Mount Everest use to be underwater – Search (bing.com)
Yes it was pushed up by the collision of two tectonic plates, a process that is still happening.
Everest is getting higher by a few centimetres every year; this is not evidence of Noah’s flood.
Peter Lowe fossils are your evidence of a global flood. Archaeologists know this.
#montana Riverbed (dinosaur Graveyard with evidence because all the fossils are turned on one side) riptide covering
Let’s not even talk about Graham Hancock
Two things he confirms about Genesis. Giants and the flood. – Search (bing.com)
If you believe Noah’s flood verbatim, you believe that the world was repopulated through incest. Considering who survived the flood. One can be a believing Christian and not dismiss science. Pastor Taiwo Larry logic tells me there was more than one Noah. The world has too many species for one boat. And Noah and his family couldn’t have replenished the earth. That’s why it’s not logical. It’s only 1 story. It’s limited.
The flood story was “borrowed ” from the Epics of Gilgamesh which predate Christianity by a few thousand years.
Well before Noah. The vast majority of Archaeologists don’t accept the Great Flood fairy tale. You lie.
Why must you people lie for your god? Does it please him? Geez.
Are you sure it wasn’t the older Gilgamesh flood or the one Zeus the King of the gods created! It’s almost as if the story was plagiarized.
The story and note of Noah’s Ark doesn’t even originally originate in the Bible; it was previous civilizations that existed long before the 6000 years that the Bible claims. And if you really think the Earth is 6000 years old you’re a complete buffoon.
A Lot of the science or what we once knew of it has been proven wrong by technological advances as well as archeological discoveries.
The mountain was created when plates drifted and crashed. India. Into China. Pushing the sea floor upwards. Bring the bottom of the sea up. Creating the mountain. FYI Himalayas was formed during the early Tertiary period following the K-T impact event when the Indian Subcontinent collided with Eurasian Plate.
The Himalayan mountain range and Tibetan plateau have formed as a result of the collision between the Indian Plate and Eurasian Plate which began 50 million years ago and continues today. – Read Genesis 8.
And amazingly the Mariana Trench is deeper than Everest is tall!
Except it wasn’t. the ROCKS at the top of Mt. Everest was below the sea, not the mountain.
The rocks were pushed to the top of the mountain by tectonic plate collision that essentially ‘stacked’ large chunks of rocks on top of each other and formed a mountain. Does this have anything to do with Genesis 1 in the Bible?
The deepest part of the ocean is over 35,000 feet deep and Mount Everest is only 29,000 feet tall so it would fit in the deepest part of the ocean with room to spare. Please explain the trilobite fossils found in the himalayas. Himalayan Cambrian Trilobites | The Palaeontological Association (palass.org)
The Bible recorded that the face of the earth was covered with water and caused the water to make way for land.
The correct info of this earth lies in the hands of the ALL POWERFUL CREATOR. Not scientific
Which proves the Bible viewpoint that says the earth was actually full of water before Jehovah commanded land to surface.
Genesis 1:2, which states: “Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” ¹ Additionally, Genesis 1:10 says: “And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good.” ²
It’s a demonstration of how the Earth’s crust is in constant movement and has been for billions of years. The crust has split up into ‘plates’ as a result of this movement and the plates grind slowly in directions that in some regions bring plates into ‘conflict’. Everest is part of the Himalayan mountains of India, which has been slowly drifting north into the Eurasian plate for 100 million years, forcing up the rocks which are at the leading edge and were originally below sea level, hence those limestone rocks and marine fossils. Google it : it’s fascinating.
Makes the accuracy of the Bible stating the beginning of all things!.
Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Me: The bible is right in every way!!.
The Bible remains the most accurate BOOK no matter how the enemy (Satan) and his agents in the world have tried to tamper with it, it still remains “the accurate” but its inspiration remains of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t get this??
May the word of God minister life into your living; for new things to begin to happen in your life as you “believe” in Jesus Mighty. Amen
Genesis 1:1-2,9-10 KJV
In the beginning God created heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [9] And God said, Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. [10] And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Basically the whole earth was filled with water thus even this mountain was submerged
For those referencing Noah’s flood, please note that the flood lasted 40 days and nights. This duration was not sufficient to change rock structures.
