We keep trying to make sense of death because we’re afraid of it.
After all, how can we not be when all we have ever known is life?
It’s always scary to step into change, and the more unknown that change is, the more daunting and unpredictable it feels.
Thankfully as time has gone on and science has advanced, we have been able to make death less of a mysterious thing. We now have a better understanding of some of the eerie but fascinating things that happen in our final moments. Here are the 8 most notable things based on the experiences of people who died and then came back.
Almost everyone that had a near-death experience—meaning that their heart stopped beating and flatlined, only to be resuscitated once again,—reported an ability to step outside of their body.
They explained that not only were they able to see themselves as they were floating in space, but they were also able to give accurate details of who was around, what they were doing and saying, and what was happening during the moments they were technically clinically dead.
Do We Go to Heaven When We Die? (lifehopeandtruth.com)
The expression “seeing the light at the end of the tunnel” didn’t come out of nowhere.
This raises questions as to whether our spirit is attached to our physical bodies or whether we float away from death when we die and go on to live in some sort of spirit world instead. Seeing a light upon death is a common report by those who were brought back away from it. Just like we have seen in the movies, it’s true that they describe feeling welcomed into a warm, bright, and beautiful light.
Everything Was Connected
The intensity of the brightness of that light differs from person to person. Some people have described that light as “God.” Some of those who had enough time to step into it also described finally getting the answers to all sorts of questions about the universe. They explained that everything was connected and that it all finally made sense. The light was so reassuring, that some didn’t want to be brought back to life.
You See Your Life Flash Before Your Eyes
Seeing your life flash before your eyes also is a true statement.
This phenomenon has been the subject of many scientific studies.
A recent study’s most notable discovery was that for about 30 seconds before and after a man’s heart stopped beating from cardiac arrest, activity increased in the parts of the brain associated with memory recall, meditation, and dreams. This information supports a theory known as”life recalls” which suggests that we relive our whole life in seconds, or a flash, just before we die.
Our eyes move rapidly, like REM sleep, while accessing memories. This shows that, as more and more studies are revealing, the brain remains active during and immediately after death. Perhaps one of the most heartwarming reports of what happens after death is that people report being able to see and interact with loved ones who have passed away, even if it’s for a short visit.
They can’t necessarily control who they will encounter
but oftentimes it’s a relative or dear friend who appeared to them.
It’s Not Time Yet: Is There a God And Heaven After life.
Some have even been told to go back to life as it was not yet their time to join them in the afterlife. Perhaps our lost loved ones really are watching over us somewhere from beyond until we join them one day.
Almost every person who reported having a moment in which they were clinically dead, reported that they were able to float outside their physical body in spirit. This is something people have been trying to do while alive but sleeping, calling it astral projection.
Astral Projection
Astral projection is a practice of leaving the body safely. There are numerous guides that teach people how to leave their bodies on command. It starts out by practicing lucid dreaming, or the ability to control your dreams. While this may be experienced differently when sleeping versus when dead, it can simulate the experience to give you an idea of what to expect!
One of the fascinating discoveries is of people reporting being able to see and hear everything that happened around them while they were unconscious even though they weren’t able to respond.
Sixth Sense
One person, in particular, mentioned that they were able to see the green-haired paramedic that was sitting by them as they lay unresponsive. Days later, upon gaining back consciousness, she saw him again in real life. She approached him to ask. She said he seemed astonished because there was no way she should have been able to see him. Perhaps we tap into a sixth sense we’re not even aware of when we die.
There is no way to guarantee for sure what exactly will happen to each of us upon death. It’s possible that the experience will be relative to the person. Not all near-death experiences have been positive.
Some say that death was nothing but fading to black. In some cases, they said it felt like a deep sleep, without dreams.
This is the worst fear for some of us. It would mean that our whole lives end up being meaningless and truly end as our physical bodies decay. It’s hard to believe that our bodies simply rot and our souls along with them. But, this can also be motivation to live as full of a life as possible while we are still alive.
I have studied NDE’s and like flying paper airplanes no two experiences are the same.
I’ve studied more than 5,000 near death experiences.
My research has convinced me without a doubt that there’s life after death.
Story by insider@insider.com (Kelly Burch)
- Jeffrey Long is a radiation oncologist in Kentucky. – Search Videos (bing.com)
- He’s also founder of the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation.
- He says studying near-death experiences has made him a better cancer doctor.
