But I can say what others think because after all it is
the Land of the Free ~ Home of the Brave…

Sometimes people make major mistakes. Sometimes machinery breaks. Engines fail.
It’s not terribly surprising when every business and industry has been trying to cut
corners due to inflation. But not everything that happens is a planned event.
You can try to connect dots but it doesn’t mean they’re actually connected in relation to the event. I mean, how many crew members on that ship do you truly believe were “in on it”?
What percentage of them were just normal people trying their hardest to not collide with the bridge to avoid causing catastrophic damage and kill people? How many are afraid of losing their jobs?
We lose so much credibility when we are quick to jump to conclusions.
And honestly it seems like many people really WANT us to believe everything is planned.
Many people live in anticipation of “The next event” like it’s their favorite reality TV show.
Guys I’m just not on that page.
Dali Had Problem with Propulsion Months Before Crashing Into Baltimore Bridge (businessinsider.com)

YOUTUBE.COM https://youtu.be/PeSop9HMzvQ?si=a79rXF8FnSuxYY_O
Tail splash Mary/Moon
I try to be a watch and wait, listen and observe type of person.
The truth will out, if there’s something that was not handled right.
But I would recommend not demonstrating to everyone who knows you that you’re going to jump to conclusions with hardly any evidence, on day one, as if you were on that ship and saw what happened… and undermine everything else that you say.
Still, it’s disturbing how the ship took such a sharp right turn in order to hit the support structure. (Some angles capture that well, others don’t as much.) I’m withholding judgement until I’m satisfied that this is adequately explained. From some angles, it LOOKS like the ship was TRYING to hit the support structure, IMO …fwiw.
Have you seen the video showing the power (or at least lights) on the ship going off, then back on, then off again? It eventually steers directly toward the support. It’s hard to say. Apparently that particular spot is a major trade route and will cripple the area’s economy.
It’ll be interesting to see what comes out.
There are many Instagram accounts commenting on videos of the accident
and they are saying almost identical phrases, similar to the compilation videos we see
of 100 of reporters saying “it’s very dangerous to our democracy” with identical wording. Those Instagram accounts appear to be associated in a way similar to when influencers were paid to promote the jab and were all saying very carefully scripted words.
Based on what several ship employees and military personnel have posted a ship that large would have multiple fail-safes in place in the case of the operator having a heart attack, a hostage situation, mechanical failure, etc. and would also be able to be controlled remotely if necessary so it makes me wonder how it lost enough control to even get close to the support column.
The only thing I want to point out is (and I’m not saying this is the case here) but when everything can be controlled by electricity or 5G or however they want us to be on one system, imagine someone shutting off a switch.
That’s how we can be taken out.
We all should be fighting that. Electric everything.
And my husband was asked to go to California to help UN-decommission a power plant (that’s unheard of). What that means is, they were closing a power plant and then they decided to not close it and get it back up and running. Because *SIKE* (insert Newsom’s face) we can’t actually be all electric with no power plants whether it be coal or nuclear.
And they all know it.
It legit makes me want to leave social media altogether. Over time it’s clear that
I have less and less in common with the people I thought I had a lot in common with.
So you didn’t actually read my post.
I literally said, in the first sentence of this post, that I don’t claim to have the answers.
I haven’t shamed anyone. I’ve given advice to people to not jump to conclusions because
it undermines everything else, they say. I’m not sure what is “bizarre” about this. I care about the truth, and I don’t want everything associated with the truther community (also like the truth about vaccines) to be compromised because people don’t pause for even a moment to question claims they see being posted on social media.
Amanda Noel
· Your conspiracy theories are not helping! Yeah yeah I know conspiracy theories don’t exist only facts.While I would tend to agree, the FACT is no one has all the facts yet so yes you are just making theories right now.
As new information has come to light here is what we’ve learned…
1. The crew of the ship issued a mayday warning that they lost power. The ship twice lost power and a fire started as a result of them trying to reverse the ship.
2. Tug boats were too far away to be of assistance.
3. The pilot dropped stern anchors in an attempt to stop the ship and divert its course.
4. The mayday resulted in the bridge being closed to traffic which potentially saved 100s of lives.
5. There are 6/9 individuals still missing.
6. No engineer can build or would build a bridge to survive a couple million tons hurtling into a support structure.
This was a horrific tragedy. It appears that everyone tried to prevent it but it was just too late. Your conspiracy posting isn’t helping anything. This is not some deep state coverup or an attack (most likely from what we know so far). It’s just a horrible accident.
Be careful on social media. The “do your own research” crew often does no research.
My heart and prayers go out to everyone impacted by this event.
Who wrote the National Anthem of the US – Search (bing.com)
Baltimore has a long road ahead.
Okay, so they times this supposed explosion for exactly when the ship hit the bridge support? Got it. That ship weighs over 100,000 tons. That’s TONS.
That’s over 200 million pounds. They wouldn’t need any explosion, the ship hitting it was enough, and all the sections of the bridge were continuously connected, so if one section gets taken out, they all go.
I mean for real. It’s a SUSPENSION bridge. When its base goes, it all goes.
Unlike a truss bridge, where you would lose a section of it. And people don’t seem to understand currents and wind and how even the largest of ships will go at the whim of those when there is no propulsion.
I totally agree, however, though the concern that
I have is some of the information that I read, that would indicate there was possibly a cyber-attack on the ship – causing the power to go out and allowing hackers to direct the ship in a different direction.
“Is this possible” actually yes they are.
But you are right that conclusions should not be jumped to on either side of the fence. Everything should be looked into and entertained until you find the truth. But something this BIG to our economy and infrastructure should not be so easily dismissed as having not been intentional even if it wasn’t intentional.
If through a thorough investigation they determine it was an accident then so be it.
But no thorough investigation was done in the hours that they declared it an accident.
They said they lost power and control of the ship but have not given any reason as to how that happened. The Ukrainian ship master that was driving the ship may have some explaining to do especially since Ukrainians are praising him for doing so

