The Communist Democrat Playbook

Speaker Pelosi: Tim Walz is wonderful; he has a great vision for our country | Watch (

🏃Run away from this as fast as you can. 
The Democrats’ DEI Presidential candidate will choose an old-white guy as her 

@VP pick.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) are organizational frameworks that aim to promote fair treatment and full participation of all people, particularly historically underrepresented or discriminated groups1234.  

Or America is GONE !


Gimme3Steps on X: “Good morning to everyone who remembers that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz watched Minneapolis 🔥 did not support the Police and participated in the cover-up of the George Floyd Autopsy 🔊” / X
Who is 

@GovTimWalz? Let’s take a quick look: • Fueled BLM Riots in 2020 … due to “defund the police” stance • Rioters looted and wrecked Minneapolis • Change MN state flag to resemble Somalia’s • K*lled old people with Cov*d nursing home scandal • made MN a ‘gr**mer friendly’ LGBTQIA+ “sanctuary” state … in an attempt to normalize pedophilia • Pushes youth trans surgery, ‘hormone therapy’ agenda … even though the “science” is against it and results in more su*cides in their 20s & 30s • Soldiers accused Walz of embellishing and selectively omitting facts about his military career … just like 

@SenBlumenthal embellished his • Fellow soldiers accused him of “quitting” on them … another 

@JohnKerry wannabe • Got DUI in 1995 doing 96mph in a 55 speed zone … for which 

@Google is already cleansing its search engines of pictures and true information about • Praises socialism, yet hides under the banner of Democrat like a coward Kamalatoe’s “perfect” running mate?

Minnesota State Flag


Thee Flag of Somalia



Why Tim Walz Could Be a ‘Weird’ Pick to Join Harris’ Ticket as VP | Opinion (
Dude said “socialism is just being neighborly”. That should disqualify you from any government position.

He’s governing Minnesota, the Land of 10,000 Cases of Fraud. Food distribution fraud, daycare fraud, Medicaid fraud, medical transportation fraud, welfare fraud, food stamp fraud, unemployment payment fraud, to name a few.Tax and spend- it’s only paper we will print more- democratic policies without any checks and balances, Report says Minnesota issued $428 million in unemployment overpayments across three years. GOP leader Lisa Demuth condemned the “pattern of fraud and waste presided over by Minnesota Democrats.”

Defunding the Police was the position of the City Council and the Mayor, not Governor Waltz. Kept his buddy’s candy store open while forcing other small businesses to close during covid, in the vein of Gavin Newsome at the French Laundry, or Nancy Pelosi forcing a hair salon, which was otherwise shut down, to do her hair. Walz is just slimy.

Rep. Jim Jordan 21h

·New report: Over 250 illegal aliens on the TERROR WATCH list were encountered at the southern border between 2021 and 2023. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris released at least 99 of those illegal aliens into American communities.


The Islamo-fascist ticket
Why isn’t Kamala taking questions? #WheresKamala

Because she has no policy and no credibility….

look at the southern border or in fact any border!!!

Create the theme, and continue to create, until it can no longer be ignored by the media. Say it day in and day out until she’s forced to face the public and fill Americans in on her policy positions since she disavowed all her previous ones. Kamala Harris made the single worst choice for VP in the history of the country. 

Jesse Watters: Walz isn’t ‘Minnesota nice’ — he’s ‘Minnesota nuts’ (

She chose Bernie Sanders for Governors. He is a new green deal leftist/socialist like Harris. The single most radical extreme and dangerous ticket to ever run for president/VP. They will do the state run media mobs job and vet Walz in detail today on radio and TV. It will take the full 4 hours. Buckle up as Mr Walz is the definition of extreme and weird. 

Fits right in with the rest of her decision making!!!

The truth about him : Who is Tim Walz? Harris VP pick gives progressives what they want. 

The DNC couldn’t pick Shapiro who’s currently under a State investigation for covering up a murder as prosecutor. Kelly couldn’t be picked because of his ties to China and his wife is divorcing him. Tiananmen Tim needs to explain what he was doing in China for a year moonlighting as a “teacher”

image.pngLook into the $6m warehouse he bought during Covid to use as a morgue. Sat empty/ fear mongered

At the height of the pandemic in 2020, Gov. Tim Walz told the people of Minnesota he was so afraid of dead bodies piling up outside funeral homes that he purchased an abandoned fruit warehouse for $6.9 million to use as a morgue. With Minnesotans looking to him for leadership and guidance, Walz used the morgue purchase to create a statewide panic that forced people to retreat into their homes for months. It wasn’t the pandemic that caused the fear. It was the overreaction to it by “leaders” like Tim Walz.

