Written in Abstract for a better understanding of the times we are living in.
Gaylord Probasco Harnwell CBE (September 29, 1903 – April 18, 1982) was an American educator and physicist, who was president of the University of Pennsylvania from 1953 to 1970. He also held a great number of positions in a wide variety of national political and educational boards and committees, as well as senior positions in both the Office of the Governor of Pennsylvania and the United States Navy. In the later part of
his life he also toured both the Soviet Union and Iran as a promoter of higher education.
Mr. Harnwell, the homoerotic narcissism of these woke know-it-all billionaires oozes
from the article’s photo. They can buy blood transfusions from 3rd World kids all they
want but as Southerners say, “You ain’t gettin’ outta this alive, HOSS.”
To understand the woke, you have to understand The Culture of Narcissism (washingtonexaminer.com)
These NEO-Nazi NIMRODS believe they can dethrone God and his son Jesus,
….LOL Never a True Christian (an Atheist’s Website) (neocities.org)
Perhaps you have to be a tech billionaire to be this dumb. Hey schmucks!
Save your money. If you want to live forever, you’re doing it wrong. Of course, they want
to live forever…because when you die, you have to face God and be accountable to him
for every second of your life.
I’m not sure that Catholics who celebrate a bit of cannibalism eating the Blood & Flesh
of Christ at Eucharist are well-placed to criticize others who voluntarily donate blood to prolong their health? Nor can it be “ungodly” since the Vatican has accepted Life on Earth is explained by Evolution, not God’s, whose role is now said to be only an “initial spark”.
When will the Earth die? (msn.com)
The love of money is all they must know, thinking that will bring them eternal happiness. God’s love is free, and accepting God’s love brings daily joy, as well as the eternal life they seek. Simple, yet they make it complicated.
Don’t fear man that can kill the body, but fear God that can kill the soul.
What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? What profit is it for a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For all have sinned and come short… All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life, No one comes to the father
Except through me. For God so loved the world (your name) that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have life everlasting. This is the only way to have eternal life. Jesus is the Son of God and he took our sins, died on the cross and rose again, +will raise us up to.
This Moment in Time We Are Fighting a Spiritual War – Search (bing.com)
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead,
So that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible
God into an image made like a corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals
and creeping things. Rom 1:18-23
1 John 2:15-17
15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.
For most of Human History, ordinary people died by the age of 40.
Since the Enlightenment, far more now live healthy lives lasting nearly twice as long.
Is that a disappointment to you? And since the American Dream is one of Liberty,
why can’t adults donate blood voluntarily? Why do you drop your pretended
“Way of Grace” to insult them as “schmucks”?
I don’t know which part of them is more disgusting. Their narcissism or their arrogance.
To value oneself over another so much that you actually take from another leaving them in a lessened state than you found them. Will not end well for you or them in the long run.
If you value youth so much, donate to build/protect parks and playgrounds for kids
to enjoy. Growing old, wise, humble and generous is true beauty.. you get more days
to reminisce and build from past mistakes & goals…. Maybe if they lived their lives
in a more meaningful (primal) way, they would not be so scared to run from death.
“Reality will always re-assert itself – at a price.”
Now, my thesis is that these newly rich people are showing us the soul of man, and it ain’t pretty sight. Their “lifestyle” reflects the deepest desires of man. This desire to live forever is found everywhere in literature all the way back to Gilgamesh. It’s rooted in man’s desire for God. Of course here it went wrong.
Here man tries to be his own god. Man cannot live without God.
Sometimes he tries to create his own fake god. There’s plenty of writing about this. Some of the best is done by none other than Russian authors. Among the best is Dostoevsky.
At the moment “Demons” is a relevant novel. Man without God is a theme, the most important I’d argue.
The Fools! Lucifer dangles yet another pathetic promise to the masses who follow like zombies into the abyss. Eternal life on earth would be another version of hell – watching stupid people do stupid things every day for eternity. Just what this world also needs is billionaire rich crazy people that want to live forever. I wonder who will be the ones who suffer being ruled under these egotistical crazy maniacs?
Modern day vampires. Evil.
In the name of longevity Chinese elites’ resort to harvesting the
organs from the peasant class while they are still alive. Just sayin.
Unbelievably disturbing. “…take the blood of the young…” like it’s just a normal thing civilized society does. What happens as his teenage son grows older? Have more kids? Harvest aborted blood?
Check out Billy Joe Shaver’s beautiful anthem: I am gonna live forever.
I’ve seen what some men and women, mostly women have done to their faces,
so that they could look young for their whole entire life.
