What will these two Bird brains be remembered for?
I remember in this Interview with President Donald Trump on Rush Limbaugh | 10/9/20. Rush stated in this interview that Obama didn’t leave Washington D.C. so he could run a shadow government versus TRUMP.
Being that Obama is a Marxist connected to the drug cartel and Muslim brotherhood while Loving the enemies of the United States of America and trying to destroy the United States from within and ruining the US, and bringing us close to world war III.
Total Wokism and pureCorruption and turning We the people against one another!
Creating a major divide!
I think Obama should be remembered for causing ill will and hatefulness in the country, very definitely a racist towards white people!
His lack of understanding toward the Constitution of the United States and Trying to fundamentally change everything in America to his liking. While re-stoking and Reviving the coals of Racism in America. Obama started the decline in America by firing the flames of BLM and Antifa, Obama was an illegitimate president, with a fake birth certificate
Obama should also be tried for treason against our country through aiding our enemies. War crimes and enriching himself fantastically off his presidency, a true scumbag who also allowed Russiagate to move forward even though the CIA informed him in the summer of 2016 that it was all bullshit from the Hillary Clinton campaign.
THREAD: What would a radical lift Kamala Harris Administration look like? While presiding over the U.S. Senate as VP she has cast the most tie-breaking votes (33) in history. These votes are not just politically polarizing but show how damaging a Kamala Harris White House would be.
See for yourself:
On February 5, 2021, Kamala Harris cast two tie breaking votes to pass Bernie Sanders’ budget bill, S. Con. Res. 5. This party-line resolution gave congress the authority to rush through President Biden’s wasteful and inflationary $1.9 trillion spending plan. Since Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote on Bernie Sanders’ budget resolution, the national debt has increased by 22%.
On June 22, 2021, Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote to confirm Kiran Ahuja as director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Before her confirmation, Kiran Ahuja oversaw Philanthropy Northwest where she used dark money to promote Critical Race Theory and DEI throughout corporate America. As head of OPM until her resignation this April, Ahuja allowed work backlogs to pile up as more than half of government bureaucrats “teleworked” 3-5 days a week.
On May 11, 2022, Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote on the confirmation of Alvaro Bedoya to be a Federal Trade Commissioner. Bedoya is an outspoken left-wing activist linked to several Soros-backed dark money organizations which call for the censorship of “misinformation.” Bedoya called ICE “an out-of-control domestic surveillance agency,” shared posts calling individuals in the Trump administration “racist and white supremacist,” and praised AOC as the, “future of progressive politics.”
READ MORE INTO IT: On the Brink of Collapse? 12 States With the Highest Debt in the U.S. – Wealthy Nickel The Democrats have dropped Biden, but make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris is EVEN MORE radical.
On December 8th 2021, Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote on the confirmation of Rachel Rollins for U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. Rollins was opposed by both Republican and Democrat Members of the House and Senate because of her unwillingness to prosecute serious crimes as the Suffolk County (Boston) District Attorney. As a George Soros-backed “progressive prosecutor,” Rollins, as stated policy, refused to prosecute 15 crimes including trespassing, resisting arrest, and disturbing the peace. She instead focused her office’s resources to treat the heroic police officers of Boston as criminals. Within a year of Harris casting the deciding vote, Rachel Rollins was investigated and found guilty by the United States Office of Special Counsel of violating the Hatch Act, by abusing her office and power as a prosecutor to influence political elections. She resigned shortly after the findings were made public and had her law license suspended shortly thereafter.
Tie-breaking votes cast by Kamala Harris in the U.S. Senate – Ballotpedia
Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic)
That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years — ProPublica
Human brain can’t comprehend numbers it can’t count to-just seen as “real big”.
It Takes 32 yrs to count to a billion. To count 2021 national debt $1 at a time would take over 908 yrs. Takes 32,000 years to count to 1 trillion-so 1,104,000+ yrs to count national debt 4 yrs later. And when Covid Hot our land the Democrats quickly included Socialist Programs in Covid Stimulus Bills to fire up the start up of the dreadful inflation we now experience in this country. Not to mention The EOs President Briben Quickly signed when he did cheat his way into the Oval Office.
