For The Defense with Brad Koffel: THE INDICTMENT OF
Bill And Hillary Clinton New York Connections – Search (bing.com)
I wonder who is paying them off in the state of New York. Who’s paying them off to destroy the Republic and constitution. Donald Trump is the leading contender for president. As the Marxist Democrats spread their cancer and hatred. As the Marxist Democrats are destroying our Constitutional Republic.
What a shocker, the Stalinists are at it again !
It’s a Charade orchestrated by the Communists masquerading as “democrats” to Disenfranchise YOU the Voter in the 2024 Election through Lies, Propaganda and Misinformation through Criminally Motivated Judicial and Prosecutorial Gross Malfeasance ! It’s “The Gong Show” of Legal Proceedings !
New York’s Government sponsored Corruption and Totalitarianism is why people
and businesses are moving out of New York State and taking their money with them!
One of a long list of self-inflicted wounds committed by State and Local Government
Officials not qualified to operate a “hot dog stand” at Coney Island! (edited)
Lady justice is not only un- blindfolded, but she’s also absent from the process. They both obviously hate Trump much like Roland Freisler in Hitlers Reich Justice Ministry, who tried & convicted anyone who opposed the Nazi agenda. In this case, the Trump business organization & family members.
The only way to get rid of people like these two, is to politely and logically challenge them at every opportunity because they are being allowed to violate American citizens rights unfettered. If you don’t agree with me, then I hope the government does the same to you as they are doing to Trump.
Obama is a Marxist and member of the Muslim brotherhood (bing.com)
THAT will never happen in a MARXIST State like NY, DC & all of those being RUINED
by Marxists. ONLY when the People of each town being RUINED by these AMERICA HATING GLOBALISTS, CHANGE who is at the top of the food chain whose goal IS TO RUIN the lives of the very people paying their salaries, ALSO will ANYTHING change.
The corrupt Judges, in particular this literal CLOWN & a Total EMBARRASSMENT of the very system whose robe he wears, IS the perfect example of WHY ALL judges need TERM LIMITS.
Disbar both the judge & The D.A. for EXTREME UNCONSTITUTIONAL BIAS The RAN an Election Campaign on the premise that She WoulD “GET TRUMP ” this TDS having, Psychopath, SAID OUTRIGHT, That She Would USE THE OFFICE to FALSELY Charge the Democrats (Bidens) TOP POLITICAL OPPOSITION with ANYTHING she Could MAKE UP The Judge is Compromised by His TDS & The MONEY.
He Is Being PAID to “GET TRUMP” (follow the Money, for a Democrat ~
IT IS ALL ABOUT THE GREED, The Materialism, Hurting America & Americans).
The Democrats have CREATED on One Side, LAWLESS, Criminal Run Cities (dem areas are Gang Infested, MURDERVILLES, Towns full Of RAPISTs, Carjackers, looters, Your Basic Democrat mentality is OBVIOUS, Destroy the Area you live in & Blame EVERYONE ELSE for Your STUPIDITY!!
The problem is they have the hidden agenda to “Get Trump” and do not care
about the TRUTH! Some higher body of justice must expose and correct this!
While I agree, it should be considered a mistrial, so should the January 6 nightmare,
but it did not happen, and because the Democrats are in power any hope of a fair trial,
any hope of a fair and just conclusion to this trial is a delusion. I don’t think the public
truly gets how far these people are willing to go.
Just 14% of Americans think Biden has made them better off as president:
Another dire poll shows 70% believe Biden omics has ‘hurt’ them (msn.com)
They pushed a fake vaccine , they knew it would kill thousands if not hundreds of thousands or millions and in fact and yes I know it will sound paranoid. I think they intended it to kill millions. They will walk over our corpses to keep Trump or any independent out of office. They’re going to cheat like hell again, their candidate
is going to “win”, the question is, what will we do then?
These evil satanists have no business practicing law.
They should pay for their misuse of the courts to interfere in our sacred election process.
If the DOJ & Supremes can’t or won’t Trump and all being slanders should sue them, NYC and the state of NY for 100’s of millions for allowing this Keystone Kops debacle to waste 100’s of millions of taxpayers hard earned dollars while allowing rampant crime to thrive.
Televise Trump Trials! Televise Trump Trials! He is running for president and is a former president, We have a right to see the shenanigans going on! Do it in the light of day!
There is no victim, no crime, no fraud. This is “lawfare.” The PROCESS is the punishment. We must enact a FEDERAL law governing all 50 states to protect people from judges & DAs/AGs in states. I’m not saying to criminalize their judgement…but this obviously ISN’T about a mistake in judgement (like on an appeal.) This is obviously an abuse of power…without any accountability.
There isn’t 1 single mechanism that could “punish” this judge & AG for this egregious behavior. Or how about what the Judge did in Flynn’s trial? It’s time to change that.
I’m talking about disbarment and/or financial damages for defendants & JAIL time.
If you abuse your extraordinary power, there should be extraordinary consequences.
Write the Supreme Court of the United States to state this is election interference. The highest court of the land must hear us that we will not put up with judges & AG who work for Soros to use their position & power to steal another election! Here is mine to them about the gag order . We need you to look at the court case against Pres. Trump at the Judge where she has placed a gag order on Pres. Trump.
