On October 7th, patriots made an important statement about the future of America
https://rumble.com/v3ng1ts-global-… #china #usa #whitehouse #israel #hamas
China is the instigator. Of all of it.
China Masses Warships in Middle East to ‘Assert’ Power | Newsmax.com
CHINA POWER??? More than 2/3 don’t even like the CCP!
They can assert all the power they can but a Western World united will never be beaten. They should be put on notice that the Chinese & the West should never cower to them.
The CCP didn’t report that their ships broke down and started leaking 3 times on the
way to the ME…and there were no Home Depots to provide spare parts.
The Paper Dragon is going to BURN.
@SenateGOP @HouseGOP @MariaBartiromo Well Xi Japing is not a Christian,
but if he wants End Times we know where we are going for eternity, and we know where he is going. The question is who is the Antichrist? Xi Jinping, Claus, Obama, Gates, Soros, someone else?
Nobody Is Afraid of the US Anymore! Biden and Pelosi signal weakness to the enemy.
Judge Jeanine: Nancy Pelosi needs to ‘put on her big girl pants’ – YouTube
This is exactly the chess plan . It’s why these disgusting animals are allowed to attack Israel in the first place. Now, the power game begins between the United States, China
and Russia. Terrifying and nobody is safe thanks to the New World order Nazis.
After the Democrats steal the 2024 elections [again], The CCP will invade Taiwan.
Decouple completely from the CCP. They spy, lie and steal intellectual property.
They are not competitors, they’re enemies. We should treat them as such until
they change their ways.
The illegitimate Biden Regime has spent us into a corner, sent our arsenal to the Ukraine, drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserves and infected our military with WOKE policies and leaders.
I don’t see how we can possibly beat the Chinese who focus on victory while
Biden focuses on lining his pockets. Massive election fraud is real and proven
fiscally dangerous and physically deadly now. That is a fact. Dear God please
protect the citizens of the world from the governments of the world. AMEN
This is exactly their chess plan. It is their “go to” crisis.
It’s number one in their playbook. It is why the animals were trained and permitted
to attack Israel in the first place. The vile, egregiousness of this attack made it impossible for Israel not to respond. Now, the NWO gets what they want, the United States, against China, Iran and Russia. BRICS against US currency- No one will be safe nor exempt from danger of these totalitarian NWO Nazis.
There is no country of Palestine. There is no state of Palestine. There is no such thing
as Palestinians. Palestine is merely a region filled with terrorists supporting terrorists
inciting hatred and violence.
Divide and conquer – The “United” States of America.
How Communist China Convinced Governor Newsome To Betray America.
The CCP enlists foreigners like Newsom to aid in spreading its propaganda
overseas and influencing American policies toward China.
China’s Xi knows well that he could use climate change discussions to entice leftist politicians like Newsom to compromise on other issues, such as human rights.
The wars in Israel and Ukraine are the best case scenarios for China.
The US is at its weakest ever and distracted by these two wars let alone the cost of funding these two wars. There is no doubt China will act soon and America will be powerless to do anything. I mean, what can our overweight pronounced military personnel actually do?
We are going to lose badly.
One could argue the outbreak of wars on many fronts is an orchestrated assault on America, with the help of the American Ruling Class. Most of whom are traitors, betray their Oaths of Office, and commit acts of treason by not protecting the United States or U.S. Citizens. Negligence and misfeasance on a global scale. 4 years of world peace and global stability under President Trump.
I wouldn’t expect anything less when the CCP is sitting in the Whitehouse and the country is letting in thousands of Chinese militaries and every day. if this country’s streets don’t run with blood, it will be a huge surprise and a miracle.
But, they play the long ball.
Stephen K Bannon, you’ve been predicting this for a long time and ramped up your warnings since CCP-OWNED Joe Biden was installed as Potus. Stolen elections are having catastrophic consequences foreign and domestic. It’s so bad, everywhere, by every metric, a reasonable person could conclude that it’s all “planned” and coordinated by evil doers.
Meanwhile, Biden’s at the beach in DE, Obama disposed of a tell-all book writing “chef” in Martha’s Vineyard, Xi, Putin and Zelensky dispose of all their perceived regime liabilities regularly, what are we to think? Can America survive this?
Can the world survive it?
Furthermore, the more the West invests in green policies, the more it will economically depend on China, as it is the world’s largest supplier of batteries for electric vehicles, solar panels, and wind turbines. The West’s green initiatives are self-destructive but strengthen China’s economy and geopolitical influence.