It never works out well. They look …. horrific. So, this isn’t going to pan out very well either. It’s not the natural order of things, and I don’t care who you are. You cannot go against nature. It will win every freaking time, no matter how rich you are, or how many things you think you could change about your facial features, your body or your lifespan. Natural order will always win. Joe Biden, MSNBC and 2024: Is liberal propaganda distorting our perception?
I guess it will be the ones who these people use as their test rats.
In a democracy, we have always had to worry about the ignorance of the uneducated. Today we have to worry about the ignorance of people with college degrees. ~Thomas Sowell
“Transhumanism” (see “suicidal hubris”).
As a dimorphic species, humans have three choices: 1- Reproduction 2- Immortality
3- Extinction Ever notice those who endeavor to control the world by reducing global population down to 500 million…. all have kids? What these immortality seekers don’t realize is… we are not our bodies, we are the knower of the body therefore can not be the body. As a result, we are eternal. Awareness does not pop into existence and then die off. These folks have it backwards… because they don’t know their true nature.
In 2015, I began sharing with many of my counterparts that Ray Kurzweil – Bing video
& others were pursuing this notion of never dying as their own way of trying to beat God. And, just like the old King trying to get into Heaven through his Tower of Babylon failed, this too will fail.
New York City is the New Babylon – Search (bing.com)
“There are some, he says, who predict that some groups of people will be coded out”.
This is the intent of the billionaire globalist class who think they are the only ones deserving of life and use of the earth’s resources. Everyone else will share equitable poverty in the slave class while donating organs and blood to “the deserving”. DEI and fear campaigns are the tools used to keep the rich at the top to continue their research in total control.
One key area to watch with this research is cancer. Trying to manipulate our cells’
proteins in an accelerated fashion raises the risks & production of certain cancers. Also, organs & our monocular structures must all work unilaterally & trying to keep the organs rejuvenated unilaterally will be a huge challenge & a huge risk to them. Also, their urgency to make this happen proves to me that even in their darkest of atheists hearts, they do know there is a God as well as a Heaven & a Hell. (edited)
The Times They Are A Changing – Sonia Solorzano – YouTube
God’s Love is Amazing all around the world.
Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires, Mudslides, Tsunami. Hurricanes.
Not to forget Violence and Wars worldwide. Please GFY with your Blind Faith Congame exploiting fears in exchange for donations for a promise that won’t manifest until the end times happen sometime after your death. Stupid Sucker Mothafukers.
An act of Treason committed by Congress Jan 6th 2021
They were standing quietly with flags in their hands no assaults no destruction.
In America you are innocent until proven guilty and a right as a citizen to a speedy trial and and a lawyer but if it’s an American citizen who is also the President of the United States and you are opposition party connected to deep state good ole boy network in Congress,
Republicans wanted and let it happen and on video using 30000 troops armed with orders 5o kill everyone in the world saw this insurrection who in Congress took presidential unto themselves and shooting of American citizens unarmed there by invitation of the 45th POTUS is Congress now a terrorist worldwide using Nations worldwide to watch new weapons being used in the battlefield.
Living forever in a fallen world they themselves helped create….now!!!
THAT would be POETIC JUSTICE!!! No one’s living past 120 no matter how much money you think you have…. These IDIOTS being so afraid of DEATH is more confirmation that GOD ALMIGHTY DOES EXIST, and all this FANFARE to AVOID THEIR ETERNAL PUNISHMENTS is getting a bit comical. So, you pay lots of money to fool yourself into believing you’ll live forever…but your wife, husband or “PARTNER” gets sick of you and puts a pillow over your face in bed…..THAT’S a LOT of money down the drain!!! But hey, you’ll look GREAT in that coffin! People will say…he sure does look FIT as they walk by…..money WELL SPENT!!! I BET THEY ALSO BELIEVE they can take it with them when they go…..
Everything wrong on earth from: the tens of millions of child sex abuse by religiosity.
To the catastrophes worldwide daily caused by man and nature. You must be profoundly stupid delusional to believe in Blind Faith. Like Traitor Trump to Racism to Conspiracies or Cults like White Racist Nazis or KKK. INEXCUSABLE LOW IQ. Pure stupidity. The only obstacle in world History is the Dogmatic Stupidity of the Elite in this world.
There exists an alternative to this blood swap idea which is chelation therapy. It has been used for years to cleanse the blood/body of any/all poisons, i.e. lead, arsenic, etc. but has also been used successfully to avoid such surgeries as open heart, angioplasty, stents and other related debilitations of the body.
Check out the book: Forty Something Forever by Brecher. Been around for AGES.
Everything they do will not add one day to their appointed span on Earth.
Telomeres, the specific DNA–protein structures found at both ends of each chromosome, protect the genome from nucleolytic degradation, unnecessary recombination, repair, and interchromosomal fusion. Those were put into our DNA when Adam sinned. They are the life clock, and nothing can be done to alter how they degrade over time.
