Major Shift in America

If Republicans take the White House in November (and statistics show that could be), 

it could mean the end of the US climate policy.

To say that the climate emergency is causing chaos across the US would be an understatement. 

Runaway wildfires, fatal heatwaves, increasingly intense hurricanes, rising sea levels… 

But the Republican platform steers clear of the term ‘climate change.’

Instead, the Republicans’ platform states: “We will DRILL, BABY, DRILL and we will become Energy Independent, and even Dominant again. The United States has more liquid gold under our feet than any other Nation, and it’s not even close. The Republican Party will harness that potential to power our future.” 

Meanwhile, the results of a recent Climate Insights survey of public opinion conducted by researchers at Stanford University and Resources for the Future (RFF) are, to put it mildly, worrisome.  1,000 American adults were interviewed for the survey, which was conducted by the firm ReconMR for RFF and Stanford University. The latest data was collected between October 16, 2023, and February 23, 2024.

Stressful Statistics


In addition, it states:

According to the survey, the number of climate skeptics has dropped by 6% since 2020. 
75% of Americans believe Earth has warmed up during the last century – a drop of 8% since 2020.  21% consider climate change as crucial – no substantial change.  Americans who support solar power dropped by 8% during the past decade.  Support for wind-powered electricity is 14% less than 10 years ago.  67% trust climate scientists – a decrease of 8% since 2020. 

These descending statistics in the RFF/Stanford survey mirror the ones of a Pew Research Center survey showing a weakening in the “breadth of support for wind and solar power.” As per the Pew poll, Republican support is 20% less for solar and 19% less for wind since Biden became President. 

The Associate Research Director of Pew, Alec Tyson, refers to this as a “significant change,” saying that: “It’s a new level of polarization on energy issues that we had not previously seen.” Now, the Republican nominee for vice president, JD Vance, with his close ties to the fossil fuels industry and his criticism of electric vehicles (shared by presidential nominee Donald Trump), is seen as a threat to Americans and the planet, according to environmental advocates. 

Before running for political office, Vance voiced concern about the climate crisis. Now, he’s voting to end environmental protections in addition to canceling landmark climate legislation supporting renewables and electric vehicles. 

What Crisis?

Cassidy DiPaola, spokesperson for Fossil Free Media’s Make Polluters Pay campaign, says: “The selection of JD Vance as a potential vice-president is a dangerous step backward for climate action in the United States.” DiPaola added: “Senator Vance’s record shows a clear pattern of prioritizing fossil fuel interests over the urgent need to address the climate crisis.”  

Should Republicans win the White House, flip the Senate, and maintain their House majority in November’s election, they will have various ways of shifting US climate policy. This scenario has become more and more likely in recent weeks after certain events, including Biden’s catastrophic debate performance, and an attempted assassination on Trump which has revitalized his base. 

Although this can’t be 100% assured yet, Republicans are optimistic about their chances.

On Tuesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, told The Washington Post that “there’s obviously going to be a big down ballot effect” from recent events. While this has unnerved certain leading liberal climate groups, it has fired up fresh support for Trump. 

No Threat?

William Perry Pendley served as acting director of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management during the Trump administration. According to him, “To say climate change is the biggest threat to humanity is absolutely insane.”

“The remedy that President Biden has is, ‘Let’s spend a ton of money solving a problem that doesn’t exist and turning over your lifestyles.’ That’s certainly not the position of the Republican Party.” 

2025’s Blueprint

A possible playbook for the Republican party is Project 2025, a proposal for the next conservative administration. While Trump has said he knows “nothing about Project 2025,” several of its authors were part of the Trump administration or could enjoy prominent positions if he wins a second term. 

Additionally, Trump has also praised the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank that organized Project 2025. Among Project 2025’s many controversial proposals is a recommendation to revoke Biden’s signature 2022 climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act. 

Libertarian Belief: Keep your nose out of my kids future and also stay out of my pocket. Certainly! The libertarian perspective you’ve expressed emphasizes individual autonomy, limited government intervention, and personal responsibility. It advocates for minimal government involvement in both personal lives and financial matters.

 In addition to the emphasis on individual autonomy and limited government intervention, here are some other key libertarian beliefs:

  1. Free Markets: Libertarians advocate for free-market capitalism, where supply and demand determine prices, and competition drives innovation. They believe that minimal government regulation allows markets to function efficiently.
  2. Civil Liberties: Libertarians champion civil liberties, including freedom of speech, religion, and privacy. They oppose government surveillance and censorship.
  3. Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy: Libertarians generally favor a non-interventionist approach to foreign affairs. They believe in avoiding unnecessary wars and military involvement abroad.
  4. Legalization of Drugs: Many libertarians support drug legalization, arguing that individuals should have the right to make their own choices regarding substance use.
  5. Individual Responsibility: Libertarians stress personal responsibility and self-reliance. They believe that individuals should be accountable for their actions without relying on government assistance.