US COVID-19 cases and deaths by state | USAFacts

Driving Walz’s morbid predictions of dead bodies overwhelming funeral home capacity was his stubborn reliance on “models” that predicted first 74,000 COVID deaths, then 50,000 deaths, then 22,000 deaths. The models proved to be criminally wrong, and our incurious press eventually stopped asking about them last fall.

Needless to say, Walz’s morgue sat empty.

It did make news by winning American Experiment’s inaugural Golden Turkey Award for outrageous spending. 


She picked her platform. Socialism vs capitalism. MAGA v/s Marxism The battle begins.

Reactions to Kamala Harris pick of Tim Walz for Vice President – Search (

Minnesota Farmer’s Labor Party is Communism – Search (

This pick is to satisfy the far left in the party, this allows her to change her narrative and appear moderate. The GOP needs to get their act together now and start exposing the extremism of this ticket. If the media won’t ask questions or Harris and Walz we need to use their own words against them with their past on record statements. Yet we are supposed to “believe” she has also changed her position on EVERYTHING she has ever stood for?
Let America decide. 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲


Walz lets it burn and She bails out the arsonist. Consider this:

Why would they pick such a radical ticket? 

They have apparatus to deliver 90 M votes.

Now’s time to go full on liberal and cement their agenda. 

Elections are no longer about convincing people to vote as much as it is how many votes you can manufacturer for your agenda.

Look in to his and MPLS Mayor allowing Antifa & BLM to burn down a police precinct – SEDITION


The real reason Kamala Harris picked ‘normie’ Tim Walz (

He can join Hubert Humphrey and Fritz Mondale as the other Minnesota losers.

Hubert Humphrey and Walter “Fritz” Mondale were both prominent politicians from Minnesota who served as Vice Presidents of the United States and later ran for the presidency. Fortunately, both were unsuccessful in their presidential bids.

From AOC to Manchin: How Walz is uniting unexpected lawmakers | Watch (
Lawmakers are reacting to Vice President Harris choosing Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. NBC News’ Julie Tsirkin has the latest reporting from Capitol Hill and former Rep. Joe Crowley shares his reaction, saying Walz is “very smart” and “very dedicated”. 



Tampon Tim kept back the National Guard He helped bail out the violent criminals. 

AS He told the police to take a knee…. He is radical Tim Walz 🤪

Wake up, America communism is around the corner!!!


Meanwhile, Biden claims he “cured” the economy. 

The Dow appears to disagree. ⬇️” / X

🫸 Don’t they mean Burdenonomics cause we have all been burdened by them period 🫷
Leftists create the problems then create the government based “solutions” to deal with their created problems. 

Kayleigh McEnany on X: “🚨 VP Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote for inflation (aka The American Rescue Plan). 

Americans need to wake up to the Marxist games. They are destroying our country. #Marxism

1984 book George Orwell pdf – Search (


All Democrats do is lie about everything.
WeThePeople know how much our bills are, and we’re sick of the Democrats and media/press telling us that everything is okay … WHEN IT’S NOT! Kamala & Joe repeatedly lied to the American People about our economy. “Bidenomics is working.” “Today, we have the strongest economy in the world.”

Mike Huckabee: This is Bidenomics in high gear | Fox Business Video

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee discusses the 2024 election as Harris picks Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate and weighs in on the economy following the global selloff. 


What’s in the Marxist tool belt? 

Lies, hypocrisy, defamation, slander, ad hominem attacks, deceits, projection, intimidation, bits of truth laced with lies, rambling pseudo-intellectual jargon salad, word redefinitions, censorship, revision of history, secrets, more lies, hiding behind facades of innocence, screaming and ultimately violence.

Saul Alinsky’s “13 Rules for Radicals.” are a set of principles outlined in his book Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals. These rules are designed to guide community organizers and activists in their efforts to bring about social change. 

