Signs of End Times

Why gas prices are spiking across the U.S. – Washington Times

Prices at the pump have jumped an average of nearly 30 cents in the last month,
namely due to a rise in crude oil prices, increased global demand, production cuts
in the Middle East and heat waves limiting refining capacity.

The Reason is because democrats are in charge….
Supply & Demand and Democrats have Cut American Production & Supply.
Democrats Have Caused This Inflation of Energy Costs.

1. Killed the Keystone XL Pipeline.
2. Killed Fracking.
3. Killed drilling on Federal Lands.
4. Killed American Energy Independence.
5. Killed America’s Net Exporting Status.
6. Killed America’s Strategic Oil Reserves – selling to China!
7. Killed America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia.
8. Forced American Energy Dependence on Venezuelan Oil.
9, BURDENOMICS that’s destroying the average Americans
10. and now Biden is cutting off Uranium mining Az. Utah.

Am I missing anything?

Barack Obama: America’s Greatest Mistake? (
And this man Bribeden Blind Eyes has already depleted the Strategic Petroleum Reserves which are for Military use only after giving Military ware to Afghanistan and selling the rest to Ukraine … the Strategic Petroleum Reserves were never intended to be used for domestics or foreign use by MASTER JOE.
But he needed to. To keep the pump price down for election purposes…
So, as it stands the US Military can only sustain 10 day’s worth of War before you have to surrender because you have NO FUEL left to run your equipment….and EVERYBODY ON THE PLANET knows this… except his administration…. who are still picking next quarters nail polish colors for the Navy and Air Force!

Because the artificially induced Biden policy of using the SPR has run out and now we’ll head back up to $4.50-5.00. So they can get you to buy EV’S that you can’t afford and cost 60k plus, and essentially use fossil fuel to recharge.

IT’S A SCAM, and you sheeple 🐏 are buying into Marxism 101…..

Marxism 101; always accuse your opponent of what you’re guilty of doing. (Election fraud)

These people are radical Marxist/Communist.

Wake up sheeple. 🐑 You are next. Just saying.

I have never seen so many brown racist prosecutors and judges.

Is this what we’re paying for with affirmative action? (edited)

Does anyone at all still think that this is not?
The biggest politically motivated witch hunt and corruption scam of the century?..
Perhaps millenia..? When are the Republicans going to wake up? Have they not heard the expression “two can play at that game” Where are the Republican prosecutors who could use lawfare to ruin the lives of Democratic party operatives.

Every time they indict a Republican, indict 10 Democrats.
They only do this as they know there will be no response.
They would soon stop doing it.

Georgia’s Fani Willis to indict trump and a dozen other republicans.


John 5:44 “How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from God?” She wants strokes and accolades from her fellow s. eaters, as being the one who brought down the lion. She just doesn’t realize which Lion she’s f’ing with.

“Everyone I talk to in Georgia says she’s funded by George Soros, the left-wing radical billionaire whose son is worse than him, who wants to destroy the United States of America!! Vote GOP because Left wing Democrats have Weaponized everything and never abide by the law and she should be more worried about defending Joe Biden because every day more and more is coming out to prove his criminal activity that the @HouseGOP are exposing to everybody! Joey will be getting impeached sometime in September or October by the House! @AlanPattersonMD

This POS 💩 should defend a real Criminal.

Who will be shown to be Joe Biden and leave Trump alone!!”

Leaked Report Reveals A SECOND Soros-Funded Prosecutor Looking To Arrest Trump?
Fulton County historically on election night has a mass emergency and they stop counting the vote. The next day or two days later they catch up. Election tampering Fani, look at Dominion machine lawsuit results…we see your corruption. What’s in your wallet??  Always Fulton County. I’m sure she knows a lot about the LAW – since she has
broken it herself. 


Documentary Movie! 
2000 Mules is a 2022 American political movie directed by Dinesh D’Souza,
That makes the claim that throughout the 2020 presidential election, unidentified charitable organizations rewarded Democrat-aligned mules to unlawfully gather and save ballots into collection boxes. They were asked to do it in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.

The movie describes the alleged conduct as ballot trafficking with stash residences. Despite the fact that it provides no evidence that votes were illegally collected and placed in drop boxes. Moreover, it provides no claim that any ballots were wrongly thrown.

To reveal the interesting part of the story, you must watch it now:
 2000 Mules – Dinesh D’Souza – Full Movie (

Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Letitia James all have 3 things in common:
1. Black and Work for Government, 2. Hate Trump and this is Another witch hunt. 
3. Never a shortage of angry BLACK Democrat Prosecutors willing to carry water
for the Communist Democrats. I don’t know if it’s only me but do these people have
Mean vicious faces and look like they’re angry people and are just out for revenge!!!

Fani is, Attempting to be the new Stacy Abrams or Corey Bush and will eventually
pay a political price for stupidity. Why aren’t you investigating election fraud in the 2020 election instead? You could be Governor if you were on the Right side of things. Dumb move.

These and future indictments are pure Election interference for the 2024 Election.
It’s unbelievable what’s going on as they keep throwing the book at Trump.
Every day and every week it’s something else and nothing come of it. 

Documentary: The Real Story of January 6 - Global Research
I wish to share the Real Story of what happened on January 6 and
some of the other really informative documentaries out there online.

Documentary: The Real Story of January 6 – Global Research
(This is a shocking & violent Documentary.)

Talk about being willing SLAVES to Nazi Commando George Soros!
Bombshell Report Reveals What January 6 Committee Did with the Evidence (
These people are so desperate they will go as far as manufacturing evidence, remember folks; Who has time to follow all the news? I have a family to take care of. 

Trump? He was the president, who was always right?
Sure, I will do jury duty, I love serving my country… 
We… The jury find the defendant NOT Guilty!! 
And they will lose all control, along with their minds.

Again. I wish to share the Real Story of what happened on January 6 and some of the
other really informative documentaries out there online. (This is a shocking & violent Documentary.) Documentary: The Real Story of January 6 – Global Research Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

The objective of their blitzkrieg on Trump is to convince us.

That none of this will ever be solved until there is blood. And they are trying to provoke this while they still have control of the military and before Trump gets back in office, so they can declare martial law. If we revolt, China, maybe even Russia, comes in to “assist” in suppressing the rebellion. And the new world order is cemented. Keep your head cool.
With a sense of urgency, yes. But pace and patience.

◄ Mark 11:24 ► – Bing video

King James Bible
Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

New King James Version
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

New American Standard Bible
Therefore, I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.

These are dark and devilish times, my friends.

Pray. Believe. Act.


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