If we think of Life as an ocean, and ourselves as water particles existing within it,
I think it’s easy to imagine how we are all one DNA. The energy of Life carries us along; sometimes it’s rough with us, sometimes it’s soothingly calm – at times, we’ll get pulled down by undercurrents into complete darkness, and at others, we will be the crest of the wave glistening in the sun.
Life is dangerous, beautiful, and its energy can change in an instant when a storm blows in. Whilst some parts of the ocean will be more volatile than others, we can appreciate how the energy of the tide eventually ripples through, gradually bearing impact on the total sum. As human beings we may, at times, feel our own actions are insignificant. But when we imagine the Ripple Effect, we know that with every life we touch, and every energy exchange we manifest, we contribute to the energy of the Collective Human Soul.
No matter whether our energy is positive or negative, our conversation complimentary or derogatory, the energy that we expel will flow out to more people than those we encounter first-hand. For example, if we start an argument with our partner before work, we may go to work in a bad mood, we may be short with others when we should show patience – and the people we’re curt with will react to the energy which originally stemmed from you and your partner. As other people’s energy is destabilised, this continues into their encounters with others, and so on…
When we watch other species who we share the Earth with, we can wonder at how
flocks of birds and shoals of fish can move together as one – they seem to think as a
group, and each knows the movements they must gracefully make to stay within their flow. And as we observe the human race, although our movements appear scattered
and autonomous, I believe through evolved Consciousness, there is a desire to simply, peacefully ‘Be’, as part of the Human Collective.
Through watching the mainstream News, it would appear on the surface that our modern societies know nothing of harmoniously gliding through the currents as peaceful beings. But I would like to proffer that in addition to bearing collective witness to all the craziness that is out there, the generations alive today are capable of being the most caring and thoughtful version of our species that has ever existed.
Yes, Humanity has made countless mistakes, and yes, there are an untold number
of problems that we must fix in order to live in balance with nature – and these are problems we must address quickly. But as James Redfield documented in the Celestine Prophecy, all that is needed to swing the pendulum towards Enlightenment is a Critical Mass of people who are willing to uphold ethical, Spiritual values, and this whole planet will change.
And this change will occur due to the Ripple Effect, because positive behaviour leads to positive behaviour, smiles are contagious, and the core energy of Love is stronger than Fear.
Powerful Love Brings Change.
Let Your Love Flow Bravely. When we journey down the rabbit hole –
choosing ‘The Red Pill’ to dissolve the matrix – we look at the influencing forces
which negatively impact the energy of humanity, and it becomes clear that fear and
control is the problem. But every known experience except this present moment is in the past, and just like every other trying time Humanity has endured, this problem too will pass.
Collectively we embody all the hardship our species has ever journeyed through, and the energy that each of our ancestors gave has brought us to where we are now. We are not the cause of the problems as we stand today, but rather we are the effect of every decision that has ever been made.
Whilst we can see that there are groups of people who control because of fear and the lure of power, we must remember that the majority of us are just ordinary people who wish to know peace, happiness, and Love. When we remember the theory of The Critical Mass in The Celestine Prophecy, we need look no further than an internet search engine to find an incredible number of enlightened souls who are seeking to change the world for the better.
As we start watching for people who embody Spiritual principles, we find they are everywhere. And in independent industries, artists and entrepreneurs are speeding forward with their plans to deliver services that are beneficial to the Collective Human Soul and the Earth in its entirety.
Singers are vocalizing beautiful sentiments encouraging the Conscious Evolution, directors are creating documentaries about it, writers are putting those same emotions into books, and hairdressers are talking to their clients about Spirituality whilst they color their hair. Enlightenment is simply surging, it’s glowing, and more and more people every day are waking up to this flow and feeling positively energized by it.
Change is the only constant that we can rely upon, and as every day brings new circumstances, we must ensure that as believers in the Celestine Vision, we consciously uphold the vision for world peace and do everything we can to manifest it. Whether this means cooking healthy meals for our families or marching against corruption, we all have our part to play as we move forward and nurture our species and our planet.