According to the Genesis 1:9 account, the Earth was created from a mass of deep waters that receded to reveal land.
This could explain why some terrestrial rocks are structurally similar to marine rocks, as they share a common origin according to the biblical narrative.
u.S.Psalms 104:5-9 NKJV
[5] You who laid the foundations of the earth, So that it should not be moved forever, [6] You covered it with the deep as with a garment; The waters stood above the mountains. [7] At Your rebuke they fled; At the voice of Your thunder they hastened away. [8] They went up over the mountains; They went down into the valleys, To the place which You founded for them. [9] You have set a boundary that they may not pass over, That they may not return to cover the earth.
What so many bible followers fail to understand is that in the Vedas, there is also a flood story that is talked about where the world is inundated. So this proves the Vedas as well

Genesis 6. The world is still catching up with what God told us many centuries ago
Genesis flood. Read Psalm 104
These rocks, deposited in an ancient Tethyan Ocean were thrust and uplifted into their present commanding position when India collided with the Asian continent some 55 million years ago. Most people know this from an early age, so shame on your country’s educational system or shame on you for not paying attention in school. Shame on you for not learning to use the internet properly. Does not prove the Bible.
You’re ignoring plate tectonics and a process called uplift that happens when two plates, the Indian and Eurasian, push against each other. The Indian plate subducted under the Eurasian plate, causing the continental crust to crumple and get pushed up. This would cause Continental crust that may have been covered with ocean at the time to be uplifted many many kilometers.
That means that the limestone, formed from most likely the calcium carbonate shells of Plankton as they died and settled, to be thrusted upwards and now reside at the top of a mountain. So, this does not prove that the world was flooded because there is another logical explanation that is very well supported by many pieces of evidence and is replicated in many other areas of the world where you have mountain ranges formed by the same process.

Education. It’s worth something.
Of course it was. It was called the great flood!
For 40 days and nights God flooded the World killing everything. He found that all the people of the Earth were EVIL. JUST LIKE ALL THE EVIL IN OUR WORLD! Now he PROMISED that he would never FLOOD the World again. THAT’S WHAT THE RAINBOW MEANS. NOT FOR THE lbgq+- Whatever it’s called, it’s CALLED SIN IN GOD’S EYES.
That old Bible is going to be right every time, and I have no trouble believing it.
Gen 6:17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering OVER THE WATERS. MAY GOD ALMIGHTY (not the African pastors god) BE PRAISED.
This is to that godswill aguinem guy that keeps erasing my reply to his comment, which idk why he keeps doing that.
Probably because he doesn’t want to hear what someone who has seen the other side before. But ya I was baptized. And I had a suicide attempt 11 years ago that left me brain dead for 2 days and with 8 strokes in all parts of my brain. And I still to this day remember parts of what I had “seen” on the other side. And news flash there was no bright golden light or anything like that, it was just blackness. But I will say that it was peaceful. I just will never go back to something that is so wrong and has ruined so many lives it’s almost impossible to comprehend.
Religion is just a pacifier for the masses and to make people have peace for when they are in times of distress or at the end of their lives. Which usually I’d be like well that’s good then. But if you actually look back at how many people have died as a direct result of religion because of holy wars.
You can’t sit back and say that religion is peaceful and harmless. You just can’t, Cause if it was there would be no holy wars. Whether you think of the crusades or the sacred wars and many other “holy” wars, religions are the biggest and longest scams in the world. And that was the first time I have died. The 2nd was a seizure when I was 21 but I wasn’t brain dead at that time.
God said, let the water under the sky be gathered Into a single basin , so that the dry land may appear, and so it happened, GOD called the dry land, the earth, and the basin of the water He called, the sea. Genesis 1 : 9 – 10
Read the book worlds in collision. A very amazing book. From Emanuel veilkowski. Paul segan. Einstein. Steven Hawking And others. Read this amazing book. And praised it….Revelation 16:20-And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. As the sea level rises. Just not as much as what’s been basically propagandized. Most of that missing water went into earth’s mantle over millions of years and basically cooled down the earth enough to allow life to flourish.
