11 years Cancer Free
Offer Hope for Landon
Story of Landon Riddle – YouTube
Guess who is officially 11 YEARS CANCER FREE?
November 12, 2023
From Failed Chemotherapy & Radiation- Sent home on HOSPICE- to thrive & survival!
At times my 2 & 3 year old son took upwards of 5 grams of feco/rso/cannabis oil PER DAY!
And he took 1gram of THC per day & 500mgs of CBD per day for 365 days before I ever lowered it.
My protocol WORKS- if you actually do it.
#OGCannaMom #TeamLandon #landonslegacy #fuckcancer #leukemiawarrior
#landonslegacy #feco #cannabisoil #RSO #cbdoil #organicfood #hebeatcancer
#morethan4 #giveback #bethechange #rasta #gogold
#CannaKids #cannamoms #CannaMommy
Landon Riddle – Search Results | Facebook Story of Landon Riddle – YouTube
Includes so many twists and turns as his mom fought his deadly cancer with Cannabis oil. Facing hurdle after hurdle as she watched him start to fade away from Chemotherapy there were many times desperation set in with the fear he wouldn’t make it. His little body dwindled from the Leukemia treatments that took such a toll his mom reached out to the famed Stanley Brothers in Colorado back in 2013.
Sierra Lynn Riddle from Salt Lake City to Colorado Springs so that Landon could get the cannabis medicine he needed. Landon started the cannabis oil treatment in January of 2013. Like a miracle, cancer started to fade, causing doctors to start asking questions. Sierra Lynn Riddle continued the cannabis treatment and took Landon off of chemotherapy in July. But, unfortunately for her not all agreed with her which led to Child Protective Services becoming very invasive in their lives, this came about due to a doctor who felt he needed Chemotherapy to stay alive.
“It was as if a miracle had happened! He was smiling again & started to eat again!” His mom wrote about how he started to recover quickly and documented it with photos. Enjoy this sneak preview into her upcoming book (s) about Cannabis and how it healed Landon.
What a beautiful sight!
He’s eating everything he can!!
Excerpts from Sierra Lynn Riddle:
“As the weeks went on the Chemo’s side effects seemed to lessen & lessen. His counts went up & he was able to leave the house a couple of times a week (he had been home-bound for months with low counts before Cannabis). His severe neuropathy, caused directly by one of the Chemos (he could barely walk 10 feet unassisted at the worst part of it) was healing itself! His reflexes started regenerating & the vomiting decreased to 10 times per day or less. He was up & awake most of the day now, walking a little, laughing & trying to be as normal as possible.
Friends, Family, everyone began to see the difference in Landon
“But, I think the most important & the most miraculous thing was that Landon started to ENJOY LIFE again! He was finally able to do more than sit on our couch or in bed & puke for weeks on end. He was finally able to eat & enjoy it AND keep it down!! Landon was finally able to LIVE again.”
Cannabis Beats Cancer“ Cannabis was starting to give him back what Chemo had stolen!” -Sierra Lynn Riddle,
He started playing again!
We all started smiling again!
“Watching my son “play” after what he had endured & was still enduring was a pivotal moment for me in this journey!”
Landon, Cancer & Cannabis • Instagram photos and videos
Cancer Playbook
At FECO Playbook, we strive to develop playbooks to assist cancer patients by combining research with patient-reported outcomes. Our operations heavily rely on these outcomes, as sharing your experience can potentially save another person’s life. By extracting crucial data points from patient-reported outcomes, we can better identify successful treatment and lifestyle changes for specific cancers, allowing us to provide an effective plan for future cancer patients.
If you or someone you know has a story to share or requires additional guidance during their battle with cancer, please visit fecoplaybook.org today and join us in the fight against cancer…
To view Landon’s Full Story, visit our FECO Playbook YouTube Channel: Team Landon! Sierra Riddle joins to share her fight to save her son’s life!
#patientreportedoutcomesmondays #fecoff #fecoplaybook
— with Sierra Lynn Riddle and Offer Hope for Landon.
“Landon was now doing amazing & his Doctors in Utah could not figure out why! Especially since he had done so badly with the Chemos for so long. The Cannabis was doing far more for Landon than just helping with his pain & nausea. It was helping Landon on a cellular level as well! The weekly blood results were showing us in black & white the powers of Cannabis! The amount of Blood & Platelet transfusions needed after Chemo was cut by 75%, he no longer needed the IV promethazine or morphine! In fact, Landon no longer needed ANY pharmaceuticals for pain, nausea, anxiety, sleep, or night terrors! Cannabis took the place of around a dozen or more medications filling my cabinets. His Immune System was kept high & he no longer caught every virus that floated by in the air! This made life immensely better for Landon as he was about to get out of the sterile environment & participate in life again.”
