Here’s What I Did. – The Washington Standard
Dee Mani Mitchell Cancer Story – Bing video
Dee Mani-Mitchell developed Triple Negative breast cancer in March 2017.
After 5 months, she was declared cancer free with no evidence of disease.
To this day she is still cancer free. She now spends her spare time, supporting
& mentoring other cancer sufferers and their loved ones. “During my research,
I came across an older lady in America who had cured her own Triple Negative
Breast Cancer with cannabis oil.
“I then discovered Rick Simpson and The Truth About Cancer and The Sacred Plant docuseries.” Due to the intense level of Reefer Madness in the UK, many are still of the belief that cannabis is a ‘scary,’ drug, linked to mental illnesses such as psychosis and paranoia. “I had smoked a few joints when I was younger,” Dee said, when discussing if she was worried about trying medical cannabis, “so I was well aware of the psychoactive compounds.
“I was more worried about the thought of having to use chemo if alternative medicine didn’t work.” Cannabis oil, however, was not the only treatment Dee received to help cure her cancer. “I had a lumpectomy which was the only medical intervention. “My oncologist expected me to have a combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for 12 months.
Dee Mani on The Kate Shemirani Show – 07 May 2023 | TNT Radio (podbean.com)
“Apparently Triple Negative doesn’t respond to any anti-cancer drugs and following the lumpectomy there would still be cancer cells left over. “I refused the chemo and rads, and was given the all clear 14th August 2017!” Dee’s inspiring story could have been a major catalyst in changing the negative public perception on medical cannabis, helping to raise awareness of the ancient medical herb’s potential use as a cancer treatment.
Instead, Dee’s story was used to generate clicks for Alt-Right news outlets, such as
The Sun and The Daily Mail, and as an advert for Holland & Barrett’s CBD products. Discussing her views on the mainstream misrepresentations, Dee said, “I’m annoyed as hell that The Daily Mail (who ran the article first) chose not to disclose the oil I use is FECO with a very high THC level. “Instead, they decided to print that I only used CBD!
“They even mentioned that my oil didn’t get me high, which of course it did.

Full spectrum cannabis oil, with THC, that Dee used to cure her cancer.
THC is illegal in the UK.
“Following on from the original article the same story went viral globally,
it became out of my control to get my correct message across.
“I was then approached by Love It magazine. “I agreed to another article on the promise that they would use my correct details and I was able to proofread the details before it went to press. “The article was 100% true and had all the correct details, however, they chose to put a Holland and Barrett advertisement for their CBD oil right smack bang
in the middle of the 2 page spread!
“I contacted editors from both The Daily Mail and Love It and I’m yet to hear a response from them. “I was also informed that as long as the journalists don’t change my actual quotes (which they hadn’t done) they are free to ‘tweak’ the stories to suit their reader… unfortunately, The Daily Mail believed that mentioning THC as an illegal substance would be too controversial for their readers.”
The Daily Mail is the UK’s most read newspaper.
Millions of people read their website every year. Millions of people could have been potentially misled by their coverage of Dee’s story. Placing discussions about CBD oil within articles on Dee’s story has the potential to mislead readers into thinking they too could cure their cancers using legal CBD oils. “It may be a coincidence but as soon as my first article was featured,” Dee explained, “the day afterwards, H&B was all over the mainstream media, with headlines misleading people that their CBD oil cures cancer. “They have simply jumped on a hype to gain bigger profits, most of their stores sold out in an instant! “H&B are giving false hope to cancer patients all over the world and I think it’s an absolute disgrace!
“I would never advise a cancer patient to use CBD oils. I strongly believe that THC is vital. “Each cancer type reacts differently to different ratios, for instance, I knew that Triple Negative responds best with a very high THC, however, I also understand that estrogen-positive types of breast cancer respond better to a lower THC ratio.” Cannabidiol (CBD) has experienced a recent boom in the UK, around 250,000 users in the U.K., double the 125,000 in 2016.