Beyond the Final Breath- 18 Major Theories on What Happens After we Die (msn.com)
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Jeffrey Long. It has been edited for length and clarity.Thirty-seven years ago I was an oncologist resident, learning about how best to treat cancer using radiation. These were the pre-internet days, so I did my research in the library. One day I was flipping through a large volume of the Journal of American Medical Association when I came across an article describing near-death experiences.
It stopped me in my tracks. All my medical training told me you were either alive or dead. There was no in-between. But suddenly, I was reading from a cardiologist describing patients who had died, then come back to life, reporting very distinct, almost unbelievable experiences.
From that moment, I was fascinated with near-death experiences or NDEs. I define a near-death experience as someone who is either comatose or clinically dead, without a heartbeat, having a lucid experience where they see, hear, feel emotions, and interact with other beings. Learning more about these experiences has fundamentally changed my view of the universe.
Near-death experiences have common threads
When I finished my residency, I started the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation. I started collecting stories from people who had NDEs and evaluating them with the mind of a scientist and doctor. I make opinions based on evidence and came into this as a skeptic. But in the face of overwhelming evidence, I’ve come to believe there’s certainly an afterlife.
But as I studied thousands of them:
I saw a consistent pattern of events, emerging in a predictable order. About 45% of people who have an NDE report an out-of-body experience. When this happens, their consciousness separates from their physical body, usually hovering above the body. The person can see and hear what’s happening around them, which usually includes frantic attempts to revive them. One woman even reported a doctor throwing a tool on the floor when he picked up the wrong one—something the doctor later confirmed.
After the out-of-body experience, people say they’re transported into another realm.
Many passes through a tunnel and experience a bright light. Then they’re greeted by deceased loved ones, including pets, who are in the prime of their lives. Most people report an overwhelming sense of love and peace. They feel like this other realm is their real home. I haven’t found any scientific explanation for these experiences that may sound cliche: the bright light, the tunnel, the loved ones.
But over twenty-five years of studying NDEs. I’ve come to believe that these descriptions have become cultural tropes because they’re true. I even worked with a group of children under five who had NDEs. They reported the same experiences that adults did—and at that age, you’re unlikely to have heard about bright lights or tunnels after you die.
Other people report seemingly unbelievable events, which we can later confirm.
One woman lost consciousness while riding her horse on a trail. Her body stayed on the trail while her consciousness traveled with her horse as he galloped back to the barn. Later, she was able to describe exactly what happened at the barn because she had seen it despite her body not being there.
Others, who hadn’t spoken to her, confirmed her account. I’m a medical doctor. I’ve read brain research and considered every possible explanation for NDEs. The bottom line is that none of them hold water. There isn’t even a remotely plausible physical explanation for this phenomenon. I’ve also studied fear-death experiences, like near-miss car accidents.
I take a particular definition for NDEs. The person must be unconscious. But there’s another type of phenomenon that fascinates me too: what I call fear-death experiences. These are situations where you feel your life is in imminent danger. It might be a near-miss car accident or a sudden fall. These people generally don’t experience the tunnel and light, but they often report their life “flashing before their eyes.” While some people with NDEs report these life reviews, they’re more common with fear-death experiences. People even recall events from toddlerhood that they can’t consciously remember. But that we can later
confirm by talking with family members and others. Studying NDEs has made me a better cancer doctor. While I’m passionate about NDEs, my day job still revolves around helping patients fight cancer. I don’t tell my patients about my NDE research. And yet, my work with NDEs has made me a more compassionate and loving doctor. I’m able to help my patients face life-threatening diseases with increased courage and passion. My goal is to help them have more healthy days here on Earth.
But I firmly believe that if and when they pass, they will be at peace.
A woman standing on top of a mountain to feel the human energy field
The Human Energy Field – Search (bing.com)
Layers of Human Energy Field & Why You Should Hack Into Them for Supercharged Vitality
Written by Callie Bakola
Approved by Jeffrey Allen
C.S. Lewis once said, “You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”
Though it sounds rather religious or metaphysical, this statement is now backed up by science. At least partially.
Mind, Body Spirit Connection and Health – Think of a human being as a body-mind-spirit complex. These layers, known as the human energy field, are invisible and intangible, but they are essential for your well-being. If any of these are out of balance, they can manifest on a visceral level—as a physical ailment, emotional or mental distress, or a sense of disconnection with self or others.
But knowing how to balance them can level up your human experience.
