has been continuously confirmed in the U.S.
Watch: a KGB defector’s mid-1980s interview
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America – YouTube
(If you don’t want to watch the video, the transcript is here.)
Watch this or just listen to a video of Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector to Canada, who came to love America and tried to warn Americans about the KGB’s plans. Listening to him is eerie because he spelled out in detail exactly what the Soviet Union was doing — it wasn’t planning to take America down through the military.
Instead, it intended to destroy America from within by infiltrating the education system, three generations of young people to hate this country and each other and then watching them go forth and plant the seeds of self-loathing throughout the nation.
When it came to understanding how the Soviet Union operated, Bezmenov was the
real deal. His father was a high-ranking army officer, so Bezmenov was raised inside the system. He went to KGB schools and worked for the KGB for a decade until he defected to the West, eventually landing in Canada. In the 1980s, Bezmenov was able to move to Los Angeles, where he lived for five years.
It was in L.A., in 1984 or 1985, that he gave an interview to G. Edward Griffin, a conservative writer and thinker. During the interview, Bezmenov explained that the Soviet Union was not interested in fighting America. It was interested, instead, in co-opting it through psychological warfare. It is in that interview that you’ll see above.
An organized thinker, Bezmenov stated the core principles of his talk in the open minute of the video: But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about fifteen percent of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other eighty-five percent is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures, or psychological warfare.
What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite an abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their family, their community and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages. The first one being demoralization.
It takes from fifteen to twenty years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years?
Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate a generation of
students in the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the enemy.
In other words, Marxism, Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads
of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or
contra-balanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.
A KGB fled to the U.S. 40 years ago, – Search (bing.com)
39 years later, Miles Guo, another hero who kept exposing CCP, was arrested by the FBI, DOJ…… Miles Guo not only kept exposing CCP as a trusted information center, but also united all freedom-loving Chinese to destroy CCP. Who are involved in arresting Mr. Guo, as a #1 saboteur of CCP, absolutely like what the KGB said , are helping CCP because of greed or stupidity. All traitors in the US should watch this Video to know how their end, once CCP achieves their goals, The CCP will kill them like cockroaches because they knew too much.
But all of us, ordinary people can only accept to be a slave to be killed and humiliated.
40 years later, Miles Guo, another hero who kept exposing CCP, was arrested by the FBI, DOJ… Miles Guo not only kept exposing the CCP as a trusted information center, but also united all freedom-loving Chinese to destroy the CCP.
Who is involved in arresting Mr. Guo, as a #1 saboteur of CCP, absolutely like what the KGB said, is helping CCP because of greed or stupidity.
Look if those Dems, leftist and radicals wouldn’t be so insistent in FxxKin up Trump’s life.
Knowingly that one of the top Chinese at the lab, informed the regime of the leak. Instead of sending a world alert, they imprisoned the scientist and hushed the virus as long as they could. There’s no question about it. Fauci has GOUT in both hands and probably from drinking alcohol…because committing crimes against humanity and genocide for profits can be a very stressful and guilt-ridden endeavor…
Prince Li: If the Congress really wants to find out the origin of the CCP virus,
I suggest that the U.S. Congress and the U.S. government investigate the relationship between Anthony Fauci and Wang Yanyi, the director general of the Wuhan Institute
of Virology. They have a very intimate relationship!
0bama gave Wuhan a Grant – Search (bing.com)
Have you noticed several big stores closing down in your city?
You can thank this smooth-talking Devil for what’s going on in our country, and the world right now. Well, this isn’t just happening around your area but around the whole country.
Several big stores are about to shut down this year, and many want to know why.
Big stores such as Macy’s and J.C.Penny have been struggling ever since the pandemic,
and now that the economy is not looking good, these companies are starting to shut down stores all over the country.
Several big-name stores are now switching to online sales as the internet has taken over everything as everybody started ordering things online due to the pandemic. Some of these big stores have been around forever, so it would be sad to see them go. So if you want to see what big stores are about to shut down this year then stick around.
Turn around is fair play stick the juice to that old decrepit mad scientist.
I think it is HIGH time that F U Fauchi ‘Actually’ be given the Death Jab &
at Least 3 Boosters! I believe in appropriate consequences for your actions!!
He forced this on the World… Now Let Him Be Given the REAL Vax!
(Because we all know he Never took it!)
A video deposition given by Dr. Anthony Fauci has been released publicly.
Video Deposition of Fauci in Gov. Censorship Case Released Publicly | Newsmax.com
Fauci Lied & Children Died: Secret CDC Documents confirm 120k Children, Teens & Young Adults ‘Died Suddenly’ in the US by Oct. 2022 after
“Emergency” Use Authorization’ of Covid Vaccines – The Expose (expose-news.com)
#Fauci Lied & #Children Died: Secret #CDC
Documents confirm 120k Children, Teens & Young Adults ‘Died Suddenly’ in the US by Oct. 2022 after ‘“Emergency”
Use Authorization’ of #Covid #Vaccines After that he might have a few months left on this earth, before the Bioweapon He Helped Create takes Him to Meet w/ God & His Eternal Damnation! Pure Justice!
This is all by design. He was The Destroyer.
There’s no justice until this POS is indicted, tried
and sentenced for his crimes against America.
Should have listened when he said he wanted to fundamentally transform America.