Biden’s American Rescue Plan worsened inflation | Vox
Trump spent 3.1 Trillion up until the Democrat Spend Stimulus Package which cost this country an additional $5 Trillion during Trump’s Administration on Socialist Stimulus Money. And just look at what each and every American “owes” – the individual debt hanging around our necks…
Our Debt Clock : About : Truth in Accounting
Kamala is much more dangerous than the typical tax and spending Democrat which is bad enough. Potentially more damaging, if elected, will be her ability to act on her Marxist ideology with the power of the pen. Kamala is existential to our democracy. 25% of all US Federal debt going back to 1788 was incurred under 8 years of a Trump and Biden Presidency stemmed by a Socialist Democratic Regime.
Not an opinion. It’s a fact. What’s your next point???
Kamala will solely ruin our country and our lives! Voting for Trump is the only chance we have of saving our country! Get out and spread the word or there won’t be anything left for us to fight for! Communist don’t care about you or me, they are just about controlling our lives!
SHE RUINED CALIFORNIA, RUINED THE BORDER, RUINED MANY PEOPLE’S LIVES..NOW DEMOCRATS WANT TO REWARD HER. The Dems just keep spending OUR money and our children and all their children’s future after them will be paying back the debt that these clowns ran up. Sadly, none of the money s[ent made Americans lives any better. We are worse off now than we were 3+ years ago. Have you had enough of their communist policies! Take charge of our lives. Had enough of her communist policies! Vote RED.
U.S. Inflation Rate by President: From Eisenhower to Biden (investopedia.com)
Understanding Joe Biden’s Inflation in 10 Minutes. (thyblackman.com)
Donald Trump (2017–2021)
Average YOY Inflation Rate: 1.9%
The average yearly inflation rate under President Donald Trump was 1.9%. Inflation remained low during Trump’s presidency.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, bringing a brief but severe recession along with it, the Trump administration declared a state of emergency and passed stimulus measures such as the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in an attempt to provide relief to individuals and businesses.29 The economic policies followed by the Trump administration are now known as Trumponomics.
Joe Biden (2021–)
Average YOY Inflation Rate: 5.7%*
The average yearly inflation rate under President Joe Biden so far is 5.7%. Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act in 2021, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package to help the country recover from COVID-19. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery and after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 caused gas prices to soar, inflation rose to record levels not seen since the 1980s.303132 Inflation peaked at 9.1% year-over-year in June 2022, the highest increase in 40 years.33
The Fed responded by raising interest rates 11 times since March 2022 in an attempt to cool the stubborn inflation. While inflation did come down from its 2022 peak in 2023, it still remains above the Fed’s 2% target.34 Biden’s economic policies are now referred to as Bidenomics.
*The average yearly inflation rate for the Biden administration was calculated for the years 2021 to 2023, since Biden’s term is still ongoing.
Which President Had the Highest Average Inflation Rate?
President Jimmy Carter had the highest average inflation rate so far, with an average year-over-year inflation rate of 9.9% during his term in office from 1977 to 1981.35
How Does the President Affect Inflation?
While the president has historically been the one to blame in times of high inflation and economic downturn in general, it is difficult to gauge how much control the president has over inflation.36 Still, the president plays a significant role in deciding how to respond to high inflation or stimulate the economy during a slowdown.
What Is the Highest Inflation Has Ever Been?
In the United States, inflation is commonly measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Since the CPI was introduced as an economic indicator, the highest rate of year-to-year inflation the U.S. has seen was 17.8% in 1917.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. “Consumer Price Index, 1913–.”
The Trump vs. Biden Economy: A Comparison in 10 Charts | DAILY READ (dlyread.com)
During the Trump era, Americans enjoyed relatively low inflation, following the historically low levels of the Obama years. The Consumer Price Index hit a high in June 2018 of only 2.9%.
The Covid pandemic changed inflation’s trajectory, however, as supply-chain snarls, government stimulus spending, and pent-up demand combined to send prices sharply higher. Russia’s attack on Ukraine added further price pressures, particularly in the energy sector.
The CPI reached a peak of 9% in June 2022, in the second year of Biden’s term. Inflation has since fallen to 3.1% year over year, based on the latest CPI reading. Credit goes largely to the Federal Reserve, which raised interest rates 11 times in the past two years, to a targeted range of 5.25%-5.50%, to cool price growth.
Still, high costs, particularly for food, have dogged the Biden presidency. Government data show that food costs are up more than 20% from the start of Biden’s term. The major difference between the two periods boils down to inflation, or the upward change in prices for goods and services.
From 2017 to 2019, inflation hovered at about 2% per year – a low enough level where people generally don’t notice changes from day to day. But when COVID-19 shut global supply chains and caused a labor shortage, prices shot up, with inflation hitting a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022.
