And We Cause A Problem to Solve A Problem…
Then we Call it an Accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!

Breaking911 on Gettr: FBI Investigating Bomb Threat Made To Airplane Leaving
El Paso To Chicago | https://breaking911.com/fbi-investigating-bomb-threat-made…
BREAKING: ’18-Inch Pipe Bomb’ Found Near Philadelphia Church – Breaking911
The pipe was made in Iran Fuse and explosives from Israel a Russian passport
found 1/2 mile away ~ So The Russians did it so says FBI. Maybe, just maybe we
need to figure out Biden’s Motives in DC before we go looking into other bombs.
Why? they both go bang and potentially kill people in just the same way and besides they’re probably working on the assumption that both bombs are related and are the
work of the same person(s) that’s my guess anyway.
The Epoch Times on Gettr: “My primary mission right now is to help
Donald Trump get back to the White House.”
#PeterNavarro is a man on a mission, and he …
Some American people still believe in your corrupt government,
as you live in disgrace.
The American era is coming to an end. Ask yourself which president is not corrupt?
Let me tell you, if you don’t want to use your wits, it’s President Trump. You Americans should use the power of your people to overthrow our corrupt governments and bring them all to justice. This is your hope – Revolution…
All Republican senators and House politicians excluding RINOs should offer and pass
the bill to the US Congress to abolish the bail system and introduce “AFF” or “All Fortune Forfeiture” to punish all voting machine companies including Dominion Voting Systems and voter fraud organizations.
“AFF” or “All Fortune Forfeiture” is a punishment to protect people from persecution, genocide, and war crime and eliminate corruption, graft, and other crimes by choosing
the one to forfeit all fortune from all target’s bank accounts and organizations and sell mansions, cars, private jets and so on to donate them to a government or go to jail. https://asotomoyuki.blogspot.com/2022/05/aff-all…
Former Trump Official Navarro Explains the
‘Make America Great Again’ Movement
Only an asshole would not support the America first agenda.
They think they are too good to support American values.
Well, if you don’t then you get what you got now.
A world of shit and you better pay up.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
A Brave New World awaits . . . so long as politics continues down the Communist Democrat Path of Destruction; where we lose one freedom at a time until: https://www.breitbart.com/environment/202…
“You will own nothing and you WILL be happy !”
LA Catholic priest murdered, bomb behind a Catholic Church Pay attention and connect the dots. What are the dots? That our government are fucking crazy for allowing more illegals to enter our borders.
A Failed Defect Detector and the Train Derailment at East Palestine
Norfolk Southern CEO Promises East Palestine Will Be ‘Made Whole’ After Derailment. We will take their land and deem it unlivable. same with the farmers and also the amish communities…WEF/dewine/EPA. All those people’s home values just shot way down;
they cannot recover from this.
By passing out 1000 dollar checks so people can’t get properly compensated! Okay buddy. By that he means “get your $1,000 check, sign a form to give up your right to sue NS, shut up and go away peasant” What about all the shit they’ve spewed on Canada and the loss of wildlife consequent to it ?
Train CEO…. ‘Made Whole’….. That’s speak for… ‘I’ll fix our tracks, replace some
bushes that got burnt, hand out a few cases of bottled water, and we’re good right?
We might believe it only if we see it has been done and everyone is taken care of properly… You should be forced to live there, drink the water, breathe the air. Can they remove it all? And The Cancer that will come from toxic poisoning?? Drone Video Shows East Palestine Derailment Scene – YouTube
CEO Shaw: you have laid a heavy tax on an entire community.
Stand by your word to make East Palestine whole From Luke 19.
A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.
8 …..Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now, I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house,
because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.
10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Do good Mister Shaw. Do good with your words…
Buttigieg urges U.S. railroads to boost safety, not oppose reforms | Reuters
A Classic response using percentages…

>”A group representing major railroads said last week 99.9% of all hazmat shipments reach their destination without incident and the hazmat accident rate has declined by 55% since 2012.” Well thank you Norfolk Southern. You’re more responsive than our entire Federal Government. The air and the water is poisonous. Norfolk Southern would you please give the people a timeline to what you disclosed to the Federal Government and a summary of what was discussed?
