Twin Towers at The World Trade Center in New York City collapse to the ground
after hijackers crashed planes into both buildings on September 11, 2001© AP
How 14 people survived the north tower collapse on 9/11:
9/11: ‘Miracle of Stairwell B’ – Bing video
Story by Dylan Donnelly •5h
Twenty-two years after nearly 3,000 Americans lost their lives in the 9/11 terror attacks, “the miracle of Stairwell B” has been remembered.
At 8.46am during the horrific 2001 incident, a hijacked plane slammed into the north tower of New York’s World Trade Center. The south tower was hit by another plane just
17 minutes later.
Fire and smoke billows from the north tower of New York’s
World Trade Center on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001© AP
Helpless and Horrified, an Astronaut Watched 9/11 Unfold from Space (msn.com)
As the south tower began to collapse at 9.59am, a group of firefighters and one police officer were still inside the north structure, and were ordered to evacuate down stairwell B.
The group of David Lim, Port Authority K-9 officer; Capt. John “Jay” Jonas, FDNY’s chief from Ladder Co. 6, firefighters Bill Butler, Sal D’Agostino, Matt Komorowski, and battalion chief Richard Picciotto were rushing to leave the falling building when they found a woman left stranded.
Josephine Harris, a bookkeeper for the Port Authority – Search (bing.com), was exhausted and could not move on her own because of an injured leg. The firefighters decided to take Harris with them and carried her down the building, but while they made their descent, they heard a rumble from the structure.
A terrified person jumps from the north tower of New York’s World Trade Center as
another clings to the outside, left, while smoke and fire billow from the building© AP
At 10.28am, the North Tower collapsed after burning for 102 minutes. More than 1,600 in and around the building were killed. But miraculously, the 12 firefighters and one officer, along with Harris, all survived the collapse.
At 12.30pm, they emerged from the staircase at the center of the building’s core.
Twin Towers at The World Trade Center in New York City collapse to the ground
after hijackers crashed planes into both buildings on September 11, 2001© AP
Capt. Jonas told USA Today about surviving 9/11:
“The tower came down like a peeling banana, and it peeled around us.”
All 14 survivors escaped the ruins with no life-threatening injuries, with
Komorowski saying the woman they rescued was their “guardian angel”.
Speaking to CBS News, the firefighter said: “We had a special bond with her.
“She was our guardian angel. If she had continued down to the lobby and then
our building came down, we wouldn’t be around.”
The firefighters and Harris remained close in the years after 9/11 until her death in 2011.
At her funeral, the firefighters of Ladder Co. 6 were her pallbearers.
First responders work at ground zero after the Sept.11 attacks,
Sept. 12, 2001, in New York© AP
Today, marking 22 years since the tragedy,
Joe Biden will attend a ceremony at a military base in Anchorage, Alaska.
First lady Jill Biden is also due to lay a wreath at the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon.
At ground zero in New York, Vice President Kamala Harris is due to join the ceremony
on the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum Plaza.
Eddie Ferguson, the fire-rescue chief in Virginia’s Goochland County, said in remembrance: “We were one country, one nation, one people, just like it should be.
“That was the feeling – that everyone came together and did what we could,
where we were at, to try to help.”
Flashback: Trump Interviewed On September 11, 2001, Tours Damage 2 Days Later | Video | RealClearPolitics
Donald Trump September 11 Interview: He Said There Is No Way The Planes
Could Have Penetrated WTC Buildings Without Bombs Exploding on Impact
Thea Conrad November 27, 2016
Donald Trump September 11 interview
A Donald Trump September 11 interview, which recorded him giving a statement on the very same day of the attacks, was uploaded on YouTube in mid-September by the pro-Trump group TrumpCommission.org, which has partnered with 911Experiments.org in seeking the truth about unanswered questions concerning that fateful day in American history.
The people who run TrumpCommission.org believe George W. Bush was actively involved in covering up certain details about the September 11 attacks. On the organization’s homepage, it says, “You [Trump] were one of the first, on the same day, to recognize that bombs must have been used on the WTC towers because steel is so strong. Over 2500 Architects and Engineers agree, along with PhDs in Physics, writing research papers for scholarly journals.”
The reason the Donald Trump September 11 interview exists in the first place is because in the wake of the attacks journalists thought, giving his expertise on real estate and building structure, his opinion regarding the specifics of the devastating damage was worth taking into consideration.
During the Donald Trump September 11 interview, he gives specific details for how the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center buildings were able to penetrate the stalwart steel cage of the buildings’ exterior, saying there had to have been bombs planted that exploded on impact, otherwise it would have been almost impossible for them to cause such damage.
According to Trump, the World Trade Center was different from other edifices in that most other buildings (at least during the time of the interview) are built with steel on the inside surrounding the elevator shafts, but the towers were built with steel from the outside, “which is the strongest structure you can have. It was almost like a can of soup.”
“It wasn’t architectural defect,” Trump said regarding the Twin Towers’ demise.