Whilst there are some dominant humans who seek to control the behaviour of our shoal, we must recognise that we are not just individuals, we are members of a whole. And when we pool our energy for the greater good, our individual actions combine to form a magnificent force.
As we learn from the Celestine Insights, to counter a control drama, all we simply need to do is to give energy and name the game, and once the control drama is out in the open, its power ceases to dominate. But we must always do so in a loving manner, because if we go into hate or anger, those in fear react by hardening their position and fighting back with amplified energy. Love dissolves anger and raises the consciousness of everyone concerned.
Peace is within our reach, our planet is crying out for it, and it is our birthright.
So, to achieve it, we must embody it, and through holding our own candle in the dark, we will find each other. And together, we will hold each other’s hands and pull each other out of the shadows that humanity has known for far too long.
God knows we need positive change right now, but together we endure, and when we collectively embody the change we want to see, the change we desire will come. It can’t help but come, because Love is the strongest force known to man, and we know our actions and energy ripple out much further than we can see.
By tuning into the Source of Divine Love, we can shine as beacons of light in these trying times, and as this energy is emitted from millions of bodies all over the world, it will carry the Collective Soul to a higher vibrational level uplifting Humanity and raising us all to the crest of the wave.
‘I love this planet’ is an initiative of Force for Good, which is supportive of
the mobilization of the deployment of capital as a force for good in the world
at a time of profound and multi-dimensional change in the world.
The Capital as a Force for Good initiative analyses and engages the world’s leading financial institutions and other stakeholders with a view to influencing and impacting sustainable development through the deployment of capital and solutions that address
the world’s greatest issues and build a better future.
However, two thirds of the world’s money begins with the individual, and much
of it in some way requires the cooperation of the individual as it flows through the world.
The individual is of course a potentially powerful ‘Force for Good’, and collectively is the most powerful force for good in the world.
The case
The individual is a powerful and growing force that can make the world better and facilitate change for good in every aspect of life, empowered by technology, and create
new opportunities to address everyday issues and the world’s biggest issues too.
The individual as a consumer is the powerhouse of industry.
Consumption represents over 70% of annual global output, nearly 80% of which is
in the hands of individuals. Their US$49 trillion of annual spending is equal to nearly 15% of the world’s total stock of total net liquid assets and represents a critical flow in funding systemic change, while recognizing that the level of discretion available on a given dollar of consumption will vary.
The individual is a digital empowered force.
With 4.0 billion unique social media users, over half the world’s population is reached by social media. The individual is already using this to change the status quo in politics and society at large, and that force will become potent as it addresses business in all aspects of its activities.
The individual is a growing force in the flow of finance.
Nearly 70% of the world’s population today is not fully financially included today.
Digital technology is systematically growing to reach these populations as both investors and consumers. Finance and technology are converging to provide solutions that can bring people, that were previously not considered to be credit-worthy, as active participants in the financial system.
The individual is a force for global transformative change.
Networked, connected, and mobilized the world’s people, poor and rich, have significant potential to disrupt the status quo socially, economically, and politically as voters, protesters, migrants or as revolutionaries if ignored and left out. And if nurtured, the individual can become a new and vibrant class of consumer, investor, and participant in the world system.
The campaign
‘I love this planet’ is a campaign designed to empower each of us as individuals
and groups to do good. ‘I love this planet’ aims to empower the individual and the collective power of the individual by encouraging people to make a commitment to being a force for good, and then acting on this, showcasing their initiatives no matter how big or small, to make a difference in the world for good.
In a time of so many threats, and a seemingly constant stream of bad news and negative social media, focused on issues ranging from the very personal losses inflicted by the pandemic to political and social divisions in so many countries to the existential threat to the planet from climate change, it is easy to feel disempowered.
However, these issues cannot be addressed by any one individual or group, but together a powerful change can be made.
We would very much like you to join the ‘I love this planet’ campaign and add your commitment and initiatives and ideas too. Ask your family, friends and organizations
to do so too as individuals and groups.
The ‘I love this planet’ campaign is simple, it asks each of you, as an individual, and as a collective group of family, friends, charity, company, country if you wish, to make a video commitment to do everything in your power to be a force for good, and to post what you are doing. The words are set to encourage a common commitment.
