Dr Valter Longo Mimicking Diet – Bing video
Dr Valter Longo of USC Longevity Institute
Fasting Weakens Cancer Cells
Cancer cells susceptible to chemotherapy
Healthy Cell Protected
Please NOTE: I do and intermittent fast between 8PM until 8 AM.
Prolonged fasting reduces IGF-1/PKA to promote hematopoietic-stem-cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression – PubMed (nih.gov)

‘Starving away’ cancer: One of our reporters tried it – YouTube
November 17, 2015, Jay Warren of WCPO diagnosed with Oral Cancer who never chewed, smoked or was a heavy drinker. So, he decided not to eat with the supervision of Dr. Angela Fitch of UC Health. For six days Jay ate only 250 calories per day and checked in with Dr. Fitch and at the end of those 6 days his results were profound. When he started his blood food glucose was 87 mg which is considered normal but after the fast it was
67 mg.
Dr Fitch said one of the most fascinating things was his AGF’1 which is a growth type hormone which dropped by 25% and is a significant drop in those short days. So that would make a significant difference in cancer growth.
Jay said at times he had to run away from dinner because he was so hungry but other times, he had so much energy it was remarkable. Jay said in the future he will make periodic fasting a part of his life moving forward in his battle with cancer.
Researchers say fasting can rejuvenate your immune system and
weaken cancer cells.

Jay Warren is still working at WCPO 9
and you can follow him on Twitter at
@galaxianx01 4 years ago
Last October I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer.
I immediately started the water only fast, only eating one meal a day with as few carbs & sugar as possible. Occasionally I did a few full 48 hour fasts. It took 8 weeks for my cancer to be completely eradicated. The power of fasting is simply incredible. You don’t need medical supervision on a standard fast. 3 simple rules. Kick the sugar and processed food. Drink distilled water only, and eat little, fasting for at least 20 hours or so between meals. Not only did the cancer go, so did several other ailments. Fasting is now part of my life.
@marklucas6695 1 year ago
I found it ironic how these reports always have to say before you try this it’s always
good to ask your doctor first. Unfortunately, a lot of times doctors are either skeptical or condescending about any treatment that doesn’t end in prescribing medication or the expense of procedures or surgeries.
@crcurran 1 year ago
@elsagrace3893 Fasting makes the body go into a recycling mode. Your body when it needs protein, fat and carbs looks for cells that are a bit off and breaks those down first.
So pre-cancerous cells are included in that reaping. Remember that medicine and healing is mostly done by the body. Modern medical and medicine often just assists in the healing. It’s not so hard to believe that the body with an amazing immune system with white blood cells targeting dangerous virus and bacteria would also during a “crisis” of no food intake target cells that are weak or poorly formed relative to healthy cells.
The brain needs glucose which we get from carbohydrates but when you consume no carbohydrates, your body goes through a process called gluconeogenesis. The body creates the glucose by breaking down protein and converting it into glucose for the brain’s needs. The body is more amazing than most people give it credit for. We just assume healing works and will always work. It’s the same way that nature will just rebound from pollution when in fact nature and the human body get to a point of being overwhelmed that they can no longer handle the load. Medicine and medicine help the body over the threshold to then heal itself.
@LisaMaryification 1 year ago
Yes, these stories are wonderful and extremely encouraging. Unfortunately, still some cancer centres do not believe diet can help cancer even though there is a multitude of research readily available that proves otherwise. In my journey, I found that a low sugar diet arrests the cancer growth and, along with, chemotherapy shrinks it. I’ve had scans where, after a very stringent dlow sugar diet, show my tumours decreasing.
However, after the Christmas holidays, my scan showed only a small bit of shrinkage. Since my chemo was the sane but my diet contained more sugar, I concluded it was
my lax diet that was directly related to the lack of tumour shrinkage. I am trying
to better my diet and, hopefully, that will be reflected in my next CT scan.
@ellkir1521 1 year ago
I knew a Research Doctor that has tried to do a study on the same.
He explained Americans are overfed and given GMO foods saturated full of sugars like Corn syrup. According to JAMA 35% of Americans are Obese or 50% are prediabetic or diabetic. Cancer’s light up when fed sugar water on MRI’s.
He was turned down and threatened by the medical community with his license if he continued reporting on the efficacy of his studies. Turns out Chemo is a billion dollar industry. Ever since that conversation I have tried water fasts for up to 40 days and
cured my diabetes and weight with it.
@tammiehammett5054 1 year ago
@adamg400 as long as I don’t eat my energy levels are amazing, if I eat, they are crap.
I found this throughout my life, but I also have low blood pressure so eating makes me tired. My mom was the same way, so she didn’t eat much either.
But when I do eat, I try to eat really good quality food.
Fasting is very effective at fixing your blood sugar, but you have to be very careful
if you’re on insulin and talk to your doctor because your blood sugar could go too low,
and you could be in trouble so be very cautious.
@mastax1234 1 year ago
Yep, I have been doing OMAD (one meal a day) for 3 years now. Went down to my normal weight and it stayed there, Went from 280 pounds to 175. Doctor told me for the first time in my life that I am in perfect health, no high blood pressure, no hypoglycemia anymore.
@cantthink884 1 year ago
This is true!!!! The more sugar in your body the more you’re essentially feeding the cancer. My great grandmother went through chemo, and she fasted as much as she could and walked away clean after that. She was 70 years old. A lot of people don’t realize the connection between your liver and dementia too.
Keep that liver as healthy as you possibly can.
@australiamyway 8 months
How do you keep your liver healthy? I thought it processed all toxins – 1Reply
@australiamyway 8 months
Wow. Amazing never knew that about the liver4Reply
@Michael-Archonaeus7 months ago
Yes. There have been many studies at this point that have shown the benefit of fasting during chemotherapy. Fasting protects the healthy cells, so the chemo hits only the cancerous cells, this way the chemo therapy becomes much more effective. God bless.9Reply
@bigguy1302 months ago
What is really disturbing is hearing about doctors who told their cancer patients to eat sugary dessert type foods every day to help maintain their weight. But from what I have read, all that does is cause the cancer to grow faster, sort of like pouring gas on a fire. 9Reply
@RavenMobile1 month ago @bigguy130
That’s what they recommended to my dad when he was doing chemo for his cancer —
all the highest calorie foods imaginable, mostly high-carb stuff. It literally seemed like
they were writing a list of the worst foods for a human to eat.7Reply
@littlelamb711 11 months ago
Wow. So glad there’s a news channel out there that was willing to report on this!
I believe it saves lives and yet the media hushes this kind of thing. Good for these guys!
@robertruiz3131 1 year ago
@adamg400 as someone who’s active I find that my meal gets way more important on days I exercise. You also have to give your body time to adjust to meal timing. The human body (usually) seeks baseline so if it’s used to a certain weight and amounts of daily macros any drastic changes trigger cravings. I would try experimenting with one quality meal and using healthy (protein worked for me) snacks to slowly wean yourself down to that one meal.
With time you will find out what your own body’s wants versus needs. With all of that said humans used to spend a majority of energy on survival so extra activities like heavy work might raise your daily caloric needs beyond what would have been possible for a fasting hunter gatherer who didn’t have easy access to meals. Good luck!
How To Fast Without Feeling Hungry – YouTube
Prolonged fasting reduces IGF1 pubmed – Bing video