Donald says during the September 11 interview that he had toured the building that had endured the 1993 World Trade Center bombing a few days after it occurred, claiming the fact that the structure was able to withstand an explosion within its foundation is a testament to how impregnable it really was.
The 1993 World Trade Center bombing rocked the buliding’s foundation, but amazingly kept the structure from total collapse. [Image by Richard Drew/AP Images]
So, if this Donald Trump September 11 interview is to be taken seriously and the soon-to-be U.S. president was correct in his conclusions, how did the terrorists know that crashing into the WTC towers would only be successful with the help of additional explosions?
It seems the Trump Commissioners are counting on Donald to reopen the official investigation into the September 11 attacks.
“There is one man who can cut through all the b.s. –
a man who exemplifies the come back spirit of New York – Donald Trump.”
The big question is, does the president-elect have any plans to reopen the September 11 investigation? Unfortunately, there are mixed reports on this, most of which come from questionable sources. However, Brendan James of International Business Times
wrote an article in 2015 that touches on the possibility of a reopening of the case.
Richard Gage, who originated the September 11 Truther group Architects & Engineers
for 9/11 Truth, has dedicated his life to digging up the actualities surrounding the biggest
terrorist attack to happen on U.S. soil.
James interviewed Gage for his piece and quickly learned that Donald Trump had been in contact with Architects & Engineers after the organization had sent him Truther-related media, of which they’d sent to numerous Washington politicians, but Donald was the only one who’d given them any sort of response. He replied to them by email.
“‘Thank you for your book and DVDs,’ read the email, which Gage forwarded to me. ‘Our advisors will investigate the claims made by the architects and engineers more thoroughly and draw their own conclusions from there. We appreciate your continued support. Sincerely, The Trump Campaign.’”
Keep in mind that this happened in 2015, sometime between when Trump had declared his run for presidency and when James’ article was published on September 11, 2015.
Photo taken from inside the 93rd floor of the World Trade Center on October 20, 1970. The Empire State Building can be seen out the narrow, steel encased windows.
[Image by Jim Wells/AP Images]
Could it be that the president-elect’s expertise on building structure, illustrated
by the Donald Trump September 11 interview, coupled with the passion from Truther movements, contributed to the rumor mill that he plans to reopen the 9/11 investigation?
In addition to the points Trump brought up in the interview, TrumpCommission.org highlighted other concerns they have, all of which center around what President George W. Bush’s September 11 commission team did not properly look into.
Experts have found “thermitic explosive residue” within the leftover dust that became of the twin towers.
World Trade Center Building 7 went down at 5:20 PM on the day of the attacks seemingly without explanation.
Ostensibly, from 1994 – 2001 the elevator shafts in the WTC buildings had columns that were an ideal resting spot for bombs. Ceiling panels were also an ideal place.
George Bush’s brother, Marvin, worked for the company Securacom, which had guards working at the twin towers.
A man named Larry Silverstein became the WTC’s landlord not long before the attacks and profited more than $4 billion from the devastating aftermath.
These five points are things that, according to the Donald Trump September 11 interview video, Truthers seek the answers to, and they’re putting at least some of their hope on the man who will be the 45th president of the United States.
The recording of this Trump interview is a time capsule representative of a period when the real estate billionaire was seen in an altogether different light than he is now. Do you see the difference?
As far as the Truther movement goes, only time will tell if Donald reopens the case into the attacks. The Donald Trump September 11 interview ends with the following words from the president-elect. “The country is different today, and it’s going to be different than it ever was for many years to come.”
Donald Trump September 11 Interview: He Said There Is No Way The Planes Could Have Penetrated WTC Buildings Without Bombs Exploding on Impact is an article from: The Inquisitr News
Fact checks: Did Trump help at ground zero after 9/11 attacks? (usatoday.com)
Caller: Planes Didn’t Bring Down Twin Towers – Bing video
“Disgraceful” – US Women’s Soccer Players Protest Against Racial Injustice and Police Violence, Critics Say the Pitch Is Not the Place for Politics (msn.com)
Was 9/11 The End of America As We Knew It? A Sobering Retrospective 22 Years in the Making (msn.com)
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Remembering 9/11: 200 Claddagh rings were recovered from Ground Zero (msn.com)
10 Things That Changed Forever Because of 9/11 — Do You Remember? (msn.com)
‘Falling Man’ spotted during 9/11 still remains an unsolved mystery after 22 years.
9/11 Survivor Stories: Twists of Fate That Saved These People’s Lives (msn.com)
September 11: 9 incredible stories of people who survived 9/11 (msn.com)
Top documentaries about the September 11 attacks – Search (bing.com)
Things the Bible Forbids That You’re Probably Already Doing (msn.com)
The 20 Most Ignored Cancer Symptoms in Women and Men (msn.com)
Donald Trump interview 2 days after 9/11 at ground zero – YouTube
This Day in History: 9/11 Terrorist Attacks | Watch (msn.com)
Rare video from ground zero on 9/11 (msn.com)
The 9/11 terrorists and me (msn.com)
The new land rush in Wyoming – YouTube