Remember, these beliefs can vary among libertarians, but these points capture some common themes. In essence, libertarians believe that individuals should have the freedom to make their own choices without undue interference from external authorities. 😊

Don’t be fooled: Project 2025 is already happening | Opinion (

‘Why 2024 may be Trump’s undoing’: columnist (

Project 2025: ‘a second American Revolution’? (

Is wealth a threat to democracy? | Watch (

What is Project 2025? | Watch (

Trump’s Agenda 47 – Search (

Green Energy Is a Target

This law has already invested billions into pushing green technologies, including wind turbines and electric vehicles. The majority of the new investments are in red states and congressional districts.  

If Trump wants to fully repeal these green technologies’ tax credits, he would need Republican lawmakers to pass new legislation.  However, he could also sidestep Congress and direct the Treasury Department to substantially restrict which companies could claim the credits.   

Predicting how these and other decisions could impact the level of carbon emissions in Earth’s atmosphere, the main driver of global warming, is tricky. However, Carbon Brief, a United Kingdom-based climate policy and science publication, found that a second Trump administration could lead to an extra 4 billion metric tons of carbon emissions by 2030. 

This would be equal to the collective annual emissions of the European Union and Japan! 

According to Simon Evans, deputy editor and senior policy editor at Carbon Brief, “A Republican sweep in November’s election would avoid congressional roadblocks to Trump rolling back all of Biden’s climate legacy.” Trump Always States, “The United States Can Stand Alone When It Comes to the Environment.”


The Indian Ocean brown cloud or Asian brown cloud is a layer of air pollution that recurrently covers parts of South Asia, namely the northern Indian OceanIndia, and Pakistan.[1][2] Viewed from satellite photos, the cloud appears as a giant brown stain hanging in the air over much of the Indian subcontinent and the Indian Ocean every year between October and February, possibly also during earlier and later months. The term was coined in reports from the UNEP Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). It was found to originate mostly due to farmers burning stubble in Punjab and to lesser extent Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The debilitating air quality in Delhi is also due to the stubble burning in Punjab.[3]

The term atmospheric brown cloud is used for a more generic context not specific to the Asian region.[4]



The Asian brown cloud is created by a range of airborne particles and pollutants from combustion (e.g., woodfires, cars, and factories), biomass burning[5] and industrial processes with incomplete burning.[6] The cloud is associated with the winter monsoon (October/November to February/March) during which there is no rain to wash pollutants from the air.[7]

A Frightening Forecast

“Under those conditions, Trump could push the U.S. towards the extra 4 billion tons of CO2 emissions by 2030 that we modeled — and potentially beyond.”

Dr. John Clauser | Quantum Korea 2023 | The Crisis of Pseudoscience – CO2 Coalition

Dr John Clauser lecture on climate and misinformation – Bing video
At a lecture at Quantum Korea 2023 Seoul on June 26, 2023, esteemed Nobel Prize
winner and physicist Dr. John Clauser – Search ( told the audience and the world, “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis.” And his comment has provoked a wide range of responses from the public, as well as from his colleagues and peers in the field. 

Dr. Clauser went on to say, “The world we live in today is filled with misinformation.
It is up to each of you to serve as judges, distinguishing truth from falsehood based on accurate observations of phenomena.” Global warming and climate change have been hot-button topics for some time now, and although the world is widely divided on its validity, most scientists have agreed that climate change is a very real problem. 

So when such an educated and respected physicist like Dr. John Clauser publicly denounces the problem, it certainly makes headlines. But he’s not the only one to do so; Meteorologist and founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, has also spoken out, stating that there is “no significant man-made global warming. Climate change is not happening. There is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn’t been any in the past, and there’s no reason to expect any in the future.”
Now, it’s not just on social media that Dr. Clauser is being so-called “canceled.”
He is also facing challenges in his career because of the comments at the Seol forum.
In fact, exactly one month after giving his speech on June 26, 2023, Dr. Clauser was set to present a detailed seminar on the climate to the International Monetary Fund, but directly after hearing his comments, his lecture was immediately canceled. 

While technically, Clauser received an email from the Director of the IMF, Pablo Moreno, postponing the talk, it seems clear to everyone that Dr. Clauser is no longer welcome to share his opinions with the organization.

