WASHINGTON − After newly minted House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., won the top job last month, he issued a warning to his colleagues about the nation’s debt, dubbing it the “greatest threat to our national security.”
“We have to get the country back on track,” Johnson said in his first speech after becoming speaker. “Now we know this is not going to be an easy task, and tough decisions have to be made, but the consequences if we don’t act now are unbearable.” But Social Security and Medicare advocates have been left questioning what Johnson’s speakership could mean for recipients of the services, particularly in the face of another looming government shutdown.
Medicare is a government-sponsored health insurance that covers more than 60 million older and disabled people. Under Social Security, workers pay taxes into the program,
and the money is disbursed as monthly income.
Both programs face an uncertain future.
Though Social Security still has funding it can rely on, it may be depleted as soon as 2033, according to the Congressional Budget Office. And the Medicare Hospital Insurance Fund could have only enough money to pay full benefits until 2031. As Johnson settles in as speaker, it’s not clear whether he’ll try to make cuts to these services or reform them, which would make it harder for some Americans to receive their benefits.
Will Mike Johnson try to cut Social Security?
Johnson hasn’t publicly supported cuts to Social Security as House speaker.
6 Changes Coming to Social Security in 2024 and Who Could Be Affected Most.
But the Louisiana Republican has called for the creation of a bipartisan commission
to address America’s trillions of dollars of debt.
The push comes after Johnson served as the chair of the conservative Republican Study Committee from 2019 to 2021. During his tenure, the committee released a budget plan that urged Congress to adopt changes for Medicare and Social Security.
The goal, according to the plan, was “long-term solvency” for the program.
But included cuts to Medicare and Social Security. That doesn’t mean Johnson
will target the benefits. As speaker, Johnson represents all House Republicans,
from the most moderate to the most conservative.
His earlier views on Social Security and Medicare could take a back seat while he
serves as leader. Johnson told reporters last month that, as speaker, he did not want
to “predetermine” any policies.
What to know about Mike Johnson The New House Speaker – Search (bing.com)
“I think it needs to be an organic decision process that is made by very thoughtful people who have a passion about the issue and have expertise in the subject matter,” he said.
What about Medicare?
The new House speaker hasn’t said he would single out Medicare as a method of turning around the national debt. But the plan Johnson led from the Republican Study Committee called for providing “premium support.” That could mean Medicare enrollees would receive assistance from the federal government to simply offset the costs of their health insurance plans.
Social Security and Medicare would not be specifically targeted in a future debt commission, but they could be addressed, according to a source from Johnson’s
office who described the issue as “open to discussion,” just like any other policy.
Some of the reforms from Johnson’s plan from 2020 included adjusting the retirement
age until it reaches 69, which would apply to those turning 62 in 2030 and beyond.
He has also supported legislation that would allow recipients to choose when they
receive their benefits, among other measures.
Most Americans balk at proposals that would cut Medicare or Social Security, according
to a poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research this year. Seventy-nine percent say they oppose reducing the size of Social Security benefits, and 67% are against raising monthly premiums for Medicare.
“Seniors could direct this payment to the Medicare plan of their choice offered on a regulated exchange that includes both private plans and traditional fee-for-service Medicare,” the 2020 plan reads.
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy floated a similar proposal for a commission
to tackle the nation’s debt, but Democrats were wary of the idea, and it never became a reality. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have long viewed targeting Social Security, Medicare and other major benefits as a political mistake, alienating voters from coast to coast.
Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., and the cast.
Delivers remarks as Republican House lawmakers gather on the Capitol steps after electing Johnson to the speakership in Washington on Oct. 25, 2023. Johnson was the fourth candidate nominated by the GOP for the role after Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023, in a move led by a group of hardline House conservatives. House GOP at odds over how to fund government (thehill.com)
This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Will Mike Johnson try to cut Social Security or Medicare? Where the new speaker stands,
Rally Behind Massive Spending Cuts and Sealing the Border —and We the American
People Will Have Your Back…
An Elaborate Proposal
Force Biden Regime to Shut Down Its Own Government.
This government isn’t doing anything for America. Shut down this corrupt government!
Why isn’t the speaker focused on and pushing forward to protect Americans and this country. I feel he is dragging his feet. Why? He needs to step up or step aside ASAP.
Insist on the truth: The only way to end inflation is to end big spending. There is NO other way. Stop spending & printing money. Biden omics is split into huge spending and higher inflation, including the fraudulently named “inflation reduction act.” You may want to have public screenings of Milton Friedman video lectures explaining it all to Congress & the American people.
We do not have time for indecision or fear. Step up or get out of the way.
Sealing the border indefinitely & deporting the illegals will save more than budget cuts
in the long haul and save the country to boot! Close down the government unless they
Close the border ~ no funds for anything ~ nothing ~ nada ~ Zip. @RepMikeJohnson
One trillion equals one million ~ million. Scary.
Shut it down! Close the border! No more money to Ukraine!
No more money to support ILLEGALS invading our country! Absolutely! Even those of us waiting with jobs on the line which are tied to funding approval agree—closing the border is America’s first priority!! Shutdown the government until the government shuts down the border!
How about the House Republicans having a get together and tell the Senate how we are NOT going to Allow the Senate NOT shut down the Government. You are not willing to listen to the way to approach this monstrous spending fiasco. That both sides have allowed to take root in Washington.
