The theory of evolution is a shortened form of the term
“Theory of evolution by natural selection,” which was proposed by Charles Darwin and a scientific contemporary of his, Alfred Russel Wallace, proposed that evolution occurs because of a phenomenon called natural selection.
This Blog Post: Written in Abstract to get you to think straight.
In the theory of natural selection, organisms produce more offspring than are able to survive in their environment. Those that are better physically equipped to survive, grow to maturity, and reproduce. Those that are lacking in such fitness, on the other hand, either do not reach an age when they can reproduce or produce fewer offspring than their counterparts. Natural selection is sometimes summed up as “survival of the fittest” because the “fittest” organisms—those most suited to their environment—are the ones that reproduce most successfully, and are most likely to pass on their traits to the next generation.
Ideas aimed at explaining how organisms change, or evolve, over time date back to Anaximander of Miletus, a Greek philosopher who lived in the 500s B.C.E. Noting that human babies are born helpless, Anaximander speculated that humans must have descended from some other type of creature whose young could survive without any help. He concluded that those ancestors must be fish, since fish hatch from eggs and immediately begin living with no help from their parents.
From this reasoning, he proposed that all life began in the sea.
Anaximander was correct; humans can indeed trace our ancestry back to fish. His idea, however, was not a theory in the scientific meaning of the word, because it could not be subjected to testing that might support it or prove it wrong. In science, the word “theory” indicates a very high level of certainty. Scientists talk about evolution as a theory, for instance, just as they talk about Einstein’s explanation of gravity as a theory.
A theory is an idea about how something in nature works that has gone through rigorous testing through observations and experiments designed to prove the idea right or wrong. When it comes to the evolution of life, various philosophers and scientists, including an eighteenth-century English doctor named Erasmus Darwin, proposed different aspects of what later would become evolutionary theory.
But evolution did not reach the status of being a scientific theory until Darwin’s grandson, the more famous Charles Darwin, published his famous book On the Origin of Species.
This means that if an environment changes, the traits that enhance survival in that environment will also gradually change or evolve.
Natural selection was such a powerful idea in explaining the evolution of life that it became established as a scientific theory. Biologists have since observed numerous examples of natural selection influence evolution.
Today, it is known to be just one of several mechanisms by which life evolves. For example, a phenomenon known as genetic drift can also cause species to evolve. In genetic drift, some organisms—purely by chance—produce more offspring than would be expected. Those organisms are not necessarily the fittest of their species, but it is their genes that get passed onto the next generation.
The Edomites were descendants of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob and grandson of Abraham. This family tie should have incited compassion for Israel’s plight; instead.
It made Edom’s actions even more repulsive, since they were opposing not only God’s chosen people but also their own relatives.
(1) The Daily Caller – Posts | Facebook
There is a few time stamps included in this article attributed to the above video.
It’s been about 10 years now that the zombie apocalypse has been ‘mainstream’. Of course, the big spike in popularity can probably be directly linked to The Walking Dead, which premiered back in 2010. Well, the zombie apocalypse is not popular enough that 11% of people have some sort of plan if things were to ever go sideways on us. Well, at least 1 in 10 Brits have a plan. I’m not 100% sure about Americans because the study from YouGov was done by those who were probably a little more freaked out by 28 Days Later.
Here are some of the plans that people have in case of a zombie apocalypse:
- 45% of people who have a plan said they would find a good place to hole, where it’s hard for zombies to get to you.
- 43% said to gather supplies like food, water, and first aid stuff.
- 29% would relocate, especially if they’re in a big city with lots of potential zombies.
- 23% said they’d find weapons. Of course in Texas, you should already have yours.
- Just 15% would meet up with family members and close friends.
- 13% of people would go Woody Harrelson and just start killing zombies. There were even a few psychos who said they’d kill survivors too. Negan…
- And in a sign of people not trusting others, only 6% of people would team up with other random survivors. There were even 9% of people who didn’t want to share their plan.
Read More: 11% of People Have a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ Plan.
This is so sad we have to do better as a human race. This is tragic!
If you are a parent and have a child who has gone this way. It’s heartbreaking to see all these videos of people’s children and how our society has not done anything to help save these people from killing themselves. Ask yourself why there is such a need to escape reality? Why are so many people falling this way? More people have died from these drugs than from Covid.
This is tragic! If you are a parent and have a child who has gone this way. It’s heartbreaking to see all these videos of people’s children and how our society has not done anything to help save these people from killing themselves. Ask yourself why there is such a need to escape reality? Why are so many people falling this way?
More people have died from od than from Covid. W.t.h.
