Obama will spend $$$8 trillion USD in this his illegit third term World Debt Clock,
Obama Member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Correct me if I am wrong but that looks like Gold,
which is forbidden to be worn by males in the Muslim Religion.
[http://islamqa.info/en/ref/101549] A N T I C H R I S T. (bing.com)
So hey, not only is Obama a bad president, but he is also a bad Muslim!!!
Imagine what would have happened if Obama actually became president
for a whole term whilst secretly being an “Olly” worshipper??!???!??
ONE BIG ASS MISTAKE AMERICA. 9/11/2001 – Bing video 🙁
T’would be Armageddon for sure. – Search (bing.com)
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s the Outrage?
Opinion by J. Peder Zane•18h
The Democrats Create a Problem Then Make It Bigger By Fixing It!
Democrats’ desire to censor online content should concern all people.
The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law.
Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their
Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion.
These are facts.
Part of me is glad that so many legal analysts have spilled so much ink exposing these charades. But we degrade our country and ourselves when we treat this unspeakable behavior with anything other than horrified contempt. Every good-faith critique normalizes and legitimizes this profoundly un-American conspiracy.
Viewing the obvious forest rather than the tangled trees, the cases against Trump are a continuation of the deceitful effort by Democrats and their deep state allies, especially in the DOJ, to annihilate their chief political opponent. That effort began even before his election when Hillary Clinton’s campaign manufactured false claims that Trump had conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election.
Barack Obama Created Donald Trump (msn.com)
When that sham was exposed, they almost immediately made Trump only the third president in the country to be impeached for asking Ukraine’s leader to look into the
Biden family’s influence-peddling schemes. They set aside almost every rule and order
of business by rushing to impeach him once again after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
While that was going on, Democrats insistently rained down other bogus concerns – that he was violating the Emoluments Clause because wealthy foreigners continued to stay at his hotels, that his alleged mental instability made him unfit – to remove him from office.
Sir Master Barrack Obama:
Thoughts and Prayers are much better than your puppet Biden Show Them.
Barack Obama Scolds U.S. for Offering Just ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ During Maui Tragedy.
Biden Might Have Finally Stepped on the Ultimate Political Landmine (msn.com)
Lahaina’s Filipino community ‘bracing for the worst’ in wildfire recovery efforts.
Hawaiian business goes viral for sign slamming Biden’s
kitchen fire comments: ‘not always about you’ (msn.com)
Do you believe the Obama/Biden administration
has politicized the American justice system?
Yes, I think so 84%
Maybe, I’m not sure. 1%
No, I don’t think so. 15%
Other / No opinion 0%
Snapshot of real-time results. Learn More
Biden mocked for using ‘working out’
as an excuse for not knowing news: ‘Yea, ok Big Guy’ (msn.com)
The hypocrisy is beyond belief: The party that assails Republicans for questioning the integrity of the highly irregular 2020 election spent years and vast government resources to undo the results of 2016.
The charges Trump now faces are part of the ongoing campaign by Democrats to subvert the rule of law to delegitimize what they see as the greatest threat to their power.
Related video: Democrats call Republican presidential candidates ‘extreme’
(WISN Milwaukee) – Search (bing.com)
In the meantime, Democrats are blatantly using the criminal justice system to protect President Biden. It is now beyond dispute that Biden lied to the American people when he said he never discussed foreign business with his son Hunter and when he claimed during his final 2020 debate with Trump that Hunter’s laptop, which contained evidence of those corrupt dealings, was a “Russian plant.” Has a candidate ever peddled more consequential falsehoods?
In fact, the president was not only aware of his son’s influence-peddling schemes, whose sole selling point was the connection to his vast power. He was an active participant through phone calls and meetings with clients. Irony does not capture the deviousness of the Democrats’ decision to impeach Trump for asking Ukraine to look into this corruption.
The cover-up of the Bidens’ conduct is equally disturbing.
The U.S. attorney in Delaware assigned to the case, David C. Weiss, is a former colleague of Biden’s late son Beau. Although the tax avoidance charges involved are straightforward, Weiss spent more than five years allegedly looking into them – allowing the statute of limitations to run out on millions of unreported earnings Hunter generated in 2014 and 2015. Note that even as the president calls on Americans to pay their fair share, neither he nor his allies have demanded that Hunter pay his.
Indeed, we only know about Weiss’ corruption because of two courageous IRS whistleblowers. In response, Weiss quickly struck a deal with Hunter to settle the matter, crafting a sweetheart deal that would have let him off the hook with a slap on the wrist.
All might have been forgiven but for the presiding judge, who rejected the deal last month as “not standard” and potentially unconstitutional.
In response to this scandal, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss as special counsel to look into the mess. This move is beyond brazen – Weiss is now apparently in charge of probing his own misconduct. The goal is obvious: Protect the president, and let the statute of limitations run out on other alleged crimes while shutting down any questions about the “ongoing investigation.”
The arrogance is jaw-dropping; the lawlessness is in plain sight.
Democrats are not even trying to hide their malfeasance – which is part of their method.
If they can make us accept their authority to twist the system so that it is no longer a means of justice but a tool of their political power, then their possibilities are unlimited.
Imagine if the roles were reversed: What if Republican prosecutors had indicted a former Democratic president, who was also the party’s leading candidate in the next election, in four separate cases on 91 questionable charges while a GOP-controlled Department of Justice simultaneously protected its sitting-president boss, who was seeking reelection,
by slow-walking a probe of his family’s alleged crimes?
The corporate media would be in high dudgeon about this assault on the Constitution and the streets would be filled with left-wing protestors who would make the BLM riots, the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and the harassment of Supreme Court justices in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade seem mild.
President Joe Biden Has A Rocky History With Journalists,
And He’ll Go Out Of Is Way To Cut Off A Reporter (msn.com)
Here’s the conundrum.
While no one wants conservatives to start engaging in direct action,
their passivity is allowing Democrats to weaponize the government.
On the one hand, I admire their faith in our system.
Even Trump, for all his barking, has largely submitted to his gross mistreatment.
But our system is shattered.
The rule of law is now more concept than fact. Where’s the outrage?
J. Peder Zane is an editor for RealClearInvestigations and a columnist for RealClearPolitics.
What Depleting The Rainforest Does to the Equator? – Bing video
The accelerating destruction of the rainforests that form a precious cooling band around the Earth’s equator, is now being recognized as one of the main causes of climate change. … Carbon emissions from deforestation … far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories. Deforestation leading cause of Global Warming –
The Understory – Rainforest Action Network (ran.org)
How Much Carbon Dioxide Are We Emitting? –
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (nasa.gov)
A Checkup for Carbon
February 11th, 2021 by Adam VoilandEvery year, a group of scientists affiliated with the Global Carbon Project give Earth something like an annual checkup. Among the key questions they address: how much carbon is stored in the atmosphere, the ocean, and the land? And how much of that carbon has moved from one reservoir to another through fossil fuel burning, deforestation, reforestation, and uptake by the ocean each year?

