By Seton Motley
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of.”
This quote has bopped around for quite some time. It is at times attributed to Communists Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, National Socialist Joseph Goebbels and sometimes even modern Leftist godfather Saul Alinsky.
Regardless of its origin – Leftists are so very excellent at it. In their high school AV Clubs – Leftists ran the projectors.
Losing 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just spoke at Liberty University (why, Liberty, WHY?) – wearing a Russian hat. So clever. In an attempt to poke at the fact-free year-plus investigation into the guy who beat her – Republican President Donald Trump.
Trump is, of course, alleged to have “colluded” (whatever that means – it isn’t a legal term) with Vladimir Putin, Inc. Never mind the fact that there was zero evidence of any such thing. Either before the launch of said investigation – or at any point since.
You know where there’s long been tons of evidence of blatant Russia collusion?
Watch 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi Free Online (0123movie.net)
With the multi hat-wearing Hillary Clinton. Both as Secretary of State…
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Hillary under Siege as Clinton Foundation’s Donors and Bill’s Speaking Fees Overlap
with Companies Her State Department Helped – Including Russian Nuclear Interests
Russian Government Initiative Gave Millions of Dollars to Clinton Foundation
…and as Presidential Candidate Clinton…
Clinton Campaign, DNC Paid for Research that Led to Russia Dossier
Ah yes…the Russia Dossier. RUSSIA.
The Democrats’ Russia Dossier is the sole impetus for the ongoing,
endlessly-dragging-on, totally-bogus special counsel investigation.
And before that was the sole impetus for all the bogus warrants the Barack Obama Administration secured against the Trump campaign. All a part of the Obama Administration’s totally bogus investigation – Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane.
All of this nonsense – based on a bunch of highly bogus nonsense sought
and received by Democrats from…Russians.
With whom the Democrats obviously had to collude – in order to get their nonsense information. Oh: And lest we forget – the Obama Administration was implanting multiple spies inside the Trump campaign.
Democrats aplenty – all engaged in a colossal, bogus, nonsense investigation.
All to drum up false charges – of Trump illegally altering the 2016 election.
And by doing all of this – the Democrats were and are actually, really, truly –
illegally altering the 2016 election.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”
There are droves of doctoral theses’ worth of these glaringly hypocritical examples.
Here’s another. Network Neutrality – is a terrible idea for the Internet.
It’s Socialism for the Web – it guarantees everyone equal amounts of nothing.
Full Net Neutrality imposition – will soon have all of us eating digital pigeons.
Because Net Neutrality results in full-on government control of the Net. Don’t believe me? Here’s avowed Marxist and college professor (please pardon the redundancy)
Robert McChesney – one of the leaders of the Media Marxist movement:
“At the moment, the battle over network neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.”
Well that’s fantastic.
In the colossal, bogus, nonsense campaign to drum up support for Net Neutrality – the Left accuses private sector Internet Service Providers (ISPs) of a parade of prospective horrible. Net Neutrality Repeal: What Could Happen and How It Could Affect You
Net Neutrality Ends on April 23, Allowing ISPs to Block & Throttle Content
Net Neutrality – How to Avoid Being Blocked or Throttled
Saul Alinsky Rules for radicals – Bing video
Democratic Marxist accuse their opponents of – Bing images.
On the first “news” story: Yet again, if a headline contains speculative
clauses like “could” – it isn’t an actual news headline. It’s a psychic reading.
On the second “news” story: Yet again, these massive regulations were only in place for a little over a year. Which means for the preceding two-plus decades – they weren’t in place. Did ISPs block and/or throttle content during said two-plus decades?
Even the most virulent Net Neutrality supporter begrudgingly admits…no, they did not.
On the third “news” story: How does one avoid being blocked or throttled?
Keep the government a million miles away from (over-)regulating the Internet.
Because for the last quarter-century, it hasn’t been ISPs blocking and throttling.
It’s been governments. Lots and lots and LOTS of governments.
Nineteen Eighty-Four Videos
Also known as 1984, is a 1984 dystopian drama film written and directed by Michael Radford, based upon George Orwell‘s 1949 novel of the same name. Starring John Hurt, Richard Burton, Suzanna Hamilton, and Cyril Cusack, the film follows the life of Winston Smith (Hurt), a low-ranking civil servant in a war-torn London ruled by Oceania, a totalitarian superstate.[6]
Smith struggles to maintain his sanity and his grip on reality as the regime’s overwhelming power and influence persecutes individualism and individual thinking on both a political and personal level.