Why is it society’s fault if these people want to continue to make bad choices after bad choices? At what point do these individuals take ownership and responsibility for the direction their life has taken. The people who laugh at these homeless people should all be ashamed of themselves. Obviously, they’ve had past traumas or something similar, that’s led them to use drugs in the first place. We don’t know why they’re in the situation they’re in.
Also, these are people who have had people who have loved them and probably, although unsure of what can be done to help, still do. They’re someone’s child, or mother, or sibling. Pray for them instead of laughing at them. We never know what struggles others are going through, and there’s really no guarantee that any of us will always have a home or family. This is so heartbreaking to see.
Everyone has past trauma. They should grow tf and be adults. don’t even have to be a good one. Just stop being the shittiest kind of human. I’m not interested in their whiney excuses about why they decided to be a worthless drain on society. The people who deserve to be laughed at are all the voters who endorse the idiotic, woke and corrupt politicians who are directly responsible for all of this. Those mayors are power-hungry minions of the WEF who are more concerned with the prestigious policies of smart cities and climate change than actually doing their f…g jobs.
Sadly, it is EVERYWHERE within small and big cities. They have the money to get high but not to buy their food. Getting high is their priority rather than addressing their hunger. Can’t understand why anyone laughs at this… it’s horrific… These people need help not ridicule! This is what a failed, corrupt government looks like. Saddens me to see, because these people are a reflection of who we are as a country.
Ken Goubeaux | 1:25 PM (1 minute ago) | ![]() ![]() | |
to me![]() |
Mirror: Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health – Barrie Trower (bitchute.com)
Hey CNN – why not report on Crown Castle – the chinese owned company that OWNS the most cell towers in the United States & sublets them to the phone companies to put the wonderful MICROWAVE TRANSMITTERS at ground level. Assuring a microwave flu directed by — china. see a problem folks? Wake the others & share – we are treating & teaching those already sick from the microwaves who have not moved out of these areas. Global impact 5 Largest Companies in Taiwan investopedia.com)
If China decides to invade Taiwan , America can do nothing to stop it. Putin has taken on the whole of the west and is winning this latest American war. NATO and America will be going away, tail between the legs, another Afghanistan looming up. They picked a wrong run with Putin, because he can lay waste to America, not like all the other banana republics America have run roughshod over who could not bomb American soil. Keep poking away at Putin and America will know what a real war is. China will do the same, American dominance is finished. #Barrietrower #5gmicrowaves #covid #animals #usa #ukraine #radiation #patriots #biden #trump
#Chinas days are numbered; this hell hole will be decoupled. The #marxistdemocrats have been exposed for being agents of an enemy that’s hell bent on trying to destroy America from within. Might quite the understatement, we have China aligned with Russia we have Honduras aligned with China how much closer to the USA can you get. This administration is collapsing us internationally beyond repair. Wake up and put the cell phone down #FUBAR. (bing.com) Dummies!!!
Keep voting blue, Eve of Destruction – Barry McGuire – Bing video
This street in PA is in a neighborhood called Kensington. There is a newer ingredient that they’re cutting the heroin with called Xylazine. It’s an anesthetic that is made to use in animals. It’s more addictive than fentanyl but the high only lasts about 2-3 hours, where the normal cut is usually 6-8 hours. It’s eating through the skin as well and so many ppl walking around with open wounds.
It’s called “Tranq”. Bar and is ineffective as well as it’s not an opioid. Same class of cut with Ketamine. I pray for our world’s mental health crisis as well because this drug is pushing people over the edge. I’m so sorry to see these homeless people. It’s not their fault. It’s the government’s fault for allowing all types of drugs into the country.
It was the pharmaceutical companies that got them addicted in the first place. Read a book. Stop blaming others, these people have to take responsibility for their healing. Everyone experiences trauma, they need the resources to overcome their addictions.
I agree; however, people do need to accept responsibility for their choices.
It’s 100% their fault. Take responsibility for their actions.
It’s my personal responsibility! That’s that! Just say no to drugs!!
We are really living in barbaric times!!!
This is just pathetic that this is even happening…so much for politicians who are supposed to be working for the people…God have mercy on your souls to let this happen…Kensington and Allegheny in Philly! Smh! Failed Society……..poor leadership, poor morals, lack of awareness, and decay all over, this is the new norm in the cities….This video needs to be played in our schools. Prevention is better than cure. Heartbreaking!!!
What is happening in the world today it’s just terrible. Where is our governor? Why is he letting this happen? We need to open up metal hospitals for these poor people to get help. Are the higher ups getting paid from drug cartels this should not be happening in PA.