I’m not even saying it was him that did it.
I’m just saying questions should be asked.
Ashley Everly
Lisa Anderson are these old cargo ships really engineered in a way that the steering of the ship can be controlled from an external source. Honestly that sounds far-fetched to me. These ships typically require several men getting the engine going. There are some new autonomous container ships, but I don’t think this is one of them.
Lara Logan On The Francis Scott Key Bridge: “It Is A Financial And Economic Attack”.
As soon as I saw this video, I instantly had the “this isn’t right” feeling. I agree that not everything is a conspiracy but there are just too many questions surrounding this. Something just doesn’t sit right with this one.. agree 100%%%! If you watch the video closely, there’s no doubt that there was an explosion at the base of that structure.
And the way the bridge fell, just doesn’t add up. Kind of like the twin towers….

Part of agenda 21 is to remove all bridges and dams. – Search (bing.com)
But, but, but… it hit the bridge at 1:28am and it was 128 days from Francis Scott Key’s birthday, so the 33rd degree freemasons did it!
False Flag Alert: The Baal of Maryland… – Raven Galarza de Gold | Facebook
Have you heard the saying that millionaires don’t use Astrology, but Billionaires do?
That’s because the high-level players know that the markets even run on Astrology.
(In combination with Numerology & Gematria) https://www.facebook.com/share/v/NYg3VupsAtHrJN4d/?mibextid=w8EBqM
Illuminati will show up at your door dressed like court jesters – Search Videos (bing.com)
Gematria and astronomy/astrology is something that stems from the earliest civilizations.
I find it interesting that what only the royal council of advisors knew of in study is not as mysterious in the present era.
I appreciate the studies of individuals that have taken up the delineations that don’t belong to the royal cult. Astrology has purposefully been given a bad name for a reason – because there’s truth in it. It’s been used by the left-hand royal priests then and now.
Watched a documentary on its use by the Aztec king during an eclipse
the population had no knowledge of. This is One example of many.
I’m not saying there isn’t potential for intentional sabotage here, but you have people saying stupid shit like they rigged the bridge with bombs and comparing this ship taking out a bridge to two planes taking out three buildings. This ship had a mass of over 100,000 tons– over 200 million pounds. The ship’s mass alone is more than enough to take out that bridge. Maybe look into what caused the power outage.
Lisa Anderson
RaDonna J Fox it will be interesting if and when the truth finally comes out. I I want to keep an open mind. And who WANTS to be an act of war? I sure don’t! It’s interesting that people think it’s wrong for us to lean towards the assumption that it was an attack…. when they are leaning towards the assumption that it’s not.
It’s been years since I was in the military but, this does have the signs of possibly being an attack to tear down infrastructure. It’s one of the things that militaries do to tear down the enemy from the inside. by creating significant infrastructure damage without actually coming out and using military equipment. (Creating chaos in the economy and supply line issues…. and potential shortages in food and gas)
The problem with waiting for the truth to come out is it never does.
Still waiting on 9/11. As free thinkers we can gather all facts, and come to a conclusion on what would actually be the truth. In this case, so far everything that has come out is definitely compatible with the truth compared to what happened.
So as it stands right now, this seems to be a very unfortunate accident.
Not everything that happens is going to be on purpose or a setup.
If we get on that type of thinking then we must conclude every car accident, plane crash
or any other disaster is a sinister action on the downfall of society. When the science and
facts don’t make sense with what they are telling us then we must look further.
I agree sooo much… Yes, there are many conspiracies, and at the same time. Yes, there is also a mindset. That is a conspiracy theorist who sees connections in conspiracies that will turn out to be false, and aren’t there… There is a nourishment that they are getting from doing this..I like advice I have heard in these times to remain open and loving, as we observe all of these things…
