and the dramatic “AWAKE YET?” 

But there’s a very basic error here.

That “2020 Election Turnout Rate” of 66.2% doesn’t mean 66.2% of registered legal voters, it means 66.2% of eligible voters. Super appreciate that they gave the source, but if you actually look up that WaPo article, it very clearly says “As a share of the voting-eligible population,” not “registered voters.” All registered voters are eligible voters, but not all eligible voters are registered voters. The eligible voting population is approximately 239.2 million, so the math in this calculation falls apart right where the multiplication starts. If you replace the registered vote total with 239.2 million, you come out with the original 158.4 million votes that were certified.

But the funniest thing about this one is just…really?

Do people really think that our multi-step, multi-check electoral processes wouldn’t immediately catch 13 or 17 million illegitimate votes if they actually existed? Do people really think that this very basic counting epiphany more than a month after the election took place, and after it has been checked and verified, even makes sense?

These numbers are all out there for everyone to calculate for themselves, but if people aren’t calculating with the right variables, then they’re going to come up with shoddy conclusions like these ones. And they’ll accept it because it backs up their belief that the election was fraudulent.

Please, if you see things like this, check the details. Read through the responses, as most misinformation usually get corrected by someone fairly quickly. Look at the information for yourself. Ask questions if it doesn’t seem like it makes sense. Don’t believe a meme just because it supports your belief, and if you see it and know it’s wrong, correct it. Misinformation is rampant and literally tearing at the fabric of our nation. It’s up to all of us to battle it when we see it.

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Election results by county.Counties vary by population, so county wins don’t correlate with the popular vote

Ultimately, the fact that Biden and Obama were victorious in a relatively small number of counties is not relevant to their popular vote numbers.

That’s because there is an incredible amount of variance in county population size, per a report by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Some counties have minuscule populations – for example, Hawaii’s Kalawao County has just 88 residents, and Texas’ Loving County has 169 residents. 

Other countries have enormous populations – for example, California’s Los Angeles County has 10.1 million residents, and Illinois’ Cook County has 5.2 million residents.

The same 2017 report by the U.S. Census Bureau found that more than half of the U.S. population lives in just 143 counties, or 4.3% of all counties.

Therefore, it’s plausible that Joe Biden set a popular vote record by carrying only 509 counties, or 17% of all counties.

Fact check: Biden won popular, Electoral College votes in several battleground states

Our rating: Missing context

We rate memes that call into question whether Joe Biden won the most ever votes based on the fact that he won a record-low number of counties as MISSING CONTEXT, because without additional context they could be misleading. With over 81 million votes, Biden received the most votes of any presidential candidate in history. It is also true that he won a record-low number of counties – but counties vary by population size, from those with a few hundred people to others with millions of residents, so county wins don’t correlate with the popular vote.

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Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.

This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections FactChat #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here, for more.

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It’s been explained and was even expected.

Mail in votes, which were predominately Biden votes, were counted last. Trump voters were told not to vote by mail. It’s not rocket science. You’re not very smart are ya? “When I went to bed he was winning, when I woke up he wasn’t”. So did you know that Trump was winning against Biden and then when I went to bed Trump was losing.

You do understand there is a thing called, “time zones” right?

That’s exactly how it went……I stayed up till 3am and he had a huge lead… up at 730 for work and he was way behind!

Biden statistically could not have won the election. We know it, they know it and we all know it!


Because it was Covid times and they expanded mail-in ballots and they counted those last. Donald said Repubs cheated him his first loss against Cruz. Weird how he then convinced his cult he basically never loses. Well that proves it. The election should have been called when you went beddy bye.

🤔 Yes he did and everyone really knows it…..🤨 I mean seriously use common sense….🤨 there is no way idiots like Biden and Harris got 81 million votes…..(legal votes that is) 😁👍💯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯👍

Yes, & @DNC @SpeakerPelosi incited the 2020 riots to hide it, & prosecute/persecute the Innocent who wanted to prove it was stolen. 

Yes, absolutely but many of our spineless republicans refused to do anything.


The Real Story of Jan 6 Documentary – Search (

“The Real Story of January 6,” a documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people. While a narrative has been set that what took place that day was an insurrection, key events and witnesses have been ignored until now. The documentary takes an unvarnished look at police use of force and the deaths that resulted in some measure from it.

The film asks tough questions about who was responsible for the chaos that day. With compelling interviews and exclusive video footage, the documentary tells the real story of January 6. The film is narrated by Joshua Philipp, host of “Crossroads” on EpochTV and a senior investigative reporter at The Epoch Times.

Yes, Donald J. Trump won the 2020 Election.

I watched on live TV when Poll Workers were evacuated and dollies loaded with Ballots brought in by men afterwards. How was California called promptly at 10PM EST for Biden at the exact time that GA was “evacuated” and several other states’ counting was halted? PA has already stated that they will not have the 2024 Results on Election Night but, California did in 2020?🤔

This election they’re better not be no stopping the count at 2 AM.

Or Late-night UPS trucks with 84,000 ballots no more broken water mains no more three democratic ballot watchers for R1. And no more of this BS. This time , don’t stop counting and ensure there are Republican auditors at those sites that were problematic last time.

Secured, mail-in ballots were not allowed to be counted until after all the day-of votes were tabulated. This is in Pennsylvania also. Republicans won’t let mail-in ballots be opened & counted before the polls close, delaying all the counts. They do this on purpose to trick you.

Not true! Florida counts their mail-ins and has the results on Election Day. Florida has a much larger population too! California announced their 2020 Election Results promptly at 10PM Eastern Standard Time which was their Poll Closing Time!

What does California being called have to do with anything?

The press could call California for Kamala today, and you know what, they would be right. The CA SOS will take much longer to count everything, and certify, but the press can make their prediction instantly.

I pray that you are wrong.

California was once a beautiful state that was on Americans vacation plans. The laws that it is passing will result in it belonging to the elites 0r illegal aliens. How long before one takes over the other…. I’m not saying that I want her to carry California because I don’t, however, the state is 46% to 24% Republicans with the rest Independents who mostly lean left. Thereby, Republican doesn’t have a chance


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The networks”call” the results based on polling data before and on Election Day. I can call California for Harris right now and I guarantee I’ll be right. Even though PA says they won’t have the results doesn’t mean it won’t be “called” but probably not since it should be close.

Noncitizens do vote in U.S. elections — here’s how they do it – Washington Times

Speaker Johnson said illegal immigrants allowed in by President Biden’s border chaos are showing up at government offices to sign up for benefits and services, and when they do they’re being prodded to sign up to vote.

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Remember in Michigan:

When the dem poll watchers put up poster board and plywood on the windows screeching “Down with Trump”? Bing Videos… I watched it live… We need transparency this time… Neighborhood Watch Your Voting Precinct This Time If You Suspect Voter Fraud, Suppression, and other election crimes. – Search (

 What Happened to Detroit? (

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