How many house seats are up for election in 2024? These are U.S. House races to watch.
It’s all Rigged Man! Roll with it. Communism is here to stay, AND Trump is going down, Newsom is the new 领导者 Golden Boy. The fake news is real, and The Uni-Party has it
all under control. Spend the Hell out of our money. Hell, Just Give it away. Don’t worry,
Be Happy. BIG GUY: Joe Biden to Escape Charges for Mishandling Classified Docs (breitbart.com)
Did the FBI and CIA Shoot JFK – Search (bing.com)
The user query is a conspiracy theory that the CIA and the FBI killed JFK. However, the web results do not support this claim. The web results show that Lee Harvey Oswald was the assassin 123 and that the CIA has denied involvement in the assassination 4125. The web results also mention that the CIA director at the time, McCone, was part of a “benign cover-up” to keep the investigation focused on Oswald 4.
Ex-Secret Service agent reveals new JFK assassination detail – BBC News
Six decades later:
New details are still coming to light in one of the most scrutinized
events in American history: the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
Paul Landis, an 88-year-old former Secret Service agent who witnessed the president’s death at close range, says in an upcoming memoir that he took a bullet from the car after Mr Kennedy was shot, and then left it on the former president’s stretcher at the hospital.
It might seem like a minute detail in a case that has been pored over since the 1960s, and for which the government laid out an exhaustive report. But to individuals who have spent decades looking at every shred of evidence, Mr Landis’s account is a major and unexpected development. Read More: The June 1963 Executive Orders That Caused Kennedy Assassination – Search (bing.com)
JFK assassination: Questions that won’t go away
Thousands of JFK assassination files released
Conspiracies over how many gunmen were involved, who was ultimately responsible,
and how many bullets actually struck the president have abounded in the decades since
the assassination.
The idea that the true facts of the case differ from the official version is modern America’s original conspiracy theory, and according to some historians, the killing instigated the nation’s decaying trust in its government. Depending on how one looks at it, Mr Landis’s story either changes nothing or everything.
His book The Final Witness by Paul Landis is guaranteed to add more kindling to the never-ending national obsession with the assassination. “This is really the most significant news in the assassination since 1963,” said James Robenalt, a historian and Kennedy expert who worked with Mr. Landis to prepare him for his public revelations.
When Did the Cabal Begin – Search (bing.com)
They all work for the cabal period…if it were not so we would see the criminals pay they never do!! @ilPresidento ON AND ON THIS PSYCHOTIC SHIT SHOW GOES. A LOT OF US #patriots are starting to feel like this is just more of the cabals mukhtar narcissistic games, build our hope so we don’t fight back!
We just sit around waiting for things to happen that never will! It is a sick game at
our expense! Trump is still the president, and this is all crap from beginning to end…
if we ever see it! Problem reaction solution brought to you by the cabal! All talk no action because they all swear allegiance to the British accredited registry! Don’t believe this show!
The Fall of the Cabal Sequel full documentary – Search (bing.com)
The Fall of the Cabal full documentary – Search (bing.com)
President Bolsonaro and we Bolsonaristas apparently are the only ones, according to
this caste of Nova Erins, Nazis in the world who are not anti-Semitic, quite the contrary,
we think that the Jewish people are governed by God’s perfect laws, which treat foreigners with respect to foreigners.
There are rotten television networks that should lose their concession in our living rooms, for being supporters of terrorists. Didn’t Nebuchadnezzar prophecy a long time ago about the anti-Semites. Only pissed-off guava people can remain quiet, on top of the wall, while God’s envoy is stabbed,
Ginni Thomas Sits for a Long-Sought Meeting With Jan 6 CMTEl
ICYMI: Transcript Reveals Pelosi Targeted Justice Thomas’ SPOUSE for Another J6 Committee Witch Hunt The Jan. 6 panel released the transcript of the probe’s interview with conservative activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas Friday, revealing why she wasn’t mentioned once in the panel’s more than 800-page final report.
Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, had nothing of consequence to offer her inquisitors — whether it be about the Capitol riot, efforts to overturn the 2020 election, or her husband’s work on the high bench — despite attempts by the panel and its corporate media allies to malign and bully her and her family.
Well just maybe it was the FBI that was behind it…..
When is the new Speaker going to release the J6 videos…..and old Piglosi’s daughter
was filming in the chambers…..we should have those too…..and Piglosi’s emails….texts
and phone records……this was a set up to CERTIFY a Fraudulent Election…..we know it
and they know it…..it’s a damn shame that these people have been sitting in a DC prison without bond or a trial…..this just goes to show that all Four Branches of our Government are rotten to the damn core…..FJB and BHO and Congress.
How about the MURDERS your people committed???