As you mentioned, there are many innocents, and every day people involved in all kinds
of phenomena that we observe… It is best to remain in a place of loving and caring, well, wishing, praying, for them, and even taking action and helping people generally when we can and, it makes sense…
And then, the next part of the advice, and I believe you, Ashley, have been somebody who has given this advice too: not conclude…
Just observe, without concluding, until there is no other conclusion to make perhaps…
This is a point of huge power, your energy does not go out to anybody, except for the love,
I mentioned above…
So yes, interesting to observe this, and it has actually happened a lot. This crash is just one example of people leaping into all kinds of conspiracy theories, and seeing bad and evil intentions, pasting them onto innocent people every day.

How could anyone turn this into a political controversy?
Politics has nothing to do with this. This is a very tragic accident in which many lives were lost. The sickness in our country is tearing us Apart. May God be with us. We’ll never make it with all of this bitterness, and hatred. The civil war is over.. history repeats itself and the civil war is just starting.
I do believe it’s tragic that lives were lost but look at what it could have been if they
didn’t send a mayday out and shut the bridge down immediately. and they immediately dismissed terrorism without evidence either way. They had 3 minutes and could have dropped anchor. The ship was obviously out of the channel required to make the turn, avoiding the bridge. If you think there isn’t technology to hack into a navigation system, reverse engineered by China, then you should watch War room to get information not censored by corporations.
Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore

The emergency lights seem to be from a construction crew working midspan.
It looks like the ship loses power twice as it approaches the bridge, you can see the lights go out and then come back on. Smoke is also visible from the ship as it approaches.
The US Coast Guard says it is suspending its search and rescue efforts for the six individuals still missing after the collapse.
“I’d like to announce tonight that based on the length of time that we’ve gone in this search, the extensive search efforts we’ve put into it, the water temperature, that at this point we do not believe that we’re going to find any of these individuals still alive,”
Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath told reporters at a Tuesday evening news conference.
#Maryland #DMVAdventures Read more here: https://abc7.la/3xloHjC
Video from underneath the Francis Scott Key Bridge after the collapse. Facebook
#FrancisScottKeyBridge #keybridge #maryland #bridges #prayers @followers WBEL-Air TV News
President Biden vows the “federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing” Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key bridge after its collapse on Tuesday morning. Asked whether the shipping company should be held responsible, Biden says: “That could be, but we’re not going to wait for that to happen.”
A timeline of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore shows the
container ship Facebook appearing to lose power two times before hitting the bridge. https://tinyurl.com/yx3h3cwf
Francis Scott Key Bridge Baltimore, Maryland.
It collapsed Tuesday after a cargo ship collided with one of its pillars.
At least 20 people and several vehicles fell into the water.
Rescue crews continue to search for at least 7 missing people.
Authorities see no indication that it was a deliberate or terrorist attack,
but they still do not know the causes of the tragedy.
They could be numerous… shutting down a major port on the east coast, major distraction from current events (Diddy, Nickelodeon, Missing Princess, etc) or simply finding a way to make an insurance claim on already crumbling infrastructure… Do you know what the news said the construction crew was doing?
#UPDATE: All six workers missing in the aftermath of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore are now presumed dead, with the search for them called off. #9News LATEST: https://nine.social/CAe
I keep watching the moment of the collapse Facebook where you can see them working – just heart wrenching that it can end so quickly!