But what didn’t find its way into the Earth’s mantle that also isn’t in the oceans is whatever giant ice caps are still on land. Ice caps already in the oceans don’t displace the oceans when they melt but ice caps on land will certainly raise the sea when they melt because all the water will eventually find its way back to the ocean just as all water eventually does in earth’s water cycle… But that’s millions of years worth of activity so it shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
In the Bible, when God broke up the depths of the Earth, the ripple effect pushed the landmasses back like someone pushing a rug up against the wall; that’s why most of the mountains of the world are somewhere near a body or stream of water.
Geologists are starting to accept now, mountains were formed along with the world faults and the Grand Canyon, and lastly, the craters of the world were due to the great flood.
“In the six hundredth year of Noah ‘s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened.” Genesis 7:11
If all the glaciers melt, water will go up about 70-80 meters. That’s not even close to what’s needed to cover the Himalayas.
Yes, they erupted about 60 millions years ago when India collided with the rest of Asia. Which explains differences in plant and animal diversity there.
There was never global food. There were local floods, though, which gave origin many stories, as a myth of global flood was before Judaism borrowed it.
The Himalayas were formed from the materials that were originally part of the Tethys Sea. Here’s a more detailed explanation:
1. **Sediment Accumulation**: During the existence of the Tethys Sea, a vast amount of sediment from rivers draining into the sea accumulated on its floor. These sediments included mud, sand, and the remains of marine organisms.
2. **Plate Collision**: The Indian Plate moved northward and collided with the Eurasian Plate. This collision caused the oceanic crust of the Tethys Sea to be subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate, while the accumulated sediments were caught in the collision zone.
3. **Uplift and Folding**: The immense pressure from the collision caused the sediments and oceanic crust to be uplifted and folded, forming the mountain range we now know as the Himalayas. This process began around 50 to 60 million years ago and continues today.
4. **Geological Composition**: The Himalayas consist of various rock types, including:
– **Sedimentary Rocks**: These include limestone, sandstone, and shale, which were originally deposited in the Tethys Sea.
– **Metamorphic Rocks**: The intense pressure and heat from the collision transformed some of the sedimentary rocks into metamorphic rocks, such as schist and gneiss.
– **Igneous Rocks**: There are also igneous rocks that formed from volcanic activity related to the tectonic processes.
5. **Marine Fossils**: Fossils of marine organisms, such as ammonites and other marine life, are found in the sedimentary rocks of the Himalayas. These fossils provide direct evidence that the rocks were once part of the Tethys Sea floor.
In summary, the Himalayas are composed largely of materials that originated in the Tethys Sea. The tectonic collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates uplifted and transformed these materials, creating the towering mountain range.
Scientists say that if Mount Everest was placed under the Philippine Deep (or was it the Marianas Trench), it would be under the water even at its highest peak, with still much room to spare. This is quite accurate for they have on record their respective depth and height.
So scientists believe at one time all continents were fused together and. Over time have separated from plates shifting.then the axis of the planet have shifted 3 times.yes this earth has changed form constantly over the millennials, and some people now telling you climate change is a threat.wow,you need to wake up fast
I asked COPILOT – Search (bing.com) (I shortened the reply)
Fact check: the summit of Mt Everest is made of marine limestone
COPILOT Yes, the summit of Mount Everest is indeed made of marine limestone. This fact has been established through geological studies of the mountain’s composition. The marine limestone found at the summit of Mount Everest dates back to around 450 million years ago, during the Ordovician period.
For a more detailed explanation and confirmation, you can refer to:
National Geographic articles on Mount Everest’s geology.
Geological surveys and academic papers on the composition of the Himalayas.
In summary, the summit of Mount Everest is indeed composed of marine limestone, a testament to the dynamic geological processes that shape our planet.
The continents were one and the animals were everywhere, because of the flood the tectonic plate was broken up, mountains and, weather patterns came to be, the continent was pulled apart and animals settled into different locations all because of that great and terrible flood that changed the geology of the planet.
I only have a rudimentary understanding of mountains which are raised over millennia as plates slide under each other. From memory the Himalayas are at the edge of a plate? Stands to reason this mountain was once much lower than it is now. So perhaps the sea level was as high as being suggested.
It’s not far from flipping!
No escape from the velocity of the water from mountains and oceans colliding. It could be very tragic to all mankind. Global Warming is playing a part in how quick this happens.
