Remnants of life in ancient rocks reveal Earth had a rich ecosystem 3.4 billion years ago (msn.com)
Finding evidence of life that far in the past is difficult, but this is an interesting result if correct. Since we don’t know how life first came about, it is unclear whether it is rare, almost inevitable, or something in between. Evidence for life early in the Earth’s history would be an argument (weak) that life forms quickly when the appropriate conditions exist.
We kinda know but refuse to believe life is that easy to create.
It is difficult to tell with only one example of a planet where life developed. it might be inevitable for the conditions that were present for the early Earth, or almost impossible. There would be no easy way to tell. The best example to learn how life is created would be to find and observe other planets where life is located. Then again, the cosmos may be a dark forest.
The nearest star outside our solar system is 4 light years away, and likely does not have habitable planets. Observing other planets with life is not a trivial undertaking. I never meant for it to sound trivial. It would be a groundbreaking undertaking. As of now and the foreseeable future we don’t even have the capabilities to leave our own star system.
There are several problems with the panspermia theory.
Artist’s impression of the ISO 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua, detected on October 19th, 2017, by the Pan-STARRS survey. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser© Provided by Phys.org
On October 19, 2017, astronomers with the Pan-STARRS survey detected an interstellar object (ISO) passing through our solar system for the first time. The object, known as 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua, stimulated significant scientific debate and is still controversial today. One thing that all could agree on was that the detection of this object indicated that ISOs regularly enter our solar system. What’s more, subsequent research has revealed that, on occasion, some of these objects come to Earth as meteorites and impact the surface.
This raises a very important question: if ISOs have been coming to Earth for billions of years, could it be that they brought the ingredients for life with them? In a recent paper, a team of researchers considered the implications of ISOs being responsible for panspermia—the theory that the seeds of life exist throughout the universe and are distributed by asteroids, comets, and other celestial objects. According to their results, ISOs can potentially seed hundreds of thousands (or possibly billions) of Earth-like planets throughout the Milky Way.
The team was led by David Cao, a senior student at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJSST). He was joined by Peter Plavchan, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at George Mason University (GMU) and the Director of the Mason Observatories, and Michael Summers, a professor of astrophysics and planetary science at GMU. Their paper, “The Implications of ‘Oumuamua on Panspermia,” recently posted to arXiv preprint server, is being reviewed for publication by the American Astronomical Society (AAS).
First, there is no evidence to support it.
Second, it only pushes back the problem of the origin of life to a different location.
Third, how would this operate – what life would aliens spew across the galaxy?
Pretty sure directed panspermia would need a director. If not aliens, then what? That microorganisms can survive in space or that amino acids can form abiotically in space is interesting but hardly evidence that they came from space. I can find buckyballs in space – does that mean the buckyballs on Earth came from space?
And the last argument is nonsense and easy to parody. Doubtful that a planet that is 4.5 billion years old is the origin of texas hold em’ in a universe that is 13.7 billion years old. Non-directed panspermia is even less likely than directed panspermia. If life developed on another planet, the transmission of a significant amount of that life into space by some natural process becomes a problem, as does the survival in space for tens of millions of years.
The distance between stars and planetary systems is on the order of light years, and, as the band Hawkwind correctly noted “stars occupy minute areas of space”. Planets even less. And there is no known or plausible process for life to have developed in space. And if life does develop naturally (required for panspermia) , why not say it happened on Earth, and skip the unlikely mechanism for transmission from another location?
Parody was just a way of showing how the argument that since the Earth is much younger than the universe things must have developed elsewhere is weak. As I noted in the OP, there is insufficient current knowledge to say whether the development of life is easy, difficult, or somewhere in between – and experts, those in the best position to speculate, are all over the map in their opinions. In addition, I’ve never claimed the Earth was the first place where life developed. I do believe that it developed on Earth independent of other solar systems. I’m agnostic as far as how common I think life is, but doubt that intelligent life is common, based on the Fermi paradox and other reasons.
It isn’t that far in the past.
Our dating systems are an interlocking circle of unprovable assumptions – more faith based than science based. We have a good understanding concerning radioactive decay.
The process is based on tunneling – a well understood quantum process. For the dating to be incorrect would require that radioactive decay has a time dependent rate. There is no plausible process that would lead to that. Further, since several isotopes are used in dating, it would also require the time dependence be such that each isotope mimicked one another to give the same date to within experimental error.
That is not exact science, but special pleading.
I think we do know that the probability of a planet having the characteristics that we know are needed to support life is very, very rare. Perhaps. But it is a big universe. Just think they also had global warming way back then too. So remember, global warming is not man made. It’s a naturally occurring cyclical event. Earth’s naturally occurring rhythms. Mankind is not the reason. Mother nature is.