Nineteen Eighty-Four, which was Burton’s last screen appearance, is dedicated to him.[7] The film was released in the United Kingdom on October 10, 1984, by Virgin Films.
It received positive reviews from critics and was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Art Direction and won two Evening Standard British Film Awards for Best Film and Best Actor.
The Plot In a dystopian 1984, Winston Smith endures a squalid existence in the totalitarian superstate of Oceania under the constant surveillance of the Thought Police. He resides in London, the capital city of the territory of Airstrip One, formerly England, and works in a small office cubicle at the Ministry of Truth, rewriting history as dictated by the Party and its supreme leader, Big Brother, who never appears publicly but instead appears only on propaganda posters, advertising billboards, and television monitors.
He also occasionally attends public rallies at Victory Square where the citizens are shown propaganda films of the current war situation as well as contradictory and false news stories about Oceania’s war effort to unite the civilized world under Big Brother’s rule. While his co-worker and neighbor, Parsons, seems content to follow the state’s laws, Winston, haunted by painful childhood memories and restless carnal desires, keeps a secret diary of his private thoughts, thus creating evidence of his thoughtcrime.
China’s Scary Lesson to the World: Censoring the Internet Works
Iran Blocks Internet Services in Bid to Quash Protests
North Korea Tech and the Internet Censorship of the Most Wired Country on Earth
Saudi Arabia Leads Arab Regimes in Internet Censorship
And…oh look – even the Democrats’ collusion buddies…
Russia Blocks Internet Sites of Putin Critics
Again: Not ISPs censoring the Web – governments censoring the Web.
Over, and over, and over, and….
Which is exactly where our domestic pro-Net Neutrality Leftists wish to take us.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty of.”
The Left is VERY good at it.
Why A Narcissist Lies and What It Says About Them.
Sooner or later, everyone tells a lie. In fact, over a lifetime, we all tell many lies.
The narcissist, however, is a liar. It isn’t just what they do, it is who they are.
In my work with daughters of narcissistic mothers, daughters frequently can’t wrap
their heads around why their mother would lie. Perhaps this will shed some light.
What’s the difference between a person who tells a lie and a liar?
‘Dark days ahead’:
Ex-WSJ editor warns time is running out to ‘apply the brakes’ to ‘trainwreck’ Trump.
When confronted with the opportunity, to tell the truth, or tell a lie, most of us check in with our inner selves to see if our answer feels right. This gut check is a calculation that happens automatically mostly at the unconscious level.
This is true even for liars.
Thus, we all act in accordance with our sense of… who we know ourselves to be.
The three-year-old, mouth rimmed with chocolate, who declares with impunity she was NOT the one who ate the half-eaten candy bar, is given a pass because we all know intuitively she doesn’t have a fully formed sense of self.
Narcissism is a disorder of the self. It isn’t so much an undeveloped sense of self as it is
an impaired/fragmented sense of self. A self-based on opportunism instead of values.
Life is a game and they play to win.
What happens when otherwise good people tell a lie?
Somewhere, somehow most people will lie. Given enough reason, fear or perceived gain, most of us will violate our sense of integrity, our internalized values. We make the calculation that an untruth is worth telling. If we aren’t a liar we feel bad, sometimes really bad. We feel bad because who we know ourselves to be, and our values don’t match up.
This incongruence makes us uncomfortable. It costs us to lie.
What happens when a narcissist tells a lie?
The narcissistic calculation is a different algebraic equation.
A narcissist’s lie also comes from his or her sense of self. The difference is that their life has become a lie.
When their life becomes a lie, their lying is different. Different because their sense of self is different. The lie is not inconsistent with their sense of self. For them, the lie is a necessity to preserve what they regard as a self.
That self, however, is a set of defenses, not internalized values. That set of defenses stand as armed guards against a horrible cauldron of self-loathing of which they are mostly unaware. And the defenses keep them unaware of the emotional pain that would otherwise swallow them up, or so they believe.
The secrets, the layers of lies, become a fragile house of cards.