THC, however, remains illegal with no sign of being legalised or decriminalized while the Conservatives hold office. THC, they argue, can lead to addiction to harder drugs and the development of severe mental illnesses. Stories like Dee’s, however, illustrate how wrong our Conservative Government truly is when it comes to drug laws.
Dee explained to us that cannabis not only helped cure her cancer, but has helped her in other aspects of her life: “Whilst I’ve always considered myself to be healthy, I’ve always suffered from insomnia to the point where I was prescribed valium. “I also have 3 slipped discs in my back, from an injury that occurred almost 20 years ago. Since then, I’ve been on medication daily to alleviate the pain. “I also suffer from allergies (dust, pets, pollen) and need antihistamines again on a daily basis.
“When Dee Mani started the oil, she no longer had sleepless nights and no back pain It did not take long for Dee to notice the changes: “The sleepless nights went straight away after my very first dose, the back pain and allergies seemed to disappear after a couple of weeks and rarely ever needed to take an antihistamine!”. Dee stated, “Around 2 months after I started taking the oil I felt healthier than I ever had, I couldn’t actually believe that I had cancer because I felt so well.
“Medical cannabis saved my life!
While the anti-cannabis campaign by Alt-Right news outlets has scared many unfortunate people into believing that cannabis is an ‘evil, psychosis causing drug,’ Dee was unfazed by the negative reputation the herb has: The fact that cannabis oil is illegal did not for any minute affect my decision. “I started to grow my own plants to produce the oil.” I even decided to inform the police of my harvesting for fear of a neighbour contacting them. “They advised that I was able to have at least 25 plants for medical reasons.”
Despite the purposeful campaign to use Dee’s story to sell CBD for Holland & Barrett,
the public reaction Dee received for standing up has been a largely positive one:
“The public feedback has been absolutely amazing, I’ve had people from all over the world congratulating me on my success and asking for advice on them medicating themselves using cannabis oil. There are so many people touched by my story that are now rooting for this natural plant to finally become legal again.”
Asked what message she could pass onto other 350,000+ British citizens diagnosed with cancer each year, Dee replied: “To simply educate yourself on everything and anything to do with cancer. Understand why you developed cancer in the first place and what you can do to firstly rid it from your body safely, and secondly, make sure you take measures to prevent a recurrence.”
“Don’t be afraid to disagree with your oncologist and be proud to have your own opinion.’ Dee said. “Most importantly, believe in the power of medical cannabis!”
Cancer survival stories like Dee’s often miss out some key details, with many left thinking that cannabis alone was what cured the cancer. Cancer survivors, who utilize medical cannabis, often make significant changes to their lifestyle, alongside cannabinoid treatments.
“Along the cannabis oil,” Dee explained, “I completely changed my lifestyle. “I quit smoking, cut down on alcohol, ate a plant-based diet, juiced daily, took supplements
such as turmeric, vitamin C, garlic pearls and biotin. I also took essential oils such as frankincense, oregano, wormwood and lemon oil.
“I meditated and took frequent salt baths.”
Dee Mani bravely stood up in the face of public persecution and told the world that cannabis oil, containing high levels of THC, saved her from cancer. Unfortunately, vultures decided to use her story to generate clicks on their website and sell CBD oil from Holland & Barrett’s. If the Alt-Right media goes unchecked, millions of desperate cancer patients may be misled into purchasing CBD thinking it contains the same anti-cancer properties as the cannabis oil Dee used to save her life.
Over 350,000 British citizens are diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK,
with over 165,000 of them dying. Hundreds of thousands of innocent lives could
be helped by legalizing access to full spectrum cannabis oil. Hundreds of thousands of innocent lives could be lost due to misleading articles. Help us tell the truth about Dee’s incredible story, and raise awareness about the true medical potential of THC, by sharing this article. Dee’s amazing story can be read in full in her tell-all book: “My Way: Following the cancer brick road, from diagnosis to all clear naturally in 5 months…”
The success of her book led Dee to start My Way CBD to specialize in natural CBD Healing solutions that add value to the world of natural healing by revolutionizing posture towards hemp products and the wellness cannabinoids bring human lives. Dee is a columnist for two medical marijuana publications and writes with the goal of one better understanding of our health, our world and our place in it. A mission that has occupied them in many different roles: writer, motivator, supporter, inspirer, advocate and awareness builder.
