@petahjaneishere | Healing through Mind, Body Within Spirit!!!
Some of you might remember the old me:
the new age girl full of Luciferian concepts,
ideas, false doctrine and deceptive practices.
Worshipping the creation and not the Creator.
I didn’t know. I was saved on 8.8.2020, by the Grace of our Heavenly Father:
a walking miracle where he literally changed my heart and made me new again.
I threw away all my tools, oracle decks, cards, and practices entirely.
Mind body and Spirit – I’m not the same and never will be.
He leaves the 99 and comes after the 1. I know, I’m living proof.
God is so good
God created nature. Nature cannot create itself, that is impossible and absurd.
God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. The bible is a LITERAL account
of everything that has occurred – 2000 years ago, 2000 years before it (the flood)
and roughly 2,000 years before the flood when God created heaven and the Earth.
Nature does not Need Worship, and neither does the Creator.
Nature and Creator are one and the same.
A truly All-Powerful (Omnipotent) God could not Need or Want Anything.
Only Tyrants have a Need and a Demand for Subjugation and Worship.
Contradiction cannot also be Truth.
Literal meaning exactly as it was stated – that’s the miracle. I didn’t believe it either.
Then God saved me, through grace and I was able to see and believe and it was a lot.
I had no intention or desire to be saved. It wasn’t on a to do list.
I had an attitude very similar to yours. He created the world –
God rested (paused, stopped) after the 6th day.
As one day is a thousand years to the Lord, that’s 6,000 years –
it’s not that hard to comprehend, though his infinitude is.
WE were made in his likeness – did you ever figure that?
He is emotional, he gets angry, he’s powerfully loving and full of wrath.
Just like us, what’s more he stated, ‘No other Gods before me,
as I am a jealous god’. Imagine that? Just like us. But not us.
We can never be him.
And he cares, my goodness how much he cares.
A Question Of Faith – Petah-Jane
This is the man who helped me after Jesus saved me.
Listen to Both Parts. He has taught me plenty.
Believe it or Not Part 1 John McArthur – Search (bing.com)
Believe it or Not Part 2 John McArthur – Search (bing.com)
You are free to believe whatever you choose and live accordingly.
My God does not Need nor demand Worship of me. My God is Omnipotent.
Subjugation is not Liberty. I choose the God of Nature and of Liberty
as Thomas Jefferson described in America’s Declaration of Independence.
The mystery of life documentary – Search (bing.com)
Nature and the creator are not the same. How could nature create itself?
We worship God because he created us to worship him. He doesn’t need anything
we do or have. But it is his joy when we recognize him and subject ourselves to him.
“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve,
but a reality to experience.” ― Frank Herbert
God & Nature are One and the Same.
Omnipotence cannot Need to be Worshiped.
Nature and the God of and within all of Nature
doesn’t Need Anything.
The Bible is a Book of Metaphor not to be taken Literally.
Do you believe Omnipotent God needed to Rest after six Days of Work? Please
Some of you might remember the old me: the new age girl full of Luciferian concepts,
ideas, false doctrine and deceptive practices.
Worshipping the creation and not the Creator.
I didn’t know. I was saved on 8.8.2020, by the Grace of our Heavenly Father:
a walking miracle where he literally changed my heart and made me new again.
I threw away all my tools, oracle decks, cards, and practices entirely.
Mind body and Spirit – I’m not the same and never will be.
God is good and yes he leaves the 99 for the one who strays.
Bless you, He leaves the 99 and comes after the 0ne.
I know, I’m living proof. God is good…Praise God!
Jesus said, ” I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence
of angels of God over one sinner who repents.” LUKE 15:10
Nature does not Need Worship, and neither does the Creator.
Nature and Creator are one and the same.
A truly All-Powerful (Omnipotent) God could not Need or Want Anything.
Only Tyrants have a Need and a Demand for Subjugation and Worship.
Contradiction cannot also be Truth. What an awesome testimony!
Now do you see that we are in a struggle between “Light” & “Dark” ?
