Sallie Taylor, 20-year resident of Franklin, addressed the Franklin Town Council about Macon County becoming a “Blue Zone” at Monday’s meeting of the Town Council. As the Town Board listened to Taylor’s presentation regarding how Blue Zones work, they asked questions and appeared receptive to hearing more about the criteria and whether it would be welcome here in Macon County.
“Blue Zones” according to National Geographic Fellow and author Dan Buettner, are places in the world where people live longer and healthier than anywhere else on earth. The five Blue Zones that have been identified so far are: the Italian Island of Sardinia, Okinawa, Japan, Loma Linda, Calif., Costa Rica’s isolated Nicoya Peninsula and Ikaria,
an isolated Greek Island.
Buettner’s research, combined with longevity studies, has been used to develop programs that help people live longer, healthier, happier lives by optimizing their surroundings to best replicate the nine principles observed in the original Blue Zone areas.
1. The first is to move naturally, no pumping iron or vigorous exercising, just moving
about through gardening, yard work or other types of activities such as cleaning the house. This is all done without use of mechanical help. Councilman David Culpepper felt that the local bike paths could meet this criterion.
2. Next is to have a purpose, a reason to wake up in the morning.
Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life.
3. Down shift, even people in Blue Zones experience stress. Stress leads to chronic inflammation, associated with every major age-related disease. What the world’s longest-lived people have that most don’t, are routines to shed that stress. Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians take a nap and Sardinians do happy hour.
4. Follow the 80% rule. Stop eating when your stomach is 80% full.
The 20% gap between not being hungry and feeling full could be
the difference between losing weight or gaining it.
5. Put less meat and more plants on your plate. Plant beans, including fava,
black, non-GMO soy and lentils are the cornerstone of most centenarian diets.
Meat is eaten on average only five times a month.
6. Drink wine. People in Blue Zones drink alcohol moderately and regularly.
Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers. The trick is to drink 1 to 2 glasses per day
with friends and/or with food.
7. Belonging to a faith-based community and attending services four times per month
will add 4-14 years of life expectancy.
8. Put loved ones first. Successful centenarians keep aging parents and grandparents nearby
or in the home. It lowers disease and mortality rates of children in the home too.
9. The world’s longest lived people chose – or were born into – social circles that support healthy behaviors. Research from the Framingham Studies show that smoking, obesity, happiness, and even loneliness are contagious.
Taylor pointed out that these nine criteria are not mandatory,
but they are suggestions for success. Macon and Jackson counties
are already transitioning from Phase 1 into Phase 2.
Phase I in this initiative is a community leadership presentation for which key stakeholders and community leaders are identified and contacted within Highlands, Cashiers, Sylva and Franklin.
A presentation will be given by the end of June to begin Phase 2, the Community Development Process. Taylor was not asking for the board’s approval, but for their endorsement of this project. She noted that 47 communities are going through this
process right now.
Recently Fort Worth, Texas, and several cities in Iowa have become “Blue Zone” Communities. Board member Joe Collins said that he was not comfortable with
two of the nine criteria.
He was referring to the faith-based and alcohol criteria. Taylor again noted that these were suggestions and were not mandatory. Residents would be free to pick and choose from the nine criteria. She again invited the board members to attend the phase 2 presentation in June where many questions could be answered.
Some countries have higher life expectancies than others. © Getty Images
Story by Lola Mendez
100-year-old sisters share 4 tips for staying mentally sharp
as you age—and they don’t say crossword puzzles (msn.com)
Experts Say Most People Who Live to 100 Years Old Share One Thing in Common
In communities all around the world, people are living (and thriving) well into their golden years. These prospering societies aren’t safeguarding secret fountains of youth – but they do share some common elixirs. Some countries have higher life expectancies
than others.
In places where longevity reigns, locals tend to eat balanced, mostly plant-based diets; partake in daily low-impact activities; focus on family and spirituality; and carve out plenty of time to enjoy the simple things in life, like napping. Believe it or not, a healthy love of wine is also prevalent, as is sunny weather.
Using findings from the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report, the
CIA World Factbook and the Blue Zones project, we’ve rounded up some of the countries where people have the highest life expectancy. In all of these destinations, citizens surpass 75 years of age on average (compared to the global average of 71). Most also have high concentrations of centenarians, those who live to be 100 and older.
If you want to travel somewhere where the people are happy, the culinary scene is health-focused, the weather is temperate and outdoor recreation rules, these are all excellent places to consider. You may walk away feeling like you’ve sipped from the fountain of youth yourself. Locals are additionally known to drink a local herbal tea that’s a health elixir jam-packed with nutrients and antioxidants.
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I tried intermittent fasting like Elon Musk. My weight hasn’t drastically changed,
but the other benefits surprised me. (msn.com)
For more youthful countries, check out Far & Wide.
Also, there are other places in the world with extreme longevity.
Average national life expectancy: 75.5 years
Capital: Bridgetown
Official language: English

Inside Barbados: The Caribbean Island of Barbados, a favorite beach getaway for travelers, treats its elderly right. Bajans who reach 100 years of age are honored with portraits printed on postal stamps as part of the “Centenarians of Barbados” stamp collection.