We are much more than our physical body. The human energy system consists of much more than is perceived to our physical eyes. The human body consists of an electromagnetic energy field, which makes up for our subtle bodies, or Light Body, consisting of 7 Chakras and meridians through which energy flows. 47 Human Energy Field ideas | energy field, energy, energy healing (pinterest.com)
Also known as “aura” or “biofield,” the human energy field is an invisible energy surrounding the human body. It’s an integral part of many belief systems and alternative healing practices rooted in spiritual traditions. The human energy field has multiple layers—five of them—and each has its own function:
Physical: Directly connected to the physical body
Etheric: The blueprint for the physical body
Emotional: Contains emotions and feelings
Mental: Linked to thoughts, beliefs, and mental processes
Spiritual: What connects humans with the divine
The importance of the human energy field lies in the direct connection between energy and well-being. Because, at the end of the day, everything is energy. And by altering it, you can improve many different aspects of your life.
How to Balance Your Mind, Body, and Soul During a Crisis
The mind-body-spirit connection means that our wellness comes not just from physical health, but from mental health and spiritual health as well1. All three are connected, and weakness or imbalance in one of these can negatively affect the others2. For example, severe emotional stress of the mind can cause high blood pressure and other illnesses in an otherwise healthy body. Similarly, physical illness or injury can cause depression in a usually healthy mind2. Mind-Body Therapy is increasingly popular as a means of cost-effective self-care3.
How Big Is the Human Energy Field?
Humans have an energy field around them that can extend up to several feet from the physical body. If you search for human energy field images, most of them are pictured as egg-shaped cocoons around the body. The specific size varies, and it depends on factors such as health, age, emotions, and state of mind.
Generally speaking, the more positive your well-being is, the bigger your human energy is, and vice versa. Similarly, experienced energy workers and those engaging with spirituality usually have larger and more prominent auras.
What’s more, the size of each layer in the energy field also varies. The innermost layer, the one closest to the physical body, is also the smallest. And the outermost layer, which is the spiritual layer, is the largest.
The 5 Layers of the Human Energy Fields
Different belief systems and schools of energy healing may have slight variations in the number and attributes of the energy fields. That said, most systems have agreed upon these five layers of human energy fields.
1. The physical layer
This is your visceral body, composed of flesh, skin, bone structure, organs, and blood. It’s a physical representation of what you perceive as self. And for most people, it’s the only self-perception they have. Although you are quite aware of your physical body, your eating, drinking, breathing, and moving patterns leave much to be desired.
But if you don’t set them right, it will affect your mental, emotional, and even spiritual bodies. Jeffrey Allen, a world-renowned energy healer and author of Mindvalley’s Duality Quest, explains that when you go through painful experiences, you store energy from them in your body.
Whatever you store spreads out into the world through your process of self-expression. That’s why it’s so important to heal yourself, release negativity from your body and consciousness, and nurture it in ways that serve your highest good.
What Does Ocean Frequencies Do For the Human Body – Search (bing.com)
How to keep a balanced physical energy field
Achieving balance in your human body’s energy field comes with optimal health, energy, vitality, and resistance to illness.
Here are a few ways to keep your physical energy field balanced:
Healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, stay active, and get enough sleep.
Body awareness. Stay in tune with your physical sensations by practicing activities like yoga, Tai Chi, or body scans.
Energy healing. Massage therapy and acupuncture help release physical tension and promote energy balance.
Hydration. Don’t forget to stay hydrated during the day.
2. The etheric layer
The second layer surrounding your body is the etheric. It serves the role of a bridge between the physical and energetic realms of yourself. It’s also closely associated with the life force energy, often referred to as “prana” or “chi,” which is believed to flow through the energy meridians in the body.
This layer is considered a template or blueprint for the physical body. It contains the energetic patterns and information necessary for the physical body’s development, maintenance, and vitality. You can picture it as a web of energy that mirrors the body’s structure and functions.
How to keep a balanced etheric energy field
Your physical body needs to be in alignment with the energetic patterns and templates in the etheric layer. Thanks to this alignment, you can have a basis for the proper growth, development, and functioning of your physical systems.
For a balanced etheric energy field, you may want to practice these:
Grounding. Spend time in nature, practice earthing, or meditate to connect with the earth’s energy.
Energy cleansing. Use techniques like smudging, salt baths, or crystal cleansing to clear stagnant energy from your etheric field.
Pranayama. Explore yogic breathwork to enhance prana flow.
Mindful living. Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment and maintain awareness of your energetic state.
3. The emotional layer
This is the layer where your emotions, feelings, and fears reside—it’s the most volatile layer of all. Although you are seemingly experiencing emotions inside, they are both inside and outside of you at the same time.