Every 10-12 thousand years or so.
No! Each unfreezing, after each subsequent ice age, of fresh and mineralized saline water, revealed the living residues from each type of aquatic environment, after the thawing of the ice, as the higher landscapes, deposit its ice-covering into the depressions, thus the continuous rising of its encompassing Oceans and lakes, even onto today, claiming low-lying shorelines, also claiming low-lying islands. This repetitious process precedes the natural repetitive cycles of Solar, Nocturnal, and Ice ages. Our Earth is full of evidence to support the occurrences of these ages, in fossilized remains, embedded in deep stratification of our Earth e.g. Coal and crude oil are aged sediments of various materials, from cycles of ages past.
To be pedantic, the Indian subcontinent is pushing under the Eurasian plate, pushing former seabed up into the air.
The Geological Society (geolsoc.org.uk)
Everest is the highest above sea level, but not the highest point from the center of the Earth. The Earth isn’t a perfect sphere. It’s slightly oval shaped. The distance around the equator from where you start and finish at the same spot is 24,901 miles. The distance around the Earth’s poles is 24,860 miles. That’s a difference of 41 miles. Mount Chimborazo is only one degree from the equator. Everest is 28 degrees from the equator. Chimborazo gets a boost because it’s practically at the equator. Measuring by sea level isn’t exactly the best way to measure the height of mountains. It’s just something that was decided the right way, but it’s not. Chimborazo is just sitting on higher ground.
What is the highest point on Earth as measured from Earth’s center? (noaa.gov)
Source: MT Eversett – Search Results | Facebook
The flood story is included in the Epics of Gilgamesh – Search (bing.com), which is one of three Mesopotamian Flood Myths1.
Many scholars believe that the flood myth was added to Tablet XI in the “standard version” of the Gilgamesh Epic by an editor who used the flood story from the Epic of Atra-Hasis1. In the Gilgamesh Epic, the story of the flood is related as part of the tale of Gilgamesh’s quest for immortality2.
Utnapishtim tells his descendent, Gilgamesh, the story of the flood in order to tell Gilgamesh how he, Utnapishtim, became immortal; in so doing, he shows Gilgamesh that he cannot become immortal in the same way3.
1 Gilgamesh flood myth – Wikipedia 2 Gilgamesh Epic: The Flood Story | Center for Online Judaic Studies (cojs.org)
What is the moral of the story?
The Epic of Gilgamesh conveys several moral lessons.
Here are a few key takeaways:
Mortality and Immortality: The story explores the quest for immortality. Gilgamesh, initially obsessed with avoiding death, learns that true fulfillment lies in accepting mortality and living a meaningful life.
Friendship and Companionship: The bond between Gilgamesh and Enkidu highlights the importance of friendship. Their adventures together demonstrate the value of companionship, loyalty, and shared experiences.
Responsibility and Leadership: As a king, Gilgamesh learns that leadership involves caring for his people and ensuring their well-being. His transformation from a selfish ruler to a wise leader reflects this lesson.
Respecting the Divine Order: The gods play a significant role in the epic. Gilgamesh’s defiance of divine authority leads to tragedy, emphasizing the need to respect cosmic order and divine will.
Appreciating the Present: The story encourages us to appreciate life’s fleeting moments. Gilgamesh’s realization that he cannot escape death prompts him to cherish the present.
Remember, interpretations may vary, these themes resonate across cultures and time.
How does the Epic of Gilgamesh compare to other epic tales?
Certainly! The Epic of Gilgamesh stands out as one of the oldest tragic epics, dating back to around 1,800 B.C.E. It follows the adventures of the semi-divine King Gilgamesh, who seeks eternal life and battles mythical beasts. Here’s how it compares to other epic tales:
Noah’s Ark (Genesis):
Similarities: Both narratives feature a catastrophic flood, a chosen survivor (Noah or Utanapishtim), and the release of birds to find dry land.
Differences: Gilgamesh’s flood is more vivid and violent, involving multiple gods, while Genesis focuses on monotheism and a less detailed storm.
Hesiod’s Theogony:
Difference: Gilgamesh follows a single character’s journey, whereas Theogony involves several characters and their origins2.