“Fixing potholes”… I drive that bridge at least twice a day and there were exactly ZERO potholes on that bridge!
Maybe they were doing some rust repair or something actually needed, but that would possibly make the insurance company question whether that had something to do with the collapse after impact Facebook ALL of these mishaps in the United States to cause supply chain shortages since Biden has been in office?
Are a Little fishy.
Failed inspection
Had 3 malfunctions.
Was supposed to have tugboat.
Hit the main pier (sideways)
Nobody on ship injured.
And hit the main 9th hub bridge.
The Ohio hub bridge was set on fire also today – Search (bing.com)
. Wake up people!!!!!
The likely people who would benefit from this episode besides the claimants would
also be the Artificial Intelligence (AI) navigation pioneers who have been aggressively trying to market their AI-assisted tools to help ships react and navigate optimally in times of emergency. So we should also include the Chicken and the Egg thing in our thorough investigations.
Why should US federal gov’t & our taxes pay the total expediency cost for rebuilding
of bridge w/o 1st legally submitting domestic/international insurance/liability claims
against all related parties to cargo ship? Accident? Investigation? Don’t they carry all peril coverage to indemnify loss to governmental parties in bridge collapse? Or for the US to be reimbursed thru the courts of proper jurisdiction? Joe B wants us to immediately pick up the tab. OK. Let the US go after Flagship carriers, owner et al.
There is one question – why isn’t the Issuance company (UK Marine Insurer)
or Singapore-based Grace Ocean Pte Ltd (owner of ship) paying for the bridge?
Congress should not put this on US taxpayers! Reconstruction cost is close to
$600 million, according to engineer David MacKenzie
Disaster in Baltimore, USA: cargo ship hits main bridge pillar, causing its collapse.
By: Daniela Posada

the 695 Freeway that surrounds Baltimore.

of the incident.
#Desastre #Baltimore #EEUU #Barco De Carga #Puente #Colapso #RíoPatapsco #Desaparecidos #Autopista695
Shoddy maintenance.
Authorities are wary of many of these shipping companies from other parts of the world.
Many of these “3rd world flag” companies do not maintain these ships to US standards. It’s all about not spending the money for maintenance, poor standards and negligence.
Facebook Toledo Jeep already said it’s going to affect their production process…It is DEEP
You can literally see on video the ship hitting the bridge supports and the sections collapsing one after another. You can also see the ship lose power twice before hitting it. This would have caused it to lose propulsion and have difficulty steering. Now, could
there have been some intentional sabotage to cause the ship to lose power?
Sure, but will probably never know. Could it have been caused to hit the bridge support
on purpose to take out a major shipping lane and also a major artery for getting around Baltimore? Absolutely. But these ships are absolutely massive and carry tons and tons of cargo.
Even traveling ~9mph, that amount of mass can do a lot of damage.
The bridge trusses are all connected on that particular bridge design, so if one section goes, it’s not hard for other sections to follow. Now, I suppose it could be an AI video, but anyone can still see the ship is actually still there with front end damage and bridge debris all over it.
So it’s not out of the realm of possibility for a ship of that size and weight to take out a bridge support and bring down connected sections of the bridge. Could there be sabotage involved to cause the ship to hit the bridge?
Sure. But politicians don’t necessarily always need to cause something to happen to
take advantage of the event in the aftermath. “Never waste a good crisis”. Look for new “infrastructure” bills to “repair our bridges” with a bunch of pork tacked on for Ukraine and Israel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qZbUXewlQDk&t=1s
The container ship “DALI” hit the Francis Scott Key bridge.
Salvador DALI had a painting called “The Broken Bridge and the Dream.”