Get some backbone Republicans in the House and stop this madness of wasteful spending. Congress is “occupied” by “babies” requiring constant care and attention. Their only hope is adult supervision with the discipline and foresight necessary for change.
The only way to lose weight is to diet.
The only way to reduce a bloated Federal budget is to cut spending.
So easy even a child could understand this concept. But then, it is plain to see,
Sharpen that “number” two “pencil”; we have a lot of work to do!
If the Senate Democrats and some Republicans say shutting down the Government
is a bad thing and people won’t get paid, that is a lie out of Satan’s book. Most of them
in Washington could still — get their pay from other Nations, while closing down the Government. May GOD show them the error of their ways. To those stubborn-stuffed necks, now it is time to act as we will be amazed at what GOD will do on our behalf through the power of prayer.
Simple solution is don’t fund it. In fact they aren’t funding shit.
They’re taking our money to pay the bills and it’s been out of control.
This government is shit. Wasteful useless shit. And now they’re tyrannical as well and attacking Americans like we’re the enemy. It’s disgusting, disgraceful and it needs to end. Not tomorrow or next week. It needs to end now.
I’ve been hearing some very disturbing things lately.
I have been hearing the news about military age men coming across the border.
Something is about to happen with Whatever the house comes up with, the senate
and Chuck Schumer “will not” give the MAGA Republicans that lead in the house or
any semblance of a win as they know that the national media will be on their side
and they will bash republicans unmercifully!
These Rino republicans need to grow some balls and join their MAGA counterparts and shut the government down, as they should know that they have the majority of American voters behind them!!
This is the problem with those who lack morals, principles and values.
They are more interested in nuance and the gears of bureaucracy operating correctly than doing the right thing. No money for the FBI, DOJ, and other alphabet agencies. Until these agencies are shut down until they stop attacking the American citizens should they get one more dime of our money. Period!
Speaker Johnson is going to fund the govt., keep the government. open, not seal the border, not release the J6 tapes. The spending and the commandeering of our defaulting economy (crowding out our economic decisions) are the real problems in DC AND THE CLUELESS IMBECILES that think they’re in the nation’s capitol to “solve our problems” are part of the problem.
This is why voters must be informed and get rid of RHINOS. SENATE HAS 14-20
& US HOUSE HAS 40-60. JUST LIKE THE US HOUSE HAS OVER 100 REGISTERED DEMOCRAT COMMUNISTS. Screw giving them a dime. Make them live off the trillions they’ve already stolen.
New Speaker: Same problems: political cowardice.
Johnson, you are the speaker of the house. It is time for you to use that gavel, and
all the influence and power that you possibly can muster to shut down the government, completely shut it down and shut down the border and seal it. Time to put deportation into high gear, time to make dominion and all other voting machines illegal in America, time to die everyone connected to Dominion. Time to Decertify Biden, you have enough evidence Voter Fraud across the country starts punishing rhinos.
Why are ALL of them so damn afraid to let the government shut down?
I don’t hear a single one of them, not even the so-called Maga reps calling for a shutdown… WHY NOT????
A shut down automatically stops all the pork barrel programs that were supposed to expire but have been funded year after year by one CR after another. If any of them were serious they’d pass the remaining appropriations bills no regardless of going past the deadline or not. Pass the damn bills and let the Senate worry about it!
Seriously folks.. This is not rocket science.
Our government officials need to pass one thing. Close the border & if not send immigrants to their communities. If the government shuts down, so be it. Tons of folks have listed their jobs not in the government. Must gradually cut spending dramatically over a short period of time to save America!
Make cuts in the budget, support our own homeless veterans and citizens,
if this can’t be done. Then shut the government down and no pay, perks or pensions
We are being INVADED and SCAMMED!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s gotten to the point that we the people no longer believe that our government has
OUR backs. Why would we want a government that represents everyone else’s interests
but ours. Shut the Damn Government down!
Here’s the Latest Place the Biden Administration Wants to House Illegal Immigrants.
13 years after the type of ACCURSED THING was installed, these Rhinos perpetuate Hussein’s reign. One Big Ass Mistake America.
Obama is Marxist & Member of the Muslim Brotherhood – Search (bing.com)
Shut it down! Stop kicking the can down the road. Less spending and less government
is what the people want. Get on board or get out of the way! Lean on the enablers to fall in line! Nothing less! Government shutdown is INEVITABLE. It will shut down when we take a stand on principle. Or when the checks start bouncing. Either Way, It WILL Shut Down.
Small government is the best government. Forever and always.
Stop The unconstitutional lawfare against Trump Impeach Biden Harris Mayorkas.
Stop the B.S. About Climate Change: The coldest day in your state’s history.
Deport the illegal alien invasion, Impeach Wray and Garland. Biden is the problem.
These 106 House Republicans voted to defund Vice President Kamala Harris’s office.
Lastly Close our borders under Kamala Harris CONTROL!
People live longer, happier lives in Blue Zones, and only one is in the U.S.:
Here are 5 things they do differently (msn.com)
American life-expectancy rates have plummeted to a nearly 30-year low –
here’s what’s going on (msn.com)
Democrats Flip County Donald Trump Won by Nearly 60 Points (msn.com) #Trump2024 *
Absolutely true. To search how many towers are close by, enter your zip code on this site.