She’s had family members perish from it years ago. Her first question to me was
“Why isn’t this all over the news and why isn’t the Alzheimer’s Association talking
about this?”
In my opinion:
The pharmaceuticals are making too much money on the prescriptions so why would they want you to get well. Also, the protocol is probably not covered by insurance and for some people, that’s an issue. For my brother, who passed away in Oct with early onset, my sister-in-law would not consider anything that didn’t come from their MD.
The good news is I’m slowly seeing more and more conventional doctors being open to the Dr. Bredesen protocol. I realize there is No money in it for Big Pharma for us to get and stay healthy without their drugs!!! I have recently had a respected Neurologist
tell me “Good luck with that” when I told him I was APOE 4/4.
Then he said, “it’s not a question of, it’s a question of when”. If we all got healthy without the drugs it would cut his income significantly. She won’t take a multivitamin of any kind and refuses to cook. And both healthy eating and exercise are part of the protocol as well.
I personally used a functional medicine doctor (until he passed) but not from his own Alzheimer’s and he was amazing. He could do with vitamins and minerals what most doctors do with pharmaceuticals!
What’s the best way to answer what they are doing to reverse Alzheimer’s?
It has been a sad situation. But, I think there is progress being made.
I share extra copies of Dr Bredesen’s book, “The End of Alzheimer’s Program” with
my doctor’s and with people I meet dealing with loved ones with Alzheimer’s/Dementia.
My husband passed from Lewy Body Dementia in 2021. We tried and didn’t succeed with the protocol. No regrets. It gave me two extra years with him. We were blessed.
So yes! I spread the blessing that I found “Dr. Bredesen’s protocol.” I purchase used
copies “The End of Alzheimer’s Program” from Thrift Books | www.thriftbooks.com.
I have heard that it takes about 20 years for new trends in health to become mainstream.
Many functional medicine trained practitioners are doing everything possible to reach the broadest possible audience but unfortunately most Americans are still waiting for a pill to cure them.
Allopathic medicine has trained the public to medicate with a drug to alleviate a symptom without sharing studying the combination of medicines and the negative interactions of the drugs. This protocol takes a lot of effort to be consistent and when so many lifestyle changes happen simultaneously it is difficult to pinpoint what exactly was effective even though the combination was powerful.
You bring up some very common views of most people. I can sympathize with them. Getting a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is so scary. We have been trained to trust our doctors and that they know best. For the most part our doctors want to help but they have been trained to treat symptoms and not look for the underlying cause of diseases.
For my mother has Vascular Dementia what works best for her is a healthy breakfast
to start her morning off right. Then she does her morning work chores and takes her breather. Then we take a ride and give her shopping cart therapy to talk to others her
own age, so she realizes others are in the same boat she is in. Word Search Puzzles late after noon and towards evening MeTv and Mash, The Andy Griffith Show, Gomer Pyle, Beverly HillBillies and Green Acres for laughter which gives her a good night sleep.
Music Heals: Sing, Sing, Sing – Peanuts Hucko 1990 Videos
This is from the Apollo Health website. You may find it helpful.
To Our Critics – Apollo Health (apollohealthco.com)
Any thoughts or experience with Fiji water?
Kim Taylor
There’s some pretty strong evidence to say that removes heavy metals from the body.
I drink about a bottle a day ($3 a bottle in my country ) . I only drink it for 10 -12 weeks
then repeat again after a few months. Shouldn’t need it every day of the year .
Stacy Nordquist Author
Kim Taylor Do you notice any physical or mental differences when you are drinking it.
Kim TaylorStacy Nordquist Not really. I take so many supplements and I don’t really think about whether I feel differently. I think of it like getting your car serviced. It doesn’t really run any better but you know that you are taking care of the engine !
RL Optimal Health Admin
In all my training with Dr. Bredesen, I have never heard him mention Fuji water.
If someone is concerned with heavy metals, I would get a heavy metals test done
by a company like Quicksilver. Dr. Bredesen recommends their Mercury Tri-Test
with Heavy Metals.
I don’t think Fuji water can hurt.
I personally don’t drink it because of the plastic container.
RL Optimal Health Admin
Wendy Box it’s a common test among functional medicine practitioners. You could always find a different practitioner. I can order the test for my clients. I’m not a doctor and cannot diagnose. I meet with the lab on behalf of my client and go over their results so I can educate them and help them self-treat if they decide to do so.
Tracy Kay
My husband and I drink one Liter each per day. My husband follows Bredesen AND drinks Fiji water and has Alzheimers. He has seen improvement over 2 years (couldn’t work, but now he can…had emotional outbursts, now he doesn’t). There is no way to say which single thing helped him. I haven’t noticed any difference but I don’t have any cognitive deficits.