China needs to stay the fuck out of this population cleanse. Remember Russia, Iran,
China and North Korea are in partnership to eliminate USA and its forum of freedom.
Biden and administration have fucked up our country.
Joe, Biden, The White House cabinet and staff members, the Pentagon, and Congress.
All of these people need to be brought up on high crimes and treason to the United States of America. Treason according to our constitution is punishable by imprisonment or the death penalty. It is time we start holding these terrorists and traitors to the United States accountable.
Gavin Newsom Is Just The CCP’s Latest Useful Idiot (thefederalist.com)
China contends that the presence of six of its warships in waters near the Middle East – where the conflict between Israel and Hamas is intensifying – is merely due to a “long-running” naval rotational deployment.
However, experts say the grand display is really about Beijing asserting its power in the region. China is just about ready to start sinking American aircraft carriers. I wonder how much of our navy we will have to lose before democrats realize quality is more important than wokness in the military.
And the US government haters care more about whether President Trump should be on the Presidential Election Ballots than China. Russia. Iran starting a global war. Or that Trump is gaining momentum, and they must destroy him…NOT DESTROY THE ENEMY: CHINA RUSSIA IRAN NORTH KOREA… BUT, DESTROY TRUMP!!!!
Rammstein – Amerika (Official Video) – YouTube
China Joe’s “Planned Failure” to Weaken the US is a Success.
China Joe is paid for and owned by China. Start there.

Why hasn’t this feckless regime treated the CCP like the enemy that it is?
Makes sense, keep the US Pacific Navy at sea as well burning both ends of the logistics chains. All fully spun up at ends of our operational range. Distracted? You mean kaput! The US is done – $40 trillion in the hole and sending more of Taxpayer money to WARS!
There isn’t shit the US can do to stop BRICS. What’s glossed over is all the bridges
the swamp, maggots & deep state, WEF, Davos, RiNo’s and Libtards burnt with so
many countries. It’s sad nobody wants shit to do with any of the above-mentioned
corrupt entities.
That’s what enemies do; they constantly probe.
China doesn’t have any business sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.
And why wouldn’t they? We have no leadership, no backbone, and no GOD guiding America atm- We’re being led by Communist/Fascist/Socialist/Marxist/Weaponized Progressives, hell-bent on bringing America DOWN. I’d do the same thing, if I was an
evil dictator, hell-bent on world domination.
**Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. ** – Search (bing.com)
That’s why you don’t allow EVIL to take over your Election system, and will INSTALL
fucking criminals into your government. But hey, that’s just me. Without God, China,
you will crumble and FALL!
Israel Palestine Conflict 2023 – Search (bing.com)
Obama’s foreign policy in action!
China’s threat to Philippine reef challenges U.S. global reach | Semafor
This is not rocket science. If you are a world leader with no term limit, you wait until the most powerful military force in the world is led by the weakest administration in history and then you increase spending and take what you want!! They all knew exactly what they were doing when they helped this useless, dependent- wearing, doddering buffoon win his fraudulent election!!
Let’s see, China and Ukraine both paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars for his “exceptional” abilities including 10% for the big guy!! So Ukraine’s support is bottomless and criticism of the CCP is non-existent due to the bribes paid to their installed puppet all while the propagandists in the MSM and Big tech run cover!!
As far as they are concerned, mission accomplished!! Beware Taiwan!!
If it keeps escalating I wouldn’t put it past congress to enact the draft,
Gen Z be prepared, that’s the age that goes first.
Can anyone else see the 2024 election, and maybe every future election, being cancelled for national security reasons, and the establishment of a consensus political succession system?
While DeSantis is galivanting in Iowa, Chinese are illegally coming through the
Keys & beaches of Florida while even worse politicians are grabbing headlines
pretending to care about it knowing DeSanitis’ eye is way off the ball.
We are infested with terrorists in this country.
Our enemies are making moves around the world against us.
It’s just a matter of time.
I hate thinking it’s possible, but I can see it being possible.
Send thanks to our criminal government we’ve had over the decades except for Trump.
We don’t have enough men in our military because many were let go because they didn’t get the vaccine for Covid to be in multiple wars! It’s all before President Trump comes back. Go ahead. He’s a stable genius.
We are going to war with a demented and compromised Commander and Chief, a general staff obsessed with deviant sexual behavior and CRT, and a military that is mostly obese. On top of that we are broke and our country is full of terrorists. If there was ever a time
to get on your knees and pray, this is it.
Israel Palestine Border Rick Steves – Search (bing.com)