Suddenly, shoppers were reminded of inflation each time they went to the grocery store – an issue that remains a pain point for consumers. Even though inflation has receded, prices aren’t going back to their pre-pandemic levels, and that continues to eat into consumers’ budgets.
The Bottom Line inflation under biden compared to trump – Search Videos (bing.com)
While a president’s actions can affect inflation, there are many other factors that must be weighed when evaluating the root causes behind price increases.
The president does influence fiscal policy, and each president’s economic policies—such as tax cuts, military spending, and government aid—certainly do affect the economy. However, many external factors outside a president’s control—such as war, economic downturn, and public health crises—also contribute to inflation.
No president directly controls the inflation rate or the cost of goods and services, but fair or not, the Oval Office’s occupant gets credit when prices fall and blame when they rise.
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The yearslong trend of modest inflation was well-established when Donald Trump took office in January 2017, and many of the pandemic-driven building blocks for soaring prices were already in place when President Joe Biden took over in January 2021.
However, when eliminating the context and looking purely at numbers during each president’s four-year term, Trump oversaw a period of relatively low inflation, and Biden’s term so far has largely been defined by rapidly rising prices and the most painful inflation since the early 1980s.
Inflation vs. Wage Growth
Inflation doesn’t hurt as much if incomes grow faster than prices rise, which they did during Trump’s entire presidency. According to a Vox analysis, the inflation rate was always under 3% and sometimes under 2% during all four Trump years before cratering to near zero during the peak pandemic, with wage growth outpacing inflation throughout.
Inflation began surpassing income growth just as Biden took office in 2021 and never stopped until the start of 2023. That held true even though wages rose faster under Biden than during Trump’s time in office. Wage growth has since slowed, but the inflation rate has fallen faster, allowing income gains to keep up with rising prices from early 2023 through today.
Find Out: The 50 Happiest States in America and How Much It Costs to Live There
A Gallon of Gas
According to a May 2 analysis from Yahoo Finance senior columnist Rick Newman, the average gas price was $2.47 per gallon when Trump took office in January 2017. The average for his entire four-year term was $2.57, or $2.67 if you omit the peak-COVID era from his last 10 months in office when nearly nonexistent demand sent prices crashing.
Conversely, the average price per gallon during Biden’s presidency so far is $3.61 — 40% more than even Trump’s higher average. Gas peaked at over $5 for the first time ever in June 2022.
When adjusted for inflation, Trump’s average is $3.18 in 2024 dollars, 21% less than Biden’s inflation-adjusted price of $3.86.
A Dozen Eggs
According to the St. Louis Fed, a dozen large, Grade A eggs cost about $1.60 when Trump took office in January 2017. During his single term, the price breached the $2 mark only twice, and briefly both times — $2.08 in April 2018 and $2.02 two years later in April 2020. Trump’s price hit a low of $1.22 in August 2019.
When Biden took office in January 2021, a dozen eggs cost $1.47. In February 2022, it rose to $2 and has never receded below that mark since. By the start of August 2022, a dozen eggs cost $3, then $4 by December 2022 before peaking at an all-time high of $4.82 in January 2023. The previous record was $2.97 in September 2015.
The cheapest price under President Biden so far was $2.04 in August 2023, but that has since risen to about $3 today.
A Gallon of Milk
According to the St. Louis Fed, a gallon of whole milk cost $3.32 when Trump was inaugurated in January 2017. The price fell steadily to a term-low of $2.84 in July 2018. The price held steady until it breached $3 in June 2019 and climbed to a Trump-era high of $3.54 in December 2020.
The price of milk fell briefly and modestly during Biden’s first three months, then started on an upward trajectory that peaked at $4.22 in November 2022. The average price of a gallon of milk has since fallen, but only to its current cost of about $3.90.
The average plane ticket was already relatively affordable during Trump’s pre-pandemic term. Federal Reserve data shows that for most of his first three years, the average price was around $260. It had previously spent much of the 2010s in the low-$300s.
Then, at the end of February 2020, COVID hit, the skies emptied and the average price of an airline ticket fell off a cliff and bottomed out at $186 in May 2020.
By the time Biden took office, the price was back up to $212. After several fits and starts, the travel industry recovered, prices started rising, and the average cost of airfare topped out at $319 in June 2022. It has since fallen to about $270.
With Pennsylvania turned and Florida Swinging Red and Michigan being Blue again.
I read Trump leading the Electoral College with 320 Votes, So Let’s Hope and Pray!!!