Just like that.. Will you be using your wands, or will it be incantations? They “nuked” people’s lives with no remorse, no forethought of what this could do to the people, and the animal life existing on land – YOU KEEP THE POLITICAL BULLSHIT AWAY FROM PEOPLE’S LIVES. AND STOP LYING THE LAND IS RUINED. Fuck them, and Biden for using people’s lives for pawns in their N.W.O games. These human terrorists and their families should live on this land, experience what it means for their lives to sicken, and die. May they rot in Hell for what they did to those people. For what’s being done to us..
How do you ‘make whole’ people who have just swallowed a time bomb?
This crap destroys your DNA! You can’t ‘make them whole!’
Much Like paying for their chemo/radiation!
Words mean nothing. You poisoned their air and their land, killed many of
their pets and livestock. And many of these people may die of cancer and other maladies.
How can you possibly make that “whole”????
The long term health risks are numerous. Will they be there for that?
No they will do what BP did and make a video saying they are sorry
and then will ignore the town.
GATEWAY PUNDIT: Farmer Bob Moore: “Why did East Palestine launch ‘MyID’ emergency service to Surveil Biometrics 1 week BEFORE train derailment?
People asked to go to the East Palestine fire dept to get MyID.“
“They began monitoring your physical activity, your heart rate, your respiration,
anything you might be exposed to. I see this as the kind of censor you’d put on an astronaut or athlete that you wanted to track to see how he’d react to stress or being winded, or in this instance chemical exposure. It’s a monitoring device.”
Footage reveals the train axle went aflame at least 40 minutes prior to derailment, indicating the accident was preventable. Days BEFORE train derailment, CDC updated profile of vinyl chloride, removing section on how chemical affects children!!!!
East Palestine, Ohio proves that Democrats.
1.) Do NOT care about the environment!!
2.) Hate white working-class American citizens!!
3.) Will only act AFTER Trump announces plans to go to East Palestine, Ohio!!
Trump to visit East Palestine after toxic train derailment | Fox News
Biden Officials Insist It Is Safe to Drink, But Ohio Sen. Vance Finds Chemicals in East Palestine Water. “This is disgusting,” Vance said. “The fact that these chemicals are still seeping in the ground is an insult to the people who live in East Palestine,” he said, adding that “do not forget” those people.
DeWine comments on viral social media posts showing ‘severely contaminated’ water at derailment site (fox19.com) Fox 19 reporter Tricia Macke also posted a video in which she tossed a rock into a creek, causing apparent chemicals to rise to the surface. “Would you stay here? Would you drink that water?” she asked. “Would you bathe your kids when it’s bubbling up and looking like an oil slick?”
Biden officials haven’t said shit because they haven’t allowed
FEMA crews in to investigate.
Last gasps of another dying American city!
Learn about contemporary quilters from diverse traditions as we celebrate the important role quilts have played in our country’s story. Featuring Susan Hudson, Victoria Findlay Wolfe, Michael A. Cummings, Judith Content, the International Quilt Museum, and special guest Ken Burns. Craft in America | Season 11 | QUILTS episode | PBS
Bonus: Craft in America Identity – Search (bing.com)
Ancient Rome
From its architecture to statues, mosaics and frescoes, Rome gave Europe its first
taste of a common culture, at its peak, the Roman Empire was a society of luxury.
Rick Steves Ancient Rome – Search (bing.com)
Art of Europe Episode 2: Ancient Rome
Art of Europe: Ancient Rome – Video – Rick Steves Europe
Watch with Rick Steves — Art of Europe – Bing video
Jazzy Vegetarian tv show episodes – Search (bing.com)
taste Makers PBS – Bing video
Ellie’s Real Great Foods – Search (bing.com)
samantha brown’s places to love – Bing video