Nasa United States Emission mass – Bing video
All of the latest findings—including the data for 2020, a year like few others—are available here, including links to dozens of interesting charts and a peer-reviewed science paper. Ben Poulter, a NASA scientist and member of the Global Carbon Project team, summarized the findings this way: “The economic effects of COVID-19 caused fossil fuel emissions to decrease by 7 percent in 2020, but we continued to see atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase, by 2.5 ppm, or about 5.3 PgC.
This means that the remaining carbon budget to avoid 1.5 or 2 degrees warming continues to shrink, and that we need to continue to monitor the land, ocean, and atmosphere to understand where fossil fuel CO2 ends up.”
Below are 10 key findings from the most recent report. (Note: the Global Carbon Project team synthesizes a broad range of data, some of which requires time-consuming processing, quality-control, and analysis. While they do report some 2020 numbers,
the most recent full year of data available for others is 2019.)
NASA now has an instrument orbiting Earth that can see major air pollutants
across North America, tracing them down to an exact neighborhood (msn.com)

Due to COVID-19 economic impacts, global fossil CO2 emissions
declined by approximately 2.4 billion metric tons in 2020, a record drop.
Fossil CO2 emissions declined by 11 percent in the European Union, by 12 percent in the United States, by 9 percent in India, and 2 percent in China.
The global atmospheric CO2 concentration rose by 2.5 parts per million (ppm) in 2020 to reach 412 ppm averaged over the year. That puts it 48 percent above pre-industrial levels, 16 percent above 1990 levels, and 3 percent above 2015 levels.
The growth rate in atmospheric CO2 concentration in 2020 was near the 2019 growth rate, despite slightly lower anthropogenic emissions.
The land and oceans combined to absorb more than half of the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere (54 percent in 2020). While this can slow global warming, it leads to ocean acidification.
Total CO2 emissions from human activities (fossil CO2 burning and land-use change) were around 40 billion metric tons in 2020. That compares to 43 billion tons in 2019.
The growth of forests on abandoned farmland removed nearly 11 billion metric tons of CO2 in 2020. However, deforestation caused the equivalent of 16 billion tons of CO2 emissions.
Land-use change emissions rose in 2020, predominantly in tropical regions. These emissions came from several areas, particularly Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia.
Many economic sectors that produce fossil fuel carbon emissions returned to pre-COVID levels by the end of 2020, including the residential and power sectors. One exception was ground transportation, where declines persisted throughout 2020.
Countries have a broad range of per capita emissions reflecting their national circumstances. The United States has the highest per capita emissions.
Five years since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, growth in global fossil CO2 emissions have begun to falter. For the decade prior to 2020 (2010-2019), fossil CO2 emissions were decreasing significantly in 24 countries with growing economies.

