Bob’s Baking Soda 

“The Ultimate Healing power is believing in your research…” 

Some of the best advice is through Group Chat and YouTube Comment Section.

The majority of the baking sodas sold on the market are chemically made and legally allowed to be labeled as “pure. Real baking soda is sourced from one mineral called *nahcolite. It is sourced from lake beds in specific parts of the Midwest.

There are a select few brands that stick to outsourcing the natural mineral and use WATER extraction processes.

Bob’s Red Mill is one of them.

Simplicity it is!

Edit: Gentle reminder, stay on topic and do not move away from the goal— well being and education.

If your argument’s about “chemicals” and how this brand and other brands are the “same”, then your argument does not exist.

We’re not arguing about misinformation on baking soda having aluminum NOR arguing that Bobs is the same as other commercial brands.

If you want to make the argument, the argument CAN be about the PROCESSING.

Bobs use water extraction— dass it

Regular baking soda uses 2-3 chemicals in a factory to create the SAME BICARBONATE that is found in nature already.

Stick to that kinda argument. Peace 🙏🏿✨

Shared Detox Dameby Sol Divine!


I take 1/2 teaspoon in water every night before bed. I have digestive issues which aggravates my stress induced urine retention. I also take dandelion root for my kidneys and bladder. It helps keep everything flowing properly. I had 5 kids in 7 years, so I also do breathe work to help relax my bladder, and strengthen my pelvic floor. 💞    

Cathy Brogden

😫😫😫😫 crap that too. I’m so exhausted from it. Everything’s poisonous, everything you can’t even drink a glass of water without getting poisoned.

Samantha Kleckner

I feel the same way. I’m so sick of everything I eat ends up being tampered with with some kind of chemical, and then I changed that and then something else popped up, it is so destroying and exhausting. I totally agree with you about the drinking water, we pay for that water and they still put chemicals and stuff in that that is poisonous. I go around Kids all the time saying no you can’t have that poison. No, you can’t have that. It’s poison, and other people think I’m crazy. I do have an amazing water machine that gets rid of all the rubbish and realizes my water so I’m super grateful for that because at least I know one of the main things that I’m consuming and everybody needs is actually actually pure and good

Francesca Bilaniv

Lol this is entirely false. The processing methods are BOTH physical in nature (including water extraction among other steps) not chemical. No chemicals are used in processing except if they use a synthetic method of creating soda ash which leading brands of other baking sodas do not! Regular baking soda comes from trona, CO2, water, and physical processing. BRM comes from nahcolite and plenty of processing as well, quite similar to the trona process actually. The only “chemical” added to trona is CO2, which is quite literally the reason why nahcolite exists- because the evaporated lake beds where it’s mined from is high in it. There are 3 regions in the world where trona is mined, primarily in Wyoming. Also- BRM has a higher chance of trace contaminants like aluminum due to their processing and sourcing, for the record. So please explain what “2-3 chemicals” in a factory are believed to be used because that’s simply untrue.

Alyssa Culver Timone

Francesca Bilaniv What brand do you recommend?💕

Francesca Bilaniv

Alyssa Culver Timone Arm & Hammer works just fine. As long as they use trona and not synthetic soda ash you’re avoiding any extra chemicals👍🏻

Na’dair Anclos

Fun fact. It’s all chemical. Even water.

Yvette Smith Lowry

Na’dair Anclos Exactly! Ths scare tactic ppl use by saying ‘chemicals’ is just sad. Pretty much everything is a chemical except like sunlight and wind. Lol. And the fact ppl like the op doesn’t even care to learn true scientific facts says everything.

Robert Wozney

I’m just learning more about this recently though I would share some links. Emf is causing lots of problems near me. Many are sick and dying around me in areas they cranked up the 5g towers. Unjabed are sick, sore, achy and many of the jabed are getting turbo cancers and rare cancers so many people with lumps on their backs It’s scary.

Sandy Duncan

Robert Wozney you might be interested in Sabrina Wallace videos on rumble, nonvaxer420, Ryan Velli … pulling down 5g towers will not necessarily help. 

 Clearing Radiation: A Detoxification Bath from (

Jennifer Annette Lawrence

I thought sodium bicarbonate was made from trona.

Chandra Lundy

There’s baking powder which the argument is aluminum in. This is baking soda like an arm and hammer, separate things but now made complicated once again.

Sarah Kos

That butterfly non gmo symbol has been proven ineffective. You want it to say USDA ORGANIC. That product still has pesticides in it💯  


Mary Dylan

Sarah Kos Organic products have pesticides in them. Non-gmo means it wasn’t created using genetically modifying organisms. Stay clear of any product containing the warning label “contains BIOENGINEERED ingredients” which are ingredients that contain genetic material that has been modified through laboratory techniques and cannot be found in nature or obtained through conventional breeding. which is just about everything that doesn’t have the non-gmo/organic labels on them. All of your Big Corporation candy bars, HERSHEY’SNestlé,, soups, Campbell’s, ice cream, Friendly’s Ice CreamBen & Jerry’s, etc

Kelly Jackson

Sarah Kos I’ve been a farmer my whole life, I guarantee you that organic uses pesticides. I have 2 organic farms within half a mile, I see them spray their crops every year.

May be an image of text

Carol Voogd

Really interesting! I recently found Bob’s on sale. Using it has produced a better rise in baked goods with no alum. Hence its 3 times the price of a non aluminium bicarb products

Beth Thoele Huston

I Love Bob’s Red Mill baking soda. I can tell such a difference in a good way from those other brands.

Virginia Gale Yanke-Friedman

Ted Bond ingredients R NOT ALL clean….I just checked their brownie mix… NoNoNo

Jonathan Kloud

PROTIP : anything made in a lab is going to be a lot purer than anything you find out in nature. you’re not eating this shit unless you’re bottling your own water. The cheaper, lab-made stuff is not only better, but this “non gmo” hippie packaging screams “buy me, you’re a tool and you know it!”   The Benefits of Using Distilled Water, Baking Soda, and Sea Salt for Your Health –

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