Climate change is a widely divided issue the global community is facing, but those
who do not believe in the problem are often known as “deniers” and have been subject to censorship in the mainstream media. However, more and more data is being collected that may eventually turn the tide. 

For example, in 2022, a study by The European Physical Journal Plus reported that there have actually been many unconfirmed claims about the apparently apocalyptic climate crisis in the media which have no scientific support. 

Dr. John Clauser finished his thoughts on the climate issue with these important words: “In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”
We will have to wait and see if Dr. John Clauser continues to be removed from important events for his comments, but for now, it seems that the world will certainly be watching to see what he says next.

📌 Look around you. Appreciate what you have. Nothing will be the same in a year. 🙏🏼 

Weather Control 👁
The “Artificial Clouds Generation System” is a machine Located in Mississippi owned
by NASA that’s responsible for the rain & artificial clouds we see in the southern states.
The government has been engineering the weather for decades creating “geo storms” and artificial weather using HAARP. It stands for “High frequency Active Auroral Research Project” ; it was a joint project by the U.S. Navy & Air Force.

There are a total of 20 HAARP stations in the world.
It’s used for affecting weather systems creating a very large radio frequency transmitter which can transmit an electromagnetic beam into the upper atmosphere or ionosphere.
It can create a column-shaped hole that rises a couple of hundred kilometers through the atmosphere. The lower atmosphere then moves up the column to fill in that space, and it changes pressure systems below. This radio frequency energy is broadcasted at 3.6 million watts through a field of 48 antennas which are 72 feet tall, and they have a cross dipoles across the top.

NOAA-19 WXtoIMG NooElec NESDR Orbitron Double Cross Dipole – Bing video
Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto Earth. Normally, radio frequency energy dissipates with distance, but by firing them in a unique way, the energy is focused, and a cyclotron resonance effect occurs. you put energy into the upper ionosphere and magnetosphere, in the ULF range (ultra-low frequency range).
You can create a catalyst which causes natural energy to be released causing Natural Disasters Known as “Geo Storms” which they turned into a movie with the exact same name showing you the entire process.   #Geostorm #NASA #weather control #HAARP  #WeatherManipulation #TheGovernment #government

 #GovernmentCorruption  #The hood conspiracy theorist

Author Jeff Goodell “The Heat Will Kill You First.” – Bing video
Record heat ushers in era of new extremes “Heat is really the prime driver of all these extreme changes we’re seeing right now.” Author Jeff Goodell charts the cause of the climate crisis in his new book “The Heat Will Kill You First.” – Bing video

Earth has always evolved and CO2 Levels Change Constantly.
Increases in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other long-lived greenhouse gases such as methanenitrous oxide and ozone increase the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere, causing the observed rise in average global temperature and ocean acidification. Another direct effect is the CO2 fertilization effect. These changes cause a range of indirect effects of climate change on the physical environment, ecosystems and human societies. Carbon dioxide exerts a larger overall warming influence than all of the other greenhouse gases combined.[5] It has an atmospheric lifetime that increases with the cumulative amount of fossil carbon extracted and burned, due to the imbalance that this activity has imposed on Earth’s fast carbon cycle.[11] 

This means that some fraction (a projected 20–35%) of the fossil carbon transferred thus far will persist in the atmosphere as elevated CO2 levels for many thousands of years after these carbon transfer activities begin to subside.[12][13][14]

The carbon cycle is a biogeochemical cycle in which carbon is exchanged between the Earth’s oceans, soil, rocks and the biospherePlants and other photoautotrophs use solar energy to produce carbohydrates from atmospheric carbon dioxide and water by photosynthesis. Almost all other organisms depend on carbohydrates derived from photosynthesis as their primary source of energy and carbon compounds.

The present atmospheric concentration of CO2 is the highest for 14 million years.[15] Concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere were as high as 4,000 ppm during the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago, and as low as 180 ppm during the Quaternary glaciation of the last two million years.[4] 
Reconstructed temperature records for the last 420 million years indicate that atmospheric CO2 concentrations peaked at approximately 2,000 ppm during the Devonian (400 Ma) period, and again in the Triassic (220–200 Ma) period and was four times current levels during the Jurassic period (201–145 Ma).[16][17]  Source:  Carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere – Wikipedia.