Cosmic Worldviews:
Gilgamesh and Genesis reflect different cultural values and cosmic perspectives. They’re in dialogue with each other, shaping ancient Mesopotamia and Hebrew worldviews.
Other Parallels:
Sage advice from Gilgamesh appears in Ecclesiastes (Hebrew Bible), emphasizing shared wisdom across cultures.
In summary, these epics offer unique insights into humanity’s quest for meaning, mortality, and divine order.
Fusion Energy is About to Unlock Humanity’s Destiny | Watch (msn.com)
24 Most Likely End of Life as We Know It Scenarios (msn.com)
Throughout my lifetime (and probably yours, too), I have personally experienced and heard about others experiencing all kinds of natural disasters and worldwide events. For example, since I am old enough to remember, I have known of earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, and tsunamis that have devastated lands, destroyed homes, and taken people’s lives. Wildfires have charred thousands of acres of woods and anything else in their path. Solar eclipses, comets, and solar flares have caught the attention of billions of people, causing them to look up in wonder.
On top of all of those natural events, humans have been the cause or at least catalyst for wars and riots claiming the lives of countless people, viruses affecting whole countries, and violent regimes causing the genocide of whole races of people.
A natural disaster is, well, anything that’s not natural, but really these catastrophes are nothing new to earth’s and humanity’s history. There was a global cooling event in the 17th century called Europe’s Little Ice Age, but what caused it? For around a 70 year period (from 1645 until 1714), early astronomers reported almost zero sunspot activity. The number of sunspots, which are cooler areas on the sun that appear dark against the brighter surroundings, dropped roughly a thousand fold. And then there’s the Little Ice Age which began around 1300 A.D. and ended up lasting for several hundred years.
The result was ruined crops, widespread poverty, and death. The world endured much colder than normal winters and much cooler summers than normal for centuries, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, but this could have been caused in part, by particulates spewed into the atmosphere by volcanoes, combined with fluctuations in the sun’s output. The point is we have always experienced natural disasters in the history of mankind, but is it getting worse?
Ramping Up

From 1980 to 2009 there was an 80 percent increase in the growth of climate-related disasters. In the first two decades of the 2000’s, natural disasters have increased 400%. According to the World Meteorological Organization, humanity experienced nearly five times as many natural disasters (3,496) in the first decade of this century as we did during the 1980s (743).
However, some of that data may be skewed because we’ve had more widespread media coverage worldwide, and who doesn’t seem to have a cell phone these days to capture the next natural disaster? I do not believe that all these increasing catastrophes are a coincidence. Something seems to be going on with the earth, but is there a spiritual cause at the root of all this? There may be. Read on.
Vomited Out of the Land
There are actually Old Testament Scriptures that talk about the land vomiting its inhabitants out of the land, due to the heinous and grievous sins that the people were doing. That was primarily idolatry, but when it came to a nation sacrificing their own children in the fire to a pagan God (actually satanic demon), God said, “It is enough!” The land of Canaan was defiled by the children of Canaan and so it was said that the land vomited them out (Lev 18:21). Vomiting a people out could be by means of a nation invading them (Israel did Canaan), people moving out as asylum seekers, refugees, slaves, prisoners (Israel would later be taken captive by Babylon), etc.
God Judges the Nations
The Bible shows many examples of where a nation was “vomited out,” either by another nation or power or through natural disasters (Sodom and Gomorrah), but however God chooses to do this, there is a point in time when the land will vomit out its inhabitants (Lev 18:24-25). How it happens is when “the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants” (Lev 18:25), so God can vomit (expel) out any nation that turns its back on God, and reaches a such a sinful state that it’s stench reaches up to heaven.
This same thing happened in Noah’s day (Gen 6) when God said it is enough. He has done this before and He can do it again, so the question is, “What is the tipping point when God moves in judgment against a nation, particularly a nation that’s murdered multiple millions of babies through abortion like America has?” And what of the other nations around the world living contrary to God’s Word? If God did not spare His own Son, what makes us think He’ll spare any nation that kills its young, even in the womb (Rom 8:32)?