When we look 8 years back into the History of Landon Riddle’s Cannabis Journey it allows us to see some of the issues that still plague parents today. It would seem with all of the experts abound there would be no issue with continuing this type of alternative medicine for kids with health issues of all types with crowds cheering on, but that simply isn’t the case. Parents face changing regulations, state entities that question their desire to use a plant, doctors that have still not become educated in the endocannabinoid system which modulates the major functions of our body and keeps everything in good working order – a term known as Homeostasis.

It’s so beautiful to read the stories like Landon’s as they give us hope and show that the plant truly does heal. His warrior spirit has brought him to the present his mom and those in Landon’s life enjoy. The ability to battle like a champion and come out of it on the other side of chemotherapy, toxic chemicals used in his treatment, and overcome shows everyone in the world of medicine and beyond that the Cannabis Plant should have never been villainized nor marginalized. The beautiful bounty of nature allowed this precious young child to grow up too soon to be a young man.
And that’s what Cannabis does that’s so incredible – it gives a future. We see this every day with Genevieve and her journey with severe Autism and Epilepsy, without this glorious plant her life wouldn’t be what it is today. There would be no dream of a carousel to celebrate at all – we need to embrace cannabis for what it is. It’s not a cure-all with a guarantee – it’s the nature that our maker intended for us to use.
They tried to stop his mom, they tried to keep him on Chemo, the plant is prohibited and nobody can prove it beats Cancer.
Landon Quit Chemo, His mom put him on Cannabis.
Cannabis Healed Him.
Mike Robinson Cannabis Team Landon
The Cannabis Love Story: How Genevieve Created A Family
-Mike Robinson, Cannabis Patient and Founder, Global Cannabinoid Research Center. But, most of all, Genevieve’s Daddy
Episode 7: Chemo vs. Cannabis – The Story of Landon Riddle – YouTube
6,461 views Jan 25, 2017 Cannabis Health Radio Podcast, episodes 1 to 223
The gripping journey of Landon Riddle – Search (bing.com)
At 2 years old, Landon Riddle was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. We talk to his mother Sierra Riddle about the horrific effects of chemotherapy for Landon and how cannabis oil restored his health. Subscribe, like, share and hit the notification
Disclaimer: The content found on this YouTube channel is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. We strive to make the information on this YouTube channel as timely and accurate as possible, we make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this YouTube channel. We suggest working with a medical practitioner or / and under adult supervision for any serious health issues.
When Cannabis is Batched Properly it should have a gold color.
and solvent used should be food gradable solvents not toxic!!!
Pure Food Grade Ethanol | Safe for All Uses | Lab Alley
- Removing chlorophyll from cannabis leaves – Search (bing.com)
- Removing chlorophyll from alcohol extracts – Search (bing.com)
- Removing chlorophyll from plant extract – Search (bing.com)
- Removing chlorophyll from marijuana – Search Videos (bing.com)
- Removing chlorophyll from cannabis – Search Videos (bing.com)
Episode 7: Chemo vs. Cannabis – The Story of Landon Riddle – YouTubeMedication: Meet Patient Landon Riddle. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Landon Riddle, His Cancer Helped Change Dr. Gupta’s Mind on Cannabis (weedist.com)
Meet Landon, our Cannabis Hero: The Dark Days… (teamlandon-cannabis.blogspot.com)
Landon, Cancer & Cannabis (@teamlandonandcannabis) • Instagram photos and videos
Team Landon! Sierra Riddle joins to share her fight to save her sons life! (youtube.com)
Landon’s Story – Issuu | Landon Riddle Story Updated | Stoner Blog (stonerdays.com)
Landon Beat Cancer | Medication: Meet Patient Landon Riddle. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Cannabis Health Radio – Cannabis Is Medicine – Podcast (youtube.com)
Search Results for Cannabis Oil | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Where is landon riddle today – Search Images (bing.com)
Stanley Brothers in Colorado – Search (bing.com)
Josh Stanley in Colorado – Search Bing Videos
Bailey Rahn
Bailey is a senior content manager at Leafly, specializing in strains and health. She’s spent 7+ years researching cannabis products, spreading patients’ stories, and exploring healthy ways of integrating cannabis into daily life.
View Bailey Rahn’s articlesCannabis Oil Vs. Smoking Marijuana
When you think of “classic” marijuana usage, what do you picture in your mind?
Maybe it’s a few old hippies enjoying a joint in a circle. In order to roll that joint (or blunt,) you grind green, dried flower up and use rolling papers or wraps to pass around.
But if you’ve browsed through Reddit cannabis or taken a look around, you know that not all cannabis products are gold standard. They don’t always come in flower form. Concentrates like shatter or budder are becoming more and more popular in the cannabis world as dabbing and other forms of ingesting cannabis are more accessible.