The island even has a healthy contingent of locals who live to be past 110 years old, appropriately called supercentenarians.
Bottom line: In Barbados, people spend their days with purpose by putting faith and family first, which has played a significant role in longevity. According to the Blue Zones project, knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy.
The same easy-going lifestyle that draws travelers allows citizens to remain relaxed, and the island life encourages them to partake in physical motion daily, from strolling the village to visiting neighbors to going for a swim in the sea.
Related video: Octogenarians to travel around the world in 80 days (CBS News)
The South Shore of Nova Scotia is cited in many of these studies.
The blue zones project is expanding to other communities in the states.
See Iowa, Albert Lea Minnesota, Fort Worth Texas, South Florida, Beach cities in California, and now areas of Hawaii and Oregon. Communities can petition their local healthcare provider to sponsor bzp to provide consulting to restaurants, grocery stores, worksites and even policy makers in order to help make living healthily easier for community members.
Q. What are the complications of vitamin D deficiency? – Bing video
Dr. Robert H. Shmerling
M.D. Senior Faculty Editor,
Harvard Health Publishing ·
30 years of experience ·
Most people with vitamin D deficiency have no symptoms but complications
may develop in the absence of symptoms. They vary, depending on duration and severity. The most common complications of vitamin D deficiency include: Reduced bone strength with an increased risk of fracture (due to a condition called osteomalacia) Rickets and osteomalacia in children in which the deficiency in vitamin D causes weakened bones and abnormal development Bone pain, numbness, muscle weakness and difficulty walking (with more severe and prolonged deficiency) There is some suggestion that rates of cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders and death may be higher in the setting of vitamin D deficiency. However, a causal link with vitamin D deficiency has not been proven.
Dr. Alex T. Thomas
MD · 40 years of experience ·
Complication of vitamin D are, -Low bone density and Osteoporosis -Bone loss and
hair loss -Rickets in children -Multiple sclerosis -Osteomalacia -Fatigue and tiredness
Dr. Mohan P. Abraham
M.D., FAAFP (Family Physician) · 40 years of experience ·
The complications associated with vitamin D deficiency include : 1) Hypocalcemia:
(Low levels of Calcium in blood) 2) Rickets (softening of bones during childhood)
3) Osteomalacia in adults 4) Hypophosphatemia (low blood phosphate)
Dr. Ilya Aleksandrovskiy
M.D., MBA · 5 years of experience ·
Severe vitamin D deficiency often leads to other diseases such as low blood calcium,
low blood phosphate, rickets, osteomalacia, depression, osteoporosis are some of the
complications of vitamin D deficiency.
Answers from other regions
Disclaimer: Medical advice varies across region. Advice from professionals outside
your region should be used at your own discretion. Or you should contact a local health professional.
Dr. Gustavo Campos
Doctor of Medicine · 9 years of experience ·
Vitamin D deficiency may lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism that can cause demineralization of bones. If persistent, this will cause osteomalacia (softening of the bones). People may have significant pain, weakness, difficulty to walk and are predisposed to fractures.
Dr. Matheus R Cerqueira
Specialist in Family and Community Medicine · 7 years of experience ·
The clinical picture of vitamin D deficiency is generally asymptomatic, with noticeable symptoms in long-lasting or more severe conditions, which evolve into rickets (leg and rib arch deformities), in children, and osteomalacia (bone pain, weakness, difficulty walking), in adults.
Dr. Animesh Hore
MBBS · 4 years of experience ·
Osteomalacia due to softening of the bone and Osteoporosis due to increase fragility
of the bone. Rickets due to softening of the bone in children. Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression are not rare complications. Increased chances of infections can occur due to Vitamin D deficiency.
Dr. Fahad Saifi
MBBS · 1.5 years of experience ·
Don’t Become “D’ efficient – Search (bing.com)
Health complications which are associated with vitamin D deficiency include. Osteomalacia (softening of the bones in adults). Osteoporosis (increased fragility
of the bones). Rickets (softening of the bones in children).
Vitamin D — Dr Richard Becker – Search (bing.com)
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Blue Zones diet before and after – Search (bing.com)
Countries Where People Live the Longest (msn.com)
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Blue zones diet national geographic – Bing video
Blue Zones diet pyramid – Search (bing.com)
Blue Zones diet recipes – Search (bing.com)
Blue Zones diet pdf – Search (bing.com)
Blue zones diet cookbook – Bing video
Blue Zones diet plan – Bing video
American Blue Zones diet plan – Search (bing.com)
Blue Zones diet guidelines – Search (bing.com)
What are blue zones diet – Search (bing.com)
Blue zones diet guideline – Search (bing.com)
What are blue zones diet – Search (bing.com)
Blue zone diet reviews YouTube – Bing video
The Blue zones diet and lifestyle – Search
Blue zones diet chart – Search (bing.com)
Blue zones diet book – Bing video
5 Minute Yoga Reset (msn.com)