This is heartbreaking …. So let’s keep sending our tax payers money to Ukraine and other countries instead of getting help for these people. Addiction is a powerful disease and destroys too many lives. Not a political debate please we all bleed red. #fuckaddiction#theyneedhelp
I blame Biden and his administration for this, they aren’t doing a thing about letting the drugs pass through our borders. Worst president ever!! How do they get the drugs from whom… is anyone getting arrested…it looks like they are just letting it happen. Some of these states have decriminalized it. So u can get arrested but then released quickly once you sober up.
Your government leaders love this so much they allow this but are you?! The results speak for itself…This is a sad commentary of the world in which we live. You can go to jail for drinking in public but is this ok? The government needs to step in and assist these individuals with help, hospitalization, and rehab. They are a danger to themselves and others . People just love taking drugs, that’s why it’s a billion dollar business.
No these aren’t zombies, these are just people that lost their way.
They need God in their life to brighten up their day, their people who couldn’t take life anymore so they are in a very strong substance. Someone needs to film the San Francisco zombies. The government supplies the drugs and needles, thinking they are actually helping.
This is what happens when you close all the Lunatic Asylums; we need to start building Asylums for these people; They will have a bed, food and medical assistance; And eventually be able to get weaned off drugs and put back to live a life; I’ve watched enough zombie movies to be seriously creeped out.
Demonic possession of lost souls so, so sad

CHINA has won the WAR in the USA, we’re next

The enemy has weaken the US

Our country has gone into a scary place! This isn’t funny, it is disgusting. All States are seeing more of this everyday. Gotten worse in the Democrats’ cities. Blue run cities predominantly. That’s why we need more mental hospitals! Well Democrats infected States and cities, what else can you ask for,.

These cities just encourage drug use! Free injection sites. Free needle exchange. Stop voting Democrat and you could stop this! The same enemy is on both sides of the aisles democratic or republican. Nope, it’s [not] the same enemy. Not at all. Republicans are for law and order. They don’t defund the police. Democrats create this chaos. Period. Mostly blue cities are behind this. Not hard to see how easily the Western world has been destroyed. Drugs are way easier than bullets.
This is what progressive America looks like.
The Democrat party are enablers.
They have created this mess and have allowed it to go unchecked and out of control. Zero accountability. The tax paying citizens that voted these progressives in are to blame. Our tax dollar waste don’t forget this administration is handing crack and pipes along with needles to these ppl unbelievable

Sadly Democrat America, if you voted for them this is what you get.
Is America better under these liberal idiots?
So sad. So scary. So uncontrollably disgusting. All of these people are missing from themselves. North America has dropped the ball big time with mental health and addiction active or recovery there is nowhere near enough support but 1 million ways they are “allowed” to continue to traumatize themselves and others.
Bidens America
It’s not zombies. It’s drugs and mental illness. Welcome to Democratic control America, this is what they want you to be. Calling this Zombie Apocalypse is just ignorant and cruel…Addicts need help and concern NOT name calling….Looks like California so much crime and so many strung out just wandering the streets doing whatever they want with little to no consequences. Instead here, our government hands out clean needles so people can shoot up on the streets safely.

Or it could be syphilis. A lot of homeless use dirty needles , they do everything unprotected. I too am in the addiction field and a director in PA and a recovering addict-it’s not syphilis its Fentanyl and Tranq-maybe some flakka for the more energetic ones. You are perpetuating a stigma through stupidity and lack of education.
That is Flakka !Opiates will NOT have you doing this ..for the past 8 1/2 years of being clean and helping all kinds of addicts I can promise you this is NOT anything opiates will do John Schroeder
Imagine bath salts turned out to be the new zombie virus
Tranq and Flakka are the latest Zombie Drugs out there. People start paying attention. This is a drug where you have no control of your body. Kingston Pennsylvania is the worst city known for this and has spread quickly to the West.https://youtu.be/xmfrvs24NmY
Sadly, I can’t believe that it’s happening in the USA, the Dreamland, aiming for the USA is so not worth it, the nation has completely given up on these people … And to see that those people enjoy watching those victims at their lowest… It’s sick and twisted…This is your punishment for all that you have done evil around the world! You will destroy yourself, you only need to be isolated from the whole world!
Just people taking advantage of cheap available drugs thanks to the help of the Biden sick open border policy. They all want to be like Joe. So, this zombie apocalypse which everyone fears; how will you know when it’s actually started?
Whaaaat how did those people get the drugs if it’s illegal!