With all of the world’s problems and natural disasters, there’s not much certainty about the future for unbelievers, and if you have not yet trusted in Christ, I hate to tell you this, but you have absolutely no access to God nor can you seek help from Jesus Christ when disaster strikes. Until God brings you to repentance and you put your trust in Christ, you are all alone in passing through this life, but it is never too late to turn to God. Make today your day of salvation instead of having your heart hardened by rejecting Christ over and over (2 Cor 6:2).
That’s a dangerous place to be, dear reader. Until you have put your trust in Christ, you will have to bear every anxiety and every burden yourself, so please, I plead with you, why not trust in the Savior today and let Him carry what you cannot carry yourself? He is there right now…waiting for you. He holds the future secure in His hand. That’s something we can take comfort in. Even if the world looks like it’s out of control, we know God is not (Rom 8:28).
Here is some related reading for you: How Pandemics, Depressions and Disasters Are Used by God.
Resource – Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), Crossway Bibles. (2007). ESV: Study Bible: English standard version. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway Bibles. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
1. Are There More Natural Disasters Now Than Ever Before? The Straight Dope. (June 5, 2015) Accessed, Oct 26, 2021. https://borgenproject.org/natural-disasters-increasing/
2. Number of Recorded Natural Disaster Events: 1900-2019. Accessed, October 26, 2021.
3. Are Natural Disasters Increasing? The Borgen Project. (June 19th, 2019) Accessed, October 26, 2021. https://www.straightdope.com/21344320/are-there-more-natural-disasters-now-than-ever-before
Flood waters inundate Woodbury and Monona counties in Iowa – Search (bing.com)
A vast swath of lands from eastern Nebraska and South Dakota to Iowa and Minnesota has been under siege from flooding from torrential rains since last week, while also experiencing a scorching heat wave.
Tsunami Hits Holland Mich – Search (bing.com)
One 10-foot-high meteotsunami in Lake Michigan killed five people and endangered 27 others on July 13, 1938 in Holland.
The wave reportedly came out of nowhere on a calm afternoon. Members of the Coast Guard tried to warn swimmers not to go in the water, but the wave’s “sudden” undertow pulled swimmers into rough waters, while the wave threw people off of piers.
“It looked as if the lake took a deep breath and all at once the calm was broken,” Coast Guard member Robert Bush told the Holland City News the next day. “The surf rolled on the beaches, and within 10 minutes the breakwaters were awash. After the calm there was not much wind, but it seemed that there must have been terribly heavy squall further out in Lake Michigan.”
Meteotsunami strikes Holland, MI during severe storms on Lake Michigan | Watch (msn.com)
16 Scientific Facts Mentioned In The Bible Before Scientists Discovered Them (msn.com)
11 Scientific Facts Mentioned In The Bible Before Scientists Discovered Them (msn.com)
Scientists May Have Finally Figured Out Why There’s a ‘Gravity Hole’ in the Indian Ocean
Severe storms bring 90 mph wind gusts, large hail to Midwest Tuesday | Watch (msn.com)
Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Flip, Resulting in Catastrophic Consequences (msn.com)
Video shows moment house collapses into river near failing dam | Watch (msn.com)
Mathematicians Have Discovered the Secret Geometry of Life (msn.com)
What If All Super volcanoes Exploded Tomorrow? | Watch (msn.com)
What If Oxygen Doubled in Earth’s Atmosphere? | Watch (msn.com)
What might happen when Earth runs out of oxygen? (msn.com)
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How Big Is the Universe? | Watch (msn.com)
Religious Beliefs That Science Has Debunked (But People Still Cling To) (msn.com)
Deforestation in the Amazon is drying up the rest of Brazil: Report (mongabay.com)
13 American Accents Ranked EASIEST to HARDEST to Understand (youtube.com)
China Daming A WATER SUPPLY FOR VIETNAM – Search (bing.com)
Is the Euphrates River Drying Up Part of End Time Revelation –
Is Euphrates river is drying up – YES – Search (bing.com)
Even Eagles Are Afraid of This Deadly Bird (youtube.com)
The 7 Weirdest Shapes Earth Could Be | Watch (msn.com)
Dams Are Drying The Rain Forest – Search (bing.com)
What If You Lived in the Matrix? | Watch (msn.com)
The Indian Ocean brown cloudor Asian Brown Cloud is a layer of air pollution that recurrently covers parts of South Asia, namely the northern Indian Ocean, India, and Pakistan.[1][2] Viewed from satellite photos, the cloud appears as a giant brown stain hanging in the air over much of the Indian subcontinent and the Indian Ocean every year between October and February, possibly also during earlier and later months.
