We Are Living in Biblical Times

That’s how biblical it’s supposed to be. 

I feel like I would never know about these things if not for Facebook. It’s the demolition process. The tearing down of the old systems so we can create the new earth paradigm of wealth health abundance and prosperity for all – Search Images (bing.com)

The concept of a “New Earth Paradigm” that encompasses wealth, health, abundance, and prosperity for all is intriguing! While there are various interpretations and approaches to achieving this vision, here are a few perspectives:

  1. Spiritual Laws of Wealth and Abundance:
  2. New Earth Project:
  3. Prosperity Theology:

Remember that these concepts are diverse, and different people interpret them in various ways. Exploring further and finding what resonates with you personally can lead to a deeper understanding of wealth, health, and abundance. 😊

Japan stocks take largest dive since Black Monday of 1987 – Nikkei Asia

But a top Democrat for the Obama era literally just said on Fox that the stock market has never been better under the Biden Administration! delusional liars! I was watching it on the stock market channel this morning …. They were saying not to be nervous and panic .. just them having to say that makes me nervous.

Kristin Alexander

A crash is coming and I’m happy I know how to grow my own food.

Cynthia Michelle

Kristin Alexander same and raises my own meat. We need to have one another to lean on to make it through.

Kristin Alexander

Cynthia Michelle Yes, people will learn what bartering is.

Cynthia Michelle

Kristin Alexander I pray this helps us find our way

Operation/Project Sandbag, perhaps playing out? – Search (bing.com)

Dumpster fire rolling downhill taking all financial markets with it…ours has to go sooner or later…how else would we switch over from fiat currency? dismantling the totally controlled corrupt system. Dollar bills are money made out of thin air with no true value.  Kill that fiat dollar for gold back and silver back only.

Patrick S. Cody

Andrea Kaye no it’s totally satanic and evil and has nothing to do with goodness for the average human being. It is all enslavement for a future hellhole that they want to control. But I stay positive because I know God is in charge and the people that are doing this will be judged.When Will It Be 289 Days From Today?Answer: 289 Days From Today Would BeThursday, May 22, 2025Add, May 22, 2025 to your Google Calendar (Today is August 5, 2024) (Source: https://calculat.io/en/date/count/289–days–from–today)

Every date represents a certain numerology energy.

The energy is interpreted for meaning.

If a date is personally significant, the energy can affect the person whenever the date is dwelled on.

The calculator, further below, determines the date number and presents an interpretation for the energy represented by that date.

The information for any date can be obtained. Each date is calculated to a single-digit number, the date number. Because all date numbers are single digit, 1 through 9, there are only nine different interpretations.

Use the calculator to determine the one for your special date.

Not consistently, but in general, the lower that the date number is, the more the energy it represents is focused on a specific resonance. Thus, 1- and 2-energy dates are the sharpest. The energy represented by the larger numbers have more fuzzy edges, so to speak, and are more adept at resonating with, rather than against, conflicting energy.

The date number energy interpretations provided by the calculator talk about potential resonance and dissonance with the energy of personal numerology chart numbers.

To read more about date numbers and meanings in general, see the date meaning article.

We are moving into the New Earth. We are here at this time to bring heaven back to earth. All our old systems are collapsing…. we have 289 days left… God‘s hand of restraint over sin was lifted a long time ago. Evil is everywhere and the idea that something is getting better is I believe to be a foolish idea. It may sound good, may be positive, but it’s never gonna happen with this depraved world. 

We are not building back. There’s not a great reset. 

That’s going to be good and if they do somehow succeed in their reset, it will be a complete socialist society where human beings have no rights and will be controlled for the rest of their life that’s what they’ve been building for the past hundred years and I was preview to this when I was overseas 17 years ago. I am just a pilgrim and a sojourner in a strange and evil land.

Stocks sink with dollar, Treasuries volatile on recession fears | Reuters

Start towards one world currency, If the dollar crashes, we’re looking at a total collapse that most folks aren’t even remotely prepared for. Wonder if this is a good time for me to get into the market 

🤪 there’s always dips! It always goes back up. HOOOOOLD!!!

Why Chinese banks are now vanishing (economist.com)

40 small banks in China collapsed at the end of June. Large banks are insolvent in Japan and in the USA and have been for years. if you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem. This time has been prophesied and promised for millennia. It might get worse before it gets better but it is getting better! It starts with YOU and me. Christ is within us and we must realize it and take our power back!

In the end it is not a time for believers to live in fear but for us to watch it all unfold… but as I’ve been telling you for the past few years, Christ isn’t an idea within me. Christ is eternal God, and he is the judge of the universe in the end will come and most people alive today will face judgment that is just a fact. 

Most people will spend eternity in the lake of fire, that is terrifying to me and I’ve been trying to wake people up for the past 31 years. Most of my family and loved ones are probably included in this judgment and that breaks my heart. 

I have no fear because I know my mission and purpose is to bring love and light back to humanity.

Wow, imagine that. A loving God that controls people through fear 🙄 fear is an illusion!

Stock market update: US economy ‘will be in recession by end of year’ as Dow plummets 900 points (msn.com)

‘We needed this’: Financial expert says stock market plunge overdue (msn.com)

Where your eyes go you go…

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