Jeffrey explains that people don’t allow themselves to feel their emotions out of fear of becoming them. But you aren’t your emotions.
He adds, “Emotions are the foundation of authenticity, and by allowing yourself to feel your emotions, you are helping yourself and others.”
How to keep a balanced emotional energy field
A balanced mental layer is characterized by clear and focused thinking, emotional stability, and reduced mental stress.
You can keep your emotional energy field in check with these practices:
Emotional awareness. Regularly check in with your emotions by acknowledging and processing them.
Self-expression. Express your feelings in creative ways, such as by keeping a journal or talking with a trusted friend, partner, or therapist.
Meditation. Incorporate this practice that focuses on emotional well-being, such as loving-kindness meditation.
Boundary setting. Set clear boundaries to protect your energy from emotional drains or conflicts.
4. The mental layer
Commonly referred to as your mindset, this layer is where all your ideas, thoughts, and belief systems are carefully stored, assimilated, and sorted out. It’s within your mental body that your truths and perceptions are formed, and often determines whether you remain stuck in life or propel you forward.
It’s crucial to understand that your mental body also serves as a filter between your mental and spiritual bodies. This intermediary role is often referred to as intuition, a vital link that connects you with higher consciousness.
So, it’s worth noting that your mental body doesn’t necessarily imply mental awareness. Instead, it’s primarily influenced by the programs, patterns, and belief systems you inherit, adopt in childhood, and develop during your life.
In other words, your mind can remain unaware, and an unaware mind can lead you into various predicaments because it gives you a feeling of being right all the time. What’s more, an unaware mind results in mental chatter, or noise, that keeps you stuck in negative scenarios, diminishing your mental clarity and focus.
Everything is Electricity | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Awaken Your Unstoppable
Cultivating healthy energy fields in a holistic way has the power to transform your life on many levels.
Therefore, developing awareness of your mental body is crucial for achieving a balanced mind.
How to keep a balanced mental energy field
You should aim for a balanced mental layer to achieve a state of mental equilibrium,
clarity, and well-being in your thoughts and beliefs.
For a harmonic mental energy field, you can make a habit out of these:
Mindfulness meditation. Practice mindfulness to cultivate mental clarity, focus, and awareness.
Positive affirmations. Use positive affirmations to reframe negative thought patterns—a sign of low human
energy field vibration—and maintain a balanced mental state.
Cognitive exercises. Engage in activities that challenge your cognitive abilities and keep your mind sharp.
Mental health support. Seek therapy or counseling if needed to address and manage mental health concerns effectively.
5. The spiritual layer
This final layer is your higher awareness that connects you to universal consciousness, mainly through intuition.
From a chakra system perspective, it’s your crown chakra where you’re pulling energies into your body from above.
Are the Chakras part of the Limbic System – Search (bing.com)
The chakras and the limbic system are part of different conceptual frameworks and are not directly related. The limbic system is a set of brain structures that supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, motivation, long-term memory, and olfaction1. It is often referred to as the “emotional brain” and is highly involved in the body’s response to emotional stimuli.
On the other hand, chakras are part of an ancient Indian system of spiritual, physical, and emotional energy centers within the body2. They are not physical structures like the limbic system but are thought to be energetic focal points that influence various aspects of a person’s well-being.
While the limbic system is a well-defined group of structures within the brain studied in neuroscience, the concept of chakras comes from spiritual and holistic practices and is not recognized in the same way by modern science. However, some people believe that the state of one’s chakras can influence their emotional and physical health, which could be seen as a parallel to how the limbic system influences emotions and behaviors. But it’s important to note that this is a belief and not scientifically proven to be part of the limbic system or its functions.
Researchers May Have Solved a Piece of the Human Brain’s Energy Puzzle.
‘PsyPost’ reports that scientists have uncovered how specific parts of the human brain require different amounts of energy than other parts. The work, which was published in ‘Science Advances,’ highlights how evolution of human cognition is linked to the development of energy-intensive brain networks.
Learn more: 1my.clevelandclinic.org 2medicalnewstoday.com 3neuro endocrinology.org
4evergreenpsychotherapycenter.com 5amitray.com
How Does Your Chakras heal your Body – Search (bing.com)
Jeffrey explains that this chakra… Is about inspiration and spirit connection,
Connects you to the rest of the chakras, Is where you receive ideas, and store information about your past lives and connections.
“Your spirit connection is your sense of connection with others and the universe,” he adds.