The actions:
1. Power of One. Join the campaign as an individual by making the commitment.
2. Power Together. Join the campaign as a group of your choosing.
3. Magnifier. Encourage others you know to do the same.
4. One as a Force for Good. Post your micro ‘ad’ for how you
are doing good here too as an individual.
5. Many as a Force for Good. Post your micro ‘ad’ for how you
are doing good here too as a group.
6. Sponsor and engage. Make a special request to our team to post more than the ‘micro ad’ so you can describe what you are doing to make the world better and engage our team to see if we can support that.
Each individual as a force for good, is an agent for positive change and a catalyst
for others. The collective impact is critical to the work of governments, transnational organisations and organisations to make the world better. Indeed, the empowered and positive individual may be the determining factor in a world that is rapidly moving to 10 billion people that is real time connected by technology and empowered by freedom.
The Path Ahead
The campaign seeks and will enlist partners and sponsors from all stakeholder groups
with ideas, initiatives, technologies and capital to empower this change.
The I love this planet campaign begins with a platform to share and will gradually expand to provide technologies that facilitate collaboration across boundaries, initiatives for participation and events to convene and exchange. It will do this with partner groups rather than invent anew.
The endeavour recognises that issues cannot be addressed, opportunity cannot be unlocked, and capital cannot flow without a positive collective individual that has peace, prosperity and freedom.
Make the commitment
“I love this planet and commit to doing everything
in my power as a force for good to make
the world better for all of us”
at https://www.ilovethisplanet.org
‘Green’ tech can’t save us from climate change | All Hail The Planet
Powerful Love Brings Change. Let Your Love Flow Bravely.
It’s proven time and again that powerful love brings change in the world.
Once you act from a place of love, it benefits oneself and the world around you.
This power comes from one’s own conviction and conscience.
This love shows up unafraid and its presence brings about good changes that last forever.
A Force of Nature: Hurricanes in a Changing Climate – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet (nasa.gov)
This reminds me of the John Donne Meditation XVII
‘No Man is an Island’
No man is an island entire of itself; every man
is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;
if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe
is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as any manner of thy friends or of thine
own were; any man’s death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Today, the world faces many challenges.
Violence on the planet
Let Your Love Flow Bravely
Challenges that are grave. Challenges that we all must rise up to and overcome.
Sheer insanity between human beings who just cannot seem to get along with each other.
Think about this. What drives someone to destruct and destroy?
What drives someone to hurt someone else?
It’s their belief system. They are truly convinced that what they are doing is right.
This acts as a force to do such wrong actions.
There is only one way to counteract this destructive force.
Rise up with the force of love.
“She will rise. With a spine of steel and a roar like thunder, she will rise.
She is of the strangest beauty and the darkest courage, and when she walks
with intent the earth trembles beneath her feet.” ― Nicole Lyons
Love is Not Weak, “The true meaning of the term
‘samurai’ is one who serves and adheres to the power of love.”
Know that love incarnates itself as a powerful force. ― Morihei Ueshiba
Let’s see a practical example. Have you ever seen a Samurai?
Love has the ability to destroy the false for the truth to remain shining.
A samurai practices a martial art form that gives them the ability to direct their energy
in a positive way. They know that in order to protect oneself, one must use their abilities
in the right direction. They use their sword with full awareness.
It looks like an attack but they are just negating the attack by defending.
They do not fight or confront the other. They use their presence of mind and energy to cut through the negative. They let their love flow bravely. This is how love is in action. Love is not mushy and being all weak and dependent. Love is so powerful that it can in a moment destroy the negativity. “Love is the most powerful force in the world. That love can do anything.” ― Cassandra Clare
Choose love over fear. Choose action over inaction.
Love is true power.” ― Dushawn Banks
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Love
Choose to question rather than accept the false.
“If someone loves you they’ll give you the world free of charge.
If the whole world loves you, not even the richest man can compete with that.
Each one of us is a powerful source of love only if we decide to be so.
Do you believe that powerful love brings change?