Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed
destined to be certain failure. ~ Benjamin Disraeli
Whose agenda is worse – China’s, or the US Deep State’s?
SO, stop ordering Chinese take-out! (edited)
The Deep State does the work of its father, the Bilderbergs.
The Bilderbergs and their WEF and corporate “partners” (like Blackrock for example)
are together the Beast of Revelation 13. And the immoral Western governments led by the Leftist US government and its Deep State agencies are together with the False Prophet of Revelation 13, trying to force the Beast’s agenda on the Western nations under their control. All evil roads we’re seeing today in the West lead back to the Bilderberg Beast mafia and its False Prophet enforcers.
It’s all simply-explained right here, Verse-by-Verse: REVELATION 13 –
IS HAPPENING NOW ! – by Anonymous (substack.com)
Trump is the ONLY candidate that has the desire, motivation, and more importantly,
the ability to ‘right’ all of Biden’s wrongs on day one, Rep. Greg Steube.
Trump is the only one that will ‘right’ all of Biden’s wrongs on day one: Rep. Greg Steube
Democrats led by Biden beholding to the CCP is transparently and obviously a need to pay back for all the niceties given to most Democrats by the CCP. ONE PAYS THEIR DEBTS AND BEACHFRONT HOMES ARE NOT CHEAP.
It doesn’t matter at this point Obama & Biden sold the country out already the dems are trying to figure out how to get their slaves to be obedient at this point.
US politicians paid by China to ignore the advance of their agenda. No warning necessary if politicians would honor their oaths of office. Nikki Haley blasts Biden as ‘weakest president in modern history’ after re-election announcement (msn.com)
Criminals are most comfortable with other criminals.
WE Must Get out and vote, vote with such high numbers
that democrats will be unable to compete.
Lose elections, lose the common man’s hope.
On April 22 scientists showed all the facts,
Told the truth about Yellowstone, what will happen to it in the coming years!
this information was important for all people on the planet earth, because if
Yellowstone becomes active, it will synchronize Super volcanoes around the world.
Global Crisis. There is a Way Out | International Online Forum. April 22nd, 2023 (rumble.com) #ripplenews #china #politics #politicans #whitehouse #congress #congressman #republicans #democrats #tuckercarlson
FOX is always behind the curve. I saw this 4 days ago!
Miles Guo is IN Jail with NO bond & these CHINESE CRIMINAL SPIES are OUT.
Miles Guo is a GOOD man who has worked for DECADES to TAKE DOWN THE COMMUNIST CHINESE PARTY. DO not confuse the CCP with the GOOD PEOPLE of China who are being held, JUST LIKE WE WILL BE HERE, if we DO NOT STOP the Left at the ballot box in 2024. I just pray we HAVE a Republic to put back together with the L working OVERTIME to RUIN America. If you wish to SURVIVE, you had better LEARN TO DISOBEY ALL of those on the Left. Is it the moment to refuse to work for traitors directly or indirectly instead of thinking that we small people can’t do anything at all?
They are good at intimidation, dividing us —ordinary people.
Without our work and support, what can they do themselves?
We the people, don’t live on our knees for commie NutJobs!
兴国 on GETTR: 40 years later, another legendary hero, Miles Guo,
not only kept exposing CCP like Yuri Bezmenov as the most trusted
information center today…https://gettr.com/post/p2d440i2d3…
Miles Stated! THEY already have a Military Force in this COUNTRY!
THEY walk right across the SOUTHERN BORDER and are in the COLLEGES!
350000 OF them are so CALLED STUDENTS!
Americans should get familiar with a term called “United front (China) – Wikipedia”
which is part of the Communist China’s strategy to infiltrate western societies.
CCP’s two recently expo #secretpolicestations were operating under the disguise
of Hometown Association which is part of the #united_front_organization
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This is due to Biden’s kissing of China’s asses, starting with Xi.
Biden is bought and paid by China. While our government does? NOTHING!
To Republican Rinos, it is more important to keep Biden doing what he is doing
rather than court-martialing him for TREASON.
Does Biden draw social security – Search (bing.com)
Think about that, you cowards!
They allowed Biden to bring Chinese Nationals in our country to infiltrate attacks in
sync with their agenda. Biden must be stopped, or Reps will be putting us in peril!
We have never seen such a group of corrupt leadership in American History.