The Number 1 factor for Carbon Emissions is the depleted rainforest – Bing video
The Global Carbon Budget is produced by more than 80 researchers working from universities and research institutions in 15 countries. Observations from several NASA satellites, sensors, aircraft, and models were among the sources of information used to formulate the 2020 budget. Sources of information supported by NASA included: the MODIS sensors on Aqua and Terra satellites, the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED), the LPJ land surface carbon exchange model, Landsat, the LUHv2 land-cover change model, the CASA land surface carbon exchange model, ODIAC fossil fuel emissions data, the MERRA-2 reanalysis, the Cooperative Global Atmospheric Data Integration Project, and OCO-2.
Tags: carbon, carbon dioxide, climate
This entry was posted on Thursday, February 11th, 2021 at 4:28 pm and is filed under Climate. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
One Response to “A Checkup for Carbon”
Barry Nichols says:
March 13, 2021 at 10:42 am
If the Mass reaches the weight of the moon or more, the earth will suffer! Pulling on the earth has a lot of affects to the earth. One is our high and low tide, caused by the moon. The moon is not a very big rock. And I would have to say, the moon also pulls on the earths internal liquid called magma which causes the flow to turn the opposite direction our earth is spinning. This in turn, creates our earth’s magnetic field.
So, if you want more earthquakes and severe storms, keep putting space junk (tonnage) in our orbit to pull on the earth. All countries want in on the action. Hell, build motels, space stations, and all kinds of great things on the moon and make it super heavy. See what happens then! It needs to be cleaned up, and found out what’s wrong with our bees.

That Big Brown Cloud Over China – Search (bing.com)
This article is about the Indian Ocean brown cloud.
For China, see Air pollution in China.
Atmospheric Brown Cloud over China
Big Brown Cloud Storm over Asia
The Indian Ocean brown cloud or Asian brown cloud is a layer of air pollution
that recurrently covers parts of South Asia, namely the northern Indian Ocean, India, and Pakistan.[1][2]

Viewed from satellite photos,
The cloud appears as a giant brown stain hanging in the air over much of South Asia and the Indian Ocean every year between October and February, possibly also during earlier and later months. The term was coined in reports from the UNEP Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX). It was found to originate mostly due to farmers burning stubble
in Punjab and to lesser extent Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
The debilitating air quality in Delhi is also due to the stubble burning in Punjab.[3]
The term atmospheric brown cloud is used for a more generic context not specific to the Asian region.[4]
The Asian brown cloud is created by a range of airborne particles and pollutants from combustion (e.g., wood fires, cars, and factories), biomass burning[5] and industrial processes with incomplete burning.[6] The cloud is associated with the winter monsoon (October/November to February/March) during which there is no rain to wash pollutants from the air.[7]
This pollution layer was observed during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) intensive field observation in 1999 and described in the UNEP impact assessment study published 2002.[3] Scientists in India claimed that the Asian Brown cloud is not something specific to Asia.[8] Subsequently, when the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) organized a follow-up international project, the subject of study was renamed the Atmospheric Brown Cloud with focus on Asia.
The cloud was also reported by NASA in 2004[9] and 2007.[10]
Although aerosol particles are generally associated with a global cooling effect,
recent studies have shown that they can actually have a warming effect in certain
regions such as the Himalayas.[11]
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NASA’s TEMPO sends first North American pollution data maps (msn.com)
NASA Shares First Images from US Pollution-Monitoring Instrument | NASA
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“We get 12 years of retirement, and they think that’s too much?” (msn.com)
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As the Climate Crisis Worsens the Trees Might Stop Photosynthesizing | Watch!
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We Want Obama’s Ring of Thieves Executed for Treason.
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Trump speaks on ‘dishonest election’ after arrest – Bing video
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