The self they have built from those lies can easily cave in on itself under the weight of truth. The narcissist is operating from a place of defense all of the time. The lie is more a PR stunt, a marketing ploy rather than a cohesive integrated set of values. The narcissistic personality is more of a storefront designed to hide that there isn’t any there, there.
They can’t ever let down their guard and let anyone in.
There is no true capacity for intimacy. They can’t invite you into
the store because the store is full of empty discarded garbage. They want you to buy the fiction that the storefront is so dazzling you wouldn’t need to come inside. “Nothing to see here…move along”. They may have tons of friends, be the life of the party but no one knows the whole story. There will be gaps in their stories and in their lives.
They are marketing a self they want you to believe.
The Preamble to the Constitution | US Government and Politics | Khan Academy.
That the Constitution is inundated with falsehoods and out of date with hypocrisies. They need you to believe the storefront is the store. These days that can manifest as a carefully curated Facebook page or Instagram Feed.
If they are convincing enough to others then maybe, just maybe they can believe it too.
They don’t experience it as manipulation or lying, not exactly… they feel it is necessary for survival, psychological survival.
Intimacy is too threatening because you would want to come inside and have a look around. They can’t afford that risk.
What you don’t see – true humility and remorse for mistakes made.
That takes self-reflection and honesty. If they have a public downfall that they can’t totally deny they will simply be the after in a before and after study. Voila’ transformation! Look more closely and you will see they take no ownership in their struggle because there is none.
Bidenomics vs. MAGAnomics on Full Display – Bing video
Lying, Self-Deception
Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff
Deception refers to the act—big or small, cruel or kind—of encouraging people to believe information that is not true. Lying is a common form of deception—stating something known to be untrue with the intent to deceive.
While most people are generally honest, even those who subscribe to honesty engage in deception sometimes. Studies show that the average person lies several times a day. Some of those lies are big (“I’ve never cheated on you!”) but more often, they are little white lies (“That dress looks fine”) deployed to avoid uncomfortable situations or spare someone’s feelings.
Trust is the bedrock of social life at all levels, from romance and parenting to national government. Deception always undermines it. Because truth is so essential to the human enterprise, which relies on a shared view of reality, the default assumption most people have is that others are truthful in their communications and dealings.
Most cultures have powerful social sanctions against lying.
The Many Forms of Deception
How to Spot Deception
Why People Engage in Deception

The Many Forms of Deception
There are sins of commission and sins of omission; omitting information and concealing the truth are considered lies when they are done with an intent to deceive. In addition to statements that are false, deception encompasses statements that misrepresent or distort facts as well as the withholding of information. People can lie through outright statements or by strategic silence.
What kinds of lies do people tell?
People may deliberately create false information or fabricate a story. But most often, sheer invention is not the soul of lying. Rather, people deceive by omitting information, denying the truth, or exaggerating information. Or they might agree with others when in fact they don’t, in order to preserve a relationship. Self-serving lies, on the other hand, help liars get what they want, make them look better, or spare them blame or embarrassment.
How do I lie to myself?
Deception isn’t always an outward-facing act. There are also the lies people tell themselves, for reasons ranging from maintenance of self-esteem to serious delusions beyond their control. While lying to oneself is generally perceived as harmful, some experts argue that certain kinds of self-deception—like believing one can accomplish a difficult goal even if evidence exists to the contrary—can have a positive effect on overall well-being.
What is gaslighting?
Gaslighting is a pernicious form of manipulation in which someone is deliberately told false information with an intent to harm—specifically to undermine their sense of reality. Lies are used as weapons in an effort by one person to exert control over another.
The tactic is commonly deployed by abusers, narcissists, cult leaders & dictators (Biden).
The Psychology of the Trump Mug Shot
Can research explain why Trump and Mona Lisa face a different way?
Posted August 28, 2023, | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch
What Is Body Language?
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Faces and facial expressions are relied upon to detect others’ emotional states and trustworthiness. Facial expressions are not symmetrically represented on faces.
Studies analysing hundreds of facial images find a tendency for heads to be tilted in particular directions.
In perhaps the most famous portrait in the world, the Mona Lisa, painted by Lenardo Da Vinci in 1503, the enigmatic model turns so that she shows her left cheek more than her right. As a result, it is her left eye which is closer to the centre of the picture than her right.
