The person you want to become will require you to..
Recognize that nothing changes unless you do
Take responsibility for your life circumstances & understand that your life is a reflection of your inner world
Let go of the person that you have been
Which means:
—Transforming the belief systems that keep you anchored into a mindset that doesn’t match who you truly want to be
—Healing the emotional patterns that cause suffering & chaos in your world
—Releasing the trauma stored in your body that keeps you stuck in negative subconscious patterns that repeatedly attract unwanted circumstances into your life
The change you want to see in your life must first happen within you.
Listen, you’re not wrong. You are not at fault for what hurt you..
But you are responsible for healing it
You’re not the one who caused the wound..
But you will be the one to perpetuate the pain cycle if you choose not to heal it
And the beautiful truth is, the wisdom and power you cultivate in your healing process becomes your medicine to the world
Your struggle becomes your wisdom
Your pain becomes your POWER ️
The people who hurt and challenge you most in your life are your master teachers, because they teach you how to give yourself what they wouldn’t give to you
The people who didn’t love or respect me taught me how to love and respect myself
We can blame the people who hurt us
Or we can learn how to give ourselves the love, respect and support that they couldn’t, and take the lesson as a blessing
When you blame you hand your power away
When you take responsibility for your circumstances, you now have the power to change them
This doesn’t invalidate the very real presence of pain or trauma that may exist, but it does give you the foundation to begin your healing process when you recognize that the power to heal and change is yours
This is one of the deep layers of trauma healing, and subconscious rewiring we address inside of the Sovereign Reclamation — 8-week 1:1 Rewiring Mentorship.
Are you ready to peel back the layers, and come home to the power to transform from within?
That ego-mind running rampant in your head is blocking your connection to your heart
(↓ Save this for the next time you need to move through some heavy negative energy, or get out of your head ↓)
Let me preface by saying that there’s nothing inherently BAD about the ego-mind, it’s actually an incredibly powerful and important tool
But the design of the ego is to PROTECT
Which means that it is operating from a place of fear- it’s always looking out for potential danger
And you can’t get mad at the ego, it’s just doing its job
You just don’t want to give it the keys to the car
Here’s the switch—
The HEART exists in PRESENCE, and connects us to love consciousness
It has an electromagnetic field that is actually 5,000x STRONGER than the mind, meaning that when we’re connected to the heart our magnetism (which attracts similar vibrations to us) is amplified
But most of us don’t know how to even ACCESS the consciousness of the heart because we never train our ego-mind to sit the f*ck down
→ So here are 3 things I do to get out my head, and into my heart:
• Take a pause (many times throughout the day) to check in with how you feel, place your hands over your heart and intentionally breathe deeply into your chest, then hum with your exhale and feel the vibration of your voice in your chest
— where awareness goes, energy follows, so this brings immediate life force energy into your heart’s electromagnetic field
• EFT (tapping) — use your fingertips to gently tap rhythmically just below your collarbones
— this helps to move and clear stagnant or dense energy from the heart space
• Ho’oponopono – forgiveness prayer: – Search Videos (bing.com) “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you”
— this is a traditional sacred Hawaiian heart healing prayer that clears karma.
I use this prayer any time I’m struggling with feeling angry or hurt in a relationship.
Shifting from ego-centered consciousness rooted in fear and INTO heart-centered consciousness rooted in presence is a key to reclaiming Sovereignty
Experience this liberating shift inside of my 8-week Trauma Healing & Transformational Rewiring Mentorship program, The Sovereign Reclamation
One of the fastest & easiest ways to CHANGE our energy is… The 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩
Our breath is our primary source of 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘢 -life force energy
There are 2 types of breath: the breath of survival mode & sympathetic nervous system — and the breath of presence & parasympathetic nervous system.
The nervous system controls bodily functions like digestion, heart rate, and immune system. The sympathetic nervous system carries signals that put your body’s functions on alert — whereas the parasympathetic nervous system carries signals that relax those systems.
Anxiety comes from the breath of survival mode, when we’re in this state of breath the ego mind is spiraling & searching for potential danger.
When we’re born into this world, we naturally breathe into our bellies.
You see it in infants & children — This is the breath of presence.
But growing up in a world that conditions us to live through the ego, and function in survival mode due to the constant rushing, competing and defending, eventually causes most of us to 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘵 how to breathe.
When we breathe into the belly the diaphragm expands, stimulating the vagus nerve, which is the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system.
You are not your emotions.
You are a human being, experiencing the beautiful, wonderful, and divinely innate guidance system & internal compass that lives within you.
When we step back and allow ourselves to listen & be guided by this internal compass, we step into alignment with our true nature – our Dharma – or in my interpretation, our Botanic Body.
And what a blessing, to hold this magnificent guidance system that will ALWAYS lead us in the direction of our truth.
Is it my intuition, or is it just anxiety?
Anxiety is the expression of fear energy stuck in the body
Intuition is a subtle sense of knowing that comes from within
The key difference is this:
Anxiety comes from a place of fear
Intuition comes from a place of deep presence
Anxiety stems from the mind, feeling like panic
Intuition arises from the body, feeling like a peaceful knowing
So when you’re wondering, is this intuition or anxiety? Ask yourself this:
Am I stuck in my head? Is this coming from a place of fear?
If you’re able to get grounded into your body’s senses in a deep state of pure presence and that feeling is still there, that’s more likely your intuition.
The other piece of this is that fear IS stored in the body,
so that anxious feeling WILL also be felt in your body.
This is why having regular practices of feeling and processing emotion, and moving energy through movement like yoga or dance, is SO important.
A body that is not stuck in old emotional energy is connected to a state of grounded presence, and inevitably, peace.
This is the way to Sovereign Reclamation
Anxiety does not have to be a crippling force~ you have the power to cultivate peace from within by simply training your body to regulate through your breath.
Breathe consciously into your belly, and extend the exhales longer than the inhales. Practice this for 60 seconds to start your morning to bring your nervous system into rest & digest. Come back to this any time you need it.
in bio to tap in with me, love you
Let’s stand in solidarity with the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, whose very culture hangs in the balance. The relentless encroachment of the meat and dairy industry threatens to strip them of their ancestral lands and livelihoods, reducing them to mere migrant workers, displaced and vulnerable. Without the sanctuary of the forest, their cultural identity and sacred traditions face extinction.
They risk becoming slaves to industries that value profit over people and the planet. By boycotting all animal products, we can help safeguard not only the Amazon but also the rich tapestry of indigenous cultures that call it home. Let’s act now to ensure that their voices are heard, their rights respected, and their future secured, Krysten ✧ Holistic Healing Guide (@ethericyogini) • Instagram photos and videos

✧ Krysten ✧ Holistic Healing Guide ✧ – Search (bing.com)
Alternative & Holistic Health Service
✧ Reclaim your Sovereignty
Retreat around the world with me
✧ Here to show you that all you need to heal + evolve is already within you
Krysten ✧ Holistic Healing Guide (@ethericyogini) • Instagram photos and videos
Listen, you’re not wrong. You are not at fault for what hurt you..