Dee Mani refused the toxic conventional medicine of chemotherapy and radiation and instead opted to heal her body naturally, using a combination of nutrition, supplements, essential oils, cannabis oil and a positive mental attitude. Based on the best-selling cancer book from Amazon with the title “My Way”, in which the Journey of Curing an Aggressive Cancer with Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil, Author Dee Mani-Mitchell decided to open a branch of CBD oils and wellness products with a Difference.
Cannabis Oil – What’s It Good For? With Kate Shemirani & Dee Mani-Mitchell.
A successful businesswoman who has personally relied on cannabis for many years.
She deals with her own health problems and is constantly breaking down barriers with
her beliefs. This healing should be built into our more natural life. Dee is on a mission –
to improve the quality of life through natural and effective healing Solutions.
The exciting part is that Dee has developed a completely unique line of CBD Infusions.
As part of her daily life, she leads a cancer support group in which she Recommends patients add essential oils to their healing protocol and they help with treatment protocol. Apoptosis (cancer cell death). Pure, organic, food-safe (ingestible) essential oils often come at a high price. So Dee decided to include some very powerful essential Oils with their range of broad-spectrum CBD to be more affordable for people who want it.
Take both CBD and high-quality essential oils.
Dee trained in pharmaceuticals for 5 years after college, she left the pharmaceutical industry after she understood the corruption ongoing. In 2017, she developed Triple Negative Breast Cancer Grade 3, her oncologist recommended a year’s worth of chemotherapy, detailing that she had about one year left to live.
But she refused Conventional Medicine (Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy) due to the death
of her sister which had taken place several years before. Dee started searching for natural
ways to heal and found that many other people were healing with cannabis oil.
So, she decided on this course of action.
She took the oil every night, treating it like a sleeping pill as the THC makes you sleepy, and while you sleep, you heal. Dee managed to heal within a short five months, using a range of supplements, diet changes, and the illegal full extract of cannabis oil. She decided to share her experience to help to inspire other cancer patients and their families, her book shared her healing journey. The book’s success led her to create a private cancer support group to help other patients and their families. She also co-authored 2 other Amazon best-selling books Perfect Health and Life After Birth Trauma.
She currently mentor’s patients worldwide and is a columnist for two medical marijuana publications Weed World Magazine and Dank Dollz Magazine and writes with the aim to create a better understanding of our health, our world, and our place in it. She shares healing stories from various patients that she has helped heal from a range of diseases.
She went on to launch her range of CBD oils – called My Way CBD.
The reason was to help people access good quality affordable oils, unlike many others on the market. “My job now is to educate people, teaching them how they can be healthy and prevent any disease, not just cancer,” she told The Portugal News.[1] My Way CBD stock infusions of Frankincense, Myrrh, Ashwagandha, Ginger, and Oregano oil. All essential oils are organic and safe for internal use, with 10% of the essential oil in each 30ml bottle of goodness.
My Way guarantees an entire product range with a “complete transparency” and a strict “no evil policy “, which is always free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, solvent residues, Toxins, chlorophyll, fats and lipids, preservatives, sulfates, mineral oils, parabens, animals Tests, artificial colors and perfumes. All products are also vegan, GMO-free and kosher.
All products are formulated with the most refined laboratory tested CBD oils that are certified in both UK countries and US laboratories. She has been interviewed by many publications and podcasters worldwide and nominated for Best Wellness Influencer Award by Cannavist in 2021.
She is recognized internationally as a Natural Health Advocate and a Cannabis
Expert as she is on a mission to educate the world on Natural Health and Disease Prevention. [2] She is also the founder of My Way University, an institution offering quality cannabis education about the benefits of medical cannabis.[3]
To check the area, go to www.mywaycbd.com
For information on cancer support, see www.deemani.com
Dee Mani – Natural Health Advocate | Facebook
My Way CBD | Facebook
I personally will never advocate chemotherapy, however I totally understand why people feel they “need” it, this conclusion is usually from peer pressure from the oncologist (and family members) and not from due diligent research!