A study published in the journal Nature examined 1474 painted portraits and found that 68 percent of female and 56 percent of male portraits were painted showing more of the left side of the face than the right.
Therefore, this apparently innocuous head tilt of Donald Trump, in the opposite direction, may have deeper significance. When Nicholls’s team asked people to pose for a family portrait, and to express as much emotion as possible, participants tended to tilt their head to their right, exposing more of the face’s left side, just like the Mona Lisa.
When asked to pose as scientists, and to avoid showing emotion, participants tended to present their right side, and therefore tilt their expression to the left. The study also found that official portraits of scientists don’t show this tendency of the sitter to tilt their head to the right; instead they tend to look more face on.
The researchers concluded that people intuitively know which side of the face tends to reveal more emotion, and naturally angle their heads in one direction more than the other for portraiture.
From this and other research Nicholls concluded that when being photographed or painted, people who want to express emotion turn their left cheek to the viewer, but when trying to hide emotion, there is an opposite tendency to show the right side.
It is important to emphasise that these results emerged from averaged data over a large number of images sampled, and so they represent group effects; it would be erroneous to conclude that in every single picture you could work out whether any one particular person is trying to express or hide emotion, simply from the tilt of their head.
However, it is also interesting to note that in other research focusing on which eye of the subject is nearer the centre of a photograph or painting there is convergence with the finding of the left-leaning tilt of the head and emotional expression.
Another study published in Nature examined the implications of the fact that the importance of the centre of the canvas has long been appreciated in art, as has the special significance of the eyes in revealing the personality of portrait subjects. This study examined portraits painted across the past 600 years and found that one eye is consistently centred horizontally in the canvas.
Nicholls has found that when one eye in a painted portrait does fall in the centre of the picture, in almost two-thirds of cases that eye tends to be the left one, meaning the model has turned to the right, just as in the Mona Lisa.
Interestingly, in Trump’s mug shot the eye that is nearer the centre of the picture is his right eye; indeed it is almost dead in the centre of the original picture.
Psychologists Matia Okubo, Kenta Ishikawa, and Akihiro Kobayashi of Senshi University in Japan have published a series of studies recently in which they argue that emotional expression is not symmetrically portrayed in the face, and that the left side is more emotionally expressive than the right. This may have something to do with the contention that the left and right hemispheres of the brain may differ in their specialization for emotional expression and detection.
This team argues that if the left side of the face is more reactive to transient emotions, then in fact it may be better to focus on the right side of the expression if you are trying to work out the real longer-term emotional state of a person, rather than what emotion they are trying to portray or project to the world in the moment.
The less emotionally reactive right side of the face, these researchers argue, tends to be a better place to look for more stable underlying personality traits.
And indeed, published research has found that if you are trying to accurately read someone’s mind—in terms of figuring out their actual emotional state as opposed to what they are fronting—you’re better off focusing on the right side of a target’s countenance.
But this team of Japanese psychologists has also been interested in the issue of inferring trustworthiness from facial expression. This is perhaps of supreme importance when an electorate is trying to evaluate a political candidate. The team first established in their experiments just how trustworthy a group of people really were and then examined how accurate others could be in assessing levels of trustworthiness.
They found a strong tendency of smiling to put people off the scent—when someone smiles it seems to be more difficult for others to accurately infer how trustworthy they are—which means that those who are not trustworthy should smile a lot in order to cover their tracks.
When the target in the experiment was asked to facially express anger, this emotion seemed to help those asked to assess trustworthiness in more accurately spotting who to trust, and who not to, from observing faces.
The best combination of all in helping people figure out who to trust was when the target expressed anger as their facial expression, and turned their faces more to the left, showing the right more.
In Trump’s mug shot it is universally agreed that he looks furious, and there is no doubt he has turned to the left, revealing more of the right side of his face. Basically, it is almost as if he is taking part in the experiments of the Japanese psychologists in that he is presenting the best opportunity for the viewer to evaluate his trustworthiness.
These studies are not asserting that turning to one side or the other in a picture reveals how trustworthy you are. Instead, this research is about whether head tilt tells us something about whether people are trying to hide an emotion, and whether expressing certain positive or negative emotions also serve to helpfully reveal or hide trustworthiness.
BBC News has just reported that Trump’s election campaign claims it has raised $7.1m (£5.6m) since his mug shot was taken on Thursday. Much of the money comes from merchandise such as mugs, T-shirts, and drink coolers bearing the former president’s scowling face.