The term was coined in reports from the UNEP Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). It was found to originate mostly due to farmers burning stubble in Punjab and to lesser extent Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. The debilitating air quality in Delhi is also due to the stubble burning in Punjab.[3]
Asian brown cloud, a large atmospheric brown cloud that occurs annually from about November through May over eastern China and southern Asia. The Asian brown cloud is caused by large amounts of aerosols (such as soot and dust) produced in the combustion of fossil fuels and biomass across the region.
Does The RainForest Cool The Equator and Why is that Important – Search (bing.com)
The RainForest Cool The Equator and Why is that Important – Search (bing.com)
China Daming A WATER SUPPLY FOR VIETNAM – Search (bing.com)
Is the Euphrates River Drying Up Part of End Time Revelation – Search
Is Euphrates river is drying up – YES – Search (bing.com)
Dams Are Drying The Rain Forest – Search (bing.com)
11 Ways the World Could Suddenly End This Year – Search (bing.com)
While these predictions may seem outlandish, they serve as fascinating examples of human imagination and our enduring fascination with the end of days. Fortunately, none of them have come true!
Learn more
There have been over 150 documented predictions of when the world is going to end, but which are the most genuine?
The Final Countdown: Science’s World-Ending Theories (msn.com)
What the Book of Revelation Reveals About the End Times
The prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are key end time revelations which we must prepare ourselves for, as the end time is happening now.
The prophecies of the Book of Revelation are among the most important parts of the Bible, and understanding these words is a crucial component of understanding how the end times will unfold. Most importantly, the end time revelations that are uncovered in Revelation show us that the end time is not a one-time event that destroys the planet in one fell swoop. A set series of events have been prophesied, which we can anticipate to occur imminently as we now have a clear picture of the end times.
The Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets, and the Seven Vials
One of the most distinguishing end time revelations that has been revealed to us through the Book of Revelation is that many different events will be occurring over a relatively short period of time. The Seven Seals described in Revelation is the longest story of the end times – a series of disastrous events occurring with major impact on the world stage. The text also helps to understand when the opening of the seals will happen in our time, with the Great Tribulation happening between the opening of the sixth and seventh seals.
The Seven Trumpets sounded well when the seals were opened – but what many people do not realize is that five of the seven trumpets have already sounded. This is one of the biggest signs that the end time is upon us, especially with the Sixth Trumpet War (Revelation 9:13-21) that will soon take place in the Middle East where there is currently so much turmoil.
The Seven Vials take place over the shortest period of time, and cover a series of specific disasters that will befall the world. The opening of the seventh vial coincides with the breaking of the sixth seal and the sounding of the seventh trumpet – the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Revelation 11:15).
The Final Seven Years
The end time revelations have one more crucial part that explains what the signs of the end times are, including when they will take place. The Final Seven Years will begin with a time of relative calm – three and a half years when we will see an interim peace in the Middle East over the Temple Mount by the people of Israel and Palestine.
However, during the second half of this 84-month time period, Revelation explains that things will quickly get worse. The Antichrist will take his place as the leader of the world, ushering in the Great Tribulation (Revelation 12:12) and many of the disasters referenced by the Seven Seals. We are also given a warning about the Mark of the Beast and the Antichrist’s ploy in creating allegiance to a one-world government.
Understanding More of the End Times
While these end time revelations are filled with death and destruction, the Bible also gives us hope in the name of Jesus Christ – the prophecies reveal that all of these disasters will end with the restoration of the Kingdom of God.
The end times are a complex subject, and it’s very easy to be deceived about their meaning even if you study the Bible with the best of intentions. Endtime Ministries has developed materials that explain the Book of Revelation so that each prophecy makes sense in the context of today’s society. The Revelation Commentary DVD series – Search Videos (bing.com) and its accompanying study manual can help you understand the truth of the Bible’s end time revelations and what they will mean for you.
- Current Nibiru Price Prediction (Crypto):
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In summary, while Nibiru captures our imagination, scientific consensus remains firmly against its existence as a planet-threatening force.
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