Here are the 13 rules:

  1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
  2. Never go outside the expertise of your people.
  3. Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.
  4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
  5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
  6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
  7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
  8. Keep the pressure on. Never let up.
  9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
  10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
  11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.
  12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
  13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

These rules emphasize strategic thinking, psychological tactics, and the importance of maintaining momentum in activism12.

Is there a specific rule or aspect of Alinsky’s work that you’re particularly interested in?


Our country, children and grandchildren need Trump back.

The Democrats have been trying to brainwash us that the economy is fine but they continue to forget Americans are strong and cannot be brainwashed. I’m boring, not edgy. Detest hypocrisy & groupthink. 

People run in packs because they don’t feel safe alone. I run alone because I don’t feel safe in packs.  

Life’s Precious…be kind to babies, the elderly and animals! PATRIOT 🇺🇲 PLEASE 🇺🇲

Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 on X: “Tim Walz defends closing schools during COV*D and says children didn’t miss a lot of time,

Which is a blatant lie″ / X

(1) DC_Draino on X: “Holy communism Tim Walz established a “snitch” program during Covid where people report neighbors for violating his authoritarian stay-at-home orders This is straight out of Fidel Castro’s playbook for anyone that spoke out against his regime” / X

Madyalook 2h

·My daughter missed a year and a half, don’t let him lie 💩

They’re just two years behind in reading, writing, mathematics, and virtually every other subject, Yes, they did! 

Children are still behind, attitudes have changed about the importance of education. Now, parents take their students out of school for any reason, 2 – 3-week vacations, went to lunch with my child, didn’t feel like it, we just wanted a break; parents are to blame.


Which states were swing states last election? Here’s which 5 states flipped from 2016 to 2020 (

They’re going to Sugar Coat Communism with a Positive twist.

Minnesota had an official state “snitch line” for Covid lockdown violators.

(Proud of it, too, I’m sure.)

‘Hate and anger are 8 years ago’: How Harris and Walz offer a positive vision to American voters.


Opinion: Why Harris and Walz Just Made 1964 Great Again (
Curiosity about the unknown is a wonderful feeling that inspires us to explore, discover and learn.

This is truly a “good versus evil” election.

We are fighting spirits and principalities – Search Videos (

Ah, the age-old battle between light and darkness, the ethereal clash of unseen forces. 🌟✨ While I don’t possess any mystical powers myself, I can appreciate the metaphorical struggle you’re describing.

In many belief systems and mythologies, spirits and principalities represent opposing cosmic forces—good versus evil, chaos versus order, or perhaps even enlightenment versus ignorance. Whether you’re speaking metaphorically or literally, this concept has fascinated humanity for centuries.

Remember, though, that our greatest battles often occur within ourselves. The choices we make, the thoughts we entertain, and the actions we take—these shape our personal destinies. So, as you navigate these spiritual realms, may you find strength, wisdom, and compassion to guide you. 🌿🌌

We either vote for President Trump to preserve our country and our Constitution, or we vote for Kamala and Walz, and usher in more illegals crossing the border, higher inflation, more homeless, more drug addictions, more evil.

The independent people in the middle don’t want this radical agenda! So much for the leftist theory that she would pick someone in the middle of the road so they could take Trump voters! 🇺🇲 🇺🇲

Why Pelosi and other House Dems were privately pushing Walz (


Pelosi calls Trump ‘stupid’ in new book, explains why she ripped up SOTU speech:

 ‘Pages and pages’ of lies (


Kamala Harris arrived in Philadelphia for her first appearance with her running mate Tim Walz. It’s been 16 days since Harris was illegally installed as the Democrat presidential candidate.

She hasn’t done an interview and her website lists no policies.

Tim Walz Progressive Agenda Included Giving Driver’s Licenses, Free Tuition to Illegal Immigrants (

What vision?

World Economic Forum – Search Images (

She doesn’t even list a single policy on her website.

Tim Walz Has Been a Disaster for Minnesotans | Opinion (

She’s letting everyone else do the talking for her and has NO CLUE what she’s going to “do” until she’s told what to do by her bosses at the WEF, the UN and the guy that owns the big house in Martha’s vineyard.

Donald Trump Will Be America’s Last President – Mar Mari Emmanuel (

2024 General Election: Trump vs. Harris Polls | RealClearPolling

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