HAY DemaCRAPS !! Well, where is the discussion??? All of you S#!T-FOR-BRAINS Commie LibTARD DemoCRAPs are just a mob of lying, unethical, corrupt, low double-digit IQ, inbred, moronic, Commie Fascist Nazis who don’t even try to hide their corruption! Biden Crime Family – Search (bing.com)
“Nancy Pelosi is extremely evil, she comes from the Baltimore democrat corruption machine the D’Alesandro family, both her father Tom D’Alesandro and her brother Tommy D’Alesandro were mayors of Baltimore, a well oiled corrupt democrat family. – Ronald Reagan 40th President of the United States.”
Nancy Pelosi, previously Nancy D’Alesandro, was born in Baltimore, Maryland on
March 26, 1940 (here). Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. was the mayor of Baltimore, Maryland from May 1947 to May 1959.
He also served as a Democrat Representative in five congressional terms (here).
Further reading about D’Alesandro and Nancy Pelosi’s family can be seen here , here .
Reuters did not find any evidence that Reagan ever said this quote. It does not appear
in searches on the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum archives.
Obama is a Marxist and belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood (bing.com)
Stop dancing around the truth, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA).
It wasn’t an insurrection. It was a FEDsurrection.
By the American Gestapo
This is one reason they won’t release the Jan 6 video. The FBI agents involved in creating the pseudo event all need to be executed for treason. The bomber .the gallows builders and antifa changed into Trump supporters all in the same three letter agency. If the NYT has the conversation, how do we not know who it was that built it?
Sounds like a leaked story and FBI undercover agent or asset.
During the days of the wild west, when small towns had one brave man with a badge and
a gun to protect the citizens; the U.S. Marshall would have to hunt down hardened felons
and bring them to the town jail. There they would wait for a federal judge to come to town
and hold trials.
Those who were found guilty and sentenced to death would then have to wait for the executioner to arrive and build gallows. Felons were hung in public and it was usually
a crowd of people who gathered to watch the entertainment for the week.
The building of gallows usually meant it would be safe to go about your business again,
the criminals would be gone. What happened to those good old days of shoot first and
ask questions later?
The FBI built the January 6, 2021, gallows. The FBI pretends to be looking for the “perpetrators’ ‘. The FBI, meanwhile, arrests people at their homes with full SWAT
team pre-dawn raids based on left wing newspaper articles.
The gallows have FBI fingerprints all over it.
Overly dramatic display trying to support their narrative.
I hope all of their receipts come to light.
Is this real. First time we saw this. So, who did it? 6 Jan planners by Pelosi orders??
Who built it? Who planted the fraud pipebomb? Answers unknown. Factoid.
If any one in streets other than FBI agents protected, built such a structure before 6 Jan, capital police would have torn down, arrested, etc. But they didn’t. Wonder why?
If this is true events or all bs, then why ignored in committee hearings??
With all of the cameras on the federal building properties.
You can’t do anything without someone knowing and watching.
Just like the cocaine bags left at the White House by Hunter.
It’s pretty obvious to all that are remotely informed, who did this. Let’s see…They can’t discover who planted the pipe bombs on Jan 6 They can’t figure out why Ray Epps, one of the most egregious Jan 6 participants is still free They can’t find out who built the gallows. They can’t discover why the Capitol doors were unlocked.
They can’t understand why Pelosi refused national guard protection.
They can’t untangle all the election abnormalities… Isn’t all of this
becoming obvious to everyone that has an IQ above an eggplant?
The J6 Committee was/is a world government court, i.e., a WEF/UN court.
The entire affair of J6 has been politicized, prosecuted and heralded by the media in a completely partisan way. Many Americans have already drawn their own conclusions
and it doesn’t show any institutions in a very good light. LOL
@SenateGOP @HouseGOP @MariaBartiromo J6 is a GULAG! The panel has it twisted! We must have a Commission like the Nuremberg trials to put YOU on the stand for your TREASON, and putting people in jail without DUE PROCESS and HIDING EVIDENCE that reveals NO INSURRECTION.
Hey commie leftists…. Who cares? We don’t care about you anymore.
You are bullshitters, candy asses and have the minds of spoiled children.
You protest anything because bathhouse Barry tells you to. You are losers
who have to cheat, lie and steal, you know, resist.
That is your fate. It’s all you have.
The Meaning of the Jan. 6 Gallows Erected in Front of the Capitol (nytimes.com)
Build up your most holy faith in Christ knowing the same suffering is in the whole association of your brothers and sisters in the true vine. Remember what is lacking is our flesh, is not a lack in Christ, what separates us from the truth of the glorious life in Christ is a very thin tent that weakens each day.
It is our seeing through that tent of flesh in faith that we stay the course.
Let us be thankful we are not required to put faith in our tent, or the holes and tears
found in it, we are to put on Christ the perfect bond of union letting God be greater than our hearts that condemn us, for those in Christ have new life hidden in a very safe place that nothing on this earth can shake or separate us from, have faith, have faith in God.”
Famed newscaster Clete Roberts visits the 4077th for a report on the feelings of WAR,
and the people stationed there. M*A*S*H S4E24 The Interview – video Dailymotion