Pres. Trump is running for president & this is Election interference. This is unconstitutional when the court case has not been brought in front of her. If you care about the legitimacy of the federal judiciary, the Supreme Court must correct Judge egregiously unconstitutional gag order on a criminal defendant and leading presidential
Trump is being RAILROADED for 1 reason & 1 reason only,
to interfere with the 24’ election. #ElectionInterference
The scumbag tyrant communist democrats are afraid of Trump winning.
It is time for somebody with a platform to point out what has been ignored, and intentionally so by every member of the media, law enforcement and Congress, the court cases against Trump are federal felonies because law was created outside of legislation to deny President Trump, and those with him of their Constitutional rights. That law is found in Title 18, section 242 and it is called Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law. color means false. Its punishments include time in prison all the way to execution.
They’re the ones that should be prosecuted! They’re citizens are suffering greatly
from their failed progressive policies and they focus their efforts on a political witch hunt. These corrupt officials should be charged with a crime, fraudulently using taxpayer dollars for a politically motivated agenda.
However, being in NY nothing will happen! Trying to stop the Trumps from doing business in New York? Gee, wonder how much their business contributes in taxes each year? Wonder how many taxpayer dollars they spent on this witch hunt that could have gone to fighting real crime? Despicable!
What is WRONG With America Today is There is No Rightful Justice.
BREAKING: NY Judge’s Wife Caught Attacking Trump On Twitter (trendingpoliticsnews.com)
These Degenerate Marxists Judges don’t know anything about property values, taxes or hard work. Their main thrust is control and power all the while. New Yorkers should start calling the New York State BAR Association and let them know to remove that judge and why.. but be nice. New York is a wild morass mess in their Court System.
This Trump Prosecution is a great example. The only Countries that allow Political Courts to interfere and ruin their nations are third world banana republics. At what point do you get when it’s time to quit being fools ? It is an embarrassing trial. Replying to @Keiko1104
These 2 piles of human crap need to be MADE AN EXAMPLE OF……BUST OUT THE CONSTITUTION https://dos.ny.gov/system/files/do… AND LET’S DO THIS!!!!
Soros and Obama paid radical activists!!!!
The Left attracts unbelievably stupid people.
These people are hired by Soros and Obamascam.
Independent thinkers can see through their baseless lies a mile away. Justice is not in that courtroom, only criminals in robes & disguised as prosecutors that are persecuted. DEEP STATE DEMOCRATS BRIBERY MONEY IS THE MOTIVATION OF JUDICIAL AND PROSECUTORIAL ATTACKS AGAINST TRUMP!!! FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!!!
Look in his eyes. You can see it. He’s got lure evil and hatred in him. Darkness hates light. Look at everyone that hates Trump…..IMAGINE why!!! All their dirty secrets ….Trump knows. Their dirty deeds are done in the dark. While Trump works for God to bring those dark dirty things to light. He reveals them. So…Trump got haters …and he’s ok with it.
He knew it would happen.
He hates Trump because Trump STANDS for what is right.
Which includes exposing and eliminating child abusers. Sadly, their incompetence behavior is endorsed by NY Supreme Court justices, NY governor, Gillibrand, Nadler, Schumer, and the Entire New York legislation, ALL ENDORSING CRIMINAL INJUSTICE IN A COURTROOM. They need to be charged and tried for wasting federal taxpayers money!
I’m all for saving taxpayers money.
This is the most ridiculous case in American history.
Those two morons should be disbarred! Call a mistrial and be done with this, so they can do their real jobs and take care of all the criminals on the street. This entire court case is all for show for the judge and that woman.
Every American should sue them personally for malicious prosecution and recover
ALL our court costs and damages. The “damages” should be huge since the defendant is a Presidential candidate and this bogus trial has adversely affected his campaign. Then have them both disbarred and financially destroy them.
To be truthful, the Biden crime family extends to the whole Democratic party. if the Democrats win the 2024 election this country will be down shits creek without a paddle and the American people won’t like it, that’s guaranteed. If Americans haven’t understood that in the last 3 years they have been living in a radical police state where the Biden administration and the Deep state is using police tactics to make every American subject to their own rules and regulations and subject to their every order and jail time. The riots all over this country are designed in order to control the people just like any other radical Fascist or Communist country. Take control of America or forfeit your home and your freedom!
Amendment 7 — Much like the January 6ers. Not sure why Trump can’t have a fair
trial and a jury. “In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, no fact tried by a jury, shall
be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules
of the common law.”
Prosecute their corrupt and illegitimate charges against Trump! Trump won and that’s what they are trying to prevent from happening! We the people cannot allow these corrupt officials to get by with their crimes! Stand up all 80 million patriots and restore our Republic- we are not a democracy- we are a Banana Republic!
New York is a stinkin’ mess!
I’m really upset with the New Yorkers that fled the mess they made and hide for cover
in well run States, like my State of Florida. GO FiX YOUR MESS! What’s happening in
a courtroom in NYC is only going to get worse if you New Yorkers won’t stand against it!
We the People have seen enough already & need a Federal Case before the Supreme Court to seek justice. In New York State. The only problem is, the judge and the prosecutor should be the defendants sued or accused in a court of law…