Many of the other defendants in the Georgia election case have also had their mug shots taken and disseminated widely across the internet, but unlike the ex-president, in none of the other pictures is anyone doing anything other than facing the camera symmetrically; in some they are smiling.
Whatever one may think of Trump, he appears from this evidence at least, apparently to be a better amateur psychologist than many others in the public eye.
Biden vs. Trump Economic Plans Compared (investopedia.com)
We are now less than 17 days away from a possible government shutdown, and while Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans are pushing a partisan impeachment inquiry, they are quietly pushing a more sinister objective: MAGAnomics. The differences between the President’s spending plan and McCarthy’s will be on full display over the next few weeks and the differences could not be greater. Since President Biden has taken office, Bidenomics has been extremely successful. The United States has seen record job growth, lower inflation rates, and an economy that continues to grow.
Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy’s budget plan, otherwise known as MAGAnomics, will be a nightmare for American families. Here are the lowlights. First, the MAGAnomics budget calls for a 5.1 million dollar tax cut that would benefit the wealthy and big corporations. The top .1% would get tax cuts averaging at least $175,000 per year, or more than two times what an average American family makes annually.
Second, the budget will sunset many retirement programs, specifically Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Finally, the program will undo much of the work the Biden Administration has done to lower prescription drug costs for all Americans.
Overall, the libtards want you to believe MAGAnomincs is good for MAGA and bad for America.
With less than three weeks until the government potentially shuts down, it is long past time for Kevin McCarthy to get his caucus in order and pass spending bills.
President Joe Biden has taken the fight to his Republican adversaries, claiming that he has managed the economy more effectively than former President Donald Trump. According to The New York Times, Biden spoke on Thursday at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Maryland, where he criticized the economic strategies of his opponents, specifically their budget plans.
Biden argued his “Bidenomics” program has done more for everyday Americans than the “MAGAnomics” of his predecessors. He further criticized Republicans for prioritizing the wealthy over the working class and for their proposed cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
The Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE:XLV) rose 0.3% on Thursday, but underperformed all the other S&P 500’s sectors.
Biden’s intensified criticism of Republicans came amid a series of speeches and messaging promoting the benefits of “Bidenomics,” a term initially used by critics but now embraced by the administration.
Despite these efforts, Biden’s approval ratings have not improved. A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll found that only 22% of Americans believe the economy is improving, while 70% think it’s getting worse. Furthermore, only 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy.
Meanwhile, Trump’s camp has struck back, blaming the current economic problems on Biden’s policies. They characterized “Bidenomics” as a recipe for inflation, taxation, submission and failure.
See Also: Jamie Raskin Warns Joe Biden’s Impeachment Could Lead To GOP’s Humiliation: for the Republican Party – Search (bing.com)
Sept. 14 (UPI) — President Joe Biden, who has reclaimed the term Bidenomics from skeptics of his economic policies, contrasted his vision with the MAGAnomics of his rivals in a Maryland speech Thursday.
“The country should know the facts. They should know the choice between Bidenomics and MAGAnomics,” Biden said, using “MAGAnomics” as a term for Republican economic policy for the first time. “Look, their plan, MAGAnomics, is more extreme than anything America has ever seen before.”
Biden delivered his speech at Prince George‘s Community College in Largo, where he began by repeating his often-delivered joke about how he didn’t “see a whole trickle down on my dad’s kitchen table.”
“Up to now, Republicans have given us a failed plan of trickle-down economics that didn’t work,” Biden said. “My guess is, your story is just like mine: Not much trickled down that ended up helping y’all.”
Biden said Republican economic policy has “hollowed out the main streets of America” as well as blown up the deficit and produced “anemic” economic growth.
In his speech, Biden pointed the attention of the audience to copies of the 167-page “Protecting America’s Economic Security” document the president had planned for his team to hand out at the event.
The document is a budget for the 2023 fiscal year proposed and published by Republican Study Committee Chairman Kevin Hern.
“I’m the only president who hands out the opposition’s economic plan. Oh, you think I’m kidding?” Biden said. “This is the MAGA budget. I want you to take a look at it. I think we have other copies of it. If we don’t, we’ll get you some.”
