Harry Hoxsey “You Don’t Have To Die” : John Burns UMOJA Research : Internet Archive
It is very likely that you have stumbled upon this blog because
A-You have been diagnosed with Cancer, or
B-You know someone who has been diagnosed with Cancer.
Home – Our Cancer Journey and the Path to Healing (mashageorgiev.com)
First off, thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to read what I have written and watch my videos on my YouTube Channel. I try to make things short and simple and to the point as much as possible so I hope that is what you get out of this whole blog.
Now onto the big question that lies in this blog post.
Should you use chemo as your Cancer treatment?
The answer is – THERE IS NO ANSWER! That is the simple truth. No one can say for sure whether you should or should not use it for a certainty. But in this blog post I will share a little about why we ARE using a form of chemotherapy in our treatment protocol.
Initially upon getting a cancer diagnosis we started doing loads and loads of research,
and had absolutely NO DESIRE to do any chemotherapy treatment. We were told that
Filip’s cancer is relatively pretty slow growing, and people can live with it for years.
That made us think that we had pretty good chances of hitting this thing with all the natural therapies and treatments that we can find! We stumbled upon Chris Wark
and his whole “Chris Beat Cancer” movement along with several Facebook Groups
like the FenBen Group and the “How to Starve Cancer“, and Hoxsey Group
where people were getting amazing results and were actually beating cancer!
Immediately we knew this is the way we wanted to go!
I highly encourage everyone to be in those group and
read their stories and protocols.
They are super informative and very encouraging!
However, Filip’s cancer was spreading much faster than expected. Just 2 months after his initial diagnosis his cancer had spread to his spine and a tumor was pressing on his spinal cord resulting in decreased sensation in the lower extremities (legs) and below the waist, and unsteady gait. We realized that his cancer needed to be knocked down so to speak.
Our Oncologist Dr. Pommier at OHSU recommended we start some serious chemo called Cisplatin and Etoposide along with targeted radiation to the spine to stop the tumor from progressing thereby alleviating the pressure on the spinal cord. Seeing that Filip was not doing well at that time, we agreed and felt that we had no choice and this was our only hope. Maybe it was. But this chemo was way worse than anyone told us.
It almost killed Filip. We were literally sent home with Hospice to die. That was their prognosis after just 1 Chemotherapy treatment and 7 radiation treatments to the spine. Filip spent a total of 2 weeks in the hospital and then was sent home.
Being sent home was exactly what we needed! Hospice provided all the medical
equipment that we needed and being home was the perfect environment for recovery.
After around 2 weeks on Hospice, we fired them, and signed up with Home Health.
Filip kept saying “But I just don’t feel like I am dying!”
Despite being told by the doctors at OHSU (not our oncologist) that he is dying over and over again. I will make a more detailed video documenting our hospitalization experience and why we made the choices that we did.
But this post is about Chemotherapy. The first chemo that Filip got was terrible and not for Filip. (Although I have read multiple accounts of people receiving this same chemo
and almost not feeling bad so this is strictly Filip’s experience). After around 2 month of recovering at home and doing all of our protocols (FenBen, Hoxsey, Valasta, Juicing, etc.) we got a CT scan which showed the tumors had grown.
It was only a few millimeters of growth but nevertheless it had grown.
(BTW a tumor will grow a little bit when it is dying as a result of all the inflammation
that surrounds it, so that size increase could have been a result of it dying especially
since starting Valasta, but we cannot know for sure).
Our Oncologist said that Filip is doing well enough to
try a low dose Oral Chemo called CAPTEM.
It is also two different chemo’s consisting of 2 different oral pills
taken for 14 days and then taking 14 days off. He explained that it is much milder
than the previous Chemo and has had great success with Neuroendocrine Cancers.
So, we agreed to try it.
3 months later we had a CT scan which showed amazing results!
View my update video here. To the medical professionals it would seem the CAPTEM is clearly doing its job and killing the cancer! – MAYBE! –
But maybe it’s the Valasta? Or the Juicing? Or the Hoxsey? Or FenBen?
OR MAYBE IT’S ALL OF IT?!! Again, we just cannot say for sure.
What we can say is that we feel that THESE THINGS WORK!
And therefore, we will continue.
We absolutely HATE the idea of putting toxic chemo into Filip’s body,
but I have heard of accounts of people on the Hoxsey Group saying they had to
get some chemo to knock down the cancer, and then the herbs take over and do
the rest. We hope that is what is happening in our case. Time will tell.
NATURAL CANCER TREATMENT | Our trip to a clinic in Mexico
Watch: https://youtu.be/MgVIokmgvjQ

Thank you for watching, please don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE!
It really helps to spread the word about this amazing place! Read our story here www.mashageorgiev.com Follow us on IG here: @filipandmasha Masha Georgiev | Facebook Watch our adventure channel here: @filipandmasha One of the more popular topics in natural cancer therapy is the Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana, Baja California

Hello, questions about hoxsey treatment? When a person goes through the hoxsey treatment, does the person get exhausted/ extreme fatigue? Also, does it affect sleep?
My dad is going through Hoxsey treatment, and he has both the symptoms …please
share if anybody had these symptoms and then felt better after some time.
Thank you so much.
Top comments
Brenda Polston Be sure he is drinking lots of water. And put some lemon in it.
Masha Georgiev My hubby is doing Hoxsey and high dose melatonin
not just for sleep but for many other benefits.
Research it but melatonin 10mg generally seems to be ok

Luciana Filippelli McCartney Yes, that is part of the Herx reaction….
he is detoxing. It will improve over time.