It is a deep dive.
It is not easy.
These monthly shots that knock me down
Down into Inanna’s cave I go.
To face my monsters, fears & worries
To transmute the darkness into light

Sometimes I wake up screaming, the nightmares can be intense.
Sometimes I’m happy to just rest.
The emotional content that was pushed aside during the rest of
the month comes flaring its loud presence of what I cannot deny.
This time: more layers of heartbreak around the recent breakup

The raw, open heart lies exposed to heal from the inside out
It can also be hard, as I miss out on family gatherings and events,
but this is part of it and I’m so grateful to be alive.
So I accept this.
It’s a part of the price to pay, on the cancer healing path.
This is waking up to back breaking pain that thankfully passes after some hours.
The hot flashes
The ‘I must get up to feed the horses’ & pushing myself to do what I can
Don’t make me walk to the gate, it’s simply too far for me.
I share this as I know y’all think I’m so buoyant, bubbly and inspiring.
And yes I can be
But this is hard work, that requires me to reach into my deepest strength
One must walk alone at times to find their way
And this is the case with these drugs.
This is raw and real
The good part of it is that I get a shit ton done as the force of gravity is so strong.
I’m leveled out on my bed or sofa, editing videos, writing, etc.
And the rest is great too, despite the physical discomfort, as I’m usually going nonstop

I share this as MANY of US CANCER THRIVERS go through this every month, but IT IS NOT SPOKEN ABOUT,
so I am here to share

Please listen so you can understand the path we’re on
It requires incredible strength, especially to stay positive in the face of one’s constant mortality. I speak for all of us.

And, as I know I’ll get asked, I get monthly shots of Faslodex (hormone blocking shots) & every 3 months I receive Xgeva (for my bones). Some people are not affected so sensitively as I am, but some of us are. I tend to be on the highly sensitive side of the spectrum with most medicines

And to add: I think this is why I’m so drawn to mermaiding. After so much death, loss and cancer treatment, being a

I gotta say, in all honesty, writing & self-publishing a book is hard work. It takes great dedication, focus & stubborn stamina to do ALL the steps necessary to birth a book baby. It is no small feat. It is necessary to have a motivating factor.

What was my drive to publish this ocean conservation book?
In short, my love of the ocean and her creatures. In the last year, swimming in the ocean with a mermaid tail has been the incredibly healing after the tragic death of my parents.
In the process of swimming with turtles, fish and recently whales, stingrays and sharks (incredible!!

In January, when a rare and mysterious sperm whale washed up on the coast of Kaua’i, Hawaii choked by garbage debris in its stomach, I knew I had to tell the story.

Note: This photo is taken near Lydgate Beach right where the whale washed up!!!
This whale that was killed by human ignorance does not have a voice, so I will speak for him/her, thank you very much

These magnificent creatures hold peaceful wisdom beyond what our reptilian human brain can comprehend. While we fight and kill one another with unnecessary wars, the animals look on in wonder asking themselves who the primitive creatures truly are

Do they unnecessarily kill one another? NO

I am concerned.
Without becoming too dismal (but you all know the reality upon Earth now), the oceans and our sacred planet dearly need our attention. If we do not wake up and create dramatic change NOW, my possible future grandchildren will be inheriting a hell of a future.
The innocent beings deserve much more than this.
I decided to use my platform and the fact that I have an audience to speak for whales,
coral reefs and marine life.
We stare at the ocean in wonder,
yet do not understand the verdant life that lives miles under the surface.
I’ve been swimming often in her waters and I’m here to say that life under
the water is enchanted & magical.

Just because we can’t see what lives under the surface of the water
doesn’t mean it deserves to live anymore then we do.

In this colorful new kid’s book collaboration with Nica Quinn, I’m proud to say that~
I created a resource guide sharing about the whales (their songs, migration & current dangers they face), the importance of a healthy coral reef & information about %las*tic (yes, I’m coding this word to work around the algorithm that wants to suppress posts that speak about p*l*tion).
I want the world to know that YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
And future generations depend on YOU for this.
In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
What are you waiting for

So, hey, check out this gorgeous new kid’s book

Also, check out the newsletter I wrote last night pouring my heart into sharing why I wrote the book, which besides what I shared above has to do with my incredible environmental activist parents. This book in many ways is a tribute to them.

And cultivate joy in between the cracks of it all
Love y’all

this interview with my brother Ted Cheeseman of Happywhale with you!

It is jam packed full with fascinating facts about whale behavior, songs, migration and why it’s vitally important for them to have a healthy ocean ecosystem for them to survive.

I included photos and videos of whales to give the visual perspective of the sheer mysterious beauty of the cetaceans & also beloved family photos.

We also talk about the impact of growing up with wonderful safari leading parents,
Doug & Gail Cheeseman who inspired countless people with their love of the environment & the safari biz they created

It is the longest video I’ve created at 47 minutes, but I’ve broken it down
into separate chapters so you can digest it and take in the info you want.
Grab some popcorn & enjoy it!

Ted is one inspirational guy who is changing the face of how we understand whales around the globe with his organization Happywhale. He developed a tail recognition software that can help track & identify whales around the world. This greatly benefits whale research & to understand these gentle giants.

Btw, this is a photo of Ted taken with a sperm whale by Scott Davis –
Spectacular photo, isn’t it?

Tara is an ocean activist, mermaid & author who recently published a new children’s book called ‘Kaimana the Hawaiian Mermaid’. It has a thick ocean conservation section at the end of it sharing about whales, the importance of a healthy coral reef, reducing plastic pollution & so much more! This book is based on a true story of a sperm whale washing up on the coast of Kaua’i, Hawaii in January 2023 choked by plastic and human garbage in its stomach.

I hope this video inspires you to learn more about whales & understand their importance on our fragile Earth. Please like, comment on the YouTube video and let us know your thoughts. Mahalo for watching!

Grace, Grit & Gratitude: A Cancer Thriver’s Journey from Hospice to Full Recovery
with the Healing Power of Horses Paperback – July 30, 2021 Amazon.com : Tara Coyote
by Tara Coyote (Author), Linda Kohanov (Foreword), & 1 more
4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 159 ratings
To the outside eye, it looked like Tara Coyote was living the perfect life in the suburbs
with her musician husband, successful Pilates studio and Brady Bunch type family.
What the outside world didn’t see was the pivotal event that turned her life upside down.
Grace, Grit & Gratitude is one woman’s story of a profound bond with horses
that carried her through nine years of pain, trauma, cancer and the challenges of loss.
It is about finding the courage to face one’s shadow in the darkest hour.
Learn how the ancient principles of death and also rebirth from the
Mesopotamian Goddess, Inanna, has saved more than just one life.
Follow one woman’s spiritual journey of pain, perseverance and discovery
with the unexpected power of her horses and ancient teachings as her guide.
A portion of the sale of each book will be donated to The Wild Beauty Foundation, an organization that works to raise awareness for the wild horses of North America. As Tara’s mustang, Comanche has had a profound impact upon her life, she is passionate about supporting this important cause!
Tara Coyote is the founder of Wind Horse Sanctuary, a certified Eponaquest ‘Equine Facilitated Learning’ instructor, life coach, workshop leader, writer and dancer.
You will find her happily scooping horse manure on Kauai, Hawaii!
#whale #whales #spermwhale @highlight @followers
Love ya’ my cancer thriver tribe!

Keep going – I see you