Biden said that Republicans have taken a plan that never worked and “decided to make it much, much worse” to create what he dubbed MAGAnomics.
“Now Republicans in Congress are doubling down with a plan that does three things. One, it cuts taxes even more for the very wealthy and big corporations. Two, it cuts Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. Three, it raises costs for families, gutting investments in the middle class,” Biden said.
“Under their plan, the top one-tenth of 1% of the households that make over $4 million a year are going to get another tax cut worth more than two times what the typical American family makes in a single year.”
Biden said Republicans are trying to undo progress he has made in getting other nations, particularly those that are a part of the Group of Seven and NATO, to agree to a global minimum tax on corporations.
“That global minimum tax was finally agreed. It took me a better part of a year to get it done. And guess what? They want to get rid of it, let corporations go back to shifting jobs and profits overseas, and avoiding paying taxes at home,” Biden said.
“And who is going to pay for that? Well, now we know because the MAGA Republicans in Congress have finally released the budget I just referenced. And the answer is: Seniors and hard working Americans are going to pay for it.”
In his speech, Biden reiterated his points that his economic policy focuses on building the economy from the bottom up and middle out. He contrasted his stances with those outlined in Hern’s document, such as plans to gut Social Security and Medicare by $700 billion and $1 trillion respectively.
“Under MAGAnomics, as I’ve called it, tens of millions of Americans could lose their insurance. Waiting lists would skyrocket for seniors who need home- or community-based care because they have nowhere else to go; they have no family to take them. Children would not get adequate healthcare,” Biden said.
“MAGA Republicans don’t think we should be investing in education, and that’s not an exaggeration.”
Biden also hit out at his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, several times throughout the speech — though only named him once.
“There are only two presidents in American history with fewer jobs the day they left office than when they started,” Biden said. “One was President [Herbert] Hoover, and the other was Donald ‘Hoover’ Trump. Seriously, the only two presidents in American history.”
Biden added that the “prior administration” also promised to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure but that never happened. “Great real estate builder — the former president,” Biden said. “He didn’t build a damn thing.”
OnPolitics: Americans say they trust Trump over Biden on the economy, exclusive poll shows.
Marina Pitofsky USA TODAY
President Joe Biden is selling an economic rebound.
But most Americans aren’t buying it, according to an exclusive poll from the Suffolk University Sawyer Business School and USA TODAY.
The poll also shows that Americans across the country say they trust former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden to fix the economy.
Only 34% of Americans said they approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, compared with 59% who disapprove, according to the poll, USA TODAY’s Joey Garrison and Maureen Groppe report.
Biden vs. Trump: And more Americans said they trust Trump, the 2024 Republican primary front-runner, than Biden to make the economy better by a 47%-36% margin. The spread is 46%-26% in Trump’s favor among independent voters.
How’s the economy? Seventy-six percent of independents and even 34% of Democrats said the economy is getting worse.

Why it matters for politics: The results come as Biden has touted “Bidenomics” to frame his economic vision ahead of the 2024 presidential election.
The White House has also sought credit for an unemployment rate that’s near a 50-year low, a robust job market, including 13.5 million jobs added under the Biden presidency, and annual inflation that, according to the Consumer Price Index, is down to 3.7% from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022.
What Americans say: A disconnect between ‘Bidenomics’ and Americans’ economic fears
Biden vs. Trump Economic Plans Compared (investopedia.com)
Related video: ‘Nobody wins in a government shutdown’ – McCarthy (Reuters) – Search (bing.com)
Biden and Trump are both old. So why are voters keying in on only one of them? (msn.com)
Biden blasts House GOP’s budget proposals as he readies for a shutdown fight | CNN Politics
Fact check: Debunking eight Trump false claims about the Biden-era economy | CNN Politics
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The Trump Economy vs. the Biden Economy in 11 Charts – Barrons
Nicholls, M. E. R., Clode, D., Wood, S., & Wood, A. (1999). Laterality of expression in portraiture: Putting your best cheek forward. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 266, 1517–1522. doi:10.1098/rspb.1999.0809
MCMANUS, I., HUMPHREY, N. Turning the Left Cheek. Nature 243, 271–272 (1973). https://doi.org/10.1038/243271a0
Tyler, C. Painters centre one eye in portraits. Nature 392, 877–878 (1998). https://doi.org/10.1038/31833