One of the more versatile cannabis concentrates is cannabis oil. If you’ve never tried cannabis oil before, know that it’s useful to do some research and check it out. While smoking has its benefits, cannabis oil can be a discrete and versatile way to consume cannabis anywhere.
Let’s talk about it.
What Is Cannabis Oil?
Before we get into the pros and cons of using cannabis oil vs. dried flower, let’s talk about what cannabis oil is in the first place.
Cannabis oils, also known as cannabis tinctures, extract the main ingredients of cannabis using alcohol. After the extraction process is over, you are left with either THC or CBD. THC oil gets you high – CBD oil doesn’t. (CBD oil still has a lot of different benefits when it comes to pain relief, reducing inflammation, and feeling more calm!)
While most cannabis oil products are simply THC oil or CBD oil, you can get a mixture of CBD and THC in the same product.
As you can imagine, extracting THC out of the dried flower results in a very strong product. You can make your own cannabis oils, but if you’re new to this idea, you can buy cannabis oils online and get a precise idea of how much THC you are consuming in every drop.
How to Ingest Cannabis Oil vs. Dried Flower
Smoking marijuana is a classic form of ingesting cannabis. You grind up dried flower, add it to a bowl, a joint, or a bong, and breathe in. Dried flower has also made its way into pot brownies and other edibles, but these offer a much different experience than good ol’ smoking.
Now that oil is in the picture, users have much more options for ingesting cannabis. Ingesting cannabis oil is as easy as lifting your tongue and squeezing a few drops into your mouth. Cannabis oils were created to be consumed orally.
If you want to get creative, you can also add cannabis oils to your smoothies, coffee, or tea. (You can also add dried flower to your tea as well – we’ve got some recipes to help you get started.) It’s easy to add cannabis oil to just about any food or drink that you were already planning on consuming.
But that’s not all. You can also add cannabis oil to a vape cartridge and take a few puffs. Vape pens are becoming a more popular way to consume THC, CBD, or tobacco. On our website, we offer Juul cartridges that contain THC oil and are ready to pop into your Juul.
Cannabis users can experiment further by using cannabis oil on a dab rig. This delivers a fast, intense high – beginners should hold off on dabbing until they’ve gotten used to the effects of orally ingesting tinctures.
Health Concerns
Let’s talk about one of the reasons that users switch from smoking to vaping: health. What’s healthier: smoking marijuana or ingesting cannabis oil? The answer isn’t so simple.
People on the side of smoking marijuana do have some points to make about health concerns. Cannabis oil is stronger than good ol’ fashioned bud. Strains of marijuana have gotten stronger in recent decades – you can easily snag an indica that contains 25% THC. Concentrates triple that number.
What does that mean? It’s easier for people to get “too high.” There is a lot more research to be done on the long-term effects of THC and cannabis. We do know, however, that too much THC can cause anxiety, dizziness, nausea, and an increased heart rate. THC impairs your thinking and brain function. You don’t want to have to call in sick or cancel your plans because you actually ingested too much of a product that is up to 80% THC.
On the other hand, many people switch from smoking dried flowers to ingesting cannabis oil for health reasons.
Smoking marijuana requires burning through your joint and dried flower. Like smoking tobacco, simply inhaling the smoke can cause long-term damage to the lungs, blood vessels, and heart. Tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke also both contain toxics and possible carcinogens that increase your risk of lung infections, chest illnesses, and even cancer.
When you compare these risks to popping a more pure THC oil into your banana smoothie, it makes sense that you should want to make the switch to oil. But take things slow and dose it appropriately. One drop of cannabis oil is much different than one bong rip. Take things slow to find the amount of CBD oil that works for you.
Other Benefits of Cannabis Oil
Easy Dosage
One of the best ways to ensure that you enjoy cannabis oil safely is to pay attention to how much you are ingesting at any given time. Droppers of cannabis oil make it easy to know how much you are taking (vs. smoking marijuana, which can’t give you a great estimate of how much THC you are consuming.)
Portable And Discrete
Whether you pop a drop under your tongue, add THC oil to your coffee, or take a puff of your vape, you won’t have to worry about smelling like a skunk. Cannabis oil has no odour and won’t leave a long trace of smelly, thick smoke in the room. The tea at your desk can have THC oil and your supervisor won’t even know!
Difference between marijuana strains – Search (bing.com)
Best weed strains for cancer patients – Search (bing.com)
Difference between marijuana and cannabis – Search Videos (bing.com)
Difference between smoking marijuana and cannabis oil – Search (bing.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Landon Riddle. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Michelle Aldrich. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley – Autumn Leaves (Official Video) (youtube.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Alissa Gabriel. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Coltyn Turner. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Boo Williams. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Sara Payan. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Medication: Meet Patient Nate Mai. #CannabisHeals (youtube.com)
Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley – R.O.A.R. (Official Video) (youtube.com)
Consciousness: The Fundamental Reality | Watch (msn.com)