With Whom Believes This Joker:
Biden attacks news outlets for ‘lies of conspiracy and malice’ (msn.com)
He came to set the captives free’ by Doctor Rebecca Brown. – Bing video ….
Talks about how satanism infiltrated the healthcare system in the US and how
a Christian doctor was able to help a patient turn to Christ. Fascinating testimony.
One of my favorite verses of scripture…to finish it… “the life I now live,
I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Christ Liveth in Me –Hymn 507 – YouTube
Praise Jesus!!! It’s a miracle God transforms us from darkness to light.
Use any/all there as you can apply in life. SHALOM
The Holy Spirit came to me that day and said ‘It’s time’… I knew it was coming.
And slowly we went through everything. It was a very powerful, enlightening,
empowering, sobering experience, and boy it felt better when it was all gone.
May God’s blessings continue to be upon you and your family and
keep you as you journey with Him.
Wishing God’s continued faithfulness in your walk to bring you peace and comfort
Amen and Hallelujah
Great! Very happy for you. I know when I met Jesus.
(After my big sister was praying that I would)!!!
My life was so much better.
Robin D Bullock teaches us about God being absolutely good!
When you hear him teaching this jarring revelation will rock you.
So many Christians grew up thinking God punishes us and that’s why
so many things happen, people die, lives are wrecked but it isn’t by God.
When I am chased by Satan,
I say a prayer and flick him off my shoulder.
I know He can’t touch me in God’s protection.
I never have to be ‘afraid’ any longer about things that go on around me.
Did you know that
the Trinity is a Catholic Church Doctrine man made?
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and His Son.
Not 3 but 2. 1Corin 8:6, John 14:18.
There are many verses that only speak of 2 divine beings.
Satan doesn’t want you 2 know this…. ???
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.
It is the Spirit who brings conviction to the unbeliever and causes him to see the truth
of the gospel in a clear light. 12 Those who respond to this conviction and place their faith
in Jesus Christ receive eternal life and a new nature. 13 The Holy Spirit unites the believer with Christ and places him in the body of Christ, the church. 14 He unites the believer with Christ in His death, enabling him to live victoriously over sin. 15 . The Holy Spirit controls the believer who yields to God and submits himself to God’s Word. 16 When the conditions are met, the believer lives in the power of the Spirit and produces the fruit of the Spirit. 17
This New age is nicely repackaged satanism.
Jesus is not documented in history anywhere — there are no first-hand accounts.
The so-called “New Testament” is Greek Hellenism with a tinge of Jewishness for
glommed-on authenticity.
The New Testament is a collection of Christian texts originally written
in the Koine Greek language, at different times by various authors.
The 27-book New Testament was first formally canonized during the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) in North Africa 1. The earliest known complete list of the 27 books is found in a letter written by Athanasius, a 4th-century bishop of Alexandria,
dated to 367 AD 1.
There is no scholarly consensus on the date of composition of the latest New Testament.
Some scholars date some New Testament texts much later than this; Richard Pervo dated Luke–Acts. 115 AD, and David Trobisch places Acts in the mid-to-late second century 1
The opinions & hypotheses of scholars vary widely regarding
when the New Testament was written or first recorded 2.
So. Jesus is not documented in history anywhere is absolutely totally and infallibly INCORRECT… all scholars agree he exists in omnipresence within all religion,
his spirit is with us from other faiths. So many are being given God’s grace to wake up.
AND WE ALL have so much to learn!!! Be Kind Indeed
‘Go Rest High on That Mountain’ was made famous by Vince Gill back in the 1990s.
He started writing the song in 1989 after the death of fellow country artist Keith Whitley.
Despite being inspired to write down the lyrics, it would take years before Vince was able to finally finish the special tune. Once the song was released, it quickly climbed to the top of the music charts.
Carrie Underwood Performs “Go Rest High On That Mountain” feat. Vince Gill.
‘Go Rest High on That Mountain’ went on to win 2 Grammy awards and the Country Music Association’s Song of the Year award in 1996. Over the years, the lyrics of the song have provided peace and comfort to many hearts around the world. Carrie Underwood is putting her own spin on this Vince Gill classic for the CMT Giants special.