The same applies to Putin’s war in the Ukraine….it’s got nothing to do with
the Russian people and genocide of a Sovereign country – Search (bing.com)
Another thing that few know about is that on Jan 6, 2017,
Jeh Johnson, under Obama, placed all 8000 election jurisdictions in the states
under DHS control with the pretext of preventing “Russian interference in elections.”
That explains 2020 and the campaign to go after those who questioned the elections.
We need to bring attention to this. This is unconstitutional and also why haven’t
Republican election lawyers gone after this. Or Congress?
Every day we learn more about the tyranny of the Dems and
the secret underhanded way they go about it. But then, Joe is going
to run again to save this democracy from MAGA, so there’s nothing
to worry about. Not much of a secret if they can be located on a map.
The secret ones are those that still have not been identified!
As our DOJ – Department of (Xi) Jinping, sit still and does nothing!
1. Repossess all property & assets owned by the CCP in the US
2. Prohibit Wall Street from investing in CCP companies.
3. Stop federal funding for colleges that take money from China
4. Expose Congress members who get money from CCP partners like Sequoia.
5. Begin decoupling from China with stopping sourcing of pharmaceuticals from China.
6. Defund NGOs involved in illegal immigration and fentanyl flow.
China Has Taken a Very Different Path: Clegg – Search (bing.com)
Nick Clegg, Meta President, Global Affairs discusses the future of AI and shares his view on Tik Tok. He speaks with David Westin on “Wall Street Week Daily.” Follow Bloomberg for business news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more: http://www.bloomberg.com Connect with us on… Twitter: https://twitter.com/business
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robotic customer service.
They refused to communicate with the robots that are increasingly replacing humans
in many areas of medical care. ALSO TAKE DOWN THE CCP and their hospital
Which will soon be here?
The Communist China has set up 102 #secretpolicestations in 53 countries.
Federal investigators said setting up the facility (CCP CHINA police station in the U.S)
was a flagrant violation of U.S. sovereignty, with Brooklyn U.S. attorney Breon Peace
likening it to the New York Police Department opening a secret outpost in China.
“It would be unthinkable,” he said at a press conference 17 Apr 2023.
The CCP has set up 102 overseas police stations in 53 countries around the world.
Why something so unacceptable can be so common? DHS (United States Homeland Security) head Alejandro Mayorkas said he had directed a “90-day department-wide sprint to assess how the threats posed by the PRC will evolve and how we can be best positioned to guard against future manifestations of this threat”.
Everything is just beginning! #sureme1
Eden Voice on GETTR: Federal investigators said setting up the facility
(CCP CHINA police station in the U.S) was a flagrant violation of U.S. sovereignty,
Of course, there had to be one in TX right under the nose of Chamber of Commerce RINO Abbott! What a surprise – NOT! ..ex cia agent Andrew Bustimante says that once america has been supplanted by the ccp the safest place for americans is outside of america…for once supplicated, americans will be systematically exterminated, and no one will even know it…
Today I finished reading Malachi.
Among other things, he emphasizes the importance of the law given through Moses,
which are the statutes and judgments. It reminds us that He does not change and is a
swift witness against those who pervert the rights of orphans, widows and strangers.
Who wants to hear a: I don’t know you, as soon as I die? Biden’s energy secretary makes ‘important admission’ over US money flow to China after being pressed by GOP senators,
‘Parents, do you agree?’
Biden alarms with assertion there’s ‘no such thing as someone else’s child’ (msn.com)
Here’s what happened during the last solar maximum and what to expect from this one.
More than 80 Ukrainian and Russian POWs released, some show signs of torture.
Abrams: Why is the WH press secretary having so much trouble? (msn.com)
Florida man gets prison term for role in attack on Capitol (msn.com)
WATCH: This Video surfaced of Schumer ordering Murdoch to silence Tucker Carlson, new details emerge on firing. https://dennismichaellynch.com/watch-videos-resurface-of-schumer-ordering-murdoch-to-silence-tucker-carlson-new-details-emerge-on-firing/
When I was about five, I noticed a girl “asleep” in the garden.
When I told my dad, his face went white and he grew hesitant….