Gahhhhh can’t believe they aren’t following the law! If only there’s harsher drug laws to prevent this stuff!
This is not compassionate, letting people live like this is inhumane. These poor people need to be in psych hospitals & cared for…Stop saying “zombie” these people are clearly on drugs and need clinical help … nothing funny about bothering them , it could be dangerous too. this is because the $Rich$ sent all the work over sea because $MILLION$ wasn`t enough ..They left know hope for Americans, wanting to HATE someone HATE THE RICH .
I heard that China is the supplier of the fentanyl……That is what the ‘combo’ is doing.
Tr and Fe. Sad. Drugs just take over.
You can’t stop. Drugs and danger are synonymous.
I can’t believe this is the USA it really cannot be like that in America
This is the other side of Amerikkka that the USSA media never shows to US people.
Dumbing down America fully shown at its best, America can’t think they seem to think they are the best voters so very sad. Even though we know there’s an epidemic we shouldn’t laugh at this video because these are someone’s children, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters.
We should look at this as a way of wanting to stop the epidemic and help those who need help. At 1:22 the Know Overdose sign…Natural selection: Illegal drugs mess with people’s mind and soul, the government needs to get on top of this foolishness. The Democrat’s plan is to destroy our cities. Obama’s and Biden’s America! Elections do have consequences it seems.
Haven’t we had a homelessness and drug problem for a while? Don’t think it’s a president thing, think it’s us not wanting to actually handle it. We don’t even talk about plans on fixing it, just say what we think we need. That’s just my view on it though, we can definitely fix a lot of problems just no one’s really doing much.
An Atheist would smugly retort “Well that’s because people don’t run around believing in faeries and Unicorns anymore.” thinking he’s won the argument. In reality he just exposed the true agenda of Atheism, to convert others to their belief system. Just like any other religion.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones… My son, do not despise the LORD’S discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:5-8,11-12 God is the very definition of wisdom and holiness and purity and righteousness. May we always look to Him and Him only for direction in our lives.
Is it fair to your conscience the way you are treating U.S.?
Sweet Jesus please come soon!
I definitely agree it is a left wing problem… Red states don’t have this problem unless they have some woke mega city run byDemocrats inside of them like Chicago. This is Edomites America that’s burning Babylon way before Obama & Biden. What is dis you called edomites what this means??.
Dear Jesus.
All made possible by the Democrats!
AOC’s district is like this, right? What a disgrace….Huh, looks like Downtown Seattle nowadays!!! Sad times we’re living in!!
China loves every moment of this….Unfortunately this is the calm before the storm- when people can find bullets easier than food will be the start. This isn’t the zombie apocalypse, it’s the drug pandemic. Who cares let Darwin’s Theory take hold… The zombies are always starving and looking to eat
1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:Ephesians 6:11-12 – Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Fentonal kills..there on death’s doorstep 1:48 – 1:52
This is why Mental Asylum’s NEED to come back to America, some of these people are too dangerous to others to be allowed to just roam around in public freely!! Legalize drugs they said. It’ll be safe, they said. They’re harmless, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. We can make money on it, they said. Cocaine and meth I actually kinda get. You have lots of energy. You can party all night. Nothing about heroin or it’s evil twin, fentanyl, laced with tranq looks fun. They’re going to start doing things like on the Living Dead, putting them out of their misery, you can’t fix people like this
It crossed the border illegally but Biden says look the other way…………… Liberal democrat heaven to destroy America.
These new drugs the zombies are taking are the scariest drugs available right now and even scarier that the new drugs are hitting many cities across our country coming through all our open borders including state borders cartels are welcome & even get paid along with the illegals, it’s called drug addiction that is trendy and all so liberal. I’ve had Resident Evil 4 pre ordered for weeks and they just get it early?
Democratic run filthy cities: This is awful all these people are sick and need help. The same enemy is on both sides of the aisles, democrats or republicans don’t you know that but the enemy’s reign is just about over. I’m thanking God. behind the scenes, yes. But a good percentage of the rank and file Dems are in perfect lock-step with the agenda. So, that is who I was “thanking” . It’s entertaining. Better than the boring ‘burbs.
Men, women and children these Zombies at one time were college students and hard working middle class people because of pandemic loss of jobs and housing , vehicles repossessions now they don’t have transportation to get to and from work the once successful people of our country are homeless drug addicts disease like hepatitis is spreading like wildfire. Biden still refuses to close our borders. This is what the Democrats want you to be living like.. If they cared about Americans at all they would close the border. The drugs are pouring through America killing Americans. God Bless America.