Whether aluminum causes alzheimers or not, it’s not good for you…..there are plenty of studies showing silica water decreases aluminum so we use it. As for price….It’s a little less than. $2 per day. If I were worried about the money, before I gave up Fiji I would do all kinds of other things to save $2 per day: turn my thermostat down a couple degrees, buy fewer new clothes, give up coffee, take a stay-cation instead of a va-cation.
Downgraded my cell phone plan and kept my old cell phone for longer before replacing, skipped the pay-per-view, canceled Netflix, bike to the store instead of driving………..
I’d do all that before I gave up Fiji if I were personally worried about the $2.
I believe it’s the right thing for my health and my husband’s. So, I obviously am not that worried about the price. I am sure if you aren’t convinced then it might seem pretty pricey.
The Truth About Fiji Water (mashed.com)
NOTE: When you drink Bottled Water Know the Test Results of Your Brand.
Fiji water? I have read that it has value as a detoxifying agent but many of the posts also refer to it clearing aluminum and I think I remember Dr. Bredesen saying that aluminum has not been proven to be a causative agent in Alzheimer’s. FIJI Water PH Test – YouTube
Let Me Show You the Real Truth About Fiji Water – YouTube
If you would like to check out pH Levels of your favorite bottled water,
chances are also LaPrentiss Demond – YouTube has made a video on it!
LaPrentiss runs an accurate test 4 drops and blows into it!!!
Tested the pH of Every Bottled Water
Analyzing & Comparing Brands of Bottled Water (alkalinewaterplus.com)
Bottled Water Study: Preliminary Results – Simple Lab Tap Score (mytapscore.com)
Sherry Burnside Eldridge
I drink steam distilled water.
I have been drinking it for years,
I don’t remember exactly why.

Crystal Maxwell It’s the silica in the water. You can make your own at home.
There’s a recipe, just google “silicade Dennis Crouse PhD” – Search (bing.com)
Kimberly Tronoski
I started drinking Fiji water after reading about a study of the positive benefits on cognitive function after 13 weeks of use. I don’t like the fact that it is in a plastic bottle,
but at least the bottle is BPA free and I feel like the benefits of the Fiji outweigh the risk. Walmart has the best price in my area.
Stacy Nordquist my husband, believes exercise and sleep helps him the most.
But….who knows for certain?
Katie Maria Sandoval Meade
Ideally water needs to be in a glass bottle, not a plastic bottle, ideally it needs
to be mineral / spring water, or at least filtered tap water to reduce contaminants.
RL Optimal Health
Admin · Follow We never get too old to be passionate about something. Having purpose and meaning in life is critical for our brain health. When we think about the Bredesen 7 strategy Brain Stimulation – Search (bing.com) we often neglect the purpose part.
I always like to bring everyone back to the fundamentals of the program:
KetoFlex12/3 – Search (bing.com)
Stress Management
Restorative Sleep
Brain Stimulation
I’m not saying Fiji water isn’t good for you, but I am saying let’s not think there is one magic bullet for Alzheimer’s. We are all guilty of trying to find the path of least resistance. We’ve been trained by the medical system to take a pill for what ails us. The Bredesen Protocol calls for us to also take personal responsibility for our health, which isn’t easy.
For those of you that find Fuji water helpful…that’s great! I just want to make sure that those who are new to the protocol understand it’s the 7 strategies implemented together that will give you the best results.
And a supplement CurcuminMD® Plus – With Boswellia Serrata | 1MD Nutrition™
The above was written in a spirit of respect and love

Stacy Nordquist Author
RL Optimal Health Well yes. However, if you believe the studies on Fiji water it would be part of the program as it would be a detoxing agent and also provide hydration which is so important to everyone. I, like you, had not used it because the bottles are plastic, however,
I understand they are free of BPA.
Thought for the day:
There’s a trait that separates people who reach their goals from those who struggle.
It’s not talent, luck, or genetics (although those things don’t hurt). This trait does more than just help you reach your health goals. It also helps you in your career, and it also plays a role in being a better caregiver and/or spouse.
It’s mental toughness — aka personal responsibility and accountability — and it’s something you can get better at over time. Here’s a quote to keep in mind: The oak tree fought the wind and was broken, but the willow tree bent and survived. ~ Robert Jordan
Eating Plans That Lead to Longer Lifespans Have One Thing in Common (msn.com)
Aging: 15 Aspects You’ll Eventually Grow To Dislike, Regardless of Your Preferences.
People with the longest life span have 2 common traits – It’s not dieting or exercise.
Forced Maturity: 18 Habits We Dropped in Our 40s in the Name of ‘Growing Up’
The Curious Personality Changes of Older Age (msn.com)
Keep going…one day at a time. Fight it.