It was only years later that he told me the whole story. (msn.com)
Jesus will always be the reason why men have fallen & will fall throughout history. (extracted from my EBD study magazine – Search (bing.com)
This boy is set for the fall and for the elevation of many in Israel,
and as a sign of contradiction. Lc. 2.34 There is no China agenda.
which is to be the world’s greatest vermin, pest and parasite, sucking
the resources and wealth of all the nations of the world.
The CCP’s agenda towards the West is so blatantly obvious a 5yr old can spot it!
How many more spy balloons and CCP police stations will it take to wake people up?
You will notice that I refer only to the CCP because China is a “Slave State” and its people have got nothing to do with any of this. It’s 100% the gangster organization called the CCP.
It seems that there is no way out for the United States and Brazil, both countries are going to have a civil war, so that the American people expel these communist leftists from our countries once and for all. What the hell does China have any business arresting Americans for in our country? Send them back to China like now! What do you expect, we have had open borders for over 2 years now and there is NO telling who or what came in?
This is due to Biden’s kissing of China’s asses, starting with Xi. Biden is bought by China.
What does our government do? NOTHING! To Republicans, it is more important to keep
Biden doing what he is doing rather than court-martialing him for TREASON.
President Trump’ Warning politician’s about China?
Have they ever even listened to one of the thousand past speeches given by
him over the last 6 years warning us all.. exactly about what is taking place now.
Meanwhile… Why is this so FUCKING HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!!….. WHY?! $113+ BILLION for Corrupt Ukraine!
Loan Bailouts!
$0.00 for Securing Schools?!
13579 plan of the Chinese Communist Party. – Search (bing.com)
Confucius Centers still active on American campuses…They’re dug in deep ppl!!!
China/Russia May Invade United States w/Dem Blessings – TCO Political News – Intelligence and Journalism (data.blog)
A Fox News report. Take a look at the globalist CCP loving traitors to the USA
that sit on the Board of Murdock’s empire. This is a feeble attempt to save face
after firing Tucker Carlson who would have been all over this story.
They are foreign armed hostile invaders operating on American soil
attempting to undermine the rights and privileges of our people.
How to face the deaths of the young people caused by the CCP in Hongkong?!
Because it’s a betrayal against humanity?! Plus, the Uighur & Ukraine Genocides
and so many more were killed Globally by the release of the Covid by the CCP.
I’m fairly certain the Constitution authorizes us to shoot them on sight. (edited)
Tucker Carlson breaks his silence after shock firing from Fox News (msn.com)
US politicians??? You mean the asshole traitors who China has in their pocket?
Those people? How about this and I know it’s a weird concept for you guys.
BUT how about you do your jobs pass legislation FOR the American people,
secure the border, stop the spread of fentanyl support police so they can do
their job and here’s the kicker guys.
YOU can stop China you can pass legislation you could pass laws so many things,
oh that’s right your all bought and paid for China owns you, you work for China.
Traitors!! (edited) ‘Wow!’ Morning Joe Stunned by Russian Foreign Minister’s
Comments on Tucker Carlson’s Ouster from Fox News (msn.com)
Kari Lake Torches Fox News for Being ‘In Bed With the Left,’ Literally Begs Tucker Carlson to Come Back in Some Way (msn.com)
‘Weaponized Against Me’: Fauci Tries To Defend Inconsistent Record On ‘Herd Immunity’.
673 university professors sign letter opposing courses on America’s founding, Constitution.
US to send nuclear ballistic submarines to South Korea as part of landmark deal.
Senate GOP slams ‘perverse’ Biden rule forcing people with good credit to subsidize high-risk mortgages (msn.com)
This article is bullshit …it’s DemocRat Big Spending.
Opinions | The 40-year path that left the GOP unable to balance the budget (msn.com)
Biden’s Labor pick would turn America into one big California mess (msn.com)
McCarthy’s debt-ceiling bill tests unity of U.S. House Republicans (msn.com)
The 2024 race won’t be like 2020. That’s good and bad for Biden (msn.com)
Putin’s True Motive for Ukraine Invasion Revealed in Report (msn.com)
Heritage Guide to the Constitution
At least in Europe someone realizes that the West is utterly dependent on Chinese manufacturing and if the Biden clown show pisses the Chinese off sufficiently the West will suffer big time. As they have exported all their polluting non #netstupid manufacturing processes to China and India.
Can’t virtue signal over Net Zero if we have to manufacture in the West. Haha this video