However, when this energy point is blocked, people don’t believe that there’s something beyond them and that they are part of divinity. They often don’t trust their wisdom and higher guidance.
On the contrary, if you have a spiritual awareness, you live from that meta-understanding that you really are a spirit. You move along your life with a strong sense that everything is divinely orchestrated and works out for your highest good.
How to keep a balanced spiritual energy field
A balanced spiritual field is necessary for achieving inner peace, connection to the higher self, transcendence, and a clear sense of purpose.
For a balanced spiritual energy layer, exercise the below points regularly:
Spiritual practices. Engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, or contemplation to nurture your spiritual connection.
Introspection. Reflect on your spiritual beliefs, values, and purpose in life.
Connection. Create connections with like-minded individuals and join spiritual communities.
Compassion. Cultivate a sense of compassion, both for yourself and others, as part of your spiritual well-being.

Does Cancers originate from being mixed up emotionally!
Cancer is a complex disease with multiple causes, and while emotions and stress can impact overall health, they are not direct causes of cancer. The National Cancer Institute notes that while cancer can bring up a wide range of emotions and existing feelings may seem more intense, these emotions themselves do not cause cancer1. However, there is evidence suggesting that chronic stress and negative emotions can have an impact on the body’s immune system, which in turn could potentially influence the development of cancer23.
It’s important to understand that cancer is primarily caused by genetic mutations and can be influenced by various factors such as environmental exposures, lifestyle choices, and certain infections. Emotional health is crucial for coping with cancer, and addressing mental health concerns may lead to improved treatment outcomes and a better quality of life4. If you have concerns about cancer risks, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide information based on medical evidence.
Learn more: 1cancer.gov 2myersdetox.com 3medicalnewstoday.com
4verywellhealth.com 5foreverconscious.com
Do We Live Inside Someone’s Mind? Why Are Brain Cells Similar to the Universe? – Search (bing.com)
Study Maps The Odd Structural Similarities Between The Human Brain And The Universe (msn.com)
Is The Universe Simply The Human Brain Enlarged? | Watch (msn.com)
Apocalyptic Predictions: 15 Terrifying Scientific Forecasts (msn.com)
What Causes Cancer? (youtube.com)
What Does the Sedona Vortex Phenomenon Do for the Human Body?
The Sedona vortex phenomenon, often associated with spiritual and mystical experiences, does have natural explanations that skeptics and scientists point to. The so-called vortexes are not scientifically recognized as distinct physical entities with measurable forces. Instead, they are areas within Sedona’s already stunning landscape that have been given special significance due to the feelings they evoke in visitors.
Here are some natural explanations for the sensations experienced at these sites:
Geological Beauty: The breathtaking red rock formations and scenic views in Sedona can naturally induce feelings of awe and tranquility, which may be mistaken for a spiritual or energetic experience1.
Psychological Effects: The power of suggestion and the human tendency to feel uplifted in beautiful natural settings can contribute to the belief in and sensation of vortex energy1.
Physical Activity: Hiking and being outdoors have well-documented mood-boosting and health benefits, which can enhance one’s sense of well-being when visiting these areas1.
Cultural Influence: The history of Native American reverence for these lands adds a layer of spiritual significance that can influence visitors’ perceptions2.
While the idea of vortexes as sources of unique energy is a popular aspect of Sedona’s allure, it’s important to note that there is no hard scientific evidence to support the existence of such forces. The feelings experienced by visitors are likely a combination of the natural beauty, cultural stories, and personal beliefs that converge in this unique location12.
The Sedona Vortexes are indeed a fascinating phenomenon. They are thought to be swirling centers of energy that are conducive to healing, meditation, and self-exploration1. Many visitors report feeling inspired, recharged, or uplifted after visiting a vortex in Sedona. The four best-known vortex sites are at Airport Mesa, Cathedral Rock, Bell Rock, and Boynton Canyon1. Each site is believed to radiate its own particular energy, with some producing energy flowing upward and others spiraling downward into the earth1.
Whether you’re on a journey of self-discovery or just looking to experience the natural beauty and serenity of Sedona, the vortexes offer a unique and potentially transformative experience. Remember to visit with an open mind and respect the practices and rituals of others you may encounter at these sites1.
Enjoy your time in Sedona!
Learn more: 1visitsedona.com 2wherearethosemorgans.com 3bing.com 4sedonabest.com
Are there any Natural explanations for the Sedona Vortex Phenomenon?
Tell me more about the history and beliefs surrounding these vortexes.
What are some practical tips for visiting the Sedona vortexes?