A question I get asked regularly is can cannabis oil be taken with chemotherapy?
Cannabis in the form of full extract oil (NOT CBD) helps manage the many side effects of chemotherapy, the main reason for these side effects is because chemo has no sense of direction! The chemo is left to run rampant throughout your body like a bull in a china shop…
But research shows that cannabis helps this pharma drug get to where it needs to go, almost like a road map or GPS. In this way, the chemo drugs will “often” only go into the cancerous cells and bypass your normal cells. However, there are times when the oil can not protect the healthy cells from this poison.
I also hear many times that research shows that chemo is more effective when used with cannabis and my answer to that is simply because (as above) the plant is protecting many vital organs, which therefore allows the patient to take more chemo!
Had cannabis not been taken alongside the patient usually has to
stop treatment because it’s so disastrous on the body.
Obviously, cannabis DOES have the power to heal cancer when used in conjunction
with other holistic therapies, without the need for chemo at all! This is because cannabis impairs tumour progression at various levels. The most prevalent effect is cancer cell death by apoptosis.
My Way: Following the Cancer Brick Road, From Diagnosis to All Clear Naturally
in 5 Months. By Dee Mani (The author is a Medical Warrior we can all learn from.)
Recommended by Steven Freier (Author)

I had recently (June 2022) published a book about how I had healed from a diagnosis
of CLL stage 4 cancer back around 2001 when I came across Dee Mani’s book, titled:
My Way: Following the Cancer Brick Road, from Diagnosis to All Clear Naturally in 5 Months. Being the curious, inveterate researcher that I am, I decided it was worth a read because I wanted to know if there were any parallels between her method of healing and mine.
The main parallels between the two books were that after consultation with our doctors, we both decided to ditch our doctor’s protocol to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments in favor of utilizing safer, non-toxic natural approaches such as upgrading
to a better diet, adding certain supplements, meditation, etc.
In my situation back in 1999, I did not know about or have access to cannabis so my approach relied more on the use of coral calcium, which is an inexpensive alkalizing agent, the removal of a bad root canal, and spiritual prayer-work, as I had studied to become a minister and a healing practitioner of Science of Mind (Religious Science founded by Ernest Holmes).

In Dee Mani’s book I became really absorbed as I followed along with her on her healing journey and found it interesting to observe her thought processes along the way. As I read, I discovered a sort of kinship with her even though we both had very different types of cancer; hers Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) and mine, CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia).
So now, if I come across a woman who has breast cancer, I immediately recommend her book because it is tailored more specifically to their condition. Otherwise, I point people to my book: My Road to Healing: How I Ditched My Doctor’s Advice and Healed Myself of CLL 4th Stage Cancer. In an age when Big Pharma rules the roost we need more people like Dee who can think outside the box! So I salute Dee Mani for her courage to fight the System and bravely chart her own way to healing. In that sense I feel that we both are modern day Medical Warriors!
PS: Since publication of her book, Dee became inundated by messages from people all over the world asking for healing advice; her book does detail how she healed naturally using a combination of cannabis oil, supplements, essential oils, and diet.
She states, “However, since I wrote the (My Way) book, I’ve discovered more supplements than what I originally mentioned, which is why I decided to put this short E-book together, listing the main cancer-fighting supplements to refer to easily.
These supplements can either be used to prevent cancer from developing in the first place or be a part of your protocol if healing from already developed cancer. They all aim to boost the immune system”.
The ebook title: Cancer Fighting Supplements: A short guide on powerful immune boosters and cancer fighters. Connect With Dee through her Facebook Page about
the eBook and any Question You may have.
NOTE: In Ohio they are trying to pass legislation to Regulate Delta 8 THc cancer.
My Hope is that don’t go too far….and give Cannabis Oil a Bad Response Rate.
Choose wisely