Global warming is manmade.
It is caused by our burning of fossil fuels. We know that because the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased dramatically since the Industrial Revolution. Science. It’s a word. It’s derived from the Greek. It means “knowledge.” Highly recommended.
Yes, humans adding GHG from burning fossil fuels Just “accelerated” the current global warming. Planet Earth’s global temperature has been steadily rising since the end of the last Glacial Period’s maximum low temperature, that happened ~21,500 years ago. (REF: USGS “Glacial to Interglacial history charts). There was a “saw-toothed” Up & Down temperature period that started ~9,000 years ago, and that is what “Today’s” scientists refer to as “The Normal” — which it is not. Look at the Glacial to Interglacial history charts. There are a bunch of them available on-line, or at a local library.
However, Eveready, you must remember that methane production from septic environments (bacteria) as well as from vents plays no part in this warming.
Global warming now is man made.
Yes, the earth has cycles, but they are very, very slow, and would be undetectable over the short span of 150 years.
Yet we have become 2.3 deg F warmer during this time. There is no doubt whatsoever this is from mankind.
“The oldest accepted rock core containing fossilized life was found in Pilbara, Australia. This is thought to be more than 3.5 million years old.” Billion, not million (although it IS more than 3.5 million years old). “Personally, from my research. I think life emerged on Earth during the Hadean, probably about 4.2, 4.1 billion years [ago],”
That would be only about 400 million years after the Earth was FORMED about 4.55 billion years ago, and it must have been still very hot from its formation. More likely what they found could be from geologic processes.
“Earth was already TEAMING with life….” With whom or what was it teaming?
Oh, you mean TEEMING. Baby this rock was built green!
It is by no mistake that we are so far removed from the animal world. Life is not of earth but something that exists between the birth and death of worlds. Like pollen with nukes, we will spread life to other worlds. Put a thousand years on it in your head and it is that without question.
Absolutely by design, built on the back of a most brutal struggle for survival itself and endless time. We are life’s soldiers, not a burden in any way. Countless species might fold to humans, but it remains unchanged, life’s soldiers. As far as we know we are the last vestige of life even. Get it wrong and there won’t be anything left to tell the tale of our existence.
Jim Henson’s Dinosaur TV documentary – Search Videos accurately shows it was actually a chemical defoliant which nearly wiped out the world when the WeSaySo corporation short tracked a solution to rapidly expanding vine growth across pangea.
They only launched the nuclear weapons in an attempt to cool the earth after their plant free world continued to heat up. The dinosaurs had already abolished war by that point, but they were still done in by corporate greed.
The bible got the age of the earth wrong, and the bible only had a bias focused on a small geographic area and does not account for the rest of the world views, politics, and religions. The Bible never says how old the Earth is – there are no actual numerical dates anywhere in the Bible.
AI Religious figures – Search (bing.com)
But regardless, the Bible gets nearly every single thing wrong about geology, geography, biology, zoology, meteorology, cosmology, physics, and even basic math at times. Then again, it was written by humans for humans based on ancient mythology when nobody knew how the world really worked.
Having livestock mates in front of striped sticks will NOT result in striped offspring. Genesis 30:37 – 31:16 Snow and hail are NOT kept in heavenly storehouses for God to use in times of trouble & warfare* Job 38:22 * sure enough:
God does rain down giant hailstones on the enemy soldiers that were fighting his “chosen people” in another part of the Bible!
It’s not *just* about the machines:
We’re being outnumbered by stupid people.
General Flynn ️, [8/18/2024 1:09 PM]
The United States intelligence community, both inside and outside, are the ones manipulating the outcome of what we are going to face over the next couple of months. Click the link below to view the complete interview with Pirate Money:
Mind Control and Media Manipulation | Guests: Lara Logan & Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn (rumble.com)
Because the Bible (Old Testament especially) was written by a certain tribe of people for the benefit of a certain tribe of people. Preachers don’t tell their church members the history of the Bible. Because if there is a god (no evidence for one yet) it is not the god of the Bible. The Bible was written by ancient humans with no input from any supernatural deity.
The Bible was written with the highly evolved human creativity & imagination – just like all religious scriptures. I feel more and more every day that “god” is the Earth. And we treat God poorly. And Earth It got mad a few times before. Ask the dinosaurs.
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Explore some of the most remote and spectacular places on Earth with a pioneering group of scientists who make surprising discoveries that’s transforming human understanding of nature and ecology. Based on a book The Serengeti Rules – Search (bing.com) of the same name. Broadcast In: English
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