I always knew and know this guy is evil to the core with his pure hatred of the US.
His contempt for American blacks was obvious.
I’d go further than that. Damn right !!!
MOST of our socio-economic-international problems began with this joker.
and his 110 page communist manifesto – Search (bing.com)
“Dilbert Reborn” now exclusively on http://Scottadams.locals.com.
(Subscription) with lots more content.
EXPOSING CORRUPTION & UNITING US on Twitter: “BREAKING: Alvin Bragg’s dog & phony show is another political play straight out of “The Nasty Ass Pelosi Wrap Up Smear Campaign Tactics”
Steve Bannon’s Warning After Donald Trump’s Indictment (msn.com)
We are watching the Democrat Party Morph into a Fascist-Socialist Regime that feels NO need to explain itself to Americans. Because it was not voted in and won’t be voted in next time. Democrats either don’t believe that people like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin exist today, or they are looking forward to having one in the White House. History is loaded with megalomaniacs… and their followers.
If you knew the crap they do ‘off the books’, black ops, illegal funding from drug running, assassinations, etc… you would be so fuckin scared
Propaganda opposes alternate views. #WokeMindVirus…c”,)
How much is Joe Biden worth today?
A reported $8 to 9 million…probably Billions laundered away!!!
And these are the people calling Conservatives violent and extremists.
They have not even begun to scratch the surface of how deep this evil goes…
it’s beyond comprehension… Keep thinking there is an epiphany in our future…
Sad truth The problem is when we start telling people about the truth we get Epsteined!
Yes, scary truth versus comforting lies

Enemies within….Absolutely done in overtime!!!
Rome wasn’t destroyed in a day either.
So much miss direction, PSYOP, hidden agendas, down right lies…
The more I spend time on social media, the more I realize I need to spend time
with my Father in Heaven… I think we are to a point that only He can fix this…
What I do here makes little difference…I so agree!!!
Someone gave me a refrigerator magnet as a joke years ago. It says. It is as bad as you think it is. And they are out to get you. My father said to me 20+ years ago, whatever the sickest, craziest, most deplorable thing you can think of-someone, somewhere is doing, they are most likely in government. The man knew.
We know that is why we pray to the force that could help us cope with the evil in this world. Some of us don’t talk about it much because they won’t believe us anyway but we only share it to those who seem serious about it. Full Sean Hannity Interview With President Donald Trump 3/27/2023 – Video – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
A federal prosecutor admits three D.C. undercover police officers –
acted as provocateurs on J6.
Marxism vs Communism vs Socialism vs Fascism – Bing video
This is just more evidence that the entire operation was planned, paid for,
instigated and carried out by the US government, FBI, DC Police, and NYC police.
The entire riot was also orchestrated and carried out by government operatives.
Ringleader in Jan6 is Nancy Pelosi. Oh, Nancy Pelosi came out with that saying,
didn’t she? She said, “I have a few more arrows in my quiver.”
Sep 19, 2020, House Speaker Pelosi said that another bogus impeachment is one of the “arrows in our quiver” to block President Trump’s Supreme Court Justice nominee. …more.
It met she had a few options, in order to accomplish what she wants to accomplish. Literally, a quiver is an arrow bag. She is saying she has more than one trick up her sleeve. Pelosi: ‘We have arrows in our quiver that I’m not about to discuss right now’, And I believe her. Did you see the look on her face?
Like a cat with a canary in its mouth.

Nancy bought. paid for the mas·quer·ade.
1 a : a social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes b : a costume for wear at such a gathering 2 : an action or appearance that is mere disguise or show masquerade 2 of 2 verb masqueraded; masquerading intransitive verb …This is seriously frightening that a governments and agencies associated to government would do this. Way too much corruption. All to keep power, make money for themselves and control everyone.
Apparently, it shut up Congress for good.
What do they do all day besides NOT ARRESTING @JoeBiden et al?
It feels like they’re waiting for something. Dear Useless Congress:
that #Uniparty thing isn’t taking off now or ever.
Give back your bonuses and get to work A******S
We all know what needs to be done.
The DC police are filth along with the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NAS, ATF you name the government agency, and you see political corruption. They wanted no opposition to a fixed election. Has the FBI been cleaned up?
NO…Will it happen again…. YES!!!
We are the one going to question.
Of those people, why they RiGGED the election , and the evidence they made it go away.
Why are they so corrupted?
They put whatever they want, not the people’s choices first.
They are so evil and corrupted.
We need those people to Resigned…NOW!!!
That’s a lot of feds who interfered in the election process. They need to be dealt with swiftly and severely. Planned by Pelosi & Schumer with assistance from democratic congress Representatives & Senators. As a concerned citizen I really want to know, how does this work?
Your higher up puts out an email asking for volunteers to instigate people at the capitol building to try to cause a riot or an insurrection?
How does this even come to be??
The Last Days According to Jesus, Revised and Updated Edition:
When Did Jesus Say He Would Return?: Christianbook.com
“I am.” Hey , gotta’ be me.
I don’t know how to be anyone else.
If you don’t like my opinions,
I’m sorry they are the only ones I got.
*•.¸♡ 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘥 & 𝘙𝘦𝘛𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥 ♡¸.•*
✿。:✿。:*𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠*:。✿
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