Time to wake up.
Light weight bearing structures are interlinked ~
Balance system failure easily collapses.
Francisco of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Scott. The bridge was crashed by a container ship on Tuesday (26 March) and several maritime safety experts said the accident was unusual and most likely resulted from a mechanical failure of the ship that also caused the ship to deviate from course and crash into the bridge. The accident also highlights the interlinked and fragile “light load-bearing structures” used by the bridge, which could result in catastrophic collapse in case of a collision.
Civil and structural engineer Carter said parts of Baltimore’s bridge are very fragile.
Carter noted that most large bridges have central bridges, whose main structure is not connected to the rest of the bridge, but Baltimore Bridge structures are interlinked,
“when you take out some of them, the whole system of balance fails.”
Carter also pointed out that the Baltimore Bridge is built as a continuous truss bridge with light load-bearing structures, and that the main container ship size is now double the size of the vessels used for crash tests when the bridge was built. He believes many bridges and ports need risk assessment for similar situations following the accident.
Facts and truth? Does it not seem strange that the powers that be attacked Trump from the very moment he took office. How they keep throwing things at him constantly to get him out of the race and almost nothing sticks because they are made up.
How the media twists every event to make him look bad.
Also, how the media covers up everything Biden does until they have no choice. Like Biden should be charged for treason, but saying he is mentally unfit for trial. Yet somehow he is fit for running the country? Trump may not be innocent of some of his wrongdoing, but how people don’t see Biden’s crimes at all or how racist he is is incredible.
I am more spiritual than religious.
Our country is going down the tubes without prayer and it’s because of the choices of
your “President” Biden. Not what someone else did years ago. You have been completely blinded. Trump and Kennedy are the only Presidents who said they would take down the deep state and the military-industrial complex. (what each called it). Funny how one was assassinated and the other is publicly attacked… The End!
Expert: This Accident unusual
Continuous truss bridges are simply structures formed by triangulation.
The truss structure is strong, light weight, easy to carry and assemble, and can be seen in large buildings such as bridges, stations, stages, etc.
Correctly designed and built truss will distribute stress throughout the structure, allowing the bridge to safely support its weight, vehicle weight and wind load on the bridge. The cause of major parts of a continuous truss bridge collapse is often due to initial local damage to a structural component, which can trigger a series of failures through a phenomenon known as progressive collapse.
Parry, a former officer of the Royal Navy, told Sky News that the initial judgement was that the container ship was clearly yawning as it crossed the bridge, “Manipulating a vessel of this size through the bridge is usually routine and this accident is not unusual.”
Parry explained that river and sea bridges generally bear a lot of weight and are likely to collapse after being hit by a breakdown of the balance structure. A container ship yaw may result from a loss of power and an accident caused by water intake causing the hull to be tilted.
Anyone watched Obama’s 2023 Netflix movie ‘Leave the World Behind’?
Interestingly enough the movie depicted a cyber-attack on a large container
ship causing it to lose power and crash. There’s no way this is a coincidence. .

Have you seen the movie “Leave the World Behind.” Bing Videos
https://www.facebook.com/share/r/hAaG dds rCn tGD 9h3/?mibextid=WC7FNe

So, in the movie “Leave the World Behind” the cargo ship crashed onto a beach…
it was called the White Lion… The Cargo Ship that crashed into the Key Bridge was
headed to Sri Lanka… whose national symbol is a Lion… Leave the World Behind 2023 – Full Movie HD Quality (youtube.com)
Netizens find uncanny similarities between Baltimore bridge collapse and scene from Leave the World Behind – Hindustan Times
Conspiracy theorists link Baltimore bridge to Netflix’s Leave the World Behind – Dexerto
Bridge Collapse Ripples Through Baltimore’s Port Community: ‘How Are We Going to Survive?’ (msn.com)