Earth’s Annual CO2 Levels Earth inhales and exhales carbon, indicating where and when vegetation is growing (sucking up carbon dioxide) or dying off (releasing carbon dioxide). – Bing video

Watch the Earth’s tectonic plates grow, shrink, and jostle for position in this new model of the last billion years on the planet. Earth’s Evolution Over A Billion Years – Bing video

Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know : Gregory Wrightstone : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Greg Wrightstone 
♫ Gary Jeff Walker | on 700 WLW ( 55 minute Timestamp

Greg Wrightstone inconvenient facts – Search (
Greg Wrightstone geologist – Bing video 

Steve Goreham
Sunday Night LIVE w/ Billy Cunningham @ 7/24/22 –
on 700WLW (podcast) | Listen Notes TimeStamp1:29.50
Since 1880 140 year – 1° degree raise    Democrat of Arizona  
compare climate to desert environment – Cows | Burp & Breathe 
  CO2   Coal Natural Gas Oil     20x Nature Emits    4 molecules 
 Since 1660 (362 Years) Temps went up 1.8 ° Celsius.  °C to °F?
 Global Govt. is spending $500 Billion Annually 

 Steve Goreham is the Executive Director Climate Science Coalition of America 

Steve Goreham books – Bing video  
              Steve Goreham bio – Search (

Steve Goreham climate – Bing video
Steve Goreham Wikipedia – Bing video

Every State has a different climate: The warmest state in America isn’t
Louisiana or Texas, according to data. See how every state ranks. (

Democrat Frauds Who Say Earth Is Dying
Refuse To Back Terrific GOP Bill To Plant Trees (the federalist
The Examiner reported that House Democrats won’t support the Trillion Trees Act unless the GOP also agrees to reduce the use of fossil fuels. According to the report, 
Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, the Democratic chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, said in a hearing Wednesday, “All the trees in the world won’t stand a fighting chance if we don’t cut our fossil fuel emissions.”

Today, businesses are trapped in the green box of sustainable development.
Academics, government leaders, public opinion, and 1000s of laws and regulations demand the adoption of sustainability. In response, companies spend billions on renewable energy, carbon credits, biofuels, and other green policies in an effort to counter the coming environmental apocalypse.

But a look at data and trends shows that the ideology of environmentally sustainable development is based on false concepts. Population growth is slowing, nations continue
to reduce air and water pollution, climate change is dominated by natural factors with negligible effects from human greenhouse emissions, and societal access to resources continues to grow.

Society and business should adopt a policy that is sensibly green. We should continue to reduce air and water pollution, but avoid other policies aimed at stopping global warming and halting hydrocarbon use. These other policies actually do little for Earth’s environment.

Outside the Green Box is a well-illustrated and amusing look at society’s quest to be sustainable, and the resulting misguided policies that provide little benefit for the environment. Learn what “your green consultant didn’t tell you.”

Steve Goreham is a speaker, author, and researcher on environmental issues and a former engineer and business executive. He is an independent columnist and an invited guest on radio and television, including Fox Business Channel, the 700 Club, Jim Bohannon, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Dennis Miller, Lars Larson, and Janet Parshall. He’s the Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America a non-political association of scientists, engineers, and citizens dedicated to informing about the realities of climate science and energy economics.

Outside the Green Box: Rethinking Sustainable Development is Steve’s third book.
Over 100,000 copies of his previous two books, The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania and Climatism! – Search (   and  Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century’s Hottest Topic, are now in print.

Steve’s full-time efforts are devoted to correcting misconceptions about energy, resources, climate change, and the environment, including resultant negative impacts on business, industry, agriculture, and public policy. He wrote this book to bring the facts about sustainable development to business and to change commonly-held, but mistaken, beliefs about the environment.

Steve holds an MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has more than 30 years of experience at Fortune 100 and private companies in engineering and executive roles. He is husband and father of three and resides in Illinois in the United States of America. 

–This text refers to the paperback edition.

Why ‘urban heat island’ is keeping Arizona hot at night. – Bing video
CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down data on the recent record-breaking high temperatures around the globe and explains why places like Arizona remain hot at night. 

This pathway is wide open for Harris: Harry Enten examines possible paths to the White House for Harris | Watch (


Is Cancel Culture Bringing Us Together or Tearing Us Apart? – Hello Positive Mindset

America’s Spiritual Revolution: Turning Away from Christianity to Embrace Alternatives

As church attendance declines, Americans are exploring diverse spiritual paths, from stargazing druids to unconventional deities like Wi-Fi gods and extraterrestrials. Explore the quirky and sometimes controversial new religions capturing attention as people seek meaning beyond traditional Christianity. America’s Spiritual Revolution: Turning Away from Christianity to Embrace Alternatives

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