COVID Vaccines Reduce Immune Response to Infection, Concerns Over Chronic Immune Deficiency Mount (extremelyamerican.com) Poison is bad for your health, even when promoted by a corrupt bio-medical industrial complex. #mRNApoison #BioTyranny
These schmucks are at least doing this with his consent.
Most elites take those items from the poor and throw them to the trash. It doesn’t really work, at least for very long. The only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ. Nothing on this earth can substitute God himself. I guess wealth does not equate to wisdom or common sense. A fool and his money soon separate.
Because of that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Romans 1:21 KJV https://bible.com/bible/1/rom.1.2…
Think about this, BH. There was a reason God limited man to 120 years, with very few exceptions after the deluge. An evil person with 300-400 years of experience and training is extremely harmful to the rest of humanity. God will not let this stand IMO, although we are clearly told… ” as in the days of Noah, so shall it be…”
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Eternity is meant for true believers that chose to live a life here that honors and follows God. The other eternity will be found after living a godless life here and then where one will live a life in hell eternity separated from God… your choice as to how you decide to
live your life!
Jesus Christ is Lord If one had to choose between being the wealthiest person
on earth or spending eternity in Heaven, i’ll take eternity in Heaven thank you very much. But, the deal is: that you love Jesus Christ and keep the Ten Commandments. Join the Catholic Church; it was established by Jesus himself. It has problems like any other church, but its teachings are true. Read the Catechism and try to find ANYTHING with which you disagree.
They won’t be immortal. Their foolish wisdom about flesh will lead them to self-destruction soon enough. They are pathetic. And even the cursed immortal who caused
the flood upon the earth the last time will taste death, since the Son of Man is coming in His kingdom. “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.” (Matthew 16: 28)
Death for them will be a relief. They shall thank God for giving them mercy.
Life is a struggle in so many ways. I don’t want to live forever.
I just want to serve my time as best I can and move on to a better place. Vanity is not a thing that God wants us to occupy our lives. Growing old is part of life’s lessons because the smooth skin of youth leaves along with vitality. The “get up and go; got up and went” and we learn to understand age and suffering in a different way.
To see your quoted scripture is hysterical. There is a special place for you on God’s short bus ride. If you don’t comprehend what I am saying because it is an American term.
To choose eternity here on earth is to choose eternal separation from the God who loves you the most in the whole world. It’s choosing Hell.
I choose eternal life with Jesus! Not on this earth!
These misguided clings desperately to the hubris in this life because they don’t have
the eyes to see any other. They are pathetic, but God still loves them, and they can still
be saved, if they repent, and give up this nonsense.
With all due to respect for God, these elites know a lot about extending their existence than their telling us medically. It’s great to have science at your bacon call, it’s another thing to not share it. The hubris of the ungodly always witnesses to the profound truth of the Bible.
That Mankind can’t live forever. The trouble is the world must obey God Jehovah and change course and live by His requirements. Most don’t obey, a large swath never accepts Him. The earth is about to drastically change, most have to. James 1:17, 18.
Quite confident aging is nutritional, sure epigenetics is a part of it, but we have enzymes specifically for cleaning up the epigenome, ten-eleven translocases for example. I suspect young blood is just giving the old farts the nutrition their body is missing, it should lead to a shorter life expectancy for the young people donating, if this thinking is correct.
You can’t have machines do it for you. You pay someone to lift the weight and an electric zapper may provide definition but doesn’t give strength. Only multiple reps give strength and stamina. Same with brains. You have to struggle to work out your thoughts, otherwise you simply quote (and believe) what you were told. Copy and paste is not a scholarship. Just facade.
The Penitent Magdalen, Georges de La Tour, 1640,
There is a Greek myth about a mortal, Tithonus, who loved Eos, goddess of the dawn.
Tithonus requested, and was granted, immortality so that he could remain with Eos forever. Unfortunately, immortality did not come with eternal youth. Tithonus got so withered and disgusting Eos couldn’t bear the sight of him.
Be careful what you wish for — you just might get it.
– Not everyone is chosen for salvation
2 Thess 2:13 – …God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth Eph 1:11 – In Him, also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will John 6:44 – No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day,
If you are not a Christian, this life is the closest you’ll get to heaven, but if you are a Christian, this life is the closest you’ll get to hell. Choose Christ and live; choose self-righteousness and die.
So, when it comes to the killing of babies the slogan is ‘ my body my choice’ buuuut when it’s to prevent ageing it goes like this ‘youthful plasma into his own ageing blood stream